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Out Of Frame: The Everyday Lives Of The Tenno - Feedback & Discussion


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WOAH, ok so i get the part of the sympthysing , story selling and stuff


EDIT2: and BTW tenno is a freakin race it's not a job or something

you are confusing race with species, or possibly ethnicity.


tenno is just a name. It's Hayden Tenno's name from Dark Sector. Its a nod to the spiritual predecessor of Warframe.


Tenno is not a species, but it might be an ethnicity. There's no cue in the lore. The only thing we know right now is that a tenno is most likely 15-24 white male who plays videogames, the target demographic of Warframe. Buy more platinum, devs gotta eat!


Everyone in the warframe universe is a human, or in the case of the infested, a post-human. But we know from the lore that the infested plague was a manufactured weaponized virus, not an alien species. The grineer are just xeroxed humans that have been copied from a copy one too many times and the corpus are normal people whose society revolves around a space faring mega conglomerate.


the tenno are human. they're the same body structure, exhibit the same reproductive organs, require oxygen to breathe, and they get a lot of their repertoire from kung fu movies. If they're not human, than they're klingons that just really like Bruce Lee, which is splitting hairs.

1)i was actualy gonna argue about wether the tenno were race or not but i found out that you were right


EDIT1: also if you could make the stories fit with the actuale lore that we have bec they don't make any sense at all like this

the story does fit the actual lore.

I write using the canon of the game, if its in the game, its in the story. There isn't actually a great deal of lore for this setting that is discussed or recorded everywhere. Give everyone a break, we're in beta. There's a huge fanon based on Dark Sector, and there's a bunch of questions and answers strung together by the developer podcasts.


The only canon is what you play. Everything else is forum trolling and speculation.

2)i was also gonna argue about this part but then again you were right( but i am sure this wasn't the same lore given when i started)

so anyways i will just suggest that you mention the war in their childhood and how it affected them bec. they were basicly "Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more."

so they were practicly tenno from the begining

that is just a suggision


i hope i am making sense english was never one of my strong spots (also sorry for wrong spelling)

actually your english is pretty good for a second language speaker, I was an ESL teacher and your syntax is mostly correct, its just lacking some of the more delicate punctuation. You write better than Solaurus, and he's a native speaker.


and thanks for answering my quistion i thought you would ignore it

Edited by ACE6
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that is just a suggision


You seem to misunderstand this thread. OoF is not an accurate depiction of de facto stories. Doozy filled an empty 'verse with life and humour, and to bend grittyness and coolness (argueably, edgyness) as sacrifices on the altar of smiles*, he added some contemporary elements, so we, as readers, can relate more. Humour is part sympathiszing, part unexpected, part exageration, part truth. It wouldn't be funny if you wouldn't be able to envision the situation.


"And then I glorbed his retina-module with a Rok-Writer!" - crickets.


Makes more sense?


On the topic of canon and the history of the Tenno:

Going with what's available, we have Earth. Back-In-The-Day, the Technocyte Virus created/caused/was used to create the Tenno. This is ambiguous, because it means/could mean both the Tenno, as in, "We're talking about the Tenno here. Hayden Tenno. The powersuited badass." and a name for a group. Speculation would lead me to believe A happened and morphed linguistically into B.


Grey areas and conclusions here, to bridge the gap from darkSector to Warframe: From Hayden Tenno on, their masters were the scientists and by extension, the funding sources and/or government acquired control over the Tenno and used them as special forces and shock troops. Harder, faster, self-reliant and operating in small groups, they were the perfect destabilisation terror cells. Tenno became mystified as trouble for their enemies, as unfailable warriors for their protégès. The instance in control used them to become dominant. Tenno were rare and few in between (all based on the TCV's reaction to the pilot, most people just morphed into TCV zombies (read: Infestation)), so their masters had a regular army aswell. See what the smell from the kitchen sounds like?


The [New World Government] ended wars by warring the world into submission. Planets were colonized. Mars and his moons, Phobos (Wait, isn't that were the Grineer settlements are..?) & Deimos. The [NWG] brought a Golden Age of human prosperity for all and renamed themselves the People of Gold. Or-o-kin. The Military was moved to Phobos, the Tenno to Mercury, and the weapons were stockpiled there. The Body (Latin: Corpus) of the Trading Guild was created, to manage and maintain the routes between the colonies in the Sol Systems. The Solar Rail System was created, and then something went breasticles up.


Probably Phobos had it up to here that they were sitting on a pile of weapons and had literally nothing to fight. Only complacent civvies to deal with, no wars in decades. Whelp, these nukes and bio-missiles and virus bombs have expiry dates, right? Cue Earth being bombed back into desolate wasteland times, before the poisonous gas Oxygen became the fuel of life on Earth. The Orokin dispersed into spacestations, listening posts, only a few made it out. The Body of the Trading Guild was in bed with the Military. War is good for business. They were probably promised technology "after we're done with the Orokin".


