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The Credit Nerf ....


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3 hours ago, -HitZ- said:

Yeah pay for boosters for normal drops xaxa.

Maby you are not supposed to do trading anymore, since trading is actually hurting them more than simply purchasing plat. Remember, you pay enormous tax only if you recieve plat from trades. With other words, lowering the money flow.

all the plat tradeable has been bought by someone from DE anyway though. so therefore trading actually increses plat sales , they wanna get more $$$ easy , stop handing out 75/% discounts all the time 


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56 minutes ago, BAD9eR said:

all the plat tradeable has been bought by someone from DE anyway though. so therefore trading actually increses plat sales , they wanna get more $$$ easy , stop handing out 75/% discounts all the time 


They stop handing out 75% discounts and a large portion of the player base stops buying plat altogether.

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12 hours ago, BAD9eR said:

well gee .. thanks for telling us that you are all good :) have a sticker of psychological validation ;)  i fail to see the point of your post though , so you raid that gives you 500k roughly per day , i can spend that 500k in one trade tax . how am i supposed to generate enough credit income to be able to keep up with my trading ? which is my endgame btw :)

This your concept of playing game which is different from me, you need to trade that much per day where i don't even likely trade once a day. I only trade when i feel i need it, which is buy something or sell something. The rest of my time playing this game is for exploring and enjoying game content even already in my endgame also. I don't work in game. I work in real world and i play game for fun, not work. I have many prime items in my inventory and leave 1k plat as supply. which is likely more than enough since i dont use much.

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2 hours ago, Hans.Yulian said:

This your concept of playing game which is different from me, you need to trade that much per day where i don't even likely trade once a day. I only trade when i feel i need it, which is buy something or sell something. The rest of my time playing this game is for exploring and enjoying game content even already in my endgame also. I don't work in game. I work in real world and i play game for fun, not work. I have many prime items in my inventory and leave 1k plat as supply. which is likely more than enough since i dont use much.

you may not find trading fun , i do . but wiether we like or hate trading i still dont think that there are enough places to earn decent creds, i mean the sinks are all in place, if this nerf is to stand i think that the cost of cred sinks should be lowered dramatically , 

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On 7/17/2016 at 5:39 AM, -BM-Leonhart said:

What manner of credit nerf are you dreaming? Because I am not seeing it. Take these into account:

1. The credit boosters still work, you just don't see the values in the HUD. Just compare your credits pool before and after and you will surely see the doubled amount.

2. Did sorties in the last few days, got 200k credits (booster).

3. Did 300 cryo on Hieracon, got 40k credits (booster).

4. Did did 5 waves on Sechura, got ~40k credits (booster).

Where is the credits nerf? I can't see it.....

Ah, maybe you mean the void? Well, there is no Void like that anymore, and maybe on the future they will re-introduce credits rewards for Fissures, but the main credits farm spots are the same.

2)  Sorties used to give 250k+ with a booster.  The big reduce was with sortie 3 from 70k to 50k.

4)  Sechura used to give 50k with a booster  I usually get around 30k now for 5 waves.

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1 hour ago, BAD9eR said:

you may not find trading fun , i do . but wiether we like or hate trading i still dont think that there are enough places to earn decent creds, i mean the sinks are all in place, if this nerf is to stand i think that the cost of cred sinks should be lowered dramatically , 

no i don't and i don't want to, my objectives to play the game are for adventure, exploring content, and refreshment. I don't want to spend my time standing and waiting for people to make a trade with me. I don't know what is the purpose of DE creating Warframe, whether it's making people to spend their time in game just to farm and do things repeatedly all the time or presenting their idea, imagination as a game and have people enjoy the idea they have realized in form of a game (aside from making money too). But if i am the one to make the game, i want my idea, my inspiration, my imagination to be enjoyed by people.

It also means that if Warframe no longer have any develoment, i will not play the game anymore. I play and pay for their idea, if they no longer have any idea, good bye, no longer deserve my money, and i will find another game that fulfill my objective of playing game.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)ghinellil said:

I play for a bit more of 3 months now. I did ALL the mission available; alerts, sorties, invasions... Have 8 billions right now XD And i never cared about credits, just have enough to rank up mods is fine.

