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How to Solve the Issues with Nullifiers, "Draco-style" Gameplay, and Overpowered Players Simultaneously


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This post is based on three basic premises:

  1. Nullifiers are functional but ultimately frustrating and/or annoying enemies that should be changed.
  2. The devs have made their negative stance on "passive" gameplay that can be conducted via macro or otherwise requires minimal player engagement perfectly clear and still adhere to it.
  3. Both of these issues are fundamentally linked to players having tools at their disposal that are much too powerful for anything the standard* game can throw at them.

* Standard as in either on the Star Chart, part of an official challenge mode (e.g., Trials), or part of an event. High-level enemies that are encountered as a result of endless mission types are not considered.

First, let's look at the finer details with each of these issues.


First off, why are Nullifiers not fun? Well, they instantly and completely cancel out every single one of our powers. The powers that are supposed to set us apart from the enemies and make each separate character unique. They also make a wide variety of weapons less attractive options alongside their faster-firing counterparts. Nullifiers also make it difficult to play less resilient Warframes and mod loadouts, and while it is a rare occurrence their bubbles can host some particularly nasty parties. They do mandate a momentary change of tactics, but in general this is not significant enough of a roadblock to do anything more than make caster-type damage Warframes even less viable than they were to begin with and require a buff recast after being dealt with.

The distinction is important here: Nullifiers aren't too difficult. They just detract from the fun.

Draco-style Gameplay

When I say Draco-style, I specifically mean meta-group setups where each Warframe contributes to a sustainable and consistent complete enemy lock-down, typically through the use of one or two specific powers. DE has made it crystal-clear through their constant interference with this style of game-play backed up by public comment on the issue that they do not support teams of players grouping up and assembling mindless XP factories. They want people to play the game and interact with each other in a more... earnest manner. That said, there is an appeal to quickly and efficiently leveling weapons and Warframes to max level, but why is that? Because the rest of the game is largely un-engaging and needlessly passive. This ties in closely to the next issue.

Overpowered Players

"But I like being overpowered and murdering hordes of enemies with the press of a button!"

Okay, then stop expecting refined gameplay, don't complain when you're fed unimaginative and cheap enemies like Nullifiers, understand that good loot will always be scarce, and stop asking for challenge. Seriously. Stop talking about "challenge" if you aren't willing to sacrifice some of your power, and definitely stop talking about "fair" challenges if that's the case. You can't reasonably expect to be able to keep the entire map under constant, comprehensive lockdown and at the same time fight challenging enemies that do anything other than completely ignore your awesome powers.

The state of player power is the result of a combination of factors. Our abilities are too powerful for how often we are able to cast them. Things like Irradiating Disarm or Avalanche would not be nearly so formidable if we were restricted to casting them periodically instead of constantly. At the same time, if they were a little less potent casting them constantly would not be an issue. Personally, I am in favor of having more powerful powers that are used less frequently. Who else remembers the first time they used Bladestorm? Even when it just consisted of Ash teleporting around swinging his melee weapon, it was pretty awesome. The length of uncontrollable carnage could be troublesome if a teammate needed a revive, but it otherwise didn't feel like a chore to cast. Using something constantly and at whim goes a long way toward making it less interesting. Watching visually impressive abilities wreak havoc on hapless enemies is a huge portion of  the Warframe appeal. 

Okay, so what's my proposed solution?

Fix the energy system, and make it active instead of passive.

Nearly every method of obtaining energy in Warframe is passive. Wait for E. Siphon. Wait for Zenurik to come off of cooldown. Wait for enemies to damage you and trigger Rage. Wait for a Trinity to cast Energy Vampire. It's nothing but a time-gate, and due to the existence of 75% power cost reduction and the like, it is a completely meaningless time-gate once you pass the right gear-checks. Even using Energy Restores has a measure of passivity to it in that you must wait around while the damn thing pulses out energy periodically. 

Here is an alternate system, with some flavor lore thrown in:


Energy 2.0

Warframes maintain two separate channels of Void energy to sustain basic function: Flux energy and saturated energy.

