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New Mod: Makes Guns Full Auto?


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People there is a semi-auto bug due to warframe being poorly optimized. It has nothing to do with us wanting a automatic hek of doom, it is because you are doing half the damage potential (DPS) of your weapon if your FPS is below 30.


That is all.


And oh, it protects our fingers.

Edited by fatpig84
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I won't support this idea because full auto on all weapons should be either an option in the menu or the default, not a mod. Ergonomy shouldn't be an in-game item.


Saying 'use AutoHotkey' isn't an option either. A lot of people either can't use it, don't want to, or can't because they play other games that explicitly forbid it.


If people need to use a third-party application alongside the game in the first place then that's a sign of a problem by itself. Because it means there is something in the game that annoys them and the game itself doesn't allow them to change it.


Going full auto will not break Latron (Prime) because it actually does have recoil, which already prevents you from firing at full speed over long distances. And over short distances, Braton and Gorgon will still be better and their only downside is that you need to bring a bunch of ammo boxes.

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Once again, people, as has been stated before: Fully automatic does -not- mean a crapton of firing speed. Look at other full-auto guns. Compare the Browning Automatic Rifle to the MG-34, or PPSH-41. The BAR has a much slower fire rate than either of those two weapons, but is still fully automatic. All full-auto guns do is simply fire the next round as soon as the machinery pulls itself back into a firing position. It has -nothing- to do with fast firing rates.

I'll put it this way. What would you rather do?

Click once every second or so.

Or click once, and fire every second or so.

THAT is what full-auto means. You get the same firing rate, but you don't have to mash the button every time you want to fire.

EDIT: Alright, so looking back over this, it wasn't very clear. Fully automatic works like this: A weapon has a -base- firing speed of, say, 1.5 rounds a second. A fully auto weapon will fire those 1.5 rounds a second with one pull of the trigger.

A semi-auto rifle that can fire 1.5 rounds a second will fire the same, but you have to pull the trigger every time you want to fire. In reality, it fires -slower- because no human can, without practice, fire at exactly 1.5 rounds a second with every trigger pull.

So yes, making a mod will increase firing speed by a slight bit. But it's only eliminating human error, not making the gun fire faster in mechanical terms. A semi-auto weapon firing 1.5 rounds a second won't suddenly fire 4 rounds a second by altering the mechanism behind the frame.

That should appease both sides in the fact that in some cases, you'll fire faster, but the -gun- won't be firing any faster than it already does.

Edited by KittyKatPet
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So you want a select fire switch? Make it a mod that switched between modes with a key on the keyboard. I'd be down with that for some things i guess.


Edit : Grakata would really be a great candidate if the mod is done correctly.  Semi, Burst, Auto.

Edited by Memnarch
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So, make all guns full auto because... Because!

Not really, no. I like my semi-auto Akbolto, and I have no problem with them.


It's a mod, so you won't be forced to equip it, if you're into semi auto then go for it! You can also slot on an extra mod due to lazy people like me using mod points to make the gun full auto.


Why is this even controversial? The man just wants to hold down the button instead of having to click a few times. No big deal.


SOMEONE GETS IT :D I'm willing to pay mod points just to be a lazy noob, doesnt make them any better or worse in dps at the end of the day

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I won't support this idea because full auto on all weapons should be either an option in the menu or the default, not a mod. Ergonomy shouldn't be an in-game item.


Saying 'use AutoHotkey' isn't an option either. A lot of people either can't use it, don't want to, or can't because they play other games that explicitly forbid it.


If people need to use a third-party application alongside the game in the first place then that's a sign of a problem by itself. Because it means there is something in the game that annoys them and the game itself doesn't allow them to change it.


Going full auto will not break Latron (Prime) because it actually does have recoil, which already prevents you from firing at full speed over long distances. And over short distances, Braton and Gorgon will still be better and their only downside is that you need to bring a bunch of ammo boxes.


Nice reply and similar suggestion to add a function like this to the menu, but by default some characteristics set them apart. I will once again refer to a kind of similar mod: the +zoom mod.


By default, the snipers have a far greater zoom than other weapons, and that gives them a uniqueness and different handling characteristic to other guns. If you just enable you to automatically adjust weapon zoom in settings, they will lose it - however, you can pay mod points to install a +zoom mod on your gun if you do want further zoom, so the option is there.


Therefore, I believe that yes, they could put my suggestion as a toggle option, but it will detract from the uniqueness of weapons with no drawback (no mod points lost).


I fully agree with you to the people who say to use a macro/fire button/whatever, in an ideal game you would have everything you needed at your fingertips.


And to point out again, the "semi auto" guns in this game are actually limited, not to how fast you can shoot like most games, but by a barrier that can be reduced by attack speed mods... if you just make a latron full auto, it's still got the exact same limit on attack speed, it will NOT give any more DPS if in full auto or semi... just lazier (and a few mod points lost)

Edited by ISlayUpray
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Hmm I might make a auto hotkey script to do this when left click is held because I am tired of clicking the hell out of my left mouse button to fire my acrid on high hp targets. That is assuming I figure out how to use it.

Edited by Scyris
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I got an idea, use a full auto gun!

What's next ? make jump mods so we don't have to keep pressing the jump button ? Make aim mods so we don't have to be accurate anymore ? STAHP FILLING THE LOOT TABLE WITH POINTLESS MODS!


Sooo... nice weather eh ?

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Consider this - in another game such as battlefield 3 or call of duty, to use popular examples, using a semi auto weapon there will be gaps in-between firefights when you are not required to mash buttons. In Warframe, because it is PvE, there's almost always something you need to be shooting at - this for long periods of time reduces the charm of semi autos.


I'll add this to the first post.

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