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No DE, SotR was not "well received"


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2 minutes ago, PoopManZ said:

Even with that conclusion the attempt to help void fatigue did not help if before and after retention has not changed. Although more time is needed to be more accurate, I wouldnt give 4 weeks enough time.

thats because not everyone spent their warframe time in the void, and even if it actually helped, then as a result people will get what they want and then they could even abandon the prime grinding at all, that is what i do at least, i dont get more than what i need from for MR

Edited by rockscl
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5 minutes ago, rockscl said:

thats because not everyone spent their warframe time in the void

Again, players online is a direct reflection of how the game captures players, If status quo existed still, that means the update did not change anything it did to help keep players. (That is gameplay changes having a real actual statistical effect) Player retention is a nice statistic cause it wraps diverse player opinion in one bubble without any major concerns.


Statistically it would be tantamount to just changing the color of the Liset on a gameplay level. Looks different but no real chew.

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53 minutes ago, BPNPC said:

I was extremely surprised by this statement,

I'd like to point out something obvious you seemed to misconstrue completely.  Reading what came after the quote in your OP was

With the desire to get the update in your hands as soon as possible, we rushed its deployment. Unfortunately, the timing of Specters of the Rail collided with our first ever Warframe Convention “TennoCon,” and it showed. The update was deployed Friday July 8th, a day before the convention where DE staff and developers would be out of office and present for panels, activities, and meeting all of you who attended. A relatively empty office and busy day at the convention meant that the update suffered and was neglected the quality it deserved upon release. 


Combining and reading the entire statement in completion it is pretty clear the quote you posted was regarding the anticipation of SoTR not the actual release that was well received.  In other words, lots of hype got DE excited which resulted in them rushing the update.  

They are pretty clear that was a mistake, so really this kind of renders your entire OP pretty moot as that entire thread about splitting TWW in half doesn't mention the response of SoTR after its release at all.  Only the hype train leading up to its release which resulted in disaster, which they openly admit.

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Sadly i agree because i miss ENDLESS MISSIONS WITH REWARDS.

I have no incentive for play endless missions anymore.

Now is only fast missions with only 1 reward  : /

DE you must fix VARIETY for void missions (old key system worked very well) before it's too late.

ALSO, fix Nullifiers.

Edited by Kaiser_Suoh
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Doom and gloom threads do not make for good discussion.

Locking this and reiterating a few points made throughout the thread:

  • SotR did not have a whole lot of content; the content it did have did not take very much time to complete for players. In this regard, going from 30k to 60k and then back down to 30k players in the course of a week is not "Oh no the update killed the game". The average number of players returned to what it was before the patch.
  • Steamcharts significantly smooths old data; the huge "jump" seen surrounding the SotR update will, in time, appear like a similar 'smoothed' hill like the Inaros update, or other significant updates before. Steamcharts do not save fine-resolution playerbase data, this is why you don't see the dips to 0 players during DDoS attacks or the massive spikes and dips in older data corresponding to major update releases. 
  • SotR did, for the most part, what it set out to do; it focused on quality of life fixes and overhauls to existing systems. It was not aiming to include massive quantities of content that would take players significant time to get through--which is the sort of stuff which pulls a lot of players in (big upwards spike) and retains players for longer (without the drop back to pre-update averages).
  • If SotR was not well received, then it would have dropped much more than it did; returning to pre-SotR numbers is not alarming and it doesn't mean that it wasn't well received. If it were not well received, it would have continued to drop rapidly to far fewer active players and not returned to the previous linear trend of active players.
Edited by Letter13
Added clarity regarding lock
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