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Armory - a Weapon master Frame Concept (update 11.08)


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Weapon master - Armory (previously Arsenal) - first thing i got in mind about the name is Punisher and Taskmaster from Marvel universe, mainly how they can utilize multiple weapons and/or tactics in their fights.

I will take you for a spin of some thing more than just a Ivara, Vauban and Equinox mix.
Main idea is to have a universal, fun to play frame that at the same time will not overshadow other frames.
So... here we go!I will reverse a little the order of introducing the powers so you can understand him easier.

4th ability : Weaponry (standard 100 energy)This ability will change Arsenal set of abilities.

There are 3 sets of abilities -  MeleeGadgets  and  Heavy  weapons (later called forms).
 Each form is gained from ranking up the ability. starting form is  Melee , second form  Gadgets Arsenal gain on lvl 10 with rank 0 of Weaponry, on rank 15 & rank 1 of Weaponry the last form is gained  Heavy weapons.

The change is not his only his transformation it also an a attack.  
You can say its a mix of Ivara Quiver and Equinox Transformation.

(NOTE: Each form will have different passive )

As for the attack of the skill itself:

Melee version- a whirlwind with a melee weapon (not rooted)
Gadgets version - a blast from a laser like weapon in straight line puncture proc (long range)
Heavy weapons version - summoning a minigun for Arsenal to use for short amount of time


E.g of representation:

During cooling of the Weaponry other abilities cant be used.

As for the first 3 abilities determined by Weaponry :

Melee (Passive: 12% auto block / deflect) (during all abilities he will use a visualization of axe resembling tomahawk)

1. Throw (25 energy)- Arsenal will throw his melee weapon (temporary loosing it for 4s) - holding the button for the ability will retract the weapon back to Arsenal (act like a glaive) while simply tapping the button will make arsenal jump to the thrown weapon (jumping on enemy will deal dmg). Both actions will cost half the initial energy drain.
Waiting till the weapon to retract itself (the initial 4s) will stun/stagger Arsenal for 0.5s.

2. Shatter (50 energy) - all enemies within LoS will be affected - Arsenal clashes his melee into the ground making it shatter into dust (weapon will regenerate after 4s to its original shape), that will create a "fog" which will confuse enemies - reduced line of sight and friendly fire

3. Stampede (75 energy) a run in straight line - no collision detection for the enemy - starting slow and gradually gaining momentum (dmg tied to momentum). Enemies that survive will have their weapon disabled  for a brief time and their armor reduced. gaining a small dmg res in front. unable to use weapons during the stampede

Gadgets version (Passive: 12% holster speed, reload)

1. Grenades (25 energy):

 Glue - will root enemy to a surface (nearly on every angle and any body part), enemies knocked down or dragged to the Glue will be stuck with the part that touch the glue. they will be still be able to use weapons.

Napalm: spreading fire that can stick not only to a surface but also enemy (it will remain on the spot where enemy died for the remaining duration of the fire) inflicting fire dot

Magnetic: a dmg-less vortex / pull- triggered like a close proximity mine that will draw enemies to it and crippling them.

2. Doom Projection (50 energy) - Arsenal sets up a mine with a range of triggering, when enemies enter the range a Projection of Arsenal appears. The projection aggravates the enemies only form the side that triggered the projection into shooting it. It stores the 3s amount of initial dmg (initial god mode - after that it just collect hits). Upon depletion of health the projection will explode causing chance to proc radiation

3. Turret ( 75 energy)- Cannon turret (long/mid range, slowish rate of fire ). can spawn up to two of them, Each turret have 120 degree directional view.

Heavy weapons version (innate 12% ammo mutation for the type of equipped weapon)

1. Peacekeeper (25 energy)- each shoot gain a explosive charge dealing additional 20% dmg. Damage from explosion diminishes as distance increase 

2. Armored Core (50 energy) Arsenal coil himself in an combat armor. Gain 25% (50% cap) dmg res but at the same time loose 12% speed. Increase chance for the user to get ammo from fallen enemies.

3. Mayhem (75 energy) -  rocket shower on the current position of the frame for brief of time.


Comments and Feedback are gladly welcomed

Creator note: energy numbers, and stats are just numbers they are just a representation.



11.08.2016 Renamed Arsenal to Armory. We already HAVE a part of UI/ship called arsenal.


Edited by Kracken
name change
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2 hours ago, Veridantus said:

Looks very energy draining though.. 100 energy to switch mode..
Also on Melee mode, can I use other weapons like primary/2ndary?
Is it like other melee-based skill like Valkyr/Exca/Wukong?

Arsenal have up to 12 abilities - you can expect to be perfect- he need some drawback. I chose that he need to use his 4th to swap between set of abilities.
As for changing through Weaponry its nearly the same type of ability like Equinox transformation but additionally have a timed / instant attack not like in Valkyr/Exca a continuous ability.

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38 minutes ago, Kracken said:

Arsenal have up to 12 abilities - you can expect to be perfect- he need some drawback. I chose that he need to use his 4th to swap between set of abilities.
As for changing through Weaponry its nearly the same type of ability like Equinox transformation but additionally have a timed / instant attack not like in Valkyr/Exca a continuous ability.

Wow that pretty much prime time material.

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On 6/25/2016 at 2:00 AM, Kracken said:

Arsenal have up to 12 abilities - you can expect to be perfect- he need some drawback. I chose that he need to use his 4th to swap between set of abilities.
As for changing through Weaponry its nearly the same type of ability like Equinox transformation but additionally have a timed / instant attack not like in Valkyr/Exca a continuous ability.

Armored Core

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On 6/27/2016 at 11:11 AM, [DE]Tomasz said:


Apocalypse Now: "I love the smell of napalm in the morning."

