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With Void Tears coming soon, do you think there should be an enemy type to replace The Corrupted in them?


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Yes, I am aware of the fact the Neural Sentry corrupting Grineer, Corpus, and Infested troops and using them to the tower's defense IS apart of the storyline. However, I believe we should have some sort of new enemy type inside the upcoming void tears rather then fighting the same enemy again from The Void (which will be on its own now, and I believe The Corrupted should stay there). Perhaps we can fight the Neural Sentry/some new mechanical Orokin enemies that are only found in Void Tears? What do you guys think?

Edited by YellowVolt
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So basically how void tears are gonna work is going to be similar to vaults, you do your thingy with your key and poof prime part. The enemies that protect them are going to be the enemies in the tileset that the tear spawns in, so I think adding a new kind of enemy to protect just void tears would be a lot of work and not very necessary. And plus, the corrupted aren't going anywhere, because they are going to remain in the regular void tileset which will be regularly available, which then leads to it still being an important part of the game.

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2 minutes ago, CKNPOTPIE said:

So basically how void tears are gonna work is going to be similar to vaults, you do your thingy with your key and poof prime part. The enemies that protect them are going to be the enemies in the tileset that the tear spawns in, so I think adding a new kind of enemy to protect just void tears would be a lot of work and not very necessary. And plus, the corrupted aren't going anywhere, because they are going to remain in the regular void tileset which will be regularly available, which then leads to it still being an important part of the game.

If that truly is the case (meaning it might be the Grineer/Corpus protecting them rather then the Corrupted in some cases), that could make sense.

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Just now, YellowVolt said:

If that truly is the case (meaning it might be the Grineer/Corpus protecting them rather then the Corrupted in some cases), that could make sense.

The void tears are gonna be spawning in random missions, so you will still have to deal with the regular enemies to deal with them.

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Not really since we use the to go to the void the only thing that was pulled out of the void was the "moon" you still have all the orokin ships and maybe their lair in there somewhere, not sure. Since it was closed off to protect and make sure the sentients were not able to get in, the other faction need to find a way to get into the void. Maybe the residual energy the void has makes these tears? but till we get more of a story background for the orokin and the corrupted, there is nothing set in stone.

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we have basically wanted a unique faction for the void ever since its introduction 

the 'corrupted' units have always been a huge cop-out by DE and basically no one has ever been impressed with them =/ 

the void osprey is the only unique unit to the entire 'faction' and its just a model/skin basically since it functions identically to a shield osprey =/ 

i get how it conveniently works due to the 'neural sentry' and all that, but who/what/where is this 'neural sentry'? why has in 3+ years DE never given it a voice? when every other AI in the game wont shut the eff up... 

[sidenote - ppl wouldnt be half as 'tired' of the void grind if the void itself wasnt such a half-implemented tileset/idea/concept, ppl get tired of something faster when it is/was never fully fleshed out, for over 3 years...]

bottom line, the 'corrupted' was/is a weak-sauce faction and implementation and it is LONG LONG LONG overdue for a serious overhaul, complete with some solid lore to cement its place in the world [not just adding a few more dumb/OP units to the void roster]

anything less IMO and DE is just dropping another ball here =/ [and i know they could do better]

Edited by CY13ERPUNK
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16 minutes ago, CY13ERPUNK said:

we have basically wanted a unique faction for the void ever since its introduction 

the 'corrupted' units have always been a huge cop-out by DE and basically no one has ever been impressed with them =/ 

the void osprey is the only unique unit to the entire 'faction' and its just a model/skin basically since it functions identically to a shield osprey =/ 

i get how it conveniently works due to the 'neural sentry' and all that, but who/what/where is this 'neural sentry'? why has in 3+ years DE never given it a voice? when every other AI in the game wont shut the eff up... 

[sidenote - ppl wouldnt be half as 'tired' of the void grind if the void itself wasnt such a half-implemented tileset/idea/concept, ppl get tired of something faster when it is/was never fully fleshed out, for over 3 years...]

bottom line, the 'corrupted' was/is a weak-sauce faction and implementation and it is LONG LONG LONG overdue for a serious overhaul, complete with some solid lore to cement its place in the world [not just adding a few more dumb/OP units to the void roster]

anything less IMO and DE is just dropping another ball here =/ [and i know they could do better]

Being honest here, I do want to see something new besides The Corrupted for many of these points, but as you said; it has been a long time.

