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Please Fix: Bladestorm, Sound Quake, World on Fire and Synoid Simulor


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22 minutes ago, secret9005 said:

Again if we ran an exterminate and I ran Ember. I just finished the mission with you, and really fast at that. We both get rewarded. What cooperative experience am I ruining? Your kills? Was it because you couldn't kill anything as my Ember had too much range? It's pointless, the objective was complete.

A lot of people do not get this.

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Just now, secret9005 said:

It's easy to click the Abort Mission to leave the squad. You don't like how one person is playing, move on and find another squad.

This isn't even "playing" a this point. It's "Press X to Win", which can be used by any person in squad. Stop trying to pretend like any of cheese-abusers actually trying to play the game.

If they aren't actually playing, why we, normal players, should leave?

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17 minutes ago, letir said:

If they aren't actually playing, why we, normal players, should leave?

That's the thing. I don't play "cheese" myself but if I'm public and a random is pulling it off (the cheese) it doesn't hurt my feeling to have a free ride. Unless you are going endless a "cheeser" will only cost you a few minutes. I can't wrap my head around why anyone would get so upset over a cheese player when at most they speed run a mission that you can more often than not restart as soon as it's over. Run it alone, run it with clan or friends, or re run it with new randoms. It is in fact not a big deal.

Edited by blackheartstar_pc
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3 hours ago, (PS4)ghinellil said:

I play this game for a while, and this stuff is the worse in the game.


- Bladestorm: will be reworked, i hope very soon. All the baby spam ninjas will move on. I don't hate Ash at all (nice frame), just who spam for play. 

- Sound Quake: after this ability is active, the player can go in bath. Have no sense to exist, like an auto pilot. When i see a Banshee in interception, i already know how it end. Yawn ! 

- World on Fire: really too powerful. The worse in on exterminations; it become run from A to B. Another boring situation.

- Synoid Simulor: really? :O I can't believe it still around all this time. Please DE, limit the bubbles active at the same moment; shot another and delete the first. 10 bubble max. Let people use it like the Torid... with some brain effort. Plus it counter nullifier much better then other weapons. All the bubbles make a visual mess, especially in dark mission; sometimes i have to play looking only the mini map.


The best is to encounter an Ash Prime with the Synoid Simulor, in sortie with Radiation Hazard  ಠ_ಠ


P.S: i don't like "please fix" threads, but after 200 login days, my patience start to fall.

i dunno World of fire doesnt have  insane  damage scaling   so its not  really a problem at high levels  and it can only target 5 enemies at a time  so it is more of a CC tool with the augment 


as for Banshee's i got mixed feeling sure i cant really play when theres one in a team but that only seems to be the case when  banshee is paired with trinity   so banshee at least requires a setup Augment+ Trinity 

but yes  just as game disrupting  altho i havent seen it in use at high levels so maybe its damage sucks   then?


whereas braindedstorm and  simulor  do not 

Edited by Retepzednem
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Just now, letir said:

This isn't even "playing" a this point. It's "Press X to Win", which can be used by any person in squad. Stop trying to pretend like any of cheese-abusers actually trying to play the game.

If they aren't actually playing, why we, normal players, should leave?

They are playing the game their way. EFFICIENTLY. If you don't like that then you have the choice to leave. You're trying to stop others from playing what they want to play.

It's a PUBLIC mission. Anyone can do what they want. But if one wants it this way and the other wants it that way, one of them has to give way. That's part of running a public mission. If you want people to play your way, run a specific squad from recruiting, or run with your friends, or people from your clan/alliance.

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3 minutes ago, secret9005 said:

They are playing the game their way. EFFICIENTLY. If you don't like that then you have the choice to leave. You're trying to stop others from playing what they want to play.

It's a PUBLIC mission. Anyone can do what they want. But if one wants it this way and the other wants it that way, one of them has to give way. That's part of running a public mission. If you want people to play your way, run a specific squad from recruiting, or run with your friends, or people from your clan/alliance.

you are correct  

the problem is all of these abilities and weapon are gamebreaking

i feel World on fire and banshees might be an exception tho because whenever i see them  obliterate maps at a time is during low level missions  so its hard to tell if they can be so broken at high levels  

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3 minutes ago, Retepzednem said:

you are correct  

the problem is all of these abilities and weapon are gamebreaking

i feel World on fire and banshees might be an exception tho because whenever i see them  obliterate maps at a time is during low level missions  so its hard to tell if they can be so broken at high levels  

World on Fire doesn't really scale well later on. Neither does RQ Banshee. They both have a damage cap. They both do CC well later on though.

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Another point that is being over looked. I've done this before just to see how it turns out, so the mission starts and it's instantly obvious that a WoF Ember is in the team. You can put effort into getting ahead of them to get your precious kills before them. It's like a mini game in itself. It's hard and the duo door panel checks will screw you some times but playing normal with effort you can out kill the cheese. Look at it like a race.

Edited by blackheartstar_pc
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17 minutes ago, secret9005 said:

They are playing the game their way. EFFICIENTLY. If you don't like that then you have the choice to leave. You're trying to stop others from playing what they want to play.