Smells of victory. 

On topic.

Though I have to ask, why does waiting for your melee weapon to return stun you?  Considering how energy intensive this frame would be, I could easily see having enough for the initial ability cast but not for the subsequent ones. 

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32 minutes ago, folklore504 said:

Though I have to ask, why does waiting for your melee weapon to return stun you?  Considering how energy intensive this frame would be, I could easily see having enough for the initial ability cast but not for the subsequent ones. 

I will gladly answer that.

Its the same mechanic that Effigy use - when Chroma energy drops to zero the effigy come back to the user - staggering him, but I have used the word " Stun ". As I though that after throwing a tomahawk ( visualization of the melee weapon) it have to come back - when no action is done it uncontrollably returns to the Arsenal in a way that Arsenal have to properly grab it - staggering him in the process.

And again - while he might be a "one man army" frame - he cant be perfect.

I consider the current Sairyn a spamy/costly frame. While Arsenal, the only thing that makes him costly is changing through the forms.

Edited by Kracken
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1 hour ago, Kracken said:

I will gladly answer that.

Its the same mechanic that Effigy use - when Chroma energy drops to zero the effigy come back to the user - staggering him, but I have used the word " Stun ". As I though that after throwing a tomahawk ( visualization of the melee weapon) it have to come back - when no action is done it uncontrollably returns to the Arsenal in a way that Arsenal have to properly grab it - staggering him in the process.

And again - while he might be a "one man army" frame - he cant be perfect.

I consider the current Sairyn a spamy/costly frame. While Arsenal, the only thing that makes him costly is changing through the forms.

Makes sense to me. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry for not updating the concept - RL took over.

As for the Easter eggs: 
The name itself "  Arsenal  ". A DC hero that use a series of weaponry of the same name.
Gadgets - a nod for Inspector Gadget
Doom Projection - a nod for Dr Doom
all 12% - Star Lord
Armored Core - The AC game
Weaponry (the ability) was explained in the op
Abilities - Iron man aka "how many weapon can u pack in small places"


Edited by Kracken
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Overall, I like the idea. I just think you need to make sure not to hold the concept back with traditional ideas on warfare. Think about how you can make it more unique.

I think this is definitely the answer to many who want a weapon-centric 'frame (especially heavy weapons). I like the mechanics of switching between weapons, but with four passives and nine abilities it does seem overpowered on the surface. I do appreciate the cooldowns and drawbacks built into the kit, though.

I don't feel like stampede fits in with the rest of the kit, or melee, except that he's running headlong into people. Consider keeping the power, but changing how it's activated.

There's also the issue that the majority of his powers are weapon-based, something we already have an abundance of (weapons).

They key will be figuring out how to make his weapons behave differently than or in a complimentary conjunction with existing weapons.

That means either:

  1. You set his abilities apart from what I can already do with the right builds of melee, Tonkor, etc
  2. You make him specifically buff different weapon classes with each ability, making even "trash" weapons better, good, or great
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Thanks for the feedback :)

21 minutes ago, Rhekemi said:

Overall, I like the idea. I just think you need to make sure not to hold the concept back with traditional ideas on warfare. Think about how you can make it more unique.

Imo with some official frames we are already past the whole "traditional theme" of Warframes ;)

21 minutes ago, Rhekemi said:

I don't feel like stampede fits in with the rest of the kit, or melee, except that he's running headlong into people. Consider keeping the power, but changing how it's activated.

Melee mode is a close quarters combat frenzy, even if it not looks that way. Stampede is for making the room (free space) to move - while not making it a pure movement ability. Gadgets are mainly a CC, and Heavy is a heavy gunner of sorts.

I agree that to mach the uniquest and usefulness some abilities still need some tweaks.

21 minutes ago, Rhekemi said:

There's also the issue that the majority of his powers are weapon-based, something we already have an abundance of (weapons).

They key will be figuring out how to make his weapons behave differently than or in a complimentary conjunction with existing weapons.

That's what it is about. Finding what set of abilities will benefits the mission more. Arsenal concept is indeed about weapons.
While creating the concept what i wanted is to make a frame NOT tied to weapons you use. So every ability is not affected by weapons and mods.

21 minutes ago, Rhekemi said:

That means either:

  1. You set his abilities apart from what I can already do with the right builds of melee, Tonkor, etc
  2. You make him specifically buff different weapon classes with each ability, making even "trash" weapons better, good, or great

Through the passives i wanted to buff as much weapons as possible and not trashing even the smallest one.

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12 hours ago, Kracken said:

Imo with some official frames we are already past the whole "traditional theme" of Warframes ;)

You misunderstand me. I'm saying a warframe should have a recognizable theme (or aspects of one or more), but set itself apart from traditional warfare. I think there's more you could do to set Arsenal apart from traditional warfare.

12 hours ago, Kracken said:

Melee mode is a close quarters combat frenzy, even if it not looks that way. Stampede is for making the room (free space) to move - while not making it a pure movement ability.

I understood this. I just still don't think it fits in for this reason: His focus is on weapons, not brawling or using his body as a weapon. His melee weapon doesn't actually factor into Stampede in any meaningful way.

Just my observations.

12 hours ago, Kracken said:

While creating the concept what i wanted is to make a frame NOT tied to weapons you use. So every ability is not affected by weapons and mods.

Through the passives i wanted to buff as much weapons as possible and not trashing even the smallest one.

That's fine, but I believe you could have the abilities affect weapons more, thus creating a unique synergy (and encouraging a varied arsenal).

The passives do help in that regard, but I feel like there's more you could do. No suggestions at this time.

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