Flux Energy

Flux energy is the abundant natural Void radiation that constantly seeps into our plane of existence. Its ubiquitous presence and inexhaustible supply make it ideal for fueling lesser powers and special abilities, but it is relatively difficult to harness and incapable of supplying enough power for things like ultimates.

o   Smaller energy pool, but it rapidly recharges (similar to stamina).

o   As flux energy recharges, portions of it are siphoned and distilled into saturated energy. (See Expansion 1 Below)

o   Completely depleting the flux energy pool will overload the Warframe’s Void transistors, causing them to overheat for a short duration and preventing regeneration.

o   Used to power some Warframe abilities, channeled melee attacks, and blocking.

Saturated Energy

Saturated energy is the Void in its purest form. While as ubiquitous in the Void as flux energy is in our realm, it otherwise only manifests in or near Void fissures where the two planes overlap. It is an excellent fuel for the Warframes’ most devastating functions, but its limited availability makes it a relatively precious commodity.

o   A larger energy pool, but charges very slowly over time. (Weaker Energy Siphon effect by default)

o   No penalties for complete depletion.

o   Used to power more advanced Warframe abilities, can be incurred as a cost for other effects through the use of particular mods.

As you can see, this system would require active participation to generate energy for more "cheesy" abilities without requiring players to spam powers (you can use melee channeling, or mods on your firearms to allow them to generate saturated energy). This would have many immediate and potential benefits:

You're never really at risk of "running dry," and being cut off entirely from power use. Energy attrition is definitely still there, but it's less black-and-white. This would also go a long way toward improving new-player experiences before they acquire things like E. Siphon or Rage. Offensive caster Warframes are a lot more flexible and less cumbersome to use. Extra modding-system depth; you now have effectively two different types of energy consumption to build for. Are you going to build for a large saturated pool with some efficiency (not 75% reduction, mind you) to allow for prolonged use of stronger powers? Are you going to build for rapid flux regeneration to keep your lesser powers running (and by extension your stronger powers)? Are you going to expand your flux pool to focus more on channeling? There are many more possibilities, and efficiency is not only less available; it's less necessary. It doesn't technically reduce player power. We can still have map-clearing ultimates, and we can even still have ability spam at the same time. However... enemies will have a bit more room to breathe.  It will be possible to create more interesting Warframe power synergies by playing around with which powers use flux and which powers use saturated energy. It doesn't have to just be divvied up into 1,2/3,4. It would single-handedly balance Trinity without strictly "nerfing" her. E. Vamp would offer rapid regeneration of flux energy, while Blessing would be more effectively gated behind saturated energy costs. This would also make Well of Life somewhat relevant next to a wide-area instant-heal ultimate. Ta-dah. 

More importantly, this also paves the way for some constructive changes to things like Nullifiers.

Instead of flat-out negating all of our powers, Nullifiers could negate lesser powers like Fireball, and offer resistances to greater powers like World on Fire. (Perhaps they allow enemies to move in Bastille instead of wiping the whole thing out, etc.)They also wouldn't need to remove all player buffs, which would add some flexibility to our options for dealing with them even in higher-leveled situations. This also plays into the devs' preference for resistance instead of immunity. Nullifiers still provide a roadblock that requires a change of tactics, and they still hamper our ability to bulldoze the map, but they aren't a complete shutdown of player shenanigans.

As for Draco-style gameplay, it will still technically be possible. However... it will also require more player engagement. Sure, you can all group up and spam powers in between spamming ultimates, but in my opinion that shifts the image from "lol exploiting" to "fighting back-to-back." You can still sit in one place and dole out death, but you've still gotta pay attention somewhat.

Lastly, the overpowered player should get enough of a nerf provided efficiency and cost are adjusted well. Spam-casting is still possible, but it's limited to abilities that won't clear the map instantly. Our map-clearing abilities are still ridiculously powerful, but they can't be cast constantly without incurring penalties that make them less overwhelming. More importantly, preventing the map from being in constant lockdown will mean that DE can create enemies that can utilize things like local resistances, telegraphed attacks, and a variety of other techniques that would otherwise be meaningless while faced with constant CC to provide challenge and flavor without straying into bullet-sponge territory. 

So, what do you think? What have I overlooked? What concerns you? What needs clarification? 


