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Please Fix: Bladestorm, Sound Quake, World on Fire and Synoid Simulor


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3 hours ago, letir said:

1. Because DE aren't most skilled in the balance department. And not, it dosen't need EV Trinity, we have Zenurik, Primed Flow and energy pads to run for miles,

2. So you don't even know anything about Vivergate. Duh.

3. Synoid Simulor dosen't need anythnig serious to become weapon of mass destruction. Even with just Serration, Split Chamber and 2 60% elemental mods it wipe out any star chart mission and most of Sorties. It's alredy OP weapon with AOE and without ammo problems.

Sortie vey hek?

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Just now, secret9005 said:

1. EV is the fastest way. Zenurik is too slow and Energy Pads are too costly to fill it up. That's why I didn't mention them.

2. I've only heard about it. I came here when Draco was the thing, so I'm sorry.

3. Do you even use it? Cause if you do, you know that putting Speed Trigger/Vile Acceleration is better than Split Chamber. Remove self-damage for other launchers and Synoid Simulor would be less meta.

1. So you admit that Sound Quake Banshee don't need any help or team synergy. At least one point filled.

2. Basicly, there was strategy, when some frames use their desiganted abilities to clear small corpus map on Viver with one button for affinity farm. More extreme version of Draco efficient farming.

This strategy was destroyed hard: first abilties get LoS restriction, then (after forum uproar) it was removed.

Abilities (and even frames) was reworked, Viver was reworked. Nullifiers come into the fray to prevent Corpus farming.

DE clearly state that they don't like situations when people use one button to play, read here:

3. S Simulor produce damage by combining the balls. Thus, spitting 2 balls per shot is best way to ramp up damage, without ammo waste. Looks like someone dosen't do math enough even with brainless weapon.

Edited by letir
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5 minutes ago, letir said:


3. S Simulor produce damage by combining the balls. Thus, spitting 2 balls per shot is best way to ramp up damage, without ammo waste. Looks like someone dosen't do math enough even with brainless weapon.

But with Split Chamber, it spits out 1 ball that counts as 2 (not sure if intended or bug). You can make vortices faster, but that doesn't help in damage. If you've used it you would've known about it.

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9 hours ago, secret9005 said:

Synoid Simulor needs a Maxed Serration, Heavy Calibur, Vile Acceleration, and other mods that I worked hard for. Even then my Sancti Tigris still does more damage. Hek even my Tonkor can and that has higher range thanks to Firestorm. Want to nerf those too?

The Tonkor need those mods too, but have only 2 shoots. Often not hit the target even if aim, because the bullets are slow and not go straight. The reload speed is soooo slow, and if the animation is stopped, it restart all over again. Tonkor is powerful but have bad sides and limitations. The Synoid Simulor is a kind of Torid, without the limitations. Plus it make a visual mess on the map.


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1 hour ago, secret9005 said:

But with Split Chamber, it spits out 1 ball that counts as 2 (not sure if intended or bug). You can make vortices faster, but that doesn't help in damage. If you've used it you would've known about it.

It work just like with any over weapon. 2 balls, double damage from merging, singularity coming faster.

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2 minutes ago, secret9005 said:

It doesn't come out as 2 balls. It comes out as 1 but COUNTS as 2. Singularities are faster but damage is the same.

It come as 2 balls, they just look line one ball, because Simulor have perfect accuracy.

They count as 2 balls for everything - damage from non-merged balls is doubled, merging speed is doubled, and merging dealing damage twice, in two instances.

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1 minute ago, letir said:

It come as 2 balls, they just look line one ball, because Simulor have perfect accuracy.

They count as 2 balls for everything - damage from non-merged balls is doubled, merging speed is doubled, and merging dealing damage twice, in two instances.

Must be in a patch note that I didn't read because it wasn't like this when it first came out. I'll test it when I can.

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@letir After a few quick searches.

  • Split Chamber will create duplicate orbs, however due to the Synoid Simulor's perfect accuracy the second orb will be merged with the original orb. This does not create an instant explosion on firing, however.
  • Oddly, Split Chamber will also cause the base damage of each merge to increase from 175 to 200. The base damage will stay this way no matter how many stacks the orb has, as is the case without Split Chamber (see above). The inability for subsequent stacks to increase the base damage to the listed 225 is most likely a bug.

So the damage comes from the stacks, but when you shoot it, it's already stacked together? Basically the same thing without Split Chamber except you can make vortices faster?

Will still do tests, I want to personally see the difference.

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As mentioned its not really justified to ask for nerfs just because it doesn't please you. Those things never bothered me. In fact I like it when people choose frames and/or weapons that quikly oblitherate enemies. Usually I'm the one who's carries so I like it that I can take it easy.

