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35 FPS WITH GTX 1070


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3 hours ago, Ithloniel said:

EDIT: Did some tests while in-game.  No change in CPU or memory usage, suggesting that all the problems are related to the GPU somehow.  I am unsure if the frame loss occurs while the Dx11 button is unchecked in the launcher, but I get some even weirder lag, if it isn't checked.  Every 5 mins, my screen either freezes or goes black, for about 5 seconds.  It seems enabling any version of V-Sync from the Nvidia Control Panel, except Fast V-Sync, fixes this issue.

I rechecked my settings in Control Panel and VSync is set to "Use the 3D application settings" so it shouldn't be a problem there :/ And will check the forum you linked.

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@ithloniel i swapped for a gtx 660 soc, and solved all my problems. My brother have now the 680 with the latest drivers in his pc, game runs perfectly, he always plays with me all online games. Before your reply i did the glen's test and posted in that thread the test results and commented there the win10 win-g function, disabling it solves me the stutter only using vsync.

Today i tested other games like overwatch, runs at 240+ fps in ultra(scale 100%), no stutter, no frame drop, simply AWESOME.

I have also contacted with nvidia, im sure is a driver problem, they are triying to fix the stutter since july with no luck. The latest driver have a brutal loss in perfomance in some games that weeks ago i played perfectly with the driver 375.70. Is a joke being playing doom... i have 200fps, move the camera and!! ouch 120 fps, what happened? in a small room with no detail, the part with less details goes worse, absurd. This kind of things most of the people don't notice unless it hurts their eyes, like for example gtaV, running at 60 fps, new driver and... 40 fps! 20 fps less.



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HI i have gtx 1070 G1 i was getting the same low fps you were getting guys then i turned Power management to Adaptive in the nvidia control panel and when you load warframe at the launcher i click the cog in the top right and un check the 64bit now it works fine no drops in fps i play with vsync turnd on and max graffics hope this helps some one 

i am running widows 10 64 bit 

16gb ram 

4790K i7

samsung ssd evo 

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I have the same problem, on a diferrent build, but the same symptoms.

Running MSI Afterburner, i saw strange usage numbers, on the liset, 80% of CPU and 80% of GPU getting 150~300 FPS.
And in-mission, the usage drops to 20~30% of CPU and 20~40% of GPU, fps 22-50.

Something is really wrong with the evolution engine related to the CPU/GPU usage.

my specs:

FX 6300 @ 4Ghz

R9 390 1015mhz 8gb Gddr5

8 gb Ram @ 1600mhz

M5A97 LE Rev 2.0

EVGA B2 750w

Sorry for bad english.

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Sadly, I have still the same problem as the people already state in this thread.

It doesn't matter if I stream or don't - because I stream a lot of Warframe. It also doesn't matter if I change the settings to low. It even gets worse on low. It also doesn't change much if I switch to 32bit. There was one short time, in between two HotFixes, where I don't got any problems, even on Hierachon. Red through the whole internet, tried everything I'm capable of. Nothing worked. I really love Warframe. My viewers don't mind it yet, but It feels really rough if I stream for like 5+ hours. :/

Since I have only one monitor I have to play the game in borderless window, especially if I stream.

My specs are:

Nvidia Geforce 1070 gtx Zotac

Intel core i7 4790k @3.60ghz

16gb ddr3 ram

Windows 10


Have a nice day and take care.


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I have a very similar build to yours. I have ALWAYS gotten 45-30 after getting into missions with groups. I do sometimes get over 50 and 60 fps. I have contacted DE but they offered no help. I cant even get over 200 fps in liset... I have upgraded my pc twice now since my first build and have seen NO increase in performance. I confirmed this by checking out an older video i made. Possibly my performance increased with being solo idk. When Im solo I get a little over 100 but thats it. If anyone can hit a constant 60 fps in this game, then I think you won the golden ticket.


i7 6700k


8gb corsair vengeance ram


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On newer GPUs like the GTX 1070 the game seems to slowly drop in FPS, faster on some maps and remain low. It stutters and lags more on any settings, than it does on my other machine with only a GTX 760 in it. There are no issues with tempeture or other hardware related elements on either machine currently, and both use the latest drivers for their cards.