The infinite supply of "lesser" energy that helps generate "greater" energy means that players will be responsible for fueling their powers in a non-random and reliable manner. Thus, Energy Orbs should be removed from the game or otherwise re-purposed to provide a boost to flux energy ONLY. (Thanks ChronoEclipse)

A key aspect of this system is allowing the player to distribute how they generate their energy. Got a caster Warframe? You'll probably generate enough energy for your kit just by using your synergized powers. Use a Warframe that is less dependent on most powers? You can instead generate what you need through the use of channeled melee (or firearms with the right mod) instead of needing to use redundant power casts just to fuel the ones you actually need. (Again, thanks ChronoEclipse. Really generating some thought-provoking discussion here.)



Summary of the issue for those who don't want to read the whole damn thread: Waiting for flux energy to regenerate and create saturated energy is no different from waiting for E. Siphon, etc.

Proposed solution:

Sort powers into several categories based on function, and have each category generate differently. I'm not going to come up with all of those in one go, but here's a short illustrative example:

Invisibility would be slightly modified into a flux toggle. Go invisible, flux starts draining. Go visible, flux regenerates. Loki generates saturated energy at Y rate while invisible. Fits into the "utility buff" category.

Shock would generate flux energy on initial cast, with a bonus to energy generated based on how many enemies are affected by the lightning chain (# of hits). Fits into the "attack" category.

Building off of that concept, flux-based buffs like Invisibility could always be toggled and generate while active, whereas buffs that need to be fire-and-forget like Chroma's Vex Armor would be saturated-based. 

Base generation amount should also be assigned on a per-ability basis. (e.g., Frost's Freeze should generate more energy per cast because it can only hit 1 enemy, while Volt's shock would have a lower base but higher potential based on usage because it can hit a whole crowd.)

This should hopefully also partially address the issue of players just sitting around fireballing the wall.

Please throw problematic abilities under this system at me in the comments, so that we can work through whether this could actually work.




Shuriken: Flux cast. Generates energy on-cast. Generation is 25% if no enemy is hit.

Smokescreen: Saturated cast.

Teleport: Flux cast. Generates energy on-cast. Bonus if affected enemy is slain by a finisher.

Blade Storm: Saturated cast.


Landslide: Flux cast. Generates energy on-cast. Bonus that grows with combo multiplier.

Tectonics: Saturated cast.

Petrify: Flux cast. Generates energy while active. Bonus for each petrified enemy, generation is 25% if no enemy is affected.

Rumblers: Saturated cast.


Sonic Boom: Flux cast. Generates energy on-cast. Generation is 25% if no enemy is hit.

Sonar: Saturated cast.

Silence: Flux cast. Changed to toggle. Generates energy while active. Generation is 25% if no enemy is affected.

Sound Quake: Saturated cast.


Spectral Scream: Flux cast. Generates energy on-cast. Generation is 25% if no enemy is hit.

Elemental Ward: Flux cast. Generates energy on-cast. Generation is 25% if no enemy is within 50m when cast.

Vex Armor: Saturated cast.

Effigy: Saturated cast.





Edited by DiabolusUrsus
Fixed Formatting Oddities, Added first four frames to Expansion 2.
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19 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

If they don't want players to be passive then they should stop making game types that promote exactly that. 

Well, sure, but the gameplay itself is also surprisingly passive. It's all about making sure enemies can't shoot you - whether because they're locked in place or because they can't detect you - and doing as little as possible to kill them. Sure, you move around and stuff, but how much does that really accomplish? I think that step 1 is adjusting the gameplay and making it as a whole active and interdependent... followed by touching up mission types to reflect the change in pace. 

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Just now, DiabolusUrsus said:

Well, sure, but the gameplay itself is also surprisingly passive. It's all about making sure enemies can't shoot you - whether because they're locked in place or because they can't detect you - and doing as little as possible to kill them. Sure, you move around and stuff, but how much does that really accomplish? I think that step 1 is adjusting the gameplay and making it as a whole active and interdependent... followed by touching up mission types to reflect the change in pace. 

The problem is most mission types in general are passive by their very design.

Defense: just stand around the pod

Interception: just stand around the 4 points until the end, wipe out the enemies, then just stand around again

Mobile Defense: run to a point then just stand around it

Survival: Stand around in a room near refill station (running around messes up spawns)

Excavation, stand around a point, occasionally walking 5 feet away to pick up a canister, before going back to just standing around.



