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Major Changes to playstyle in u19


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I never enjoyed endless missions, but if so many people liked them, DE could have just left them as they are. We don't even have defense or interception fissure missions now. They can just leave those 2 (and survival) unchanged

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I definitely enjoy(ed) endless missions. They give a sense of accomplishment even if rng is meh. At the very least you walk away with a bag of ducats.

I was thinking of mixing up drop locations of primes, especially after I read this: " If you already wield the power of these Primes, they will remain in your Inventory. If you already hold Relics in your inventory that house these Primes, they will remain in your inventory and you may continue to play them." 

meaning there will be "endless" types of relics as primes and unvaultings keep coming? idk


I like the idea of having the normal prime drop table placed in the fissure/relic system. Unvaulted items could be placed in endless derelict rotations. And some other kind of rewards in endless void rotations. Or the other way around. Thoughts?

Edited by ArcticMantis
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2 minutes ago, ArcticMantis said:

I like the idea of having normal rotations placed in the fissure/relic system. Unvaulted items could be placed in endless derelict rotations. And some other kind of rewards in endless void rotations. Thoughts?

anything that gets ppl doing more than no endless missions. i think its good lol. so what actually happens??? DE actually reads these forums and decides whether the ideas r good or not?? (first time in forums. idk S#&$)

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8 minutes ago, DEATHLOK said:

Read a book.

I said Draco required more teamwork than these lame Fissure missions.

Literacy: It's an endless uphill battle.

No I think the point went so far over your head it hit the international space station.

Draco required zero teamwork.

Edited by SilvaDreams
Auto correct can be so spastic at times...
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8 minutes ago, DEATHLOK said:

Read a book.

I said Draco required more teamwork than these lame Fissure missions.

Literacy: It's an endless uphill battle.

so u r saying fissures missions require lower than no teamwork at all?? im sorry that makes absolutely no sense

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1 minute ago, DJkillz said:

anything that gets ppl doing more than no endless missions. i think its good lol. so what actually happens??? DE actually reads these forums and decides whether the ideas r good or not?? (first time in forums. idk S#&$)

well this is general discussion, I don't know for a fact if these (easily derailed) topics get any DE attention. If you have a worked-out suggestion I would place it in the Feedback section, not here.

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5 minutes ago, DJkillz said:

so u r saying fissures missions require lower than no teamwork at all?? im sorry that makes absolutely no sense

No more than the mission type and level requires. I've run pub missions for Meso relics that required more teamwork.

Edited by SilvaDreams
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Back on topic though, I've stopped playing warframe for the most part. There was a certain reward to challenge ratio that the game had. It was skewed but still tolerable for me.

Now the balance is lost due to the new reward system and missions that offer combatative challenges are no longer offering substantial rewards in accompaniment.

I believe it will be fixed, so in the meantime I'll be holding off playing.

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4 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

No I think the point went so far over your head it hit the international space station.

Draco required zero teamwork.

That would be International Space Station. You see, it's capitalized. That is, the first letters of each word are "big" letters

Please have a nice day.

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honestly i was expecting pure negativity for my post. lol. it turned out to be good. i just wanted to get the concern out there + j. i personally have no interest in getting DE to do something. i just thought it was a decent enough of a concern.. someone will follow up on it and maybe something will get done. if not then meh. 

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2 hours ago, DJkillz said:


as a end game player.. i found myself doing endless missions most of the time. and now.. thats really dead... what do rest of u players who r pretty much done everything game has to offer play?

I reduce the damage output of weapons, Frames and companions and help out new players. That's my endgame at the moment.

I'm in the same position as the OP regarding endless Void runs, I'd really like to see some sort of incentive to play them more frequently, but for the moment their only purpose seems to be to kill time, and I can kill any spare time I have by playing a different, more rewarding game.

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7 minutes ago, DJkillz said:

honestly i was expecting pure negativity for my post. lol. it turned out to be good. i just wanted to get the concern out there + j. i personally have no interest in getting DE to do something. i just thought it was a decent enough of a concern.. someone will follow up on it and maybe something will get done. if not then meh. 

