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Are You Even Trying? A Artifact Defense Alert Event.


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@Mickey1779 If that was the case why not simply tell us so, as in "we want to test this new event out and we want your opinions and we give you these new artifacts" This way no one has high expect ions as I did when I started, I felt like a Brain Surgeon being paid minimum wage for the work I did. 

Edited by Pendragon1951
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Not the best event, agreed.


Target: All players

Purpose: Introduce new artifacts

Cause: Nearly all players are given a chance to get them before they enter the pool of alerts, when we may see them as often as energy siphon (or other "rare" alerts).

Effect: Testing by the general population immediately upon release of new content.  Anti gating of previous content which was released and inaccessible and testable by the majority.


Edit: We complain if we can't get it, we complain if we can get it.  We're never happy!

Edited by Enot83
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Off-topic fun fact: most people who posted it was easy in this thread and done it with underleveled gear, also mentioned that they were, or they had in the group at least one Frost or Nyx. Figures.

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I don’t PUG and play only with 2 close friends. We found the missions extremely challenging but hugely fun and rewarding. Due to the frames we had available we were in a Loki, Ember and Rhino all lvl30 with mainly Lvl30 weapons, some potatoed some not.


We beat one infested and got Shield Disruption but couldn’t get past wave 17 on the Corpus ones which we failed about 3 times. I never saw a Grineer one. We had one final crack at an infested defence but I’m thinking it had been tweaked because there was a S#&$ load more Ancients and no crawlers to slow things down, we lost on wave 17ish again.


All in all I found this an invigorating and interesting weekend. It certainly kept our interest and has given us a better appreciation of the need for different Warframes for different situations. I suspect we will be doing some grinding and solo’ing to get some stuff. Certainly a Frost from what I’m reading.


Thumbs up from us DE.

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Length of Alert allowed for 2-3 tries? Never happened. With alert ending in 40 min, when team failed on 22nd wave it was over. And half of time it was bugged mobs in walls that resulted in failure.


We made 2-3 tries across the whole weekend. Not a specific alert. We had a couple of mobs stuck but never to cause failure.

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One of the easiest Events I've ever seen... and people complaining.


Maybe... the problem is you? Your skills? Cooperation? Teamwork? LOGIC. Of course you can't do this alert with 4 x Ash Squad.


That's so very, very sad. This game is too easy already and they dare to complain...

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I guess cause part of them was still shootable.

Grineer Galleon: mob was glitched by door in sealed off room above we can see him through floor and by radar but no shooting or aoe could reach him.

Corpus Outpost: Mob got stuck in a rock under huge solid platform. No way to reach him with AOE/ shooting.

Other tries : Laggy connection on later waves resulting in mobs teleporting around or a swarm of ancients ignoring my decoy and 1-shotting pod.

Result: all 4 attempts that I managed to get fail without me able to do anything about it. 1 was failure simply because there were no Frost in team and corpus one shotted pod in brief moment I reestablished decoy. And with it open to low-level players bad expirience in general.

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I've enjoyed this event. I've spectacularly failed about 5 attempts with pugs so far, but I don't care... because that was FUN!


It's a breath of fresh air to have my arse handed to me; I've been soloing tier 2 voids, and one-handing my way through def missions while eating a bowl of porridge.


To find myself in a fight where I really do have to FIGHT to survive is fantastic. Last night, I completed an infested alert, and right at the end of the fight we had 10+ ancients crawling all over the artifact at the same time. It was frantic. It was tense. And I didn't even care that the reward wasn't that good - the victory itself was worthy of celebration.

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Dear OP, I didn't fail these missions once, and I did it with randoms.  Except for one that was corpus and went to Frost.  Not that I failed, or did it with randoms, I did it solo.


Getting a frame to 30 takes no more than a few weeks if you're just playing the game like normal.  I'm sorry if you think event should be so easy that a brand new player can get through them, but for the rest of us, events are something to do when we've done a lot of the game.  New players really don't have to worry too much about a defense event when they have the entire rest of the game to play.

As to netcode, yes, lag is a result of it in some cases.  But you mention lag when the number of enemies increase.  This is due to the fact that the host is burdened with basically all of the computation, and if they don't have a high-spec machine, they're going to get a choppy frame rate.  When that happens, the information that they can send out gets choppy as well.  They understand things don't go smoothly, that's why they're trying to fix them.  Would you prefer they just shut the game down for the next x months while they try to fix it?

I'm sorry to hear you had a bad experience.  I really am.  I just don't think the general public is as terrible at the game as you think they are(read:  most of the general public has at least okish gear).  I did a grineer defense with a level 10 frame, and my three teammates were just completely random non-defense oriented frames(saryn, excalibur, rhino).  You mention your teammates being idiots and doing their own thing and failing as a result...that's going to happen literally in any multiplayer/co-op game.  You are going to get dumb people if you play with randoms.  There isn't anything a developer can do about that.  Which is why we have clans, as well as a chat, as well as a subforum, all to organize squads if you so desire.

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I don't know what you're talking about. I did my first one alone. ALONE. Granted, it was only to wave 15 with infested, but I had it set to private and no one from my clan joined me.

