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Please Fix: Bladestorm, Sound Quake, World on Fire and Synoid Simulor


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30 minutes ago, secret9005 said:

Some people find it fun to kill enemies that they had a rough time with before fun. People find massacring thousands of mobs on the click of the button fun. I used to do that before with Mirage and Quanta Vandal, using alt-fire to kill anything on sight, on a T3 Survival 35 minutes in (I don't have maxed mods back then so I could've probably lasted longer). Kinda like the same play-style as Synoid Simulor, but more ammo expensive, use alt-fire and wait for them to hit the cubes and BAM dead. ITS HELLA FUN.

Enemy cheese was the reason people even found cheese (mostly, grinding like crazy is also another). If it weren't for enemies tanking tons of damage, people won't find "OP" builds.

Enemy cheese = broken scaling.

the only broken enemies in game  are voids basically,  somehow their level 40 units can almost insta kill me  even with 1500 armor 

still no excuse for stuff like mirage simulor combo to  be so effective  , OP vs OP does not = Balance 

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2 minutes ago, Retepzednem said:

the only broken enemies in game  are voids basically,  somehow their level 40 units can almost insta kill me  even with 1500 armor 

still no excuse for stuff like mirage simulor combo to  be so effective  , OP vs OP does not = Balance 

T4 Void enemies (level 35-40+ levels?) have 300% damage increase modifier.

Anyways, If we fix players first, how do you expect them to do endgame content? Fix broken scaling, then we can fix "OP" Warframe abilities/Weapons.

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2 minutes ago, secret9005 said:

T4 Void enemies (level 35-40+ levels?) have 300% damage increase modifier.

Anyways, If we fix players first, how do you expect them to do endgame content? Fix broken scaling, then we can fix "OP" Warframe abilities/Weapons.

end game content as far as i know is doable and no one is askiing for everyone to be nerfed but for this particular frames and weapons to be balanced   or have you been so holed up  to simulor you forgot other weapons exist?  like the War fans after galatine P was released

Edited by Retepzednem
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11 minutes ago, Retepzednem said:

end game content as far as i know is doable and no one is askiing for everyone to be nerfed but for this particular frames and weapons to be balanced   or have you been so holed up  to simulor you forgot other weapons exist?  like the War fans after galatine P was released

Actually no, I'm more of a Tigris fan myself.

Synoid Simulor by itself is not OP and neither is Mirage. They're doing what they're supposed to do. If you've read, one of my earlier posts actually suggested to fix the bugged interaction between the two. My point is don't remove stuff that's actually working against high level enemies just because you don't like it, unless you balance enemies first.

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Yes we need nerf banshee again so he can be the least used frame again this is going to help the broken scale in this game /sarcasm

i play this game for a long time and i can say this "nerf this frame because i cannot have fun" mentality is so $&*&*#(%&


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3 minutes ago, paulogabbi said:

Yes we need nerf banshee again so he can be the least used frame again this is going to help the broken scale in this game /sarcasm

i play this game for a long time and i can say this "nerf this frame because i cannot have fun" mentality is so $&*&*#(%&


 personally i think banshee and ember are fine because  their glory moments are basically  on low level missions  , their abilities being more  CC tools at high levels  as well as requiring  basically a trinity to pull off in the first place 

Ash and mirage need a minor fix 


in the case of mirage   it would be making  mirage clones  simulors to be non stacking pellets  

and the biggest problem is the Augment giving up to 50% damage by killing wich makes mirage+ any  explosive or Aoe weapon broken 

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Just now, Retepzednem said:

 personally i think banshee and ember are fine because  their glory moments are basically  on low level missions  , their abilities being more  CC tools at high levels  as well as requiring  basically a trinity to pull off in the first place 

yes basically this after like 8 updates banshee got a single good mod and now all people are like "plz nerf we cannot have fun because of her"

but i have never see a person leaving my pt while i am using her

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On 9/3/2016 at 6:13 AM, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

agree on all tho less so on wof: it falls off rather quickly in high level content but still provides more than solid cc on high level enemies... maybe that aspect could indeed be toned down a bit and instead buff fire blast's duration or something, that one almost never seems worth the energy cost. that being said wof IS braindead fo sho, just not that overpowered lategame. i think it should be veteran etiquette not to play public if you wanna skip low tier exterminations with ember...