The game also freezes, but only in missions, causing a complete blurred screen freeze that requires the game to be force closed and restarted again. This happens fairly frequently.

I have 3 other friends I play this with, and we all have GTX 1070s- the only person who doesn't is using a fairly older card and does not have these problems at all. 


This is all the information I have on this issue so far, but it seems no optimization has been done for current generation hardware at this time.

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Hi everyone, 

I have gone ahead and merged several threads that have been discussing recent performance issues that seem to be related to the GeForce 10 series of video cards. We've been following this issue closely for quite some time now however we still seem to be having a difficult time reproducing it. There is no doubt that there is a problem as we have received video evidence confirming our suspicions, so any additional information that anyone could provide would be greatly appreciated.

There has been an ongoing discussion about a similar issue started by [DE]Glen in the developer workshop. We highly recommend that everyone take a look at that thread and consider performing some of the tests that had been suggested. 

With that said, we have a few suggestions that we'd like to remind everyone about. Even if you've already done the following, it never hurts to double check:

  1. Make sure your video drivers are up to date. As of today (January 11, 2017) the latest drivers for these specific GPUs should be the 376.33 - WHQL
  2. Make sure your Windows 10 OS is completely up to date. To do this, open the Settings menu and go to Update & Security > Windows Update. Click Check for updates to prompt your PC to scan for the latest updates. This is important as we have reason to believe that there may have been a recent update to Windows 10 that could have resolved these performance issues for some players.
  3. In NVIDIA Control Panel, click on Manage 3D Settings > Program Settings and select Warframe from the list. For the sake of these tests we recommend that you do not use NVIDIA Control Panel or any other piece of software to override the video settings in Warframe.
  • Note: If you are purposely overclocking your video card we recommend that you disable the overclock when reporting performance issues.

Once you have done that, we have a few suggestions for the information that you could provide to us.

  • Do you happen to have any third party programs running in the background that could possibly have a negative impact on Warframe's performance? Do you notice any improvement if you shut these programs down prior to launching Warframe? (Examples: Razer, Logitech, OBS, XSplit, Netflix, etc.
    • Note: We are not claiming these are the problem, but we are hoping the results of these tests could give us a lead on a potential cuprit.
  • Do you play Warframe in Full-screen / Windowed / Borderless Windowed? Do you notice any improvement if you change resolutions?
  • Are you using V-sync when you experience these issues? Alternatively, does your monitor support GSync or Freesync? Does disabling this improve performance?
  • Do you have multiple monitors connected to your PC? Do you notice any improvement in performance if you try playing Warframe with only 1 monitor enabled?
  • etc.

Also, if you feel comfortable with monitoring the temperature / % usage of your GPU or CPU then we absolutely encourage you to let us know your findings. Like I said, we are having a very difficult time reproducing this issue so feel free to give us anything that you think might help us track it down. 


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1 hour ago, [DE]Dmitri said:

Also, has anyone been able to reproduce these performance issues while playing solo matches?
Is this something that only occurs while with other players?

GTX 1080 here. I can make it happen almost whenever I want to, even solo (as long as I play for very long sessions).

I have 2 monitors (1920x1080 and 1280x1024), Borderless mode, V-Sync is on but it does not lower frame rate for at least an hour of playing. Monitor does not support G-Sync or Freesync. I do have a logitech gaming software running which controls my headset's audio settings but it does not seem to be related anyway...

As for CPU and GPU usage... CPU usage does not seem to be impacted. (I still need to upgrade it eventually since it can rarely cause a bottleneck in extreme situations with loads of AI (i5 3570K) but this did not occur during the GPU issue we're talking about. The GPU usage however started to lower along with the fps. My worst case scenario was an ingame fps of 25-40 (depending on enemy count and tile) and remained just above 30 in the liset. By this time my gpu usage was well below 20% already.

