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A Duality Equinox build will be self stunned for 1/5 of the total time spent playing


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I recently did an experiment to find out just how long an Equinox using a Duality build will be standing in place casting her 3rd and 4th abilities. The build I used was a standard one that prioritizes duration and equalizing the range penalties to keep her other abilities useful.

The build is as follows

  • Vitality
  • Intensify
  • Flow
  • Stretch
  • Base Continuity (as not everyone will have primed)
  • Narrow Minded Rank 8
  • Streamline
  • Duality
  • Cunning Drift in Exilus slot

So, the numbers. Duality will remain active for about 14.5 seconds. (although it takes a moment after casting the ability to come up so we'll round total duration to 15) This means every 15 seconds, metamorphosis will need to be recast. I measured the time it takes to recast the 3rd and 4th ability from the metamorphosis timer, which starts at 52.75 seconds. Recasting the 3rd and 4th abilities will take the timer down to 49.9, or about 3 seconds.

Since you will need to refresh Duality every 15 seconds, and 3 of those seconds are spent recasting the 3rd and 4th ability, one fifth of the total time spent in mission optimally using Equinox's kit will be spend being unable to move or shoot while abilities are recast. On a Twenty minute survival, this means 4 minutes will be spent doing nothing as abilities are recasted. Kind of lame how Equinox's theme is fluidly reacting to situations, but doing so halts all action, which isn't fluid at all.

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Just now, Meneliki said:

Natural Talent?

Assuming you can fit it in the build, Natural Talent will regain movement at 50.6 seconds. so two seconds every 15 seconds will be spent immobile. In a 20 minute survival 2.66 repeating minutes will be spent stunned.

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Its a shame we cant workout the possible damage increase your clone can do in relation to time lost. Its dependant on weapons and mods and what enemies you face together with its ai choices, and how situationally you use it. 

I doubt it will ever be used as anything but a fun alternative build, which is fine in itself I suppose. Changing how Equinoxes other powers work would help because changing forms penalises and cancels other powers. I would rather mend and maim persevere after changing forms until manually deactivated.

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1 hour ago, Meneliki said:

Natural Talent?

Yeh take off vitality and flow, max narrow minded, slap a primed continuity and natural talent. And everything is smoother and the copy lasts longer.

btw duality was never meant to be like hall of mirrors, its just a plus for switching forms.

also the worst thing of duality isnt that you cant make a decent build it, but the fact that the clone is just useless and not worth a mod slot

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I made exactly the same yesterday :clem:


And it's fun, but yeah you have too much time recasting powers for a not so useful clone.


+ I want an augment to play the mixed form so bad, and I want to see the mixed form in archwing, plize

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