It's a PUBLIC mission. Anyone can do what they want. But if one wants it this way and the other wants it that way, one of them has to give way. That's part of running a public mission. If you want people to play your way, run a specific squad from recruiting, or run with your friends, or people from your clan/alliance.

if 8/10 public teams running like this.... should i leave all these attempts to enjoy game?

if there are so many players are playing the same way , then this way is wrong for balancing - if you wanna do everything alone - play solo.

it is true that if you have a target - you have to complete it in your easiest way , but not by destroying others game experience, especially not so often. 


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Just now, secret9005 said:

They are playing the game their way. EFFICIENTLY. If you don't like that then you have the choice to leave. You're trying to stop others from playing what they want to play.

It's a PUBLIC mission. Anyone can do what they want. But if one wants it this way and the other wants it that way, one of them has to give way. That's part of running a public mission. If you want people to play your way, run a specific squad from recruiting, or run with your friends, or people from your clan/alliance.

They are cheesing the game to win mission. Cheesing so hard that it turn Warframe gameplay into idle game. Glory to OP things, ahoy.

You can argue that Warframe mean to be played with just one button, But it's debatable at best. I never see that DE promote their game as "best clicker" or "awesome idle game".

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7 minutes ago, DSjk22 said:

if 8/10 public team running like this.... should i leave all these attempts to enjoy game?

if there are so many players are playing the same way , then this way is wrong for balancing - if you wanna do everything alone - play solo.

it is true that if you have a target - you have to complete it in your easiest way , but not by destroying others game experience, especially not so often. 


Lucky for you most do not play with cheese. I ran every single Invasion public last night and encountered only two groups that speed ran or "cheesed". Mind you each invasion takes 3 rounds to complete and each round was with new randoms. Both of the cheesers were WoF Embers and you know what? Neither hindered my goal of polishing off all the invasions. If it's destroying your game experience to have somebody shorten a already quick mission that you can do yourself maybe the burden is on you on how to best fix the situation considering all of the options.

Edited by blackheartstar_pc
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3 minutes ago, DSjk22 said:

if 8/10 public team running like this.... should i leave all these attempts to enjoy game?

if there are so many players are playing the same way , then this way is wrong for balancing - if you wanna do everything alone - play solo.

it is true that if you have a target - you have to complete it in your easiest way , but not by destroying others game experience, especially not so often. 

But it's not 8/10 runs, at least for most of my public missions so far.

I haven't seen a Banshee since she's not that popular yet. Ember not so much as well but she's probably common in exterminates. Ash is somewhat common, though I don't really bother since he's getting a rework. Mirage and S. Simulor is very rare for me, I've only seen my friends use it because they want to.

4 minutes ago, letir said:

They are cheesing the game to win mission. Cheesing so hard that it turn Warframe gameplay into idle game. Glory to OP things, ahoy.

You can argue that Warframe mean to be played with just one button, But it's debatable at best. I never see that DE promote their game as "best clicker" or "awesome idle game".

I can build an Equinox to cheese a mission. I can build a Rhino to cheese a mission. I can build a Volt to cheese a mission. I can build a Nova to cheese a mission.

Point is cheese players will always be there, but more often than not they don't go public. They usually run with fellow cheese players and their min-max builds. If you run a mission with them, leave the squad. I personally have no problem with them since I just want the mission done if I run it public. If I want the mission a specific way, recruiting and other options are there are at my disposal.

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2 minutes ago, secret9005 said:

But it's not 8/10 runs, at least for most of my public missions so far.

You are correct and this is just another wild forum assumption. Akin to everyone mods the same way for maximized damage output on only the same few strongest weapons ever. Never heard of anyone using anything but Carrier. Vacuum is the strongest companion power after all... wait I mean only useful power but I want to use the other companion powers so make it universal. Reminds me of about a month ago when everyone was freaking out that omg Tonkor. I played public every night that the Tonkor bickering was going on. That it was ruining all of these peoples lives. Only seen it used a handful of times. Still do not see it as much as people *@##$ about it. Whiners will whine. Kind of like I do with the new Void but about other players.

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Mirage shouldn't be nerfed as she has been nerfed 2 times already. The Synoid Simulor people complain about but has anyone use Ignis or other AoE weapons? it's just as good, so I don't u see the fuss. Ash is getting reworked and WoF with augment is CC at high levels

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3 minutes ago, -Voltage- said:

Mirage shouldn't be nerfed as she has been nerfed 2 times already. The Synoid Simulor people complain about but has anyone use Ignis or other AoE weapons? it's just as good, so I don't u see the fuss. Ash is getting reworked and WoF with augment is CC at high levels

Yeah Mirage with Ignis + Firestorm + Sinister Reach is just insane on lower-mid tier missions. I can actually clear faster than with S. Simulor.

OH WAIT NO! WHY DID I SAY THAT! Welp, I guess there will be "Nerf Ignis" threads coming soon, after the buff and reskin, Ignis will probably accumulate dust thanks to such threads.

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11 minutes ago, secret9005 said:

I can build an Equinox to cheese a mission. I can build a Rhino to cheese a mission. I can build a Volt to cheese a mission. I can build a Nova to cheese a mission.