Simply restarting the game fixed it but of course the issue will come back after a certain amount of playtime. (maybe immediately if I were to disable V-sync and compare the frametime when above refreshrate).

Now... the glitch/bug/issue toggle... (for me atleast) is the Nvidia Share overlay. Ever since I switched my gpu from my old 660Ti to the 1080 and update GeForce Experience to version 3.X it has been happening. After a long time of trying to disable settings and closing programs I eventually discoverd that simply having the share overlay enabled was causing the issue to happen to warframe as well as crashing the division in 1 specific scenario. (switching input from controller > keyboard but this is unrelated to warframe). Turning share off completely in geforce experience (general tab in the settings/preferences) has never made the issue happen again for me. It hasn't happened to me once since the nidus update because I haven't enabled share ever since then.

I'd be happy to help with testing some stuff for you guys but considering I need to play very lengthy sessions to get it to happen I will probably only have time for this in the weekends.

As for now... It seems to me like it's related to the Share overlay in the geforce experience 3.0 and up versions of the software. Also yes all drivers (and windows 10) are up to date.

Feel free to ask for more info if it's needed. I have already provided the same information in the thread [DE]Glenn made when I was still figuring out myself what was going on.

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14 minutes ago, zY_Spartan_Yz said:

Now... the glitch/bug/issue toggle... (for me atleast) is the Nvidia Share overlay. Ever since I switched my gpu from my old 660Ti to the 1080 and update GeForce Experience to version 3.X it has been happening. After a long time of trying to disable settings and closing programs I eventually discoverd that simply having the share overlay enabled was causing the issue to happen to warframe as well as crashing the division in 1 specific scenario. (switching input from controller > keyboard but this is unrelated to warframe). Turning share off completely in geforce experience (general tab in the settings/preferences) has never made the issue happen again for me. It hasn't happened to me once since the nidus update because I haven't enabled share ever since then.

Thank you for this very detailed response! This is exactly the kind of information we have been looking for.

As I mentioned in a past post (which has now been merged here), could everyone else please try disabling the Nvidia Share overlay and let us know if you notice similar improvements? 


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3 hours ago, [DE]Dmitri said:

Thank you for this very detailed response! This is exactly the kind of information we have been looking for.

As I mentioned in a past post (which has now been merged here), could everyone else please try disabling the Nvidia Share overlay and let us know if you notice similar improvements? 


No problem :)

Though I can't guarantee it works for everyone.

Still... it's a start.

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  • Do you happen to have any third party programs running in the background that could possibly have a negative impact on Warframe's performance? Do you notice any improvement if you shut these programs down prior to launching Warframe? (Examples: Razer, Logitech, OBS, XSplit, Netflix, etc.)

I have tried with only the necessary windows background apps running, same issues.

  • Do you play Warframe in Full-screen / Windowed / Borderless Windowed? Do you notice any improvement if you change resolutions?

Fullscreen windowed, resolution or graphic setting changes do not seem to help at all. I have not tried full screen mode but I can try that later this evening.

  • Are you using V-sync when you experience these issues? Alternatively, does your monitor support GSync or Freesync? Does disabling this improve performance?

With and without vsync, it changes nothing performance wise. I do not have a Gsync monitor.

  • Do you have multiple monitors connected to your PC? Do you notice any improvement in performance if you try playing Warframe with only 1 monitor enabled?

No only a single monitor. I have a friend with two monitors and a previous gen nividia card not having issues.

Also, if you feel comfortable with monitoring the temperature / % usage of your GPU or CPU then we absolutely encourage you to let us know your findings. Like I said, we are having a very difficult time reproducing this issue so feel free to give us anything that you think mi

Yes I made sure there were no hardware related issues, that is one of the first things I run through if I have a continuous issue with a game in this manner. Not just tempeture, but clean driver installs, I even monitored all hardware usage and made sure there were no power issues of any kind.


