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Umbra Warframes (Discussion Thread)


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Not really. People want Umbra and are prepared to pay. That's the bottom line. DE are stretching this out unnecessarily. I do remember a lot of posts asking for Umbra info, when Rebecca put up that Devstream thread asking the community what they want the Devs to discuss, lo and behold they were entirely ignored.


It seems people have got into contact with Steve about this via twitter: His reply was: "again: we released a crazy amount of Warframes end of year and didn't want it to be buried."


What do you think of this people?

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It seems people have got into contact with Steve about this via twitter: His reply was: "again: we released a crazy amount of Warframes end of year and didn't want it to be buried."


What do you think of this people?


My reaction to this is... Excalibur Umbra isn't exactly a new Warframe per se. -_-


He's a reskin with altered stats. I don't group him together with Atlas, Wukong, Ivara and Nezha in terms of being "New".


Also he's an upgrade to Excal for crying out loud. He could very well be released together with 5 new frames and people will still be hyped about him.

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It seems people have got into contact with Steve about this via twitter: His reply was: "again: we released a crazy amount of Warframes end of year and didn't want it to be buried."


What do you think of this people?




Okay, that is literally, the most bull**** excuse in the history of humanity. It's practically confirmed people; DE are stalling.



Edited by (PS4)Redemption_015
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Okay, that is literally, the most bull**** excuse in the history of humanity. It's practically confirmed people; DE are stalling.


Whatever they're doing, I'd rather wait for a polished product than get a messy, buggy, discontinuous one right now.

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Whatever they're doing, I'd rather wait for a polished product than get a messy, buggy, discontinuous one right now.


Seven months ago Umbra was found, functioning beautifully. The product was polished and shelved in July last year and has since been gathering dust, waiting.

Edited by (PS4)Redemption_015
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I have now gone from being a little mystified at the Umbra hype to being disgusted. Not at the devs, but at the people foaming at the mouth for Umbra. Y'all are acting like a bunch of spoiled kids who found a bunch of presents hidden in the attic and have begun yelling at their parents to just give them the presents nooooowwwwwww.



No kidding.


You guys went from "Umbra? What's Umbra?" to "Holy S#&$, Umbra! We must have it! Umbra will change everything! Umbra mods! Umbra cosmetics! I bet Umbra is the most powerful thing in the game! What if Umbra has Sentient damage resistance! Maybe it has a built in disco ball! Release it! Release it! We're gonna start several Umbra threads a day until we get it!"







Put this in perspective: imagine that you had a glimpse into the forum of a cute MMO about baking cupcakes. They discuss builds using different types of spoon, argument about whether automixers need to be nerfed, and there's a recurring flamewar about preheating the oven. Now, people found out that there's a new kind of cupcake which can use a totally different type of frosting, that it's been coded for, but isn't in the game yet. They ask the devs, and are told "Chill out, we'll add it in a couple of months. Don't worry, it'll be cool."


And their response is to melt down, have a tantrum, and start posting macros from American Psycho.




As you watch this unfold, are you thinking "These people are clearly in the right, and they know the score. Yeah. I kinda want some cupcakes now," or are you thinking "Bloody hell. How old are these people when they're not on the internet? Five?"

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I have now gone from being a little mystified at the Umbra hype to being disgusted. Not at the devs, but at the people foaming at the mouth for Umbra. Y'all are acting like a bunch of spoiled kids who found a bunch of presents hidden in the attic and have begun yelling at their parents to just give them the presents nooooowwwwwww.



No kidding.


You guys went from "Umbra? What's Umbra?" to "Holy S#&$, Umbra! We must have it! Umbra will change everything! Umbra mods! Umbra cosmetics! I bet Umbra is the most powerful thing in the game! What if Umbra has Sentient damage resistance! Maybe it has a built in disco ball! Release it! Release it! We're gonna start several Umbra threads a day until we get it!"







Put this in perspective: imagine that you had a glimpse into the forum of a cute MMO about baking cupcakes. They discuss builds using different types of spoon, argument about whether automixers need to be nerfed, and there's a recurring flamewar about preheating the oven. Now, people found out that there's a new kind of cupcake which can use a totally different type of frosting, that it's been coded for, but isn't in the game yet. They ask the devs, and are told "Chill out, we'll add it in a couple of months. Don't worry, it'll be cool."


And their response is to melt down, have a tantrum, and start posting macros from American Psycho.




As you watch this unfold, are you thinking "These people are clearly in the right, and they know the score. Yeah. I kinda want some cupcakes now," or are you thinking "Bloody hell. How old are these people when they're not on the internet? Five?"


Firstly, Umbra was discovered seven months ago, fully modeled and working. We were told there was going to be an extensive FAQ thread that would put everyone's mind at ease. It never came. And throughout this whole year, all the Devs did was give extremely vague pieces of 'info' and brushed off any request for real, solid information.


Next they give off a 'lore' excuse for not bringing him out which is utter bull. They said the pushed Umbra back because of the Second Dream update, now that the update is live, they still don't talk about him. DEDanielle said Umbra was months away, back in October. It has now been three months since then and still nothing.


Then people start to contact Steve over Twitter and he acts like he has no clue and gives this excuse:


It seems people have got into contact with Steve about this via twitter: His reply was: "We released a crazy amount of Warframes end of year and didn't want it to be buried.


