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New Mod: Makes Guns Full Auto?


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I am proposing a new mod, that, when equipped, turns the gun into full auto (can only apply to semi automatic guns. No bows or snipers or anything you need to charge, lol). This is mainly so my fingers don't fall off whilst I have a weapon that is semi-automatic. It serves no purpose in terms of increasing DPS, it just preserves your fingers ^_^.


Consider it a counterpart to the +zoom mods if you want a similar example to this that's already been implemented.



- Consider this - in another game such as battlefield 3 or call of duty, to use popular examples, when using a semi auto weapon there will be gaps in-between firefights when you are not required to be shooting all the time. In Warframe, because it is PvE, there's almost always something you need to be shooting at - this for long periods of time reduces the charm of semi autos.

Edited by ISlayUpray
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Yeah, also make them shoot ICBMs. They are semi auto for a reason.



Yes they are, and if you were to customise it to make them full auto you would lose out on potential DPS you could have gained from an elemental mod. Seems fair to me, original full auto weapons will still hold their advantage over semi-autos.


*And, like I said, it will still fire as fast as it could before, just without the user having to press the button each time.

Edited by ISlayUpray
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Yeah, also make them shoot ICBMs. They are semi auto for a reason.

Is that reason "to kill our fingers"?

I see no problem with making EVERY gun fully auto, like how TF2 has their guns. It wont make them shoot faster, just spare our fingers some pain and hopefully fix our FPS-DPS issues.

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Is that reason "to kill our fingers"?

I see no problem with making EVERY gun fully auto, like how TF2 has their guns. It wont make them shoot faster, just spare our fingers some pain and hopefully fix our FPS-DPS issues.


You know, there's a pretty big selection of full auto guns already in the game. So technically you dont HAVE to "kill your fingers". And if you chose the semi-auto gun for the looks, then you shoul've known better when you were choosing it. Making the current semi-auto rifles full-auto will make them somewhat OP.Also you can try using some mouse macro soft (not sure if it's banned by the game though).

Edited by Pandaslayer
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Imagine a full-auto Ogris. Yeah, no.



Also stop playing Whack-a-mole with your mouse. If you're killing your fingers with the semi-auto weapons I can't imagine the status of your mouse.

Edited by Aspari
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You know, there's a pretty big selection of full auto guns already in the game. So technically you dont HAVE to "kill your fingers". And if you chose the semi-auto gun for the looks, then you shoul've known better when you were choosing it. Making the current semi-auto rifles full-auto will make them somewhat OP.Also you can try using some mouse macro soft (not sure if it's banned by the game though).


Please explain how making a semi auto weapon fire at the exact same rate as if you were tapping it yourself makes it OP. And furthermore, explain how that differs from using a macro (aside from saving me mod points).


Imagine a full-auto Ogris. Yeah, no.


I said in my post: (can only apply to semi automatic guns. No bows or snipers or anything you need to charge, lol)

Edited by ISlayUpray
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Imagine a full-auto Ogris. Yeah, no.

Full auto doesn't mean rapid fire. Simply that holding down the mouse button continues to fire. So 1 rocket per 1.5 sec, instead of per click.

Nonetheless, I disagree that this mod is required. I don't even think it's a particularly good idea. There are certain weapons that don't 'feel' right on full auto.

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You know, there's a pretty big selection of full auto guns already in the game. So technically you dont HAVE to "kill your fingers". And if you chose the semi-auto gun for the looks, then you shoul've known better when you were choosing it. Making the current semi-auto rifles full-auto will make them somewhat OP.Also you can try using some mouse macro soft (not sure if it's banned by the game though).


Kunai is already out dpsing tons of semi-auto weapons because it is fully automatic and not affected by the FPS lag bug.

If all side arms are full auto, people will still complain about the Kunai, but far less, since their semi autos are not gimped by half due to the FPS bug.  


It also does not break semi auto rifles, since a fully auto latron shoots at only 4.2 rounds a second, while a Vulkar shoots at 1.7 rounds a second..... That's not overpowered.

Edited by fatpig84
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Yes they are, and if you were to customise it to make them full auto you would lose out on potential DPS you could have gained from an elemental mod. Seems fair to me, original full auto weapons will still hold their advantage over semi-autos.


*And, like I said, it will still fire as fast as it could before, just without the user having to press the button each time.

and when someone puts fire rate on the gun and max it out, then u have an op semi gun that shoots like the braton mk1...

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Semi-auto to full auto doesn't mean increased firing rate!

It just means you can leave your finger pressed on the mousebutton and don't have to go through a clickorgy.

You can focus more on aiming and less on tapping.


I would appreciate this for melee as well, kinda like in diablo. As long as I press the button my character will continue attacking.

Charge attacks begone or getting built into a combo system!


Also, every gun should have it, no mod needed.

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Auto-Hek, here i come!


It's funny you know... ppl using auto weapons usually fire in bursts on purpose to maintain precision, ppl with semi-auto ask for full auto, lolz


You know, it could be that we're asking for full auto because we're sick of the semi-auto bug: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/58427-fire-rate-on-semi-autos-is-meaningless/

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I can see the argument to make Akbolto full-auto really that is the most broken gun in the game when it comes to what they expect players to do. Base it is it has a fire rate of 10 with mods its is 17.2. That is the speed of most full-auto weapons it really makes not sense at all from any point of view for those guns to be made to click shot that fast. Alklato is nearly as bad Akbolto they shouldn't ever have a semi auto weapon have fire rate greater than 5.


I do not care If people call me a Noob or whatever but those guns need to be changed or given a mod


Latron/latron prime I couldn't careless if it was auto-fire or given a mod I would single fire only anyway.

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and when someone puts fire rate on the gun and max it out, then u have an op semi gun that shoots like the braton mk1...


Then they could have done it themselves by using a macro or willingly suffering carpal tunnel, except now they don't need to use a macro to not get carpal tunnel syndrome. Also, a Latron Prime with a maxed Speed Trigger is not what I'd call "OP".


Frustration shouldn't generally be a balance point.

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Why is the semi auto defense force so upset about this idea? It's a MOD you have a CHOICE to put it on or just leave it as it is. You want to keep your semi auto gun, semi auto? Then don't put the mod on, so simple.

Edited by TheDoctah
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Why is the semi auto defense force so upset about this idea? It's a MOD you have a CHOICE to put it on or just leave it as it is. You want to keep your semi auto gun, semi auto? Then don't put the mod on, so simple.


I don't even think it should be a mod (unless it's part of a weapons customization thing that lets you add doohickeys and modify triggers and such).


It really should be an option for automatic fire.


Say, in gameplay options a "Delay before repeat fire" for semi-automatic weapons (0 = infinite delay, weapons are locked to semi-auto). So if you set it to 0.2, if you hold down the mouse you fire one shot, then wait, then 0.2 seconds later you start firing full-auto.


Because, again, you can get this functionality via macros without any trouble.

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