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New Sorties to the Void


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Last month I posted in Mission feedback how I wanted to see a large expansion of the Sortie system. I'll post a link at the bottom, but the short of it is that I want to see Sorties expanded out beyond the three daily missions and have reward pools that cover content from the entire game. More endgame with meaningful rewards for everyone.

I'm here to discuss a specific idea from that thread, however. Sortie missions in the old void. Here's my proposal:

In addition to the three daily Sortie missions we have now, there would be another set of three that are always Void missions. Some tweaking to the difficultly will need to be made, since they made the Void much harder, but the idea is a Sortie level of difficulty, with the random conditional effects, in the void. All the old void mission types can be used, and the difficult will increase with each mission like it does with normal sorties. 

Rewards would be a random (though this would certainly be weighted RNG) prime part. The reward pool would NOT be seasonal. Now, because you might get junk like Bronco Prime, I propose that each of the three missions drops a part, rather than just one at the end, with better chances for newer/rarer parts as the difficult increases.

Now, I know what some of you are thinking: won't this trivialize the new relic system? Not at all. This would be designed for players like me looking for some endgame and just enjoying whatever prime part I get. This is how a lot of us ran the old Void. If you are obsessed with getting a certain part, relics are still going to be the way to go.

Also, if we really want to place emphasis on the relics, we could say that the newest prime access stuff will not be in the void sortie drop table right away. The parts would be rotated in when the next prime access comes. I don't think this whole part is necessary, but I'm offering it up as a compromise to those that think this will be bad for relic hunters. 

Or course, these missions could also provide a way to eliminate the prime vault, but I don't see that happening, just tossing the idea out there.

What do you guys think? I like to think this could help bring back some of the classic void feel many players are longing for, while making it worthwhile and challenging to play. Make no mistake, I expect these missions to be even harder than the regular sorties. But we want more endgame, right?

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With the relic system, alternate ways of obtaining Primed parts are out. The prime part accrual system is now relic based. I think the question should be how can we bring relic grinding to Sorties. The sortie tiers could be tied to relic tiers (T1 Meso, T2 Neo, T3 Axi) and after each sortie, you crack a random relic from that pool. The final rewards could be elevated based on the more challenging content.  

The main caveat I have with sorties at the moment is the fact that you do not get rewards for anything besides the end mission. I could run a standard excavation to 2k twice in the time it take to complete the daily sorties, and potentially get a greater endo payout by doing so, and there are no negative modifiers to slow me down. 

Overall, I like having more options and if this was in game I would play, but I do not think this is where they are heading with the sorties and relic systems. 

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1 hour ago, Pyus said:

With the relic system, alternate ways of obtaining Primed parts are out.

I don't see why two different systems can't coexist for different play styles. If you check out my linked post, you'll see that I'd like all kinds of missions like this that have a chance to drop things from all over the game. The pool(s) of rewards would be so large that it would never make sorties the best way to get the items, but an alternative. 

Everyone complains that the sortie rewards are not worth the difficulty, these are ways to change that. The power grinders can still run relics, and people who just want to enjoy tricky/difficult missions can still get worthwhile rewards too. It's not even something that is difficult for DE to implement. Everybody wins.

Quite honestly, I dislike the new relic system so much that I've completely stopped framing prime parts. I am sure there are many more like me that have done the same. For all the love the relic system gets here on the forums, you have to understand this was an extremely divisive change to the player base at large, easily the most divisive since I've been playing. I think this is a step toward a nice compromise.

26 minutes ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

Corrupted Vor approves this message.

Yes! I did not have time earlier to add this to my original post, but Corrupted Vor assassinations should absolutely be a part of this. Maybe he could even get a minor rework and his own boss stage. He should also be the one to talk trash as you are selecting the void sortie. I miss that guy...

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Hey! Just checking back in. I just ran (yesterdays?) sortie and the first round was a Defense in the Void defense tileset! The conditional effect of radiation hazard did not seem to be working properly, but otherwise this was very cool to see. They brought the heat in the last round, considering it was just me and one other guy playing. 

I'd really like to see Sorties fleshed out even more. 

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