WOf does very little damage at high levels and only CCs a few enemies, the limit means no matter what someone is your WOF field that is still shooting you. It is not overpowered in the slightest. The only time people get annoyed is when someone kills more tiny enemies on an alert exterminate and they get salty.


I'd say if you don't want an ember in your public game don't play public. Everyone has pet peeves ( I hate playing with LImbo or Ivara because of the visuals) but we can't have the "etiquette" of not playing half the frames in public.

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10 hours ago, Lijka said:

I dare you to do a sortie with Ember.

I did sorties 3 (80-100) ember + melee only defence missions (grineers and once infested) with ember, and everything was nice didn't die and did 60% of team damage.

It doesn't mean that he is op for high levels , he isn't. but you have to know how to use him correctly in each case.

"mr means nothing - knowledge = skill".

Edited by DSjk22
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9 minutes ago, DSjk22 said:

I did sorties 3 (80-100) ember + melee only defence missions (grineers and once infested) with ember, and everything was nice didn't die and did 60% of team damage.

It doesn't mean that he is op for high levels , he isn't. but you have to know how to use him correctly in each case.

"mr means nothing - knowledge = skill".

Highly doubt you did all that and don't even know the correct gender of the frame

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3 hours ago, RealPandemonium said:

Embers frequently carry Sorties, passively melting cannon fodder while stunlocking heavy units and annihilating them with Heat-modded weapons.  


2 hours ago, DSjk22 said:

I did sorties 3 (80-100) ember + melee only defence missions (grineers and once infested) with ember, and everything was nice didn't die and did 60% of team damage.

It doesn't mean that he is op for high levels , he isn't. but you have to know how to use him correctly in each case.

"mr means nothing - knowledge = skill".

You're missing the point :) My husband does the sorties with Ember but I dare the OP to do the same and then ask for WoF nerf.

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5 hours ago, secret9005 said:

T4 Void enemies (level 35-40+ levels?) have 300% damage increase modifier.

Anyways, If we fix players first, how do you expect them to do endgame content? Fix broken scaling, then we can fix "OP" Warframe abilities/Weapons.

 Don't know why you keep to say this. I complete and Sortie every days. Mot is not a problem. And i never use Ember, Ash, Mirage and Banshee. Never had a Simulor.


Ember is a problem at lower levels. There aren't only sortie in the game. Or MR20+ players.


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All im reading is Zmgod they took our kills.

If were giong to nerf AOE frames then you can nerf almost every well build frame that has a good build and there a lot so called OP frames out there besides the 3 mentioned here and there fine? lolz i think the OP is just mad he left the mission with 2 kills.

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If you have a problem with Mirage and Synoid Simulor nerf the following as well please.

  • Zepyhr + Jet Stream and Tonkor
  • Saryn with Torid/Mutalist Cernos/Pox or Ignis/Hikou Prime
  • Mag with Lanka
  • Equinox/Excalibur/Banshee/Inaros/Ivara with Covert Lethality

Just some of the "OP" combos out there.

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33 minutes ago, secret9005 said:

If you have a problem with Mirage and Synoid Simulor nerf the following as well please.

Sorry, but i want to remind the sense of this thread.

I'm NOT against any powerful combo, weapon or ability. I dislike, and think is stupid, press a button for have a mission done. Or shoot nowhere bubbles without aim, and wipeout all enemies without any effort. Spam always the same ability, and watch it get done. 



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Just now, (PS4)ghinellil said:

Sorry, but i want to remind the sense of this thread.

I'm NOT against any powerful combo, weapon or ability. I dislike, and think is stupid, press a button for have a mission done. Or shoot nowhere bubbles without aim, and wipeout all enemies without any effort. Spam always the same ability, and watch it get done. 

I'm also not talking about changing everything , I'm thinking that we need higher level enemies/planets and changing fissure system (where i'm personally having a problem with some frames and combos that are the same - press one button and run because of low level).

About enemy scaling/modifier, especially in endless mission. I think it is fair, you can't play forever one mission - depends on you modifications (and you team).




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12 minutes ago, (PS4)ghinellil said:

Sorry, but i want to remind the sense of this thread.