True! what you need is play, not farm... btw is it really 8 billions? 8 x 109?

i think it's million, even 2000 hours player in my clan only 240 millions


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7 minutes ago, Hans.Yulian said:

True! what you need is play, not farm... btw is it really 8 billions? 8 x 109?

i think it's million, even 2000 hours player in my clan only 240 millions


Maybe milions XD Is just a number there, i not need to care about... honestly i not pay it attention.

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Just now, (PS4)ghinellil said:

Maybe milions XD Is just a number there, i not need to care about... honestly i not pay it attention.

Must be millions, i also about 3 months and have 5 millions, i don't even realized that i already got that much before i see this thread, and still increasing... really i don't pay attention to credits too and they come by themselves from unknown sources... Btw i don't even play every alerts and invasions, i only play alerts and invasions if there is another item that i need aside from credits, even with no credit in alert also i will still go for it.

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39 minutes ago, RyuDragnier said:

From what I'm seeing, it's to encourage doing the Dark Sector missions. A 20 minute survival run got me over 40k credits on Ceres. That's more than a little bit impressive.

Impressive, before the nerf, you could make 55-60k in 2 mins. Catch my drift?

Edited by -HitZ-
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On 17.7.2016 at 10:38 AM, BAD9eR said:

Why has credit rewards been nerfed to the ground ? cant find a decent spot to farm cred's now w/o spending 40 mins in hieracon (excuse spellings) i would like to know the reasoning behind this (apart from making us buy boosters( which didn't work and  90% of serious cred farmers  buy em anyway ) 

 The only reason i can see for this is to increase the grind even more :/

i agree, thats a real bad move with the update, thats not a development, this is downgrading

we are spammed with enemies, we are spammed to run around like idiots by searching all the enemies at huge maps (as for example exterminate on mars) and get really less cash ... one word: demotivating and annoying as the continous bugs and update-politics in general, that one which rule that at DE should be fired, seriously

something is out of balance, more then out of balance ... anyway, same time, i couldnt care less, im done with the always same "bugs" in the gamingindustry ^^) life is beautiful ...

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1 hour ago, black7coat said:

i agree, thats a real bad move with the update, thats not a development, this is downgrading

we are spammed with enemies, we are spammed to run around like idiots by searching all the enemies at huge maps (as for example exterminate on mars) and get really less cash ... one word: demotivating and annoying as the continous bugs and update-politics in general, that one which rule that at DE should be fired, seriously

something is out of balance, more then out of balance ... anyway, same time, i couldnt care less, im done with the always same "bugs" in the gamingindustry ^^) life is beautiful ...

No, it's already balanced enough from the start and getting to be even more balanced now. Do you know the things appears in squad finding before update?

Draco Exp Farm - Akkad Credit Farm - Void Farm - Draco Draco Draco - Void Void Void - Cerberus Cerberus Cerberus - Hieracon Hieracon Hieracon -  all any kind of framing.

Now since they nerfed it, ok no more draco, no more credit farm, no more void farm, less farm, less farm, and less farm.... go to play, not farming. They make this game to be played, not to be farmed. Now using void fissure, we can do more things rather than boring void runs because the missions always changed, at least rotated between each of the mode like extermination, capture, etc.

Why you guys so pissed off by credit nerfed? Because you guys play to farm, not play to enjoy. The moment you guys get any nerfed in farming, you guys explode and get angry because farming got nerfed. I already work hard in real life, i dont want to work hard in game, i want to enjoy the game, not work hard. 

As programmer i also understand that bugs is not always easy to solve, especially related to networks and real time system, but i still appreciate that they still trying to solve bugs, so, as long the bug is not really severe i still compensate such small bugs.

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I haven't felt this yet, but then again I'm still sitting at 16+ mil after 3 consecutive Prime accessory packs about a year ago.  Was at 18mil before the boosters died.


Edited for info:. I also ground out from about MR12-20 in that time... So I was spending credits like crazy :P

Edited by BlueFalcon13
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