It's a legitimate concern, and fortunately, Steve has expressed the same concerns on the last Prime Time (mainly about the fact that void fissures are basically mini-games within a mission and that it's the same across all the mission types).

Not to mention, from the looks of the dev stream post, they will be talking about what they plan to do next with void fissures.

22 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

What: This Devstream will cover an updated Roadmap of our 3-part Update! All platforms have Lunaro, PC has Specters of the Rail with Console release to follow soon, and now the War Within is next! What's coming with this Update? Tune in to find out! We'll also be covering Steam Workshop next Round picks, Warframe Power Tweaks, and Gameplay Updates to the new Relic and Fissures system


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17 minutes ago, 2old4gamez said:

I reduce the damage output of weapons, Frames and companions and help out new players. That's my endgame at the moment.

I'm in the same position as the OP regarding endless Void runs, I'd really like to see some sort of incentive to play them more frequently, but for the moment their only purpose seems to be to kill time, and I can kill any spare time I have by playing a different, more rewarding game.

my builds already r customised with my personal preference mods over dmg.. and i don't help new players. they dont deserve it.. they r gonna learn to leech or already do leech regardless.. im not gonna be a part of that group that does that. 

but fair enough thats a decent way to continue to play. but i find it more like forcing myself to play lol.

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10 minutes ago, DJkillz said:

my builds already r customised with my personal preference mods over dmg.. and i don't help new players. they dont deserve it.. they r gonna learn to leech or already do leech regardless.. im not gonna be a part of that group that does that. 

but fair enough thats a decent way to continue to play. but i find it more like forcing myself to play lol.

That is why you take off your major mods and don't go into things overpowered, you walk or jog and don't leave them in your wake as you bullet jump away.

I've taught a few newbies doing that and even made sure to teach them things the game currently didn't teach, their reactions when you do is priceless.

That and it helps to let them lead, not you with guns blazing.

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1 hour ago, DJkillz said:

my builds already r customised with my personal preference mods over dmg.. and i don't help new players. they dont deserve it.. they r gonna learn to leech or already do leech regardless.. im not gonna be a part of that group that does that. 

but fair enough thats a decent way to continue to play. but i find it more like forcing myself to play lol.

Your attitude is great dude, honestly really great why helping anyone that is struggling if you can show them how much better your are compared to them 

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4 hours ago, DJkillz said:

oh ya game is far from what can be considered finished game.. and i gotta disagree with u on the scaling.. this section of the video explains exactly how i feel bout it..


The guy in that video is very simple minded, to put it as kindly as I can.

Enemy damage scaling is the primary problem. Thing is.. scaling doesn't have to be damage. Scaling stats is a cheap excuse for difficulty, esp in a shooter. Enemy AI, Abilities and Global effects can be integrated into scaling to present more genuine difficulty. If they introduce alternate forms of difficulty over damage they'd have the right to nerf CC and then we would also have Tanks and Healers viable in high end games.

There is no cut off point or there would be a scaling cap. This community integrated concept is throw out the window by frames like Mesa and Chroma who can go up to lvl 300 solo, without using CC, so this  "DE decided this cap would be around lvl 70" is complete BS. It's nothing more than a faulty damage system that may soon see a revamp.


I esp enjoy the posts who speak on behalf of DE... when they don't have DE in their names and on multiple occasions in Dev streams or Prime times they've been completely contradicted by the Devs themselves, most notably the last Prime Time.

Some of us enjoy endless missions. Pushing the limits, counting procs per second, Avg bleed damage per second, proc weight and likely other numbers half the community is completely unaware of...  Damage type no longer matters, team synergy is gone, status, hell you don't even need your abilities before lvl 50.

Without endless missions what little skill and knowledge this game indulged is gone.....

My point is, stop speculating and pushing your own play styles on people. This game has many different ways to play and that's part of it's charm. Some of us enjoy endless missions and there's no reason we can't all get what we want.

