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First of all I love games like Quake, Unreal Tournament and similar PVP games but I do not start playing Warframe because it's PVP game!

After 4 years of playing in this great game i see that it goes in wrong direction in PVP. I say this one more time I loved PVP competition but not in Warframe why?.

A - Since PVP was packed in the main game and not like on 99% other games be separate PVP multiplayer instances, main game only suffer, because DE try balancing two.

B -  DE try to combine PVP experience with PVE?! in 98% of games when you play campaign your XP, weapons,skins etc, do not transfer to multiplayer!? You start from ZERO and become a HERO.

C - because of 'B' - PVP mods,skins etc can be used in PVE game, for 60% ppl this is no problem you can trade, you can buy them but there is 40% of weeping players because they want those mods and do not want to play PVP or pay.

D - because of 'C' - DE try to help weeping players giving them another "easy" mod of PVP so they can obtain PVP modes

E - because of 'B'  - I get feeling that 80% of DE stuff is working on PVP fixes and not on PVE content. I do not remember how long we wait on stupid syndicate melee weapons really 6 new skins for existing models and we get first another PVP mod!!.

F -  because of 'B'  -  next PVE content has been delayed.

G -  because of 'B'  -  Archwing stop exist 2 year ago ;( no mods, no weapons, no new sets nothing and I so hope for fast flight with head cam like descent or wipeout .

and so on , and so on , and so on .

If DE have resources for keeping both games on good level I do not have problem with that but right now I got feeling that all PVP content is made by PVE cost ;(



Edited by kz3dart
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With the exception of Conclave mods that are usable on PvE, PvP is a mode completely independent from PvE. There is no connection between both, and none is suffering due to balances done to the other ever since conclave 2.0 was introduced.

Frankly, I truly dont understand your point (for the exception of PvP mods being usable on PvE environments). Additionally, not only DE chooses what they prioritize (PvP or PvE), they aren't really improving one at the expense of the other. New PvE content is coming at a moments notice, and its not like Lunaro affects you in any way.

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A- Conclave and Coop use entirely different warframe, powers and weapons stats.

B- I don't get this one, but I will assume you are complaining for not being able to cheese Conclave with overpowered mods like you do in PvE

C-There is only a handful of Conclave mods that can be used in PvE and NOBODY uses them because they aren't meta (+holster rate and -recoil -spread while sliding)

D- Lunaro is awesome and fun. It's PvP for those who don't like fighting other players. "PvP" means "Player Versus Player" not "Player kills Player".

E- They ARE working on PvE stuff, they just decided to release the Update in 3 parts to highlight it's specific aspects instead of throwing everything at once.

F- read E

G- They ARE working on Archwing to make it better and enjoyable, current AW isn't really fun.

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strangely since 2 year PVP had many additions and Archwing none, so saying that PVE do not suffer when we wait almost 2 year for Arhwing update or half year for 6 syndicate mods its lightly stretch in my opinion.

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8 minutes ago, kz3dart said:

strangely since 2 year PVP had many additions and Archwing none, so saying that PVE do not suffer when we wait almost 2 year for Arhwing update or half year for 6 syndicate mods its lightly stretch in my opinion.

Grineer got a lot of story and character development while Corpus got almost nothing. Step by step, rework by rework.

PvP is older than ArchWing so it makes sense for it to receive a rework first.

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