Edited by YellowVolt
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22 minutes ago, TrueHawkEye said:

Not really since we use the to go to the void the only thing that was pulled out of the void was the "moon" you still have all the orokin ships and maybe their lair in there somewhere, not sure. Since it was closed off to protect and make sure the sentients were not able to get in, the other faction need to find a way to get into the void. Maybe the residual energy the void has makes these tears? but till we get more of a story background for the orokin and the corrupted, there is nothing set in stone.

The Corpus and Grineer already have a way into the void? That's why there are Sabotage nodes there, they have their own torsion beam devices to open up Orokin portals

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9 minutes ago, 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4 said:

The Corpus and Grineer already have a way into the void? That's why there are Sabotage nodes there, they have their own torsion beam devices to open up Orokin portals

Yes they have, when they are in the void they get corrupted and turned into them in theory. Yes but if the void coordinates are closed off the torsion beams are useless if it works like i think it does, because at the end of the second dream you get the random error screens in orokin text telling you the void link could not be established, meaning its closed off. But we also have corpus void keys if you remember them for way back.

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1 minute ago, TrueHawkEye said:

Yes they have, when they are in the void they get corrupted and turned into them in theory. Yes but if the void coordinates are closed off the torsion beams are useless if it works like i think it does, because at the end of the second dream you get the random error screens in orokin text telling you the void link could not be established, meaning its closed off. But we also have corpus void keys if you remember them for way back.

Crewmen actually are orokin and designed by the tower which I think is neat, BUT all the other corrupted are just other factions enemies.

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The Tenno was awakened to fight the Grineer and the Corpus, this is the main reason. But with the actual Void, we fight more corrupted than Grineer and Corpus combined. the idea is to make us fight the actual enemies, not spent our entire day fighting Corrupted people that don't contributes nothing to the lore or progression. Now with the void rewads going to the Starchart, we will actually fight the Grineer and Corpus.

See, many people only use corrosive builds, thats because they only do Void missions. After the Specters of the Rail, people will use magnetic or toxic to fight Corpus more efficiently if a high level Void Tear appear in a Corpus Planet. Even Radiation will be more used because high level Grineers have more alloy armor.

With the new Void System, DE can use the Void to a new purpose instead of only a "farm zone". They can create an entire faction there, create new mechanics, new mission types or even new types of items to drop in the Void. Heck, maybe Umbras will drop in the Void, who knows... They can make the Void a place to look for lore about the past, leaving the real game progression in the Starchart.

Now they're focusing the game in the Starchart, where 95% of the game's mission are, the Void will finally be a opcional place till they find a new use to it.

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3 hours ago, CKNPOTPIE said:

Crewmen actually are orokin and designed by the tower which I think is neat, BUT all the other corrupted are just other factions enemies.

All the Corrupted are actually just from the two factions, the only thing the Orokin designed was their shield drones and the Neural Sentry. My guess is they get those golden pieces drilled into their face after getting some old upgraded armor and weapons, because in the Detron Crewman Synthesis I think it was, it's even mentioned that the Corrupted have been around even since the times of the Orokin.

3 hours ago, TrueHawkEye said:

Yes they have, when they are in the void they get corrupted and turned into them in theory. Yes but if the void coordinates are closed off the torsion beams are useless if it works like i think it does, because at the end of the second dream you get the random error screens in orokin text telling you the void link could not be established, meaning its closed off. But we also have corpus void keys if you remember them for way back.

Those have nothing to do with the void portals, that's a transference re-boot.

1 hour ago, -SDM-NerevarCM said:

The Tenno was awakened to fight the Grineer and the Corpus, this is the main reason. But with the actual Void, we fight more corrupted than Grineer and Corpus combined. the idea is to make us fight the actual enemies, not spent our entire day fighting Corrupted people that don't contributes nothing to the lore or progression. Now with the void rewads going to the Starchart, we will actually fight the Grineer and Corpus.

See, many people only use corrosive builds, thats because they only do Void missions. After the Specters of the Rail, people will use magnetic or toxic to fight Corpus more efficiently if a high level Void Tear appear in a Corpus Planet. Even Radiation will be more used because high level Grineers have more alloy armor.

