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A New Take on Nullifiers


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So the general consensus is that Nullifiers are a bad thing to be removed (one I don't share but whatever). I had an idea of how to make them more tollerable a while back but that has long since been archived and I don't feel like finding it. Besides, this idea is significantly different (and better IMO).

So Nullifers will stay more or less the same as they currently are: cancel powers from the outside, bubble stops weaponfire, etc etc... BUT powers can now be activated inside the bubble. My thought is that the skin of the bubble (for lack of a better term) is what actually cancels the power, so any power activated inside the bubble will still function, but can't hit anything outside of it, and vice versa. 


For example, if I activate Molecular Prime inside of the bubble, every enemy inside of it with me will be Primed, but unless I kill the Nullifier before the M-Prime wave reaches the bubble, it will be canceled and nothing outside the bubble will be Primed. If a Primed enemy crosses the bubble in any direction they will be un-Primed, and if I cross it while the power is active it will be canceled. 


I feel that this would be a far less restrictive way to allow for them to still impact gameplay in a significant way. 


Any input?

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That would actually be a good supplanter for the current Nullifier bubble effects, but a 'Nullifier turret' should be a Tech (eximus) tool that they employ, along with Corpus auto-turrets, Moa, and when in danger, the Tech (eximus) will deploy a mech-Osprey (Raptor) and engage in a mini bossfight; killing it will release the tech with a Serro in a stunned state, open to finishers. Fail to kill him, and he will scrap you.

Corpus Tech Eximus would have three general archetypes, befitting the Bursas and Raptors. These types will bias their arsenals (primaries, secondaries, melees).

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I'm not convinced that would solve the problems they have.  They're not particularly durable once their bubble is no longer between you and them, and getting close enough to be inside the bubble is (allegedly, I don't play high enough level missions where it happens regularly) a death sentence for squishy frames.  For non-squishy frames, taking advantage of this would still cause them to touch the bubble, dispelling their important buffs, like Iron Skin, Vex Armor, Warcry, Blessing (AFAIK), Scarab Swarm, both cancelling out the effort to get and sustain those buffs and makes those frames much more squishy, leading back to the death sentence part.

This change would definitely help, but I don't think it would accomplish much.

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I think that best change would be "dispell timer" .

 All powers that have duration/hp  cant be instantly nullified. Instead they are nullified few* seconds after they get inside the bubble.

  So you will keep iron skin on if you kill Nullifier before you get nullified.

*That time can be % based on duration/hp of ability.   Or fixed.       Should be pretty short though.  Something like 3-4 seconds.  It also should not stack...i think.



 Also, nullifier bubbles should merge when Nullies are close to each other.  Like snowglobe.  Because of how they tend to recharge while you killing another bubble right over it.


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2 hours ago, rudman88 said:

Make the bubble weaker.

That bubble is not easy to pop lol xd

I don't think its that bad, especially because if my suggested change makes the cut you will be able to reapply your buffs from inside of it. That said it would be better if it had straight HP, not a hit count (make single shot weapons have a chance) but I don't think it is needed. 


Pro tip: using "lol" and "xd" generally makes people take you less seriously. I don't personally care but when giving feedback you should express yourself the way you want to be perceived. 


On 10/11/2016 at 9:52 AM, Kainosh said:

I think that best change would be "dispell timer" .

 All powers that have duration/hp  cant be instantly nullified. Instead they are nullified few* seconds after they get inside the bubble.

  So you will keep iron skin on if you kill Nullifier before you get nullified.

*That time can be % based on duration/hp of ability.   Or fixed.       Should be pretty short though.  Something like 3-4 seconds.  It also should not stack...i think.



 Also, nullifier bubbles should merge when Nullies are close to each other.  Like snowglobe.  Because of how they tend to recharge while you killing another bubble right over it.


Perhaps the cancel timer should be based on the duration or health the buff has left, so if Iron Skin has 75% health left it gets 7.5 seconds or something.  Neat idea.

As for the merging, I assume you mean that an over lap becomes just a hole joining the two bubbles? Taking this down a sedimentation, if we have a Venn Diagram, the center part (overlapping) just becomes a hole that stuff can freely pass through? That what you mean?

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2 minutes ago, Imaru said:

As for the merging, I assume you mean that an over lap becomes just a hole joining the two bubbles? Taking this down a sedimentation, if we have a Venn Diagram, the center part (overlapping) just becomes a hole that stuff can freely pass through? That what you mean?

I mean that if there are 2 or more nullifiers within each other's reach, their bubbles become ONE with more HP and range.        If they walk away from each other, their bubbles split back to normal.


That way, when 2 + nullifiers "stack" together (they do that pretty often), it will be like ONE huge nullifier.  That is much easier to destroy with low firerate weapons and less vision obstructive.



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9 minutes ago, Kainosh said:

I mean that if there are 2 or more nullifiers within each other's reach, their bubbles become ONE with more HP and range.        If they walk away from each other, their bubbles split back to normal.


That way, when 2 + nullifiers "stack" together (they do that pretty often), it will be like ONE huge nullifier.  That is much easier to destroy with low firerate weapons and less vision obstructive.



I like it. 

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2 hours ago, Kainosh said:

I mean that if there are 2 or more nullifiers within each other's reach, their bubbles become ONE with more HP and range.        If they walk away from each other, their bubbles split back to normal.


That way, when 2 + nullifiers "stack" together (they do that pretty often), it will be like ONE huge nullifier.  That is much easier to destroy with low firerate weapons and less vision obstructive.



Y do i feel is like FUSION NUllfier


blue + red



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