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Capture 2.0


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I know, I know.  Lots of people love capture missions because how quick and easily mindless they are.  I admit even I feel relieved when I see the sortie is a capture and not something harder.  Anyway, Spy 2.0 and Sabotage 2.0 both added some actual thought and/or even stealth incentive to the missions.  (Until you learn the tricks to every tile of course- though that problem is likely never going away)


Perhaps for Capture 2.0 we should have to infiltrate a penthouse of a rich, greedy Corpus Chanceler.  We must sneak and performed a "stealth incapacitation" on the target or laser walls will go up, bursas will pop out of the freaking walls, and the target will enter his "panic room" until we can disengage the locks on it. (EDIT NOTE: Unlike the current system this will not cause a mission fail and instead will require extra security, locks, lasers, and alarms to bypass to infiltrate the room and capture the target.) Targets may also vary, it may be a harmless corpus merchant-  or a heavily armed Grineer veteran which can serve as a "mini-boss" of sorts.  These mini-bosses can serve like the old target system except they will be stronger, and won't run away.

Edit:  These targets may also have a new enemy unit specific to the faction, and "Elite Guard" of sorts.  Infested capture missions would entail collecting samples of strangely-mutated (New enemy or maybe an eximus or two spawned at mission start and marked?) infected targets for study, rather than chasing a random Grineer or Corpus target that just happens to be alone inside an infected ship.  Never really understood that.

And to those who hate nullifiers, even if they are removed, corpus mini-bosses should still have a *chance* to be nullifiers.


Anyway, that's my idea.  I might have missed something, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on it so far.

Edited by TheLoneNinja
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I think Capture 2.0 should be a sort of hostile escort mission. Once you beat your target into submission, you put some kind of cuffs on him and he promises to follow you. And he will, but only at a certain speed. If you get too far away from him, he'll free himself and you'll have to chase him down again. And if you don't watch him closely, he'll try to activate alert panels on the way out.

I like the "panic room" idea, too. Could be like a spy vault.

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1 minute ago, motorfirebox said:

I think Capture 2.0 should be a sort of hostile escort mission. Once you beat your target into submission, you put some kind of cuffs on him and he promises to follow you.

They'd have to do some explaining on why we can't just "absorb" our target to the extraction point anymore. :P

Did we lose that technology?  Hmmm... perhaps the enemy has some special device that makes them resistant to it.  It would also have to be implanted in them surgically so we can't just take it off.

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Just now, TheLoneNinja said:

They'd have to do some explaining on why we can't just "absorb" our target to the extraction point anymore. :P

Did we lose that technology?  Hmmm... perhaps the enemy has some special device that makes them resistant to it.  It would also have to be implanted in them surgically so we can't just take it off.

Well, technology in this game doesn't really make a lot of sense to begin with, so whatever one-line explanation they want to throw in should be fine.

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14 minutes ago, TheLoneNinja said:

They'd have to do some explaining on why we can't just "absorb" our target to the extraction point anymore. :P

I kinda always dislike this method of 'capturing' the target.  Its a high value VIP yet how do we capture it?  Beat it, stab it, shoot it, burn it, exploderize it and do as much damage as possible until it falls down.  Then we somehow take a living being, albeit barely, and digitize teleport it to our ship to "wait for us".  

Does this method of travel only work on beings who have many broken bones and are bleeding from a thousand cuts?

Hmm, I wonder if this is how we abort missions, we just digitize ourselves back to our ships.  If not, this is a severely underused technology.

We definitely need a new Capture concept on the horizon.

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I like the idea of breaking into a secure area with some stealth for capture missions. The escort idea I don't like personally. Also captured targets are killed, they are scanned like simaris scans things and stored digitally. Perhaps that is how cephalons are made or part of the process. Captured targets themselves are physically killed, and then Lotus just probes the digital computer data collected for intel. It's pretty cruel if you think about it hehe.

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1 hour ago, TheLoneNinja said:

Does this mean you like my proposal?

Quite so yes.  The problem is an entirely new mechanic/mission mode takes such a long time to code and test.  Unless they've already decided capture needs more and have been working on it all this time we aren't likely to see anything for quite a while.  Definitely not this year anyway.

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19 hours ago, Xekrin said:

Quite so yes.  The problem is an entirely new mechanic/mission mode takes such a long time to code and test.  Unless they've already decided capture needs more and have been working on it all this time we aren't likely to see anything for quite a while.  Definitely not this year anyway.

Well, thanks for the support. :D

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If they do update capture missions in this way, there needs to be better rewards. Most capture, if not all currently give no bonus rewards and terrible affinity. If we're going to go through the extra trouble, it would be nice to be able to rank up a same gear and get some new mod drops.

On a side note: It would be cool to have a cutscene (skip-able) and transmissions of capture target, like boss fights, while he's running away and if he gets away. 

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On 9/9/2016 at 11:44 AM, Onokosha said:

If they do update capture missions in this way, there needs to be better rewards. Most capture, if not all currently give no bonus rewards and terrible affinity. If we're going to go through the extra trouble, it would be nice to be able to rank up a same gear and get some new mod drops.

On a side note: It would be cool to have a cutscene (skip-able) and transmissions of capture target, like boss fights, while he's running away and if he gets away. 

I wouldn't even dream of the rewards being the same in the first place.  Like you said, this overhaul should definently come with increased rewards such as perhaps an optional "treasure vault" of the rich corpus merchant you can optionally raid.  In addition, perhaps we could get some ransom money as well?


Genocide, and now ransom money... guess Tenno arn't all good.

Edited by TheLoneNinja
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My two cents:


1) It's quite annoying how the Capture target seems to spot me before I spot him/her and before anyone else is alerted.

2) I wish we'd get some actual intel from Capture targets, whether in the form of weapons blueprints or other, follow-on missions, like a Hijack or Spy or Sabotage. Something so that Capture missions actually make some sense.


3) We should capture the targets in pokeballs. Or maybe datamass type things. And then have to carry that to extraction, with it possibly weighing you down. It would keep the same basic mechanic (digitizing a target) while also adding one additional step: getting to extraction.

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