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I liked how i could just before put one some nice music, hop on a void defense with some peeps from recruit chat and ingame we would just chilll and chat about random stuff or just enjoy the gameplay while actually getting some decent rewards i mean if i wanted serious rewards i would have probably done sabotage since 4 reward chance.

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10 hours ago, SilvaDreams said:

You can still play endless missions, in fact ODS is one of the best ways (to me) for getting relics.

Sure you don't get primes anymore but to say you get no rewards is utterly stupid.

I don't consider relics to be rewards as I do not like the fissure system and have no use for them. We'll agree to disagree on our level of enjoyment and satisfaction between the two systems but to say it's utterly stupid to not want to earn things that I do not want is a bit of a stretch.

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8 hours ago, Xzorn said:

The guy in that video is very simple minded, to put it as kindly as I can.

Enemy damage scaling is the primary problem. Thing is.. scaling doesn't have to be damage. Scaling stats is a cheap excuse for difficulty, esp in a shooter. Enemy AI, Abilities and Global effects can be integrated into scaling to present more genuine difficulty. If they introduce alternate forms of difficulty over damage they'd have the right to nerf CC and then we would also have Tanks and Healers viable in high end games.

There is no cut off point or there would be a scaling cap. This community integrated concept is throw out the window by frames like Mesa and Chroma who can go up to lvl 300 solo, without using CC, so this  "DE decided this cap would be around lvl 70" is complete BS. It's nothing more than a faulty damage system that may soon see a revamp.


I esp enjoy the posts who speak on behalf of DE... when they don't have DE in their names and on multiple occasions in Dev streams or Prime times they've been completely contradicted by the Devs themselves, most notably the last Prime Time.

Some of us enjoy endless missions. Pushing the limits, counting procs per second, Avg bleed damage per second, proc weight and likely other numbers half the community is completely unaware of...  Damage type no longer matters, team synergy is gone, status, hell you don't even need your abilities before lvl 50.

Without endless missions what little skill and knowledge this game indulged is gone.....

My point is, stop speculating and pushing your own play styles on people. This game has many different ways to play and that's part of it's charm. Some of us enjoy endless missions and there's no reason we can't all get what we want.

simple minded... exactly y that point makes perfect senses -.- its genuinely difficult. not saying its my prefered form of scaling. but its not a messed up system. if it works its not broken. and players whining bout enemy scaling will do exactly what that dude in the video said.. push that difficulty lvl further thats all.. and for what?? bragging rights.. the only thing DE has been nerfing is abilities that ppl have either been abusing, or r simply overpowered, or r just absurd. infinite range for trinity heal. yes that is messed up. blind enemies that cant possibly see the mirage ball behind walls and what not.. yes that is messed up. and list goes on. does the enemy scaling make it difficult for u to kill em yes or no? point made.. no need for useless details. just like i said in my original post (dont give me useless stats.. look at what actually happen). enemies get harder to kill fast.. ppl whine about it. (just wait for ev nerf. it so will happen)

the game has many different ways to play..... hmm lets see...... fissure farming, quick/speed fissures runs.. and leeching xp farm..... SO MANY WAYS OMG how did i not see ALL these different forms of playstyle in game!!! yea shut da hell up dude -.- just like i said above.. dont give me useless stats bullS#&$.. in this case meaning dont tell me what u CAN do... look at what actually happens.. the community who does NOTHING except the 3 amazing "so many playstyles" listed above.

in what msg did i enforce my way of playstyle??? link it. i genuinely asked how do ppl flow with this change u dumb nut. .. and in fact. u r the 1 enforcing ur messed up stuff on ppl.. u r pretty much saying scaling/dmg system is messed up and would soon get revamp (meaning u r 1 of those ppl who want and prolly do talk about it im guessing.. aka enforcing ur way for system that works just fine). look at ur own daym behaviour before going off at other ppl -.-

and i actually said how this new playstyle benifits the daym game... since there is really no playing above lvl 50 ish except sorties. there is no need for any whining bout any scaling anymore.. and yet u still r whining about it -.-

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3 hours ago, blackheartstar_pc said:

