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Some Feedback on Enemies with Abnormally High Damage Outputs


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This isn't an exhaustive list. These are the ones that have stood out to me the most when playing. This spoiler contains a video roughly comparing damage outputs from select enemies in the Simulacrum.


The Globe used in the test has 2000 HP. No damage is absorbed during the 4 second invulnerable phase. The enemies are all Level 30.

Corpus Tech - 0:00
Heavy Gunner - 0:09   (comparison to Tech)
Shield Lancer - 0:21
Seeker - 0:38
Elite Lancer - 0:50   (as a 'base' comparison)
Bombard - 1:01   (Comparison to Napalm)
Napalm - 1:29
Scorch - 1:50
Nullifier - 2:09   (same as Sniper Crewman, but stands around instead of finding cover)
"Detron" Comba - 2:25
"Angstrum" Comba - 2:34
Corrupted Crewan - 2:47   (I didn't test this one very well)


Corpus Tech - These deal an extreme amount of damage per shot (potentially due to the Supra buff in U17) which, paired with a fire rate of 12.50 (from Supra's stats), makes them fatal to most frames in a few shots after level 40 or so. They aren't as tough as Heavy Gunners, and they fire projectiles with travel time, compared to the Heavy Gunner's hitscan Gorgon, so their damage would be higher to compensate. Their current damage, however, is far too high. I'd suggest reducing the damage per shot by around 60% to start with, and then adjust it further from there based on feedback.

Shield Lancer - These generally don't fire until they have swung their shield, but the damage they output when they do is quite heavy and sudden. Maybe a damage reduction of around 25%.

Seeker - High damage and high accuracy, these could do with a reduction of around 30% per shot, to bring them in line with other enemies. They'll still hit hard, just not as early on as they currently do. Also, the Latchers they throw don't currently scale with level (presumably a long standing bug/oversight).

Napalm - These have a high rate of fire for the damage they deal and the radius of the explosion, which appears to be 9-10m, from testing in the Simulacrum:



I can suggest either reducing the range of the explosion to match the visuals (3-5m), or completely rework Napalms to have a 2-3 second audible charge before they fire a slow projectile that explodes, spreading fire in a radius of 10m. Shooting the fires with cold damage would put them out, like with fire hazard missions. (I read about cold putting out fire hazards on the Warframe reddit a while ago). The rate at which they output damage is fair, just really hard to avoid in many tiles/rooms due to the massive explosion range.


Scorch - These only fire at close range, so the damage they output can be higher than other units without being unbalanced. I believe the range bug has been fixed, although I may be wrong. It was particularly common in the Derelicts, but I haven't been there in a while. Possibly reduce the damage by ~20%, although I'm unsure on this one.


Nullifier - These (and Sniper Crewmen) could really do with having the same (or similar) telegraph that Ballista have (which is great). Yes, their shots have travel time, but they still travel incredibly quickly, and they do frequently hit without warning.


"Detron" Comba/Scrambus - Insanely high damage per shot with light homing capabilities. Quite often death the moment they see you. Even more deadly with the highly mobile Scrambus. I'd suggest reducing the damage of this modified form of the Detron by ~66%, and then adjust further from there based on feedback.


"Angstrum" Comba/Scrambus - The damage isn't anywhere near as high as the "Detron" type, and the explosion radius is quite small. I'd suggest making the projectiles less transparent/more visible (although they are fairly loud), and reduce the damage by around 20%.


Corrupted Crewan - These are a common enemy and hit pretty hard for how frequently they are encountered. I'd suggest reducing the damage by 10-20%.


These figures are only suggestions, adjust them as you see fit ^^.


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7 minutes ago, Prof_Blocks_007 said:

I can suggest either reducing the range of the explosion to match the visuals (3-5m), or completely rework Napalms to have a 2-3 second audible charge before they fire a slow projectile that explodes, spreading fire in a radius of 10m. Shooting the fires with cold damage would put them out, like with fire hazard missions. (I read about cold putting out fire hazards on the Warframe reddit a while ago). The rate at which they output damage is fair, just really hard to avoid in many tiles/rooms due to the massive explosion range.

All of my this. It's so fitting that the napalm actually killed you right through your bubble...  :)

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Interesting read. Just a note: Enemies dont actually use the weapons we use. What i mean is just cause the supra's base stats were increased does not necessarily mean it was buffed on Corpus Techs. Just like the grineer dont actually use the hind, it looks like it, sounds like, but their weapons are dynamically scaled based upon their levels.

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-techs do more damage per shot than a sniper crewman, what da heck?

-shield lancers are a pain because they wont stop spamming the shield push until u have moved away, so if ur opposed to a wall, good luck

-seekers should swap damage with latcher, latcher is harder to be hit with, so it should do more damage, seeker is pretty easy to be cheesed with as he has accuracy, ROF and damage ._.

-idk about napalms

-scorches should have their 360 radius removed

-nullifier has way bigger issues than lanka, but ok, if that`s the topic, i agree

-combas and scramubus in general never gave me trouble except the angstrum guy, cuz its fire rate, it fires faster than akstiletto p, i mean, wtf?

-Corrupted crewmen should have their fire rate decreased, they fire too often for how much damage they do, reducing damage seems too flat of a nerf as damage scales so at some point they still will wreck you

some enemies u forgot:

-isolator bursas shotgun can hit invisible lokis 100% accurately and never miss, obviously they one shot even with QT on

-anceints, scorpions and arson eximi are too cheap with their powers, they just use it on sight, pretty annoying at some cases, and feels like they are going in with the intention of dying if that misses, they should use it more tactically, like scoprions harpoon me when i am at their face, just knocks me down, why not use it if i try to run instead???

-butchers and their likes feel like they are meant to die, why not give them some armor? i mean, they are the melee front line troops....

-bombards have too much armor for how much damage they do and how far range they can shoot from, why not reduce it? give it to the butcher ;P

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telegraphing makes the world a better place. many of the Enemies which deal high Damage wouldn't be a problem at all whatsoever if Enemies telegraphed their Attacks.
Sounds and Animations or Et Cetera that show they are about to fire.

given the small opportunity to dodge at the right time (right as that Enemy is firing) would certainly go a long way.


in regards to things like Audio cues for being about to fire, such sounds being localized pending the Range that Enemy is supposed to be effective in would help reduce clutter.
so fairly short Ranged Enemies would have their Audio cue fade to silent once you're at Medium Range, Et Cetera. longer Ranged Enemies having longer cues than shorter Ranged Enemies, to help differentiate between them.
and so on.

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