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Best Support Warframe that Isn't Trinity



In a support kind of player, a real nice guy who likes to help improve the survivability of the team. That one guy who does not damage but makes his team do way more than he could ever dream of doing. I fell in love with trinity as soon as I saw her potential for healing and energy. I played around 200 hours with her as my main. Then I moved onto volt because u know. Volt is the bomb. Now I'm moving back to support and I need a new frame that can provide the underdog support experience. Thanks guys!

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14 answers to this question

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  • Chroma is an aura tank and can provide decent buffs to his team.
  • Equinox can buff and heal, and she can "paralyze" enemies with Rest.
  • Vauban provides great crowd control.
  • Titania provides good CC as well, and using a max range build on her makes Spellbound hilariously effective.
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If you mean health, go get an Oberon or Nekros.
If it's any kind of support, Titania, Volt itself, Frost, Banshee, Mag, Vauban, Limbo and maybe Rhino can be a good choice of support. Many of them offer more defense than buff/debuff support, but still is someone that helps more than kills.
The thing is, any frame can be a little support by using the correct abilities in the right time.

My playstyle is somewhat you call "underdog support" for being the guy that helps the most and kill the least. More like a combat medic / TF2 medic. But we don't have that many choices for Healling Support.

Edited by Nedow40
added more things
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You can go support Ember using her Augments. Her augments for 1, 2, and 4 make the abilities more supportive. Her 1 and 2 become buffs and 4 becomes an even better CC.

Other suggestions.



Oberon - can heal and CC (also buff if using Augment).

Equinox - can do a lot of supporting using Day form.

Volt - can CC and buff (also speed boost).

Saryn - can be a buff/debuff.

Frost - CC potential is insane.

Vauban - he is also a CC support.

Rhino - Buffer and CC.

Nekros - can debuff using 2 augment.

and maybe Nova.

I could mention more but these are just the few that can do support better.



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From day one, I stick with Loki.
Radial disarm means everyone becomes perma melee, and attack each other (for a good 10 seconds or so).
Nulifiers? Simply run up, back stab them, and invis-disarm again

Decoy  can draw some agro away from your team. Swap teleport downed allies into your team while you go into the center of the enemies/ disarm them

equinox is pretty nice. sending the whole room to sleep, while buffing your allies power strength.

Saryn can laydown some CC, while killing, while tanking.
Molt - spore right away (don't have to turn around and aim, if you activate it right away, it will apply it to your molt) and miasma.
If you have regenerative molt, you just healed any damage you might have taken, while stunning/killing half the room.
or at least slowing your team to kill said stunned/half dead enemies. Often times, in exterminations, I'll just run through use that combo, and not even bother cleaning up. If miasma doesn't kill them, it stuns them enough that my team can pick the few remaning enemies off without a problem.

Nova's slow/portals can be usefull

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7 minutes ago, Nedow40 said:

If you mean health, go get an Oberon.
If it's any kind of support, Titania, Volt itself, Frost, Banshee, Mag, Vauban, Limbo and maybe Rhino can be a good choice of support. Many of them offer more defense than buff/debuff support, but still is someone that helps more than kills.
The thing is, any frame can be a little support by using the correct abilities in the right time.

He's absolutely right. I run a lot of my frames built around any form of CC or Buff/Debuff ability they might have for squad play.

There's one thing I'd like to add though, Nekros.

2 of his augments make him an incredible support frame. Creeping Terrify will cause his #2 to slow enemies WAY down in addition to fearing them and reducing there armor each time you cast it, with recasts stacking the Armor Reduction debuff; and Soul Survivor will allow you to cast his #1 on downed allies and instantly revive them with a portion of there max health, scaling with your power strength.

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-Banshee. The incredibly squishy offensive support that gives massive stacking damage multiplier. Strength build with Resonance augment gives your weapons so much damage you can use unmodded weapons across the starchart. Decent CC as well with her other abilities. One of my favorites to bring when I need to go to super high levels or carry noobs that don't have the best gear.

-Frost. The tanky defensive support. He can defend his team or an objective with his Snow Globe as a buffer between the enemy and your team. Incredible CC and armor reduction with Avalanche, other abilities have great CC as well. Modded for range and duration, you'll keep your team protected from harm.

-Nekros. The spooky loot generator. Need to revive someone? Punch them from a distance to instantly revive them, or make everyone run away from you so you can revive in safety. Free extra loot, not much more to say there. He's the support that has so many options on how you can mod and play him, and his augments are absolutely amazing, I always end up with at least 1, usually 2 on my builds.

Edited by Zachatoo
Nekros, how could I forget Nekros?
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Equinox would probably be the best fit. In Night Form, you can use Rest to shut down big baddies, Pacify to debuff enemy damage, and Mend to do crazy amounts of healing. 

...or if more damage if what is needed, Switch to Day Form and use Rage to make enemies more vulnerable, Provoke to increase ally power strength, and Maim to massacre everything in sight.


If you want something more off-the-wall... Nekros, Get the augment mods for Soul Punch and Desecrate, plus Equilibrium (the mod that gives you energy with every health orb pickup and visa-versa) and you have a 'frame who's constantly popping extra drops and insta-ressing anyone who gets downed.

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I would suggest Oberon.

  • Smite can be augmented to add radiation to your allies' attacks.
  • Hallowed Ground is an area of effect that can remove existing status effects and give bonus armor to allies.
  • Renewal is a heal over time for allies that can be augmented to heal allies when they take fatal damage.
  • Reckoning is an area of effect that damages enemies and has a chance to cause enemies to spawn a health orb when they die.  It can be augmented to cause killed enemies to spawn a Hallowed Ground field.
Edited by Aniawn
Grammar correction.
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Nezha is an underappreciated warframe that works great in team environment.  His Firewalker is great for crowd control as well as cleansing teammates of status effect.  His Burning Chakram works as a heal for yourself, your companions, and teammates who are nearby.  With the Safeguard augment he can cast Warding Halo on teammates, companions, hostages, moving defense target (in sorties or Darvo like in the last event), etc.  His Divine Spears works well as crowd control or for damage depending on how you build him.  He's great as support and he can solo as well.  

I also like using Frost and Volt for support/team play, but I don't need to say much since others have already covered that.

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You'd be surprised, but... Hydroid. Aside from pure CC kit, there are some other tricks up its sleeve. Pilfering Swarm nearly doubles the loot from killed enemies, while Curative Undertow restores a percentage of maximum health per tick, no matter how large it is, while dealing direct to-health damage to drowned enemies, ignoring all resistances.

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It hasn't been mentioned yet, so I'll go ahead and say it: one of the most overlooked, yet important role of a support in Warframe is the stripping of enemy armour.

Sure, you can run 4 CPs (or 3 with Coaction Drift), but with just one Warframe's loadout you can free up 4 Aura slots for other more interesting options, including the new TSG Aura Mods. On the other hand, there are PuGs that don't run CP.

Examples include:

  1. Banshee with Sonic Fracture. You only need 140% Power Strength to strip all armour, so you can use the rest to Mod for range and duration.
  2. Vauban can use his Shred Mine, but requires at least 250% Power Strength. You'll need some fair bit of duration and range to further improve the effects.
  3. Alternatively, Vauban can use Vortex to corral mobs together and layer in with some high-status chance Corrosive weapon, like the Torid or Pox.
  4. Trinity has Abating Link, requiring about 223% Power Strength to fully strip armour.
  5. Nekros' Terrify also removes armor, but it only has a 20% base reduction.
  6. Mag has her new Polarize that now removes armour. It's a flat amount but further casts can do the trick.
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