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  1. It only took an hour, but I finally got all three of my accounts merged. IF you get an error immediately after a merge, just refresh and resubmit when the prompt pops up. You'll be fine.
  2. Oh yea, no, the devs are doing their best. But people like Megan and Rebecca and the people who keep putting these ridiculous timelines and deadlines on the team? They need to take a step back and stop thirsting people with unobtainable goals.
  3. Because DE has a ton of apologists that will keep sucking on those boot-heels for them, excusing every botched release and bad plan because "It's a free to play game, you heathen!", ignoring that DE still rakes in the cash.
  4. Then the community managers shouldn't put the actual development team under stress by making absurd promises that can't be kept. This is a CONSTANT issue with DE. Remember how Railjacks were supposed to be able to come in and land on planets? How they DEMONSTRATED this, oh... Three years ago? Can your Railjack pick you up from the Orb Vallis? Didn't think so. Promises keep being made, and promises keep being broken. DE needs to stop hurting their own reputation, and start making realistic goals for themselves. Stop sucking on the bottoms of their boots.
  5. Kind of refreshing for someone else to actually agree that DE shouldn't set goals they know they can't reach after years of doing this sort of thing. People treat them like they don't absolutely rake in cash, and are just a small indie company... That hasn't been the case for -years-.
  6. I feel like the ultimate test of community goodwill is if they don't have this fixed before tomorrow, and then take their week+ break... If they can get it fixed tomorrow, fine. They kept their promise. Doesn't change that they made a lot of mistakes, though.
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