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1 hour ago, kubbi said:

As mentioned its not really justified to ask for nerfs just because it doesn't please you. Those things never bothered me. In fact I like it when people choose frames and/or weapons that quikly oblitherate enemies. Usually I'm the one who's carries so I like it that I can take it easy.

it isnt justified to break the game  for everyone else as well , if  players are so hellbent on soloing the game with their broken mirage+ simulor  Look up the top left of your screen click on the Public  tab and  change it  to Solo  

that still solves nothing because DE still has to balance around Mirage+ Simulor and Ash's spammable AoE nuke  so  in the end everyone else is still punished 


how can you justify  things like  Mirage+ Simulor  and think people want to nerf things for the sake of nerfing something?

 people want nerf because when 1 player with either of the things mentioned  all along the thread join  all other 3 party members  cant play at all


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39 minutes ago, Retepzednem said:

how can you justify  things like  Mirage+ Simulor  and think people want to nerf things for the sake of nerfing something?

Because the only way to counter cheese is with cheese. Like I said before, broken enemy scaling is the root of all evil. If it weren't for enemies being so broken, people won't have to resort to using the most "OP" builds.


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Just now, secret9005 said:

Because the only way to counter cheese is with cheese. Like I said before, broken enemy scaling is the root of all evil. If it weren't for enemies being so broken, people won't have to resort to using the most "OP" builds.


and how do you expect DE to fix  enemy cheese if they dont fix our cheese first ? 

not to mention   we can already counter most of the enemy cheese in game  


the only thing somewhat hard to counter is   75% energy reduction sorties   and missions where nothing but anti ability enemies spawn   

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1 hour ago, Retepzednem said:

it isnt justified to break the game  for everyone else as well , if  players are so hellbent on soloing the game with their broken mirage+ simulor  Look up the top left of your screen click on the Public  tab and  change it  to Solo  

that still solves nothing because DE still has to balance around Mirage+ Simulor and Ash's spammable AoE nuke  so  in the end everyone else is still punished 


how can you justify  things like  Mirage+ Simulor  and think people want to nerf things for the sake of nerfing something?

 people want nerf because when 1 player with either of the things mentioned  all along the thread join  all other 3 party members  cant play at all


Thats more of a personal point of view. The only one who can say things are really broken is DE. I don't think Mirage with simulor is broken. Its just more efficient. Any weapon is a lot stronger with Mirage. Simulor works just way better with Mirage because the projectiles join a lot faster. I don't think its fair that people complain about others playstyles in pubs. Its called pubs for a reason. Frankly I think the one who's bothered with others should do the effort of either playing solo or teaming up with friends or clanmates.

You feel punished for being teamed with such players. I feel relieved and am not bothered at all. So you see its personal. I wouldn't care if the combo got nerfed of left alone. I don't use Mirage often and as mentioned she doesn't bother me. This is just the way I see it. I'll leave the rest of the decision to DE.

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On 9/3/2016 at 5:03 PM, secret9005 said:

But it's not 8/10 runs, at least for most of my public missions so far.


On 9/3/2016 at 5:15 PM, blackheartstar_pc said:

You are correct and this is just another wild forum assumption. 

i guess you are right , it is worst : counted today 12 fissure games with different public members (left a group and did a break for 1-2 minutes at least to start next) and had 11 teams with ember / mirage / ember + mirage (2 teams).

The other,"special" team had all member below mr10. 

In one exterminate even we didn't find 10 reactants in 65 enemies when ember runs.

Maybe I'm unlucky with teams, idk...However this is my statistics of ember and mirage teams.

And btw , i have all frames forma to max (2-3 modification on each  at least, i have even 2 banshees with 6 different modifications) and most of weapons forma.

About 'cheese' - i can play with all frames  , ik mirage and ember are not the best to 'cheese' , but enemy levels are too low, and it seems like 1 killing all (80+% damage) and others, three, are collecting.

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Personnally, I have nothing against Bladestorm... It's a static ability that only targets 18 enemies at a time and that leaves enemies killable by other players , for the most part. While yes, some people will spam it nonstop with maxed range, It's still limited in both range and number of targets hit at once, plus it removes the player for the fight entirely for quite some time, which is a big tradoff, as god know how many enemies Ash could have otherwise killed in the same timespan. Many other frames have AOE that kill enemies and they don't get nerfed for it,  I really don't get the constant ASH hate... I guess because he's the most popular frame and too many people are using his max range build.

World of Fire is indeed broken in most situations nowadays since SOTR basically removed high level endgame content. Now she can pretty much decimate the whole starchart and everything in it. It's basically like Bladestorm, but always on and allowing you to keep fighting and killing stuff while everything else just dies around you. It honestly sucks to play with an ember since she's just runnning around the map and litterally everything dies with no effort whatsoever... Even worse if said ember has an AOE weapon to supplement the carnage caused by WOF. In any missions where you have to run to the objective as fast as possible , Ember is broken and OP. Other players are basically running as fast as possible ,trying to outrun ember just so they can actually get kills before they get auto wiped by her ult.