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Just now, LittleArachnid said:

Thing is, it probably wasn't intentional to make them static gameplay initially, people over time turned it into that.

See the post above yours. There is no way someone can see those and not immediately think they would not end up as passive. The only one where it is not obvious to the players is survival, but that should be obvious to DE though since they are the ones that design the spawning mechanics.

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Too much work and too complicated. there is such and easy fix for all that power nullification bs, its been in almost all rpg games for the last 20 years. The thing is that Steve already mentioned on the last devstream and that they really like that, guess what though its only partially implemented and nullies are still in the game. That simply says that they are lazy, nothing more.

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     Something definitely needs to change. People will deny it, but we are too powerful. Nothing can challenge us without stepping into "cheesy" un-fun territory. The thing is, a change like this would rub a lot of people the wrong way. Just look at how people reacted to Void Fissures; people are even complaining about the Endo changes when it was one of the very few perfect changes made to the game. Something like this would scare the f*ck out of the community and DE is trying to avoid that by avoiding the problem.

Long story short, a (needed) global nerf to all Warframe's across the board will probable never happen, even though it is for the best. It breaks my heart.


Edit: Good ideas by the way.

Edited by Mr.Lube
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1 hour ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

The problem is most mission types in general are passive by their very design.


I disagree with you on Survival - unless you specifically set out to metagame with an ability spam group that actually tends to be pretty active and mobile. How many groups do you see run around popping life support as soon as it pops up? It's typically something people try to avoid using, in my experience.

I agree that mission types should be tweaked, but changing gameplay will actually go a long way toward improving that passive nature of mission types. Everything you need comes to you passively. You have to wait


49 minutes ago, (PS4)bonateIIo said:

Too much work and too complicated. there is such and easy fix for all that power nullification bs, its been in almost all rpg games for the last 20 years. The thing is that Steve already mentioned on the last devstream and that they really like that, guess what though its only partially implemented and nullies are still in the game. That simply says that they are lazy, nothing more.

Could you elaborate? Because it would only require adding in another energy bar and a handful of mods, then assigning powers to one of the two bars. Furthermore, DE has a track record of going the extra (often superfluous) mile when it comes to gameplay improvements. Just look at Damage 2.0, Melee 2.0, Parkour 2.0, etc. They tend to prefer overhauls to simplified fixes, and I'd even go as far as to say that is one of their actual weaknesses: forgoing small and simple changes for delayed overhauls.

Point being, "too much work" should be a non-issue provided it's within the limits of sanity for this dev team.

I also don't think it's fair to say that DE is being lazy about addressing the Nullifier issue. They've acknowledged it, and when it gets to that point most of the wait is them deciding how best to address said issue.

36 minutes ago, Mr.Lube said:

     Something definitely needs to change. People will deny it, but we are too powerful. Nothing can challenge us without stepping into "cheesy" un-fun territory. The thing is, a change like this would rub a lot of people the wrong way. Just look at how people reacted to Void Fissures; people are even complaining about the Endo changes when it was one of the very few perfect changes made to the game. Something like this would scare the f*ck out of the community and DE is trying to avoid that by avoiding the problem.

Long story short, a (needed) global nerf to all Warframe's across the board will probable never happen, even though it is for the best. It breaks my heart.


Edit: Good ideas by the way.

Well, yeah, but I can still try to contribute. As they say, hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. 

I'd like to think that this is not so much a "nerf" as a pacing adjustment and player agency improvement. I forgot to mention that it could help make channeling relevant outside of Life Strike as well. I mean, if it works out well enough, it could even translate into warranting a buff to things like ultimates to make them truly worthy of the cost with regards to their frequency of use. I would really like to see that. A couple of simple spam/buff/debuff powers with some (more) visually impressive ults. 


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3 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

I disagree with you on Survival - unless you specifically set out to metagame with an ability spam group that actually tends to be pretty active and mobile. How many groups do you see run around popping life support as soon as it pops up? It's typically something people try to avoid using, in my experience.

I never said they did. I said that you chill out near one, usually one or two rooms away from it. That way you can be in a room that optimizes spawns by you can quickly access the pod when the time comes.

