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Quick Melee Sheathing Holster Animations


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 Don't believe I need to explain much more than what the title says, when you quick melee and have a different holster animation other than the default one, the Warframe puts the weapon back to it's "sheath" with the default animation.

 For instance, say you have a Nikana equipped with the back right holster animation, if you quick melee with it, your character will sheath the Nikana on their left hip (default holster), instead of their back, it will however magically reappear in your back which is... awkward to say the least.

 DE please fix this, I think it is easy to do, simply replace all default holster sheathing animations of quick meleeing with the currently picked ones, maybe it will be a little bit of work but I believe it is definitely doable! Fellow Tenno give me your thoughts about this :)

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I agree that they should change this as it looks pretty weird... but I think it would be great if they took it a step further, since the first attack in quick melee always assumes the default holster style you do like an unsheathing attack. It would be a lot more work but altering the first quick attack based on your holster style would make it look a lot smoother as well.

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 It is not just more work, they would also need to make new idles for every melee holster as well. When you attack, quick melee or not, the player only uses one idle. Whatever your holster is, even for example if you have the back holster for Nikanas the player will always put it on the hip when equipping the weapon. Great idea nonetheless. DE needs to see this, it is a little thing but I am sure many people noticed it is quite jarring, I will repost in case it does not get enough attention (seems like it does not >.>).

Edited by RebelOfWar
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  • 1 month later...
On 16/07/2016 at 1:12 PM, RebelOfWar said:

 It is not just more work, they would also need to make new idles for every melee holster as well. When you attack, quick melee or not, the player only uses one idle. Whatever your holster is, even for example if you have the back holster for Nikanas the player will always put it on the hip when equipping the weapon. Great idea nonetheless. DE needs to see this, it is a little thing but I am sure many people noticed it is quite jarring, I will repost in case it does not get enough attention (seems like it does not >.>).


Pretty much this. I hope they will look into that in the (near) future considering they probably have enough work as it is. The alternate holster is a great idea but they need to show more dedication to little things like these which of course requires more time and effort.

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  • 2 weeks later...


On 8/25/2016 at 3:43 PM, r00ster said:

Pretty much this. I hope they will look into that in the (near) future considering they probably have enough work as it is. The alternate holster is a great idea but they need to show more dedication to little things like these which of course requires more time and effort.


I also hope DE fixes this soon :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On Saturday, July 16, 2016 at 7:12 AM, RebelOfWar said:

 It is no more work, they would also need to make new idles for every melee holster as well. When you attackquick melee or not, the player only uses one idle. Whatever your holster is, even for example if you have the back holster for Nikanas the player will always put it on the hip when equipping the weapon. Great idea nonetheless. DE needs to see this, it is a little thing but I am sure many people noticed it is quite jarring, I will repost in case it does not get enough attention (seems like it does not >.>).

I posted about this and got my head bitten off for it...i dont even think they would have to make new animations or idles for this because the animations and idles already exist in game...with like the skana or single daggers They would be great to use ....for instance intergrate they way the nikana is equipped with the animation from the single handed daggers...when using the blind justice stance because of the reverse grip....or intergrate the skana idle and animations for when using the foregrip stances(decisive judgment) etc...that Way the  holster[Sheath] stays in place...like if we get a rightside holster for the nikanas and mount it on a Warframes (our backs)...like some do with dakra prime...with the intergated animations for the skana and or single daggers..the sheath remains on they're or the players back ....like in tenchu z

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  • 2 months later...

Hi there!

I bought my first "holster style" yesterday and was a bit shocked of this : I took the shoulder style for the Nikana and found it wasn't nice to have the animations using the default holster.

And I'm even more angry that it is not stated as such in the market : it should be clearly written that it is only for standing when you don't use it!

If I had known, I think I wouldn't have bought it.

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The easiest solution DE could do with this holstering-after-use issue is really simple:

DE could just copy the animation used for unseathing from each holster style, and make it play in reverse after use instead of an entirely new holstering animation for everything.

It's that difficult, and that simple.

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