With the new Void System, DE can use the Void to a new purpose instead of only a "farm zone". They can create an entire faction there, create new mechanics, new mission types or even new types of items to drop in the Void. Heck, maybe Umbras will drop in the Void, who knows... They can make the Void a place to look for lore about the past, leaving the real game progression in the Starchart.

Now they're focusing the game in the Starchart, where 95% of the game's mission are, the Void will finally be a opcional place till they find a new use to it.

The Corrupted are part of the lore, and they'll still inhabit the void, this new system is probably just going to introduce new places.

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9 hours ago, 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4 said:

All the Corrupted are actually just from the two factions, the only thing the Orokin designed was their shield drones and the Neural Sentry. My guess is they get those golden pieces drilled into their face after getting some old upgraded armor and weapons, because in the Detron Crewman Synthesis I think it was, it's even mentioned that the Corrupted have been around even since the times of the Orokin.

No, in the crewman synthesis it shows that crewmen themselves, were of Orokin design, and so were the sentient.

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16 hours ago, YellowVolt said:

Yes, I am aware of the fact the Neural Sentry corrupting Grineer, Corpus, and Infested troops and using them to the tower's defense IS apart of the storyline. However, I believe we should have some sort of new enemy type inside the upcoming void tears rather then fighting the same enemy again from The Void (which will be on its own now, and I believe The Corrupted should stay there). Perhaps we can fight the Neural Sentry/some new mechanical Orokin enemies that are only found in Void Tears? What do you guys think?

The tears go to The Void, not the Orokin Towers. I don't see any reason at all that the enemies should be the corrupted and Steve himself said that they weren't ready to show the game-play for that part yet and explicitly avoided naming the enemies you'd be fighting, I think it was heavily implied that there will be new enemies that have nothing to do with the towers.

Edited by SilentMobius
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It would be nice to fight separate factions (even Sentients themselves! I hope they add occasional Sentients into Void Tears), but DE will want to hang onto that combined nullifier/bombard spam, so I'm guessing that Corrupted will emerge from Void Tears no matter what node we go to.

Some people are assuming that we'll get to fight just Corpus, or just Grineer, or just Infested. If anyone has a source, I'd like to know.

Creating an entire new enemy set is expensive and time consuming, with a great deal of design, modeling, animation, voice, and sound work going into it. Since the last race we got were differently-skinned flying paper clips that had already been in the game in some form for a long time (Oculyst), I doubt a whole new race is in the cards anytime soon.

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1 hour ago, SilentMobius said:

The tears go to The Void, not the Orokin Towers. I don't see any reason at all that the enemies should be the corrupted and Steve himself said that they weren't ready to show the game-play for that part yet and explicitly avoided naming the enemies you'd be fighting, I think it was heavily implied that there will be new enemies that have nothing to do with the towers.

This right here is a great example to the theory of it being possible of us getting new enemies in Void Tears. Steve has kept the tears under wraps and I hope it means we'll get something great.

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45 minutes ago, Kastorius said:

Creating an entire new enemy set is expensive and time consuming, with a great deal of design, modeling, animation, voice, and sound work going into it. Since the last race we got were differently-skinned flying paper clips that had already been in the game in some form for a long time (Oculyst), I doubt a whole new race is in the cards anytime soon.

Doesn't need to be anything like than complex. We already have vaguely humanoid void-ghosts present in the Orokin Moon tileset, they would do just fine as representatives of "Tortured consciousnesses dissolved in the void streaming through the tear into the real world" Basically all those lost before the Zariman plus all those executed by ejection into the Void during the Orokin Era.

Or, imagine all those Ghosts floating out and hovering behind Grineer/Corpus/Infested/Corrupted units, controlling them, and giving them other abilities like the pulse weapons that the Tenno used in the second dream.

All of that could use existing assets.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)HR_Pufnstuf_1984 said:

The Sentients see the Void as poison, that is all that matters. The Void is a Sanctuary all the time this is the case.

It's actually literal poison to them, as a fail safe so they would never come back. Although apparently, that wasn't enough to stop them during the old war

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2 hours ago, 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4 said:

It's actually literal poison to them, as a fail safe so they would never come back. Although apparently, that wasn't enough to stop them during the old war

Yes you are right. That was what I meant but bad wording on my part. I hope they implement them into something more despite the fact I squeal when they appear.

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