I didn't struggle, or need a revive. I did have to defend the pod.

The next two I did with pubs. The last wouldn't have made it if I hadn't been there, because it was a Rhino, an Ash, and a Frost prime and none of them used their powers.

I got all three artifacts, and while I'm not overwhelmed with their usefulness, I have to say I enjoyed the missions and think the rewards were appropriate.

I will tell you that while my frame (a Nyx) wasn't maxed, it was potatoed, my melee was a high-level orthos with potato, and my primary was a maxed out and potatoed boltor and a maxed out and potatoed despair. I never struggled with any individual target, just the number of them.

You go in knowing what sort of enemy you're facing. If you're going to face grineer or corpus, take a frost. If you're going to face infested, take a Nyx or a Banshee. Find a reasonable group if not with someone who takes the appropriate frame.

Appropriate use of powers made these tasks relatively easy. Play smart and it isn't hard. Play dumb and you're not going to win. I, for one, don't mind that. You stay near the pod and defend it rather than hunt for materials. Your team covers angles and if everyone plays their roles right (which doesn't take communication; I didn't say a single word to the pubs I played with except to tell the frost to stop snow globing the pod versus infested... why do they do that anyway?).

I hate to tell you this, but these were relatively easy. Just like the last event. The most difficult part about them was watching for the missions, which were each given an hour, and making sure I could get on and run them.

I've tried the shield disruptor and the acid projector. I wasn't that impressed, but corpus were noticeably easier with the shield disruptor and acid projector was effective vs grineer. Obviously the infested impedance is intended for facing infested, and I haven't used it yet, but I still think greater access to my warframe powers is more useful, and that possibly the shield disruptor and acid projector are only slightly more effective than using rifle amp, and only because they apply to all weapons and not just the primary.

For those who've never tried it, 4 rifle amps is pretty devastating. Not like 4 energy siphons and continued use of warframe powers, but it's a very noticeable damage difference (40% is nothing to sneeze at).

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I don't know what you're talking about. I did my first one alone. ALONE. Granted, it was only to wave 15 with infested, but I had it set to private and no one from my clan joined me.

I didn't struggle, or need a revive. I did have to defend the pod.

The next two I did with pubs. The last wouldn't have made it if I hadn't been there, because it was a Rhino, an Ash, and a Frost prime and none of them used their powers.

I got all three artifacts, and while I'm not overwhelmed with their usefulness, I have to say I enjoyed the missions and think the rewards were appropriate.

I will tell you that while my frame (a Nyx) wasn't maxed, it was potatoed, my melee was a high-level orthos with potato, and my primary was a maxed out and potatoed boltor and a maxed out and potatoed despair. I never struggled with any individual target, just the number of them.

You go in knowing what sort of enemy you're facing. If you're going to face grineer or corpus, take a frost. If you're going to face infested, take a Nyx or a Banshee. Find a reasonable group if not with someone who takes the appropriate frame.

Appropriate use of powers made these tasks relatively easy. Play smart and it isn't hard. Play dumb and you're not going to win. I, for one, don't mind that. You stay near the pod and defend it rather than hunt for materials. Your team covers angles and if everyone plays their roles right (which doesn't take communication; I didn't say a single word to the pubs I played with except to tell the frost to stop snow globing the pod versus infested... why do they do that anyway?).

I hate to tell you this, but these were relatively easy. Just like the last event. The most difficult part about them was watching for the missions, which were each given an hour, and making sure I could get on and run them.

I've tried the shield disruptor and the acid projector. I wasn't that impressed, but corpus were noticeably easier with the shield disruptor and acid projector was effective vs grineer. Obviously the infested impedance is intended for facing infested, and I haven't used it yet, but I still think greater access to my warframe powers is more useful, and that possibly the shield disruptor and acid projector are only slightly more effective than using rifle amp, and only because they apply to all weapons and not just the primary.

For those who've never tried it, 4 rifle amps is pretty devastating. Not like 4 energy siphons and continued use of warframe powers, but it's a very noticeable damage difference (40% is nothing to sneeze at).

Said guy with a proper defense frame, maxed out with potatoed everything. Yep, for maxed frost and nyx its soloable, for others -  depends. I got a decent frame(Loki) around 25 overall with potatoes and formas here and there but, all attempts failed as we had no carry-on frames like Nyx or Frost most of time. (when we had mobs bugged, damn my luck)

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What do you want, to solo Phoris with your unranked frame and unranked weapons?

I could have done ok with almost any frame, so long as it wasn't low level, and so long as my weapons weren't weak. Yeah, it was too hard for people using weak weapons and frames, but it should be. These weren't newbie missions.

You could have thrown down a duplicate, let it get attacked and mowed them down from a distance. You could have done a switch teleport on the thing hitting the artifact. Granted a Loki isn't the best frame for a defense mission, but guess what, you knew it was a defense mission to start with. Do you only have a Loki? Did you ask in regional chat for someone to help you with the mission? I would have.