I mean seriously? They didn't want it to get buried? The most sought after frame of late 2015? After seven months of waiting for a single frame, that is the excuse he gives? My friend, try waiting patiently for seven months for something that has been sitting, ready and waiting on the back bench, and then having the creator of that object come forward giving the most idiotic excuse for not putting the product out.


Also they said they were going to bring out Umbra before the end of the year, so I can't exactly take DE's word seriously. Especailly when they say, 'I guess, about two months.'


It's like an employer going up to his employee and saying, 'When am I getting those reports Johnson? They were supposed to be in yesterday.'


'Uh, I guess maybe a week or so.'


See what I mean there.

Edited by (PS4)Redemption_015
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People actually despise DE over a few stats? wow...




DE wants give us more then a frame/reskin/stats. I'm okay with fleshed out content.




Seven months ago Umbra was found, functioning beautifully. The product was polished and shelved in July last year and has since been gathering dust, waiting.


Frame might be 100% but quest/lore/extra could still be under development.


DE calls the shots, not us, in terms when to release content. 



Whatever they're doing, I'd rather wait for a polished product than get a messy, buggy, discontinuous one right now.


+1 Exactly



As for them not saying anything over devstream, they probably have yet to have decent explanation w/o spoilers or were told to keep it hush hush.



This is just like Mios all over again, hasn't been released till they felt like it was ready to be shipped. 


While few folks would go ape over why hasn't been out yet...



Besides, they just got back from vacation. I'd say cut them some slack. The Umbra frame isn't going up in smoke anytime soon so no reason to rush them for taking time to work on their content.



-he's right you know-




Lets just keep positive hype/theories on Umbra going and less hissy fits please.

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Again, they have their prerogative to decided when is not ready regardless on past comments.



They might said one thing and team decided another on the fly.


It can be bad communication for all we know.


If you and your friends been waiting and becoming impatient I recommend focus on something else.

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Lets just keep positive hype/theories on Umbra going and less hissy fits please.


I assure you, I won't post anymore rants when DE stop $&*^ing about.



They might said one thing and team decided another on the fly.


It can be bad communication for all we know.


That's the point; We don't know anything. Slightly frustrating being kept in the dark after seven months wouldn't you say?

Edited by (PS4)Redemption_015
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I assure you, I won't post anymore rants when DE stop $&*^ing about.




That's the point; We don't know anything. Slightly frustrating being kept in the dark after seven months wouldn't you say?


It is to extent, but throwing rants in the forums when DE derps isn't the way to go :/


Also it won't make them release Umbra sooner or spill beans from them.


Last thing we need is Umbra Excal released behind buggy quest due to rushing content again...



Only thing accomplishes here is get viewed as an impatient person and brews toxicity.



I'd say take deep breath Tenno and ignore any possible trolls.

Edited by Fionntan
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It is to extent, but throwing rants in the forums when DE derps isn't the way to go :/


Also it won't make them release Umbra sooner or spill beans from them.


Last thing we need is Umbra Excal released behind buggy quest due to rushing content again...



Only thing accomplishes here is get viewed as an impatient person and brews toxicity.



I'd say take deep breath Tenno and ignore any possible trolls.


I am impatient yes, seven months with no info has understandably riled me up. But you have a valid point. Also what the hell does derp mean?

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I am impatient yes, seven months with no info has understandably riled me up. But you have a valid point. Also what the hell does derp mean?


Derp is more cute way say messed up, **** up, and so on forth.


At least that's my personal definition of derping.



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Like i said the wait is over them trying to find a way to explain that its like Excalibur prime but trying to tell use that its not at the same time. Thier making us wait until they can finally tell themselves that this frame is nothing but a cop out. Now if the umbra prime is also a frame on its own, im probably going to quit. I understand exclusive cosmetics, pc, ps4, and xbox all has some but locking mechanically unique items worth mr point might be my tipping point. I got past the one frame and the follow up weapons (with the handful of vandels) but two frame might make me leave this game for good.

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I do want some cupcakes though.


Hmmmmm cupcakes..


I assure you, I won't post anymore rants when DE stop $&*^ing about.


That's the point; We don't know anything. Slightly frustrating being kept in the dark after seven months wouldn't you say?

Well, so much for my advice..

calm tenno


pacify yourself , it will arrive soon


this is discussion on lore and frame itself not why /when/ wants  


You mind dropping a Blessing?, I don't think Well of life whuold help..


this will end up just Linking more, and being a Vampire..





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calm tenno


pacify yourself , it will arrive soon


this is discussion on lore and frame itself not why /when/ wants  


What happened on Devstream 66, or rather what didn't happen, got me riled. Then Legion posted Steves latest excuse and I kind of snapped. Apologies.



Agree with quite a few points here, tho Red, I'll tone down the Dev-bashing just a little bit, don't want you to get a WP after all, or the topic derailing..


just some advice


Apologies if it seemed as if the topic derailed. My rant is over.

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What happened on Devstream 66, or rather what didn't happen, got me riled. Then Legion posted Steves latest excuse and I kind of snapped. Apologies.


Apologies if it seemed as if the topic derailed. My rant is over.


No need to apologize, just keep it down, you can keep ranting all you want, just keep it minimum 

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Not gonna lie the "lore" thing is a bit weird and the whole not wanting him to be buried definitely sounds like stalling. I find it very hard to believe that the darker version of Excal Prime would be buried so quickly.


It's possibly last minute call to add more content with Umbra.


Yes it does go against not wanting bury frames.



Let just agree that DE derped and move on ~~

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