Edit: I have disabled share on nividia experience, I will update here if that changes anything.


Edit2: I played all day with this disabled and did not freeze or lag out once. The game stuttered for a brief moment usually around the times it would freeze, but then quickly went back to playing like normal.

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I have been having a somewhat similar issue on very different hardware. (FX-6300 and a RX470). I get really low frames when I host and have seen people with lesser hardware with better frames. What makes me believe this is an issue is that I can change the settings from low to high and nothing changes, 40 frames on max? 40 frames on low. I have been talking to support and nothing seems to work no matter how many things I try. Hopefully your issue isn't the same as mine and if it is, that it gets fixed.

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Hi guys im on lower setup and with 650 ti quad core (4 ram) and i have the same problem high or low allways 20-30 fps :D my bro is on lower cpu and he have 80 fps ingame with the same video card as mine (inception) halp :"D

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i7 4790k @ 4.5Ghz no speedstep/power settings turned on

16GB Ram

GTX 1070 SLI @ ~2Ghz max boost clock (when running Warframe they never go into boost)

Samsung 840 EVO 1TB

Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit

BenQ 2420TE 144hz 1ms monitor

All drivers and OS up to date.

Lowering graphics quality has little to no effect and GPU usage in SLI sits around 50% per GPU and around 60% for single both at best case scenario. CPU usage is attached in a screenshot of hwinfo, it has plenty of head room and isn't presenting a bottleneck.

The usage here was recorded playing 15 waves of akkad with one player using a Simulor and me using a Zarr for most of the game, however this usage is typical even when running missions with hitscan weapons and with little particle effects going on, primary factor i feel is the amount of entities such as mobs, loot, ammo etc. FPS was 350+ when the mission started but after 1 wave the fps dropped to about 150 the depending on the action on screen it could drop to as low as 80 FPS and starts to get really choppy to the point where input lag can be felt.

I have ran Warframe both with and without Nvidia Control Panel settings turned on. And no difference has been observed with Geforce Experience sharing disabled.

Programs running are GPU Tweak, Corsair Gaming Software, Logitech Gaming Software, Razer Synapse, Steam and Realtek ROG audio manager. Also Bitdefender Auto Pilot profiles are disable so as to not interfere with anything in the background.

Graphics settings are 1080p at 144hz with VSYNC disabled with no frame limit. Every setting is maxed with the exception of PHYSX (as fps drops input lag is very prominent), Glare, DoF, Motion Blur, Bloom, Color Correction and Weapon Elemental FX (this is preference). Also Using MSAA instead of TAA as TAA leaves a ghost image after alt tabbing, not sure why as prior to reformatting and installing Windows 10 Pro it didn't do this running on the same drivers at the time. Installed Win 10 Pro on 2nd of January.

Screenshot of CPU usage and TAA Ghosting: http://imgur.com/a/22NOS?

Happy to reply with further info if needed.


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The tragic replies from tragic moderators i cant bare to stand this.

This game is entirely CPU and Ram related, first off you need high singlethreading cause this game is trash in doing multithreading, that means aka 4770k, 4790k, 6700k or 7700k to get 80-100 fps in 1080P 1440P and 4K

i had 3770k 8GB 1600Mhz ram, FPS dropped to 60 alot of times and got laggy,

In lobby, > 300 fps, in 4 man squad > 60-100 fps (laggy ish)   (GTX 970) aka 70% less powerfull than your 1070

Today i got a I7 7700K > 300fps in lobby, in 4 man squad all from 120 to 200fps, i also did run ram speeds at 2400 and 3200, not that huge difference but, 

Just to get that out there for you fools who keep replying, this game runs 150 fps in 1080P on a gtx 960 with this CPU in game, and with 970 i get the same FPS cause its entirely CPU Bottlenecked (Singlethreading is the main problem with this game and they just cant seem to fix that)

So there you go, in 1440P i get same FPS in game, Equal to 1080P, higher Res does not use more CPU but only GPU and since this game cant use your GPU cause its bottlenecked by CPU, the FPS will be the same. except when i got 4K my gpu goes 100% Usage and i have about 60FPS.