I don't consider relics to be rewards as I do not like the fissure system and have no use for them. We'll agree to disagree on our level of enjoyment and satisfaction between the two systems but to say it's utterly stupid to not want to earn things that I do not want is a bit of a stretch.

exactly. i feel the same way.. but like i said its not just about me.. and whats the motivation to keep on going in ods???? u can just extract and re enter and u can just continue farming without any loss. thats not endless and ppl r gonna go in for like 20 mins tops and re enter if thats what ppl do ... fyi ive only seen ppl asking for excavation heirocon (i forgot the spelling.) . void endless was well legitly endless because u wanna do as much as u can/want with only 1 key use... more the reason to keep on going. and because its about the community not just me.... there is no 1 in recruitment tab i have seen so far doing any endless except the excavation... i dont know y i have to repeat so much -.- its not what CAN be done. its what actually happens -.- look at what recruitment chat is full of.. and that is y i am saying endless is gone.. cause it really is.

ok lets suppose i go ODS. who will play??? exactly. -.- there is no motivation to do endless mission especially for the sake of going on for a long time. aka truly endless. do a quick like 20 min farm... supposing i even get ppl and preferably ppl who dont actually suck nd r complete noobs. the whole point and purpose of endless is gone.

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Generally when there's a ----------------------- Between paragraphs and the paragraph also does not address you or the subject of the previous one it's a separate subject or directed to a different person(s).

I find your reply highly fictitious. You make arguments over things I never said throughout a majority of your post or are simply wrong on others. So I also don't see much point in making any legitimate counter argument. It's just going to come back as skewed as the first.


I will leave you with this though.....


46 minutes ago, DJkillz said:

in what msg did i enforce my way of playstyle??? link it.


52 minutes ago, DJkillz said:

the game has many different ways to play..... hmm lets see...... fissure farming, quick/speed fissures runs.. and leeching xp farm..... SO MANY WAYS OMG how did i not see ALL these different forms of playstyle in game!!! yea shut da hell up dude


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14 hours ago, Tizodd said:

Endless missions were the multiplayer draw for me.  In endless missions you actually spoke with group members and discussed builds, what frame to bring, useless-but-fun non-game banter, etc.  Now every mission is a race to the end (...)

Since the update, I log in for sorties and log off.  It's a shame because I really want to play Warframe, but it just feels much more like a single-player game for me now. And frankly...if I want to play a single-player game, I have other games that do single-player better.

^ This. And there a many people who just think like us.
And same - I log in, do sorties and logg off - just like my veteran friends - theres just nothing left to do. Releasing new primes and relics wont change that. Maybe the Tau system and war within will add content that lasts longer than 3 days... hopefully.

14 hours ago, Hesyol said:

I never enjoyed endless missions, but if so many people liked them, DE could have just left them as they are. We don't even have defense or interception fissure missions now. They can just leave those 2 (and survival) unchanged

Thank you. I can understand why people like the relic (not fissure) system, but deleting any kind of content is a step backwards - especially if quite a few enjoyed it. And before the "void is still there" arguments float in - im speaking of a challenging AND rewarding content. Doing Void survivals for 2k credit caches is a waste of time.

Edited by Lazarus-Fox
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12 hours ago, Bacms said:

Your attitude is great dude, honestly really great why helping anyone that is struggling if you can show them how much better your are compared to them 

Yup. Bragging rights yo.

Soooo. Just not responding to ppl who ask for help in recruit chat. Or just staying away from this helping stuff. "shows" how much better I am without any form of interaction with em yup yup. Totally bro.

It's my choice to not help newbies who r gonna whimp and leech later regardless of how I help. I choose to not help ppl. No 1 forced u. Choose what u want. Don't give me any crap just cause I choose to not help ppl I got my own views Nd reasons for it. But because clearly u r getting butthurt over it. Ill explain my beliefs

The form of help u r talking about is not help  its power lvl. I wanna let newbies play at their own pace  and play with ppl that r at their own lvl. It's a frekin game for god sake. Take it slow. Take it at a pace that fits each individual player. I'm not planning on boosting anything. It's my daym choice. If u got a problem with that. Then suck it up princess.

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