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With Regards To How Long Alert Missions With Catalysts/reactor Stay On...


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So, today I just found out that I had missed two alert missions with Catalyst/Reactor as the reward (****).


It is only now that I realized that people with godlike timezones get most of the good stuff, while others just rot somewhere around the world.


So, I propose this : why not make Alert Missions with Potatoes be 1 day long?


Not 2 days, not a week, not a month : only a day. That way, everyone have an equal opportunity to get stuff that really matters from the Alert Missions.


And yes, 12 hours is not enough, especially at Asian countries where most people just sleep or have to go to school.

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So, today I just found out that I had missed two alert missions with Catalyst/Reactor as the reward (****).


It is only now that I realized that people with godlike timezones get most of the good stuff, while others just rot somewhere around the world.


So, I propose this : why not make Alert Missions with Potatoes be 1 day long?


Not 2 days, not a week, not a month : only a day. That way, everyone have an equal opportunity to get stuff that really matters from the Alert Missions.


And yes, 12 hours is not enough, especially at Asian countries where most people just sleep or have to go to school.


are you kidding me??!


12 hrs alerts, well known they happen everytime they do a live stream, live stream was announced 1 week ago, it's just ur fault missing a 12hrs alert!!

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Guys, look at it this way. The alerts came out around noon my time. Flipping to the other side of the world, they came out between 11 PM and 1 AM or so. If you actually work a job or have classes, unless you're doing 100% night shifts and courses, your only real shot at getting the alerts was if you did it on your lunch break, and even then, that'd likely be too late.


Not seeing how going from 12 hours to 24 hours hurts anybody...

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Honestly: +1


If it wasn't so HOT these days, I would not have been awake at 2 am..

If I I would not have been awake at that time, I'd missed both alerts and two awesome BP's would never have found the way into my foundry (cook well, my Orokin's!)


Just make them last, I mean, Streams are so rare it's like searching that *%(= Mod you've been looking for :)

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Guys, look at it this way. The alerts came out around noon my time. Flipping to the other side of the world, they came out between 11 PM and 1 AM or so. If you actually work a job or have classes, unless you're doing 100% night shifts and courses, your only real shot at getting the alerts was if you did it on your lunch break, and even then, that'd likely be too late.


Not seeing how going from 12 hours to 24 hours hurts anybody...


I agree, it doesn't hurt anybody. Missing 2 alerts at once is quite frustrating.

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to the people complaining that for them the 12 h alerts start in the middle of the night:

you can inform yourself when a livestream is. get up half an hour earlier the following day to get the reward.

problem solved.

So they should have to work their schedules around something simplly because 12 is some holy number that cannot be changed? Us people in North America didn't have to work our schedules around it unless we're pulling graveyard (which results in the same problem).

What if the livestream goal isn't reached and we don't get the 12-hour alerts? Or what if the reward isn't potato prints, but something the person didn't want?



I don't understand this resistance to doubling the 12. Like, seriously, what does doing that hurt? Mind explaining it to me? 'Cause where I'm sitting, it's an overly easy change that fits with the theme of update 9 (Hug the Player, if I'm remembering the livestream correctly).

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I don't understand this resistance to doubling the 12. Like, seriously, what does doing that hurt? Mind explaining it to me? 'Cause where I'm sitting, it's an overly easy change that fits with the theme of update 9 (Hug the Player, if I'm remembering the livestream correctly).


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I don't understand this resistance to doubling the 12. Like, seriously, what does doing that hurt? Mind explaining it to me? 'Cause where I'm sitting, it's an overly easy change that fits with the theme of update 9 (Hug the Player, if I'm remembering the livestream correctly).

You're quickly becomming my fav. forum user.  This logic should apply to just about any topic on the forums as well... why on earth does anyone want to make any part of this game more exclusive, less accessable, or less fun.  Fun is not a zero sum game, if some dude in china wants a potatoe alert, it doesn't mean there is one less potatoe for you!