We will see. You can't know what people will do if they can't use the usual cheesy tools. Don't afraid changes!

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Just now, secret9005 said:

Yeah Mirage with Ignis + Firestorm + Sinister is just insane on lower-mid tier missions. I can actually clear faster than with S. Simulor.

OH WAIT NO! WHY DID I SAY THAT! Welp, I guess there will be "Nerf Ignis" threads coming soon, after the buff and reskin, Ignis will probably accumulate dust thanks to such threads.

Exactly, Synoid Simulor is a meta, it's not overpowered, as there are other options better of not the same. I can agree with Ash though. Ash needs a nerf big time.

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3 minutes ago, -Voltage- said:

Exactly, Synoid Simulor is a meta, it's not overpowered, as there are other options better of not the same. I can agree with Ash though. Ash needs a nerf big time.

Yeah, but I don't talk about Ash because he's already slated for a rework. I mean out of the Warframes mentioned, he's the only one that actually scales well which is good. What's bad is that he locks enemies from being killed. Banshee just locks them in place but Ash? Ash clicks 4 and says "F U, this one's mine".

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)ghinellil said:

We will see. You can't know what people will do if they can't use the usual cheesy tools. Don't afraid changes!

People will ALWAYS find cheese builds/set-ups. When RJ was nerfed, Mesa took his place, and when that was nerfed, RJ again. Still not good enough? People found Spore Saryn and RQ Banshee.

Same with leveling. Viver was nerfed? Xini took it's place (from what I've heard). That was nerfed? Draco. That too? Berehynia/Mithra.

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3 hours ago, letir said:

Do you going to say that Simulor isn't OP in hands of any frame, besides Mirage? You don't know the power of the Dark Side, Founder.

Actually I don't think it's OP. The headshot nerf, or as the devs so comically try to make us believe, the "fix", did a good job toning it down. By sortie 2 it tends to hit a bit of a wall now, not unlike so many other weapons. It just compensates because it's an AOE weapon and if modded properly has a high enough firerate to chain fusions at a decent speed. It also doesn't have 3 physical damage types to muck things up. If it didn't have these properties, it would, again, not unlike so many other weapons, suck balls, to put it bluntly.

Just a question : have you used it extensively enough before and after that "fix"? I'm confident you haven't, otherwise you wouldn't call it OP, not anymore at least.

Just because Mirage synergizes in a way that basically triples the amount of orb fusions, doesn't mean one or the other is de facto OP and should be nerfed to hell. It's the combination of the two that was bonkers. Now, with a fair chunk of SS's damage output taken away, things are a tad different. It is by no means a bad weapon, far from that, I think it still is among the top tier weapons. But OP? Nah.

You're right, I do not know the power of the "Dark Side". Nor do I the other side(s). And me being a Founder doesn't make a special little snowflake whatsoever, you know? Might make me more weary and bitter than newer players though, no argument there.

Edited by Marthrym
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Totally agree , all those need to be reworked , actually i wont more actions in game , not runing from Start-point to End , i will sugest to make some changes in S.Simulor like reducing time of vortex or reducing vortex to 3 max, more than 3 will triger to explore those earlier vortex ! WoF it is nice, but game has no action when players start to use that ( i sugest to do it like Nova ability 1 , when u see enemy u can dmg it ) ! Ash Bladestorm ( other player must kill marked enemy by Ash Bladestorm ) . 

Edited by Tarrasi
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4 hours ago, (PS4)ghinellil said:

I etc.What Ash'sssis gammaster erhile, and this istu ff is the worse  in the game.


- Bladestorm: will be reworked, i hope very soon. All the baby spam ninjas will move on. I don't hate Ash at all (nice frame), just who spam for play. 

- Sound Quake: after this ability is active, the player can go in bath. Have no sense to exist, like an auto pilot. When i see a Banshee in interception, i already know how it end. Yawn ! 

- World on Fire: really too powerful. The worse in on exterminations; it become run from A to B. Another boring situation.

- Synoid Simulor: really? :O I can't believe it still around all this time. Please DE, limit the bubbles active at the same moment; shot another and delete the first. 10 bubble max. Let people use it like the Torid... with some brain effort. Plus it counter nullifier much better then other weapons. All the bubbles make a visual mess, especially in dark mission; sometimes i have to play looking only the mini map.


The best is to encounter an Ash Prime with the Synoid Simulor, in sortie with Radiation Hazard  ಠ_ಠ


P.S: i don't like "please fix" threads, but after 200 login days, my patience start to fall.

I agree with Ash's Bladestorm, Banshee's Soundquake tbh I don't see many Banshee players.WOF Is only really strong on low to mid lv enemies, higher levels and there Is significant damage drop off and damage output generally will see Embers damage done languishing 3rd or 4th usually.It's only lower tier she's so strong.Synoid Simulor yes It's Seriously strong no aiming weapon that probably needs a look at.Downside Is when DE rework weapons, they become assigned to mastery fodder Flux, Acrid, Synoid Gammacor etc.Some of the best weapons In the game previously, look at them now.The one I dislike the most of the ones you mentioned Is Ashes Bladestorm.A very Cheesy ability to see used.

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