I'm NOT against any powerful combo, weapon or ability. I dislike, and think is stupid, press a button for have a mission done. Or shoot nowhere bubbles without aim, and wipeout all enemies without any effort. Spam always the same ability, and watch it get done. 

Exactly, why not nerf those as well. Zephyr with Jet Stream and Tonkor is basically no aim Tonkor. It makes the grenades explode on impact. Saryn is the same, using Spore to wipe the whole map. Equinox with a good Maim build can stack up damage and wipe out level 80+ mobs.

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Have u started a new account and tried any of the stuff u mentioned? I'm going to assume no because if u did, u would know that out of everything u listed - only ash/bladestorm will be effective.

Ember and wof without mods? See how long that will last before your energy is all consumed.


Mirage and synoid simulor? Well u need to be mr12 to get synoid simulor so u must have invested time into the game and ur mod collection so u have better knowledge of the game, factions, weaknesses, strengths etc. Try running mirage with limited mods, not fully upgraded and see how OP she is... Or isn't in this case.


Banshee and rq? That's only as effective as what you're saying when a) u have the mods for that build (so sacrificing duration which means no sonar or silence) which again means u must of invested time into the game and b) when paired with an ev trin... Sounds to me that people have specifically run those frames for that specific purpose of locking down the map. Banshee with no mods? Use a water gun, will be more effective against enemies!!


All in all, imo only ash needs to be looked at which we know DE are already doing so why beat the dead horse even more?


The stuff that u claim is OP can really only be considered OP when the person has invested alot of time into the game and their understanding of the game.

Should a player who has invested 500 hours (number off top my head) be as weak as a new player with 10 hours play time? Be pretty annoying if those grineer I struggled to kill with my mk1 was still causing me problems with maxed mods n frames.


Just my opinion on it all... Way to many nerf threads around.

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37 minutes ago, (PS4)Kop_Fan09 said:

The stuff that u claim is OP can really only be considered OP when the person has invested alot of time into the game and their understanding of the game.

Should a player who has invested 500 hours (number off top my head) be as weak as a new player with 10 hours play time? Be pretty annoying if those grineer I struggled to kill with my mk1 was still causing me problems with maxed mods n frames.


Just my opinion on it all... Way to many nerf threads around.

So much this.

Also I'd like to add lore from Mirage's quest.

In her quest she was mentioned to  slaughter Sentients in overwhelming numbers. Could be dozens, could be hundrends or even thousands. But these guys are Sentients, leagues above Corpus/Grineer/Infested. 1 Sentient fighter is like a hundred of the Grineer in terms of combat ability. Now Mirage was slaughtering dozens of these and that's comparable to thousands of Grineer. She also had little effort in doing so, the only reason she was defeated because "she ran out of energy".

So please tell me why I'm not supposed to kill enemies on sight with the combo I worked for?

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But you are glad when you finish missions in a blink of a eye,are you?As for radiation many things can kill you  also that are not mentioned here so learn how to avoid it.

I have seen many players go melee on crowd of enemies while someone ,or me is using its ult.That is mistake of players geting killed not a player using its ult.I did not think  for a sec to blame a player who killed me in this kind of mission,but sure there is a lot of them who dont mind or know they are under rad proc.

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16 hours ago, Lijka said:

1. Riiight, that's why we have energy pizzas, Arcane Energize, Zenurik, Energy Siphon... hmm...

2. If it wasn't fun for people, they wouldn't do it. The fact that so many people do it, that to people like you it seems to be a problem, simply shows that there is demand for this kind of gameplay and this kind of abilities. And you have no right whatsoever to tell anyone that they are wrong and your way of playing is the only right/correct way. This is exactly what you are doing.

1. They even make post about this on forum. Why should i make free lessons of Warframe balance for everyone, who never heard about Vivergate?

2. There is always demand for the cheap cheeze. The problem arises when this type of people get all of they want and discover that they left game brocken and violated, devoid of any gameplay by simple press of one button.

And i have all rights to complain. They ruin MY gamelpay, they killing MY attempt to actually play Warframe for once. And after that self-satisfied act they come on forum and complain that their almighty button is perfectly fine, in fact, it's too hard to press and probably button should be buffed.

I have the right, and i'm gonna use it.

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