I think DE wants people taking the right frames and weapons for the job at hand, not just whatever they want whenever and expecting to succeed. Yes, I took powerful stuff with me. That's the point. These weren't supposed to be solo missions (I did the first one solo on accident). Even so, they weren't impossible.

But they would be if all you have to use is low-ranked stuff. But if that's what you have, you don't need these artifacts anyway right now. And since they're not going away, you can get them later.

In short, they missions weren't too difficult if you did any sort of prep beforehand at all.

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DE seemed to be damned if they do, and damned if they don't >.<



If they add high-end content (which this game really needs), newer players (who still have plenty of content to get through) complain that they can't access it immediately.


If they add new low-end content, the veterans will get bored.

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I have to say that despite the general game being fairly trivial to play (i've never used a single heal or ammo box and I don't even have block mapped to a key). I did find these quite challenging in the frames I have available.


Which does lead me to believe that given the right circumstance DE has created a sense of need to differentiate equipment and frames for some aspects of the game. With Rhino, Ember and Loki only the Corpus missions were damn hard.

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Those missions are indeed terribly balanced.

I was quite convinced that they are just "too hard" after failing quite a lot of infested/corpus tries even with a VERY good pub team (with, like, trinity, frost and vauban vs. infected, and noone runs away from artifact). But yesterday I had a second try on a corpus defense (Pacific, "outside-rocky" map type) and it was overwhelmingly easy as opposed to the first try on the very same mission (which then was on a "outside-heights" map).


1st try we were steamrolled by LOTS of lvl60 techs (3-5 each wave) just tearing everything down. Admittably, the team wasn't quite too good, and barely 2 out of 4 players could manage those techs. 2nd try? Less than 5 of those high-level techs spawned on the last 5 waves. The team was much better this time, but the spawns themselves were twice as easier, if not more.

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What do you want, to solo Phoris with your unranked frame and unranked weapons?

I could have done ok with almost any frame, so long as it wasn't low level, and so long as my weapons weren't weak. Yeah, it was too hard for people using weak weapons and frames, but it should be. These weren't newbie missions.

You could have thrown down a duplicate, let it get attacked and mowed them down from a distance. You could have done a switch teleport on the thing hitting the artifact. Granted a Loki isn't the best frame for a defense mission, but guess what, you knew it was a defense mission to start with. Do you only have a Loki? Did you ask in regional chat for someone to help you with the mission? I would have.

I think DE wants people taking the right frames and weapons for the job at hand, not just whatever they want whenever and expecting to succeed. Yes, I took powerful stuff with me. That's the point. These weren't supposed to be solo missions (I did the first one solo on accident). Even so, they weren't impossible.

But they would be if all you have to use is low-ranked stuff. But if that's what you have, you don't need these artifacts anyway right now. And since they're not going away, you can get them later.

In short, they missions weren't too difficult if you did any sort of prep beforehand at all.

Kinda makes me wonder, your reading skills suck?

1) "I could have done it with any warframe" <> "I've done it with all warframes".

2) Loki is ok for defense, but again you fail to understand: a) switch teleporting mob that hitting pod on high level missions(70+mob level) is useless - he will one-shot it, you shouldn't let him there in first place( if there is more than one you fail by definition). b) Decoy was 100% uptime on that missions but many mobs still ignore it and go after pod/players. Moreover, you have to reestablish it once in a while, that gives a small window for enemy to shoot. For high level corpus that's all they need.

3) Those missions were open in low-level areas, open to low-level players, while being hard in fact. I see it as design flaw. I am not a low level player myself as most of my weapons I took to battle and Frame already hit 30, was formaed and up to at least 20 (sword) or 26-28 again (frame, main and pistol). Still , I was dependant on other players to succeed. When I was in group with Vauban/Frost/Nyx it was super simple. When i was in group with other types of warframes it was impossible, as I was the only reason mobs didn't hit the Pod. But for Loki with decoy alone its hard if others do S#&$ even being quite well-equipped or being newbies that become useless as enemies hit 70+, unable to kill them in reasonable time.

4) I have only two frames now, with other being around lvl10, so yes, Loki is effectively all I have and I was effectively cut out from that event as I didn't join a pre-arranged group. But guess what, that group should have at least one well-equipped player with mentioned frames, or be well-equipped in general. Compare that to a total number of players participated and what do you get?

5) With amount of time it takes to complete one such defense and it being alert you effectively got 1  (or 2 if you're lucky) attempt to succeed which I see as another design flaw.

Edited by Aedwynn
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For the artifact games.


I did the 1 with 2 other clan mates. Not even a full squad.

Done. (1st artifact)


Help out with pubbers against Corpus. Full squad.

No Frost but I used a Volt (which is only lvl27 at that time) which had Flow (i think 125%) and Stretch up the wazoos for Overload.

Did twice both attempts. All success. (2nd artifact and I did another because I failed to check alerts that it was a repeat artifact)


The only time I start to falter is the last 5 rounds where Overload will fail to kill, but I have enough energy for multi-cast, so it isn't a problem. And my team mates do have sense to hang around near the pod.


Last one with full squad of Clanners.

Done (last artifact).



Again you can do it in pub games, just gotta "rally" the people.

Edited by fatpig84
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