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i actually need to wake up until 3 am so i wont miss the alerts and watch the stream, i don't really know what to say about this but this thread felt like someone offering you a free food, but you decline and demand more from it, its not polite because the someone is offering you a favor

but this is all DE's part, if they want it to be 24h then im good and wont complain much about it

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 i don't really know what to say about this but this thread felt like someone offering you a free food, but you decline and demand more from it, its not polite because the someone is offering you a favor

It's like this you see. They're giving out free potatoes to everyone around them except you because you're looking at them from across a drain that separates you from everyone else. No one can be assed to throw your potato across to you for you to catch even though it's not really any trouble at all, either you drop everything, come here and get it or you suck it.

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I'll take it up with the bosslady, oushing for 24h alerts over 12h to cover all timezones.


But, as a personal opinion: These alerts pop up with 1 week notice and at the same time everytime they come. They cover half a day, for everyone. If you work 8h, and even if it takes you 2h back and fro, you still have 2h to get the alerts before you go to bed or after you get up and leave for work. It takes literally a max of 10 minutes to do both.

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I'll take it up with the bosslady, oushing for 24h alerts over 12h to cover all timezones.


But, as a personal opinion: These alerts pop up with 1 week notice and at the same time everytime they come. They cover half a day, for everyone. If you work 8h, and even if it takes you 2h back and fro, you still have 2h to get the alerts before you go to bed or after you get up and leave for work. It takes literally a max of 10 minutes to do both.

Sometimes people have plans, friend. I myself had to make a trip to the hospital today which had me away from the computer for half the day. Lucky for me, I have a clan I can trust, a friend logged into my account and had me covered. Guess we're even now, since I logged in for him at 5am a while back for the Vauban Chassis alert.



Not everyone is as fortunate as me and has people whom they can trust to do things like that for them though. 24h from 12h won't hurt anyone and will benefit many, I don't see any good reason not to implement such a change.

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What about those who work for a living and have commute times? They are essentially screwed out of these alerts. I often end up working long hours on a project and between work and the trip to and from, there is no time to do the damn alerts. During the week I usually end up playing a bit each day between 4 and 5 AM before I have to head back to work.


I leave my house at 6:30AM and often get home after 7PM at night. Do the hours suck? Yes but I am paid incredibly well.


The alerts and the streams seem more geared to those without jobs or at least without demanding ones.

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Totally nothing to say to those that disagree... I'm from singapore. Livestream always happen at 3~4am in my timezone if i not wrong. I reach home at 7. Wakes up at rush to work at 6.30. 

And you know what? Whenever i look at the alert tweets on tweeter i'm kidding depressed. 70% of the time, rare BP, potato and even forma alert appear during 3am to around 7am... i have no idea how am i suppose to earn those alert. I feel like as if i am forced to buy plat to get forma potato n rare weapons because alerts usually dun fall at night in my timezone. 

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These are special alerts for our Livestream days. Steve had mentioned in our latest Livestream how the system as a whole may change, but I do not see the increase in time from these special alerts coming in the near future. But thanks for the detailed feedback!

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At first I thought hell no! It's you fault for missing a preannounced alert. Then I saw the post that said they start at like midnight on the other side of the world. Oh. I hadn't thought of that. And yes, it's not hurting anybody. So please make them 24h.

Edit: not all potatoes, just livestream alerts.

Edit 2: not in the near future? But maybe.. Soon? xD but seriously I think you would really make a large part of your fan base extremely happy. Or, maybe have the alert generator thing make the alerts come out at 2pm for each time zone? So it always comes out at 2pm and ends at 2am or wenever

Edited by Feldgrep
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These are special alerts for our Livestream days. Steve had mentioned in our latest Livestream how the system as a whole may change, but I do not see the increase in time from these special alerts coming in the near future. But thanks for the detailed feedback!

Sorry if I'm being rude, but I don't see what you're getting at.


Yes, the alerts are special for the Livestream days, I know. However, what I don't get is that some people have an advantage over others with the special alerts just because they live in better timezones (even more so when the reward is something much needed, like Potatoes). The fact that they are special alerts makes it even more agonizing for players with dismal timezones/work/school to miss them.


If the time is increased to 24 hours, perhaps everyone gets a chance at these special alert missions.

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