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Mastery Xp On Formad Items Now!


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I'm tired of running around with garbage items all day. Id rather forma something i like 10x



End game? Play with a full load out of low lvl S#&$ weapons that you sell at rank 30 to keep getting mastery xp.


Fun? Not IMO



Pros to add mastery xp to forma resets:


People have to farm(buy) forma.

People can use the frame/weapon they like = fun

People progress their frame/weapon + get mastery xp


Just no....... definitely, no.

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Please no, there has to be some reason to use some weapon other than the Latron (or prime).


If there's a diminishing return of half each time it's Forma'd you literally could never get another 100% Mastery from the same item. So sticking to the same weapon forever would net you less than the same Mastery for leveling it initially. If this is added it would need to have some kind of diminishing returns.


As it is you're basically punishing yourself if you want to Forma something since it won't do anything for you in regards to Mastery. It provides no real progression in game that's measurable by something. That's completely irrelevant though for people who just want to have fun. If the game even tells you about Mastery rank and how it's raised, I've never noticed. I've run into plenty of people that assume Forma'd weapons are doing something for them too. Why? Because you're putting in effort to level something again, so logically you should be rewarded again.


As the Mastery system stands right now, most people have to post that they assume it means this or works a certain way. It needs to be more relevant and better explained and for the sake of keeping players around it shouldn't cause people to sacrifice fun to obtain it.

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Forma'd the same weapon twice. It's frustrating that you have to rank up that weapon and not get the mastery xp for it, 

Love it when you read the same thing saying Mastery is there to make master other weapons. Why can't it apply to the same weapons? You're basically still mastering it to get better. Instead of the original 100 points per rank how about reducing the pints to 50 or 25? or go as far as 10 to 1.


That seems fair imo as you still get to level up you're mastery from scratch. Having a fixed polarity slot isn't enough. Also the more you forma'd reduce the points by half or quarter. (It seems to get easier the more you polarize it).

Edited by Ephesus
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I'm torn between these two thoughts discussed here. My only problem is the extreme amounts of warframe/weapon levelling it takes in order to get to rank 7. On the other hand, I also don't want every other person to own an Acrid.


Can anyone give me an indication of about how many Warframes/Weapons it takes in order to get to rank 7?

Right now I'm about 20% into rank 5 and I feel like I am stil very, very, very far away from rank 7.


I've levelled a Mag, Rhino, Trinity, Saryn and in 3 days a Vauban.

I've also levelled about 12 weapons to 30.


I'm starting to see OP's point, simply because I'm starting to be discouraged about never getting to rank 7.


I have a Banshee, Loki, and Volt in my foundry waiting to be built, but after Saryn's Miasma and Molt, none of these frames seem like they would offer me anything new. :(

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Mastery: How many horrible melee weapons can you put up with before you lose your sanity?


How is repeatedly ranking up the same weapon not considered mastery? I'd wager that one who's experienced the weapon five times over is far more of a master than someone who's used five different weapons that are probably 80% identical.

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I believe this is the second time this idea has come up in this thread, but I'll just say it again:


It's interesting how the people who want to use the same weapons are fighting so much for gaining more mastery, something required to use more weapons.  Mastery is a simple equation right now: use more weapons(frames), gain access to more weapons(frames).  What I don't understand is why the people who insist on using the same weapons want mastery when all it will do is give them access to more weapons (which they presumably don't want (which I think is actually a lie, otherwise they really wouldn't want this extra mastery, which makes them hypocrites)). 


The other thing that mastery does is it shows your over-all game expertise based on the fact that you have used so many different weapons.  If people are interested in stats about you, they will view your profile.  Sure, the first thing they might see is "LAWL rank 3 mastery what a scrub" but once they scroll down and see "HOLY S#&$ 10m exp on Ash and 5m exp on the hek? This guy must know what he's talking about when it comes to these guns".  The reason people with higher master are respected more than people with higher exp in a few weapons is because the people with higher mastery have gained the perspective of the entire game and know it from all (or at least a lot more of, compared to those with low mastery) of its point of views, so they are able to compare things to each other.  Obviously there might be certain bias's based on their play style, but most certainly not the same level of bias as the person who has only used a very select group of weapons. 


While I understand that the term "Mastery" can be applied both to a single items usage and an entire systems usage (one weapon vs all weapons), as far as this game goes, Mastery is used as a way of gauging a persons expertise in the entire system (explained by the points above).  It would be nice to have something else in game to show a persons expertise in a single item, but it most certainly should not constitute and progression in the entire game.  It'd be like playing the first level of Halo 1 on Legendary 100 times and saying you're a pro at Halo; meanwhile you don't even know about the existence of the flood, rocket launchers, snipers, vehicles, and all the other game content that there is to master. 



For these reasons, you should not gain Mastery for forma'd weapons because it perverts what the current system represents: your progression through the game and how much of the content your have "completed." 

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Sometimes you want specific higher-level weapons, but you don't really want to be forced to play with all of the terrible weapons to get there. Instead, people would rather get 1 weapon they really like and keep using it and progressing to higher mastery with a weapon they actually like.


There are also people who, in the course of mastering weapons, find they actually enjoy the weapons and want to keep them, but realize they don't have the slots to do so if they wish to keep progressing.


Either way, it's lose-lose.

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If you find that the cost of formaing a lvl 30 item (losing 30 lvls and having to level it back up) outweighs the benefit of formaing a lvl 30 item (1 added polarity slot and an increase in potential of the item), don't forma the weapon. You have a choice.


Mastery is supposed to gauge your knowledge of the items, not just 1 specific set of items.


It is not fair if a player can just use the same old weapons and frames over and over again and still be called mastery "insert number" when the only items he actually mastered/know how to use are those same old weapons and frames.


He will not be able to really help/teach/advise anyone regarding any other items, since he has never used them himself, and can only do so via hearsay, speculation and secondary sources.


You can't master/learn something which you have already learnt/mastered.


You can't fill a cup that is already full. You have to first empty it.


If you are dissatisfied with the current benefits of formaing after comparing the costs, don't forma. You have the choice.


By having this thread, it is already clear that to you, the costs outweighs the benefits, so don't do it.


At the same time, ranking up mastery is also optional.


If the benefits of ranking up (getting access to a weapon you want and the knowledge of what items suit your playstyle and what just sucks) does not outweigh the costs (having to craft and lvl weapons you do not wish to use), don't rank up.




On a side note, from a economic perspective, DE will not benefit from this since players will stick to the same set of items and farm/buy forma.


This means a potential drop in sales of items and slots from said items.


This is further amplified if the giving of slots to player as a reward for mastery is really introduced as some rumour goes.

Edited by OoKeNnEtHoO
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