[somewhere happens the Sentience, an undefined hostile force. Since the Outer Terminus Rail is pointing outside the Solar System and darkSector's pitch trailer made some thin allure what's there ("The Dark Sector"), we could assume that's the origin. The Military or the Orokin threw more TCV at it, cue the Golem.]


When pushed with their backs to the wall, the Orokin froze some of their Tenno, so to have left over guardians for generations to come, released TCV into the unconrolled wild and laced their space stations with Neural Parasites, to defend them. The Military [under General James K. Grineer, for some herpaderp reason] assumed control, seized the Orokin assets, and hunted the Tenno down - the ones they could find.


During that conflict, some units remained loyal, infighting, warlords, ugly weapons used, and there you have diminished ranks. The Body provided cloning technology, but since war benefits from extended science, but science suffers from extended war, that technology detoriated, causing the Grineer to get into the state we see now. Wounds were replaced with prothesises, which became idolized marks of duty, and so on.


Now the frozen Tenno wake up, lead by a [former Corpus] entity called Lotus. The Corpus hates her for the betrayal, the Grineer hate them for being part of the old world they thought defeated, and stuff happens.


In the grim dark future of the darkSector story, there can only be spaceninjas.




That's how I am piecing it together.


* See what I did there, ya git, Doozer?

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In the grim dark future of the darkSector story, there can only be spaceninjas.

That's how I am piecing it together.

* See what I did there, ya git, Doozer?

You mean the 40k reference?

@(*()$ space marine book turned the whole meta around. Or i should say, @(*()$ gravgun turned the whole meta around wraithknights and riptides are gonna cry. And nearly every @&#(&*@#$# in the book has an iron halo or a storm shield. 50 points for 3++ and eternal warrior? Yes please. And the Ap 2 sword... Like a demon weapon, but better.

That book is a gongshow. I picked a good time to start working on my minotaurs. Looks like my 3rd legion is going pre-heresy. Im putting that stupid hell turkey on the shelf.

Edited by Doozy84
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You mean the 40k reference?


Asteriks indicate footnotes in German symbol use. Follow the trail of the symbol to find the connection!


@40k: Staunch Inquisition player myself, I couldn't handle Matt Ward's crap anymore and Abbadon'd ship. My 3E Grey Knights with inducted IG and Inquisitorial Shocktroops were cool. 5E ruined everything forever. I flipped tables and started to work on some Caracharodons, because Imperial Armour is 40k dialed to 11, but didn't pull through. I had more joy converting vehicles and painting than playing, sadly. Also, Matt Ward is a blight.

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... I think Rhino might actually like Katie Perry roar troll. I mean it's a catchy tune, chicks dig it, and Katie has some big knockers...


HAH I could see it backfiring so bad to where Rhino keeps playing it and making everyone around him cringe while rocking out.  HELL, it would be perfect chick bait for karaoke night. He sees a nice but sad/bored looking girl, tells her they're gonna have some fun, brings her up to duet the song. Fun is had, drinks are bought, DTF empowerment ensues :D

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That's how I am piecing it together.



There is a writer on the dev team that just went. "Well $*&^, There goes the hard part."


Ced, I'm seriously having trouble seeing the the Lore of Warframe (what little there is) in any other way now. Your title says 'Tenno Operative', is that just for show, or do you get to speak a voice in the deciding collective?


Between you, Doozy, and K. I'd say you could write the whole dang fluff for the game. To justify every brutal act of Eversor-Like destruction we commit.

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Your title says 'Tenno Operative', is that just for show, or do you get to speak a voice in the deciding collective?


That is the special forum title of the Translation team. When I am not busy writing extensive feedback, aggregated forum "vibe" reports or moderating, I translate Warframe into German, as one of a three man team (although I am currently neglecting this position a little to be more on the ball with the forums).

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He wrote the best codices the game has ever had, they just need to smash his hand with a hammer whenever he tries to write fluff. GKs were a tragedy though. Carcharadons are legit. Forgeworld chapters>codex chapters.


Part of the reason why if I ever start 40k I'll be rolling Heretic Guard is partly cause I could mix some Forge World into it. It's not gonna be cheap, but it's a lot more of a unique situation with more mailable backstories then the Khronate Knights and other drivel the current codex writers keep putting in the current codexes and unit choices (Voltron Armor, assemble!)

Edited by GratuitousLurking
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warhammer can have some ridiculous prices, especially. a rhino used to cost about £15 at most now its £22

Land raiders were £35 now they are £45

its crazy

its actually doubled since I started playing back in third edition. $20 for a rhino, $20 for a tactical squad. Now they're 40 each.


There's ways to keep it cheap though. You just have to be smart, go to the right shops, and know how to strip paint.

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This is probably off topic but since people were talking about Ember... I made a rework about her as she used to be my Main I really would love more input so I can keep editing the thread to best define a goal, feel and playstyle for Ember that would be fun.


The thread is here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/104255-large-ember-suggestion-completely-new-ultiamte/

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