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What I'm talking about are simple resistances(the thing that steve said they love), the only resistances we have though are IPS and Element based if its fully utilized lvl 100 can be a decent difficulty, you can slap on few rpg stats as a start. CC dominance can be fixed in about a week with this, if you use basic principle.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

I never said they did. I said that you chill out near one, usually one or two rooms away from it. That way you can be in a room that optimizes spawns by you can quickly access the pod when the time comes.

All I'm saying is that in my experience, survival is not what I would call "passive" gameplay. Would it be possible to play passively? Sure. It just typically isn't played that way. As such, I don't think it's "designed" passively.

2 minutes ago, (PS4)bonateIIo said:

What I'm talking about are simple resistances(the thing that steve said they love), the only resistances we have though are IPS and Element based if its fully utilized lvl 100 can be a decent difficulty, you can slap on few rpg stats as a start. CC dominance can be fixed in about a week with this, if you use basic principle.

I understood that much, and I agree. What I'm asking you to elaborate on is how this suggestion would be "too much work," and "too complicated." It actually strikes me as pretty simple and not requiring much in the way of new assets. 

I've actually been advocating for scaling CC resistance past a "maximum" balanced level instead of trying to get damage moves to scale as well as CC, which has been the trend over the past few years. 

Keep in mind that I'm also looking to address more than CC dominance. The energy system itself is ineffective and non-engaging, has very little flexibility, and is in general very newbie-unfriendly. It should be relevant throughout the progression curve, and should NOT be overbearing at any point along it.

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Just now, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Then we have had very different experiences.

I would say so. Though it actually may be a function of the difference in our platforms, if you think about it. I have to imagine that the shooting mechanics would be a bit more cumbersome on console (from my experience with trying out controller schemes), unless they've adjusted the gameplay pace at all. It's not hard to imagine a greater tendency towards play that doesn't require as much moving and shooting at the same time.

What do you think about that possibility?

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6 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

I would say so. Though it actually may be a function of the difference in our platforms, if you think about it. I have to imagine that the shooting mechanics would be a bit more cumbersome on console (from my experience with trying out controller schemes), unless they've adjusted the gameplay pace at all. It's not hard to imagine a greater tendency towards play that doesn't require as much moving and shooting at the same time.

What do you think about that possibility?

No.  I have PS4 and PC accounts. It's generally the same on either. The only time it changes is when playing with randoms in Pub matches. Any time I would play an organized match, such as in the void, it was always as I said, regardless of platform.  It is also how I would feel obligated to play solo. By camping a single, specific room, I was able to very easily solo derelict survivals to 20 minutes without using a single LS Capsule while farming for Nova Parts. If I ran around, it would just make everything much harder because of the way spawns work.

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26 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

What I'm asking you to elaborate on is how this suggestion would be "too much work," and "too complicated." It actually strikes me as pretty simple and not requiring much in the way of new assets. 

By too much work and too complicated I mean that almost every frame will have to be rebalanced to use this system, and I'm not saying its a bad system if DE wants to implement something like that its fine. We will get used to it. You can't just slap it on and call it a day though. 

Edited by (PS4)bonateIIo
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1 minute ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

No.  I have PS4 and PC accounts. It's generally the same on either. The only time it changes is when playing with randoms in Pub matches. Any time I would play an organized match, such as in the void, it was always as I said, regardless of platform.  It is also how I would feel obligated to play solo. By camping a single, specific room, I was able to very easily solo derelict survivals to 20 minutes without using a single LS Capsule while farming for Nova Parts. If I ran around, it would just make everything much harder because of the way spawns work.

That's odd; in my experience we've needed to continue moving (especially in Void survival) because at times enemies would simply stop spawning reliably. Sure, we'd stay in one or two rooms when they were, but we weren't just sitting around spamming AOEs a la dedicated Draco farm. I don't think "staying in one place" is so much of an issue as "sitting in one place and pressing one or two keys as enemies feed themselves into a meat grinder."

In my experience, the only places I really see that type of play is on XP grinds or modes with defense objectives.

