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Show Who Contributed What To The Dojo Expansion


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hey players


though our clan is still small, but we are getting bigger by the day, and we have been building our dojo non-stop and we are making significant progress. 


however, both the warlord and me (the officer) agreed that warframe should have a way to give information to the warlord on who has contributed what type of resources to the dojo expansion. currently we are building a generator and personally i had contributed 3 out of 5 formas, plus 2000 circuits. other clan members could have contributed other needed resources as well, and i think if there is a way to keep a record of these things, any future promotion on clan members will come in handy, since member promotion could be based on the amount contributed to the dojo.


in addition, i personally believe that there should be a place where the warlord can post important infos and clan members can post their requests and questions. all clans have new players who just started playing warframes, and these members might need help defeating certain bosses or completing certain missions, or they might want to do void runs to obtain prime weapons but don't have keys. instead of asking every clan member on the list, which is inefficient, they can post their request on a certain place where all the clan members can see, so clan members who don't have anything important to do can help the new members.


finally, i suggest that warframe should show vacancy on the sessions which my friends are in. many times i see 10 friends online, and playing games, but when i try to join them, 8 out of 10 tell me their sessions are full. so if warframe can tell me whether their sessions are full or not, i don't need to waste time clicking on every single person on my friend list, instead i can just go to the persons which are playing in sessions that still have vacant spots.


thanks for reading

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Will make my job easier to promote certain players.

Also keep track of who lies.

Especially the ones who lie, brag about the forma they added to their brand new warframe demand something gets constructed as if they are the Warlord yet contributes nothing or very little.


I have some young player in my clan who swears up and down he contributes a reasonable amount when I keep very close tabs on how much who and what has been contributed.


The kid even went as far as to stand next to a area under construction and say there I have contributed only to find nothing has changed nice the clan member before him contributed!

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I agree to this.  Having a way to track it would be awesome.  Further more I would like to propose an idea to help organize this idea into a dojo room and control for the warlords/leaders of the clan, to address other complaints that I have noticed, as such I have made a topic just above this one as a way to deal with multiple issues at once.  One of which is this issue.  But I hope the developers take a look at this, because it is an issue that a lot of clans are facing.

Edited by Chaosrejin78
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Yeah, this is all good stuff. I also think that the rooms should have some sort of plaque on the wall or something similar to commemorate those who donated to that piece's construction, in order of how much they contributed. Or at least the names of those who donated the most of each material.

Edited by TheWebbliest
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