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Out Of Frame: The Everyday Lives Of The Tenno - Feedback & Discussion


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“Hello darkness my old friend...” She sung softly to herself.


I've come to talk with you again

Because a vision softly creeping

Left its seeds while I was sleeping

And the vision that was planted in my brain

Still remains


Trin's gonna be &!$$ed about her changes too. Feel so sorry for Ember. ;_;


(By the way, it is HARD to find a version of "The Sound of Silence" that hasn't had a takedown order issued on it. @(*()$ record companies.)

Edited by SFkenny
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Honestly I'm expecting fire damage to gain some sort of stacking attribute in U10, or at least that is what I am hoping for.


On another note, Sound of Silence is part of my Banshee playlist. Ember, hurt as she is, cannot have it.


In compensation



A much more apt song. (can't embed it because of permissions or something =/)

Edited by Sixty5
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Whitney Houston level feels have been unleashed.


Prepare for manly tears.


I laughed. I laughed, with chuckling. I had a good, honest, all-to-myself, laugh. I shouldn't have my eyes water up for about two seconds, but they did. no tear was shed, but only my cold, German, core maintained my grasp on myself. I know now what I need to do.

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I laughed. I laughed, with chuckling. I had a good, honest, all-to-myself, laugh. I shouldn't have my eyes water up for about two seconds, but they did. no tear was shed, but only my cold, German, core maintained my grasp on myself. I know now what I need to do.

invade Poland?

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invade Poland?


Hit DE studios with a Sound Quake?


I don't even PLAY Ember, but dem feels...


Banshee is not likely to take this insult to her sister lying down, is she? Hmmm... The trolling must commence. If she can out troll the king of trolls...


Be afraid DE. Be VERY afraid...

Edited by Kalenath
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i really like how you make charcters for the warframes judjing from thier abilities and powers but i really think its not cool to give them back grounds

(like sayrn) espicialy that you gave her a job and a background a type of music(that is basicly your type of music)..etc that are modern and normal human stuff i mean should'nt they sound more in the future

and be called differint names than what they are called in modern time

i hope you can also make thier lifes sound more in the future bec. it sounds like it's a completly normal lifes of

completly normal humans

and it would also be cool if you make future names for stuff that they use like say the controller when they were

playing games and drinking beer i mean would they be using controllers in the future

EDIT1: also if you could make the stories fit with the actuale lore that we have bec they don't make any sense at all like this

EDIT2: and BTW tenno is a freakin race it's not a job or something

i hope i am making sense english was never one of my strong spots (also sorry for wrong spelling)

Edited by ACE6
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Rhino with 1170 Shields 670 health and 1200 damage absorb can bE ONE SHOTTED by rank 70+ Infested ancients on nightmare. So damage reduction is alot better in those cases.


Rhino has armor. Trin does not. So overall trinity will be getting one hitted earlier.


About this invasion. Seriously. Germany cannot invade Poland. ONLY TURKMANY CAN :DDDDDD

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i really like how you make charcters for the warframes judjing from thier abilities and powers but i really think its not cool to give them back grounds

(like sayrn) espicialy that you gave her a job and a background a type of music(that is basicly your type of music)..etc that are modern and normal human stuff i mean should'nt they sound more in the future

and be called differint names than what they are called in modern time

i hope you can also make thier lifes sound more in the future bec. it sounds like it's a completly normal lifes of

completly normal humans

and it would also be cool if you make future names for stuff that they use like say the controller when they were

playing games and drinking beer i mean would they be using controllers in the future

EDIT1: also if you could make the stories fit with the actuale lore that we have bec they don't make any sense at all like this

EDIT2: and BTW tenno is a freakin race it's not a job or something

i hope i am making sense english was never one of my strong spots (also sorry for wrong spelling)

That's not how it works buddy.

This is Doozy's story and it goes where Doozy wants it to go.

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Or to put it in easier terms, this is fiction. If doozy felt like it, he could have Volt be a hermaphrodite and Nova be an adolescent schoolgirl. Doozy doesn't have to conform to any of that.

Edited by SLI-fox
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I guess we get one of these every month. Pay attention everyone, we're going to go through the song and dance again.



i really like how you make charcters for the warframes judjing from thier abilities and powers but i really think its not cool to give them back grounds
well that kind of completely defeats the point of having a story. 
(like sayrn) espicialy that you gave her a job and a background a type of music(that is basicly your type of music)..etc that are modern and normal human stuff i mean should'nt they sound more in the future
when we get to the future we'll talk about it. The fact of the matter is, we don't know what the future will be like, how far into the future this setting is, or for that matter, if it will actually be more advanced than it is now. Human history is not a progressive ramp. After the fall of the  Roman Empire, European history took a nose dive and people got stupid again as they went into the medieval ages. You should also keep in mind that it's pretty easy to infer that Warframe takes place in a dark age- The future is not as advanced as it could be, and things probably used to be a lot better. Half the galaxy is controlled by a mega corporation and the other half is controlled by a military industrial complex that is powered by degenerate clones that are falling apart because there's not enough genetic diversity in their test-tube baby breeding program to keep their race healthy. Also note that whatever the orokin was, its more advanced than contemporary grineer, corpus, and tenno tech. The entire galaxy is in a race to dig up an empire that was smarter than them. This game doesn't take place in an advanced future, its a dystopic setting.