So just a little reminder to these clueless moderators or whatever that keeps replying, you get higher fps with a 960 than this 1070 if you have a 6700k or 7700k and 2400mhz ram+, you might want 16GB Ram but 8GB is fine too.

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39 minutes ago, SoulEaterReaper said:

The tragic replies from tragic moderators i cant bare to stand this.

This game is entirely CPU and Ram related, first off you need high singlethreading cause this game is trash in doing multithreading, that means aka 4770k, 4790k, 6700k or 7700k to get 80-100 fps in 1080P 1440P and 4K

i had 3770k 8GB 1600Mhz ram, FPS dropped to 60 alot of times and got laggy,

In lobby, > 300 fps, in 4 man squad > 60-100 fps (laggy ish)   (GTX 970) aka 70% less powerfull than your 1070

Today i got a I7 7700K > 300fps in lobby, in 4 man squad all from 120 to 200fps, i also did run ram speeds at 2400 and 3200, not that huge difference but, 

Just to get that out there for you fools who keep replying, this game runs 150 fps in 1080P on a gtx 960 with this CPU in game, and with 970 i get the same FPS cause its entirely CPU Bottlenecked (Singlethreading is the main problem with this game and they just cant seem to fix that)

So there you go, in 1440P i get same FPS in game, Equal to 1080P, higher Res does not use more CPU but only GPU and since this game cant use your GPU cause its bottlenecked by CPU, the FPS will be the same. except when i got 4K my gpu goes 100% Usage and i have about 60FPS.

So just a little reminder to these clueless moderators or whatever that keeps replying, you get higher fps with a 960 than this 1070 if you have a 6700k or 7700k and 2400mhz ram+, you might want 16GB Ram but 8GB is fine too.

Please don't spread misinformation regarding RAM speed. It is well known that gains from higher speed RAM in gaming is little to none beyond APUs.

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I pipe my PCs out to my TV, so I'm running the game at 1080p/60 and getting 60fps with both an i5-3570k OCd to 4Ghz with a GTX 970, and an i7-6700 w/ 1070 with consistent frame pacing all the time, EXCEPT on the Kuva fortress tiles. The graphics engine for Warframe is extremely forgiving, so I have no problem running either rig at 4k outside of graphics tearing and the fact the game's UI doesn't scale at all, so I keep it at 1080p. However, there's something about the kuva fortress tiles that causes fps to bounce between 45 and 60fps, as well as an impact to frame pacing, which means that while fps are still high, there's a lot of jitter. Even with the added effects on the fortress tiles, both rigs should be able run these tiles without any issue. It appears that maybe the fortress graphic additions aren't as optimized as the other tiles.

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Similiar problem.

The game runs worse then ever on highest settings.Sometimes it gets down to 20 fps in Kuva Fortress stuff.

My PC : I7 5820k@4Ghz GTX1070 OC 16GB DDR4 and game runs on a SSD.

I dont use Geforce Experience.

Unacceptable bad performance.

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i also have some problem like u guys, my new laptop is i7-6700HQ with 1070 and 16G DDR4

it was first running warframe with about 20fps.

And then i went to the nivdia geforce software to change the setting and i can play this game for about 60fps,however when i've play for a while, the fps drops down to about 16fps again and i think this should not be the performance issue? isn't it?

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I have the same problem, if i am in the space ship my gpu use every power he has and his clock speed 1202mhz can overclocked to 1402.
If i am going into a mission clock speed changed to 850mhz and the lag is coming my fps is than around 25-40 and also my gpu usage from 99% going very low maybe around 20%
Dont have that problem in other games like bf4 and gta 5 on max settings

My pc specs:

GPU: MSI GTX 750ti 
CPU: i5 6600k 
Motherboard: MSI b150 gaming m3 

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