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Just now, DiabolusUrsus said:

That's odd; in my experience we've needed to continue moving (especially in Void survival) because at times enemies would simply stop spawning reliably. Sure, we'd stay in one or two rooms when they were, but we weren't just sitting around spamming AOEs a la dedicated Draco farm. I don't think "staying in one place" is so much of an issue as "sitting in one place and pressing one or two keys as enemies feed themselves into a meat grinder."

In my experience, the only places I really see that type of play is on XP grinds or modes with defense objectives.

Like I said, it really depends on picking the right room to maximize spawn locations while minimizing the distance they have to travel. All running around does is shift spawns and slow everything down.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)bonateIIo said:

By too much work and too complicated I mean that almost every frame will have to be balanced to use this system, and I'm not saying its a bad system if DE wants to implement something like that its fine. We will get used to it. You can't just slap it on and call it a day though. 

True. As with any change, it's not a "fix applied, problem solved" issue... and adding in CC resistances wouldn't be simple in that regard either. However, once you get each Warframe into a spot where they can generate enough energy to function without floating it too easily, it should be easy to create subsequent similar powers with similar upkeep costs.

I think it could also actually simplify Warframe kits in terms of use and make creating synergy between powers without mandating the use of all four abilities a lot easier. 

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4 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

True. As with any change, it's not a "fix applied, problem solved" issue... and adding in CC resistances wouldn't be simple in that regard either. However, once you get each Warframe into a spot where they can generate enough energy to function without floating it too easily, it should be easy to create subsequent similar powers with similar upkeep costs.

I think it could also actually simplify Warframe kits in terms of use and make creating synergy between powers without mandating the use of all four abilities a lot easier. 

If they lay the groundwork and do it properly I'm up for that, cause pretty much any idea is better that what we currently have. whether you like it or not energy system is broken same with focus.

And with CC resistance would be very simple actually. You can even add some RNG.

just an example:

lets give every enemies in the game 1 stat for now, lets say Intelligence (10 points max)

resistance if triggered 15% to slow(completely random numbers)

lvl 1-10 is 1 point, 1=2.5% to trigger resistance

lvl 90-100 is 10 points (can't go higher), 10=25% to trigger resistance (and Yeah I know those numbers are through the roof, we wouldn't be able to do quite a few sorties with them)

So Nova on lvl 90 casts MP, it touches the unit, it rolls, it triggers. Now MP only slows this unit for something like 63-65%.

can do more examples.

didn't put as much thought in this as you did in your idea.

this is small step that can be done.

this game is in beta, they really should use that power more often and just drop bombs on us. at least we would see that they are working on the game. Nulli says differently though.


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24 minutes ago, (PS4)El__Lobo_Loco said:

Here's a better idea. Tell me what frames you guys and the Devs want me to delete and I will. 

In return, I get to play the game how I wish in solo, alone, away from you guys, and you guys stop @(*()$ with me and lobbying for Devs to punish me for something someone else did to offend you.



Uh. Wat? 

This has nothing to do with me being offended. Also, while some Warframes stand out in terms of being "broken," the core issue is with the systems in place not the characters themselves. Generally speaking. Also... this system would be a lot friendlier to solo players in terms of energy generation and self-sufficiency.

5 minutes ago, (PS4)bonateIIo said:


CC resistance is simple, yes. Not disagreeing. Just that if you want to add that in, they have to find the sweet spot for different types of enemies, and there are quite a lot of enemies.

I also think we should try to avoid adding RNG to gameplay wherever possible. In the loot system, it's fine. But this is an almost completely action game, and it would do well to shift more toward actual action and away from dice rolls. 

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2 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

they have to find the sweet spot for different types of enemies, and there are quite a lot of enemies.

they would only have to categorize most enemies, which I'm pretty sure is already done.

2 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

But this is an almost completely action game, and it would do well to shift more toward actual action and away from dice rolls. 

That would be the best course of action, but its too difficult to balance this game like that though. we already have mod System, which is the same thing that most rpgs have. Which is difficult to balance around. Improving AI is almost impossible too, unless they are willing to sacrifice toasters and consoles. And then we have scaling issues, I do not care much for health and armor scaling but damage.

well doesn't matter, gotta sleep. too late over here.

May your Ideas be heard and people actually take time to read them and may DE respond in some way.

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