And by the way, if you know exactly what's in the future, I invite you to buy me a hoverboard when we get around to 2015 because I want to be Marty McFly.

and be called differint names than what they are called in modern time
Jesus of Nazareth kept the same name for 2,000 years. We should update him to Justin, that's more futuristic, and also a pop star.

i hope you can also make thier lifes sound more in the future bec. it sounds like it's a completly normal lifes of
completly normal humans

come on man, its in the title. Besides, liking a story doesn't happen automatically. I don't just scribble words on a rag full of chloroform and come up behind people and abduct them. But I would if I could. There's a process, a formula. If you don't sympathize with them, you don't like them, and if you don't like them, you wouldn't care about them. If they didn't have normal lives, you wouldn't have read the thread. Everyone has an ego and everyone is a narcissist. The lowest common denominator for someone liking a character is sympathizing with something that reminds them of themselves. That is the one golden secret of story telling. Congratulations, you now know everything you need to know to become a best selling author.

and it would also be cool if you make future names for stuff that they use like say the controller when they were
playing games and drinking beer i mean would they be using controllers in the future

go have a talk with my good friend Frank Herbert and ask him why Dune had a glossary in the back.

EDIT1: also if you could make the stories fit with the actuale lore that we have bec they don't make any sense at all like this
the story does fit the actual lore.

I write using the canon of the game, if its in the game, its in the story. There isn't actually a great deal of lore for this setting that is discussed or recorded everywhere. Give everyone a break, we're in beta. There's a huge fanon based on Dark Sector, and there's a bunch of questions and answers strung together by the developer podcasts.


The only canon is what you play. Everything else is forum trolling and speculation.


here's something you can try- Go track down a dev and ask them to describe the day to day life of a tenno when you aren't playing them. What do they eat? What do they watch on TV? Where do they live, what are their hobbies? They can't tell you. They don't know themselves. There's not enough lore written into this game to actually support anything besides the covert military actions that are undertaken by the tenno. 6 days of the week they are probably boring normal people who browse forums and drink beer just like you and me, because that's reality. Go back and watch the interviews with Seal Team 6 after they killed Osama Bin Laden. A late night talk show host asked one, "What did you do after you shot him?" And he said, "I got in my truck, drove home, stopped at taco bell on the way and ordered a number 6, went home, and ate it."


If you realize that, you can see that I'm fundamentally in canon. I'm about as in canon as I can be, because until there's a story-mode in this game, everything else is just theatrical trailers and disjointed whispers. I've written more about the actual characters in this game than the DE devs have. If you go by the canon of what is-or-isn't posted on the forums, I'm the game's head writer. When they publish a tie-in novel, then someone else will be the head writer, but right now, the showrunner is me, because no one else is doing it.


or maybe Ced, he's actually written a lot of fan fiction. There you have it folks, the authority on warframe canon is Ced. He wrote the most lore.

EDIT2: and BTW tenno is a freakin race it's not a job or something
you are confusing race with species, or possibly ethnicity.


tenno is just a name. It's Hayden Tenno's name from Dark Sector. Its a nod to the spiritual predecessor of Warframe.


Tenno is not a species, but it might be an ethnicity. There's no cue in the lore. The only thing we know right now is that a tenno is most likely 15-24 white male who plays videogames, the target demographic of Warframe. Buy more platinum, devs gotta eat!


Everyone in the warframe universe is a human, or in the case of the infested, a post-human. But we know from the lore that the infested plague was a manufactured weaponized virus, not an alien species. The grineer are just xeroxed humans that have been copied from a copy one too many times and the corpus are normal people whose society revolves around a space faring mega conglomerate.


the tenno are human. they're the same body structure, exhibit the same reproductive organs, require oxygen to breathe, and they get a lot of their repertoire from kung fu movies. If they're not human, than they're klingons that just really like Bruce Lee, which is splitting hairs.


i hope i am making sense english was never one of my strong spots (also sorry for wrong spelling)

actually your english is pretty good for a second language speaker, I was an ESL teacher and your syntax is mostly correct, its just lacking some of the more delicate punctuation. You write better than Solaurus, and he's a native speaker.



That's not how it works buddy.

This is Doozy's story and it goes where Doozy wants it to go.

You are now holding the conch.


This topic will not be debated. Further discussion will be ignored, or if I'm not working on anything else, trolled. Since I'm going to be writing on other projects on and off all day, count on trolled.


BBL going to taco bell.

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If you realize that, you can see that I'm fundamentally in canon. I'm about as in canon as I can be, because until there's a story-mode in this game, everything else is just theatrical trailers and disjointed whispers. I've written more about the actual characters in this game than the DE devs have. If you go by the canon of what is-or-isn't posted on the forums, I'm the game's head writer. When they publish a tie-in novel, then someone else will be the head writer, but right now, the showrunner is me, because no one else is doing it.


or maybe Ced, he's actually written a lot of fan fiction. There you have it folks, the authority on warframe canon is Ced. He wrote the most lore.


I have to challenge that claim of you or Ced being head writer. I believe that Kalenath has written the most fan fiction and that he should be head writer.

My opinion, pleases don't kill me.

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TL;DR Doozy owned ACE6

no, i rebutted him.

Lets be a little more mature and adult than 'owned.'

I've been trolling since most of you guys started high school, if you want to act all internet, i'll get medieval wow forums and troll circles around you until we all get banned.

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