Sound Wave also pretty much sucks in defense and interception... I've seen many situations in interceptions where other players litterally no longer see anyone spawning around the map since enemies can't even leave their spawn room before being stuck into place and killed. Granted, it's limited to a few mission types, but I feel It does break everyone else's fun when playing said mission types.

Finally, Simuloid Mirage is also broken as hell... Spamming constant vauban vortexes all over the map without even bothering to aim, wiping whole rooms with litterally zero effort.

Sonicor gets a special mention here... Just point it in a room and watch every container and enemy die in a couple of hits, allowing you to speedrun without bothering to aim.Even Tonkor requires more skill.

Personally, I think all of these must be fixed, asides from bladestorm, which would probably be fine with a slightly higher ability cost and slightly less max range.

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On 3.09.2016 at 0:02 PM, (PS4)ghinellil said:

- World on Fire: really too powerful. The worse in on exterminations; it become run from A to B. Another boring situation.

I dare you to do a sortie with Ember.

On 3.09.2016 at 3:28 PM, letir said:

This isn't even "playing" a this point. It's "Press X to Win", which can be used by any person in squad. Stop trying to pretend like any of cheese-abusers actually trying to play the game.

If they aren't actually playing, why we, normal players, should leave?

And who are you to tell others what "playing" means? What is "fun" for them? And who are you to decide what is "normal"? Next thing you are going to tell me I don't like vanilla ice cream and if I do I'm not normal.

Such arrogance! Unbelievable.

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Just now, Lijka said:

And who are you to tell others what "playing" means? What is "fun" for them? And who are you to decide what is "normal"? Next thing you are going to tell me I don't like vanilla ice cream and if I do I'm not normal.

Such arrogance! Unbelievable.

Arrogance? Wow, you surely know your stuff...

Process of playing in shooter include some active actions, like "aiming", "moving", "evading", sometimes even more difficult concepts like "ammo managment" and such. This is definition of shooters. This is gameplay of shooters.

When someone trying to deny or bypass this gameplay, it's not "playing", it's "cheesing for win". Maybe it's fun for them.


But this is bad for me, because i cannot play.

This is bad for Warframe, because cheeze mentaluty and OPness destroying any sort of challenge in the game and make game hollow and repetetive.


There is a reason why Warframe have surges of activity on updates with new content and fall down hard when new shinies are depleted. And i'm not going to just sit and silently be tolerant when cheeze-lovers come out to defend their beloved "Win Mission With One Finger" toys.


If you gonna complain, go and say it to developers. They also don't want to promote such kind of gameplay.



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1 minute ago, letir said:

If you gonna complain, go and say it to developers. They also don't want to promote such kind of gameplay.

Riiight, that's why we have energy pizzas, Arcane Energize, Zenurik, Energy Siphon... hmm...

3 minutes ago, letir said:

This is bad for Warframe, because cheeze mentaluty and OPness destroying any sort of challenge in the game and make game hollow and repetetive.

If it wasn't fun for people, they wouldn't do it. The fact that so many people do it, that to people like you it seems to be a problem, simply shows that there is demand for this kind of gameplay and this kind of abilities. And you have no right whatsoever to tell anyone that they are wrong and your way of playing is the only right/correct way. This is exactly what you are doing.

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56 minutes ago, letir said:

go and say it to developers. They also don't want to promote such kind of gameplay

DE created these frames, mods and weapons knowing full well that this would happen and continue to add more with every few updates.

using your frames, weapons and mods in creative ways (call it cheesing if you want) to overcome your enemies is perfectly valid.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)ghinellil said:

We all know is just for rewards.... Fun isn't even on the table.

Some people find it fun to kill enemies that they had a rough time with before fun. People find massacring thousands of mobs on the click of the button fun. I used to do that before with Mirage and Quanta Vandal, using alt-fire to kill anything on sight, on a T3 Survival 35 minutes in (I don't have maxed mods back then so I could've probably lasted longer). Kinda like the same play-style as Synoid Simulor, but more ammo expensive, use alt-fire and wait for them to hit the cubes and BAM dead. ITS HELLA FUN.

8 hours ago, Retepzednem said:

and how do you expect DE to fix  enemy cheese if they dont fix our cheese first ? 

not to mention   we can already counter most of the enemy cheese in game  


the only thing somewhat hard to counter is   75% energy reduction sorties   and missions where nothing but anti ability enemies spawn   

Enemy cheese was the reason people even found cheese (mostly, grinding like crazy is also another). If it weren't for enemies tanking tons of damage, people won't find "OP" builds.

Enemy cheese = broken scaling.

Edited by secret9005
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