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misssion builder? No there's something wrong sorry


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hello to all tenno.
about the "mission Builder", as the idea is wonderful, but I have to disagree:
-from start,this should not only be an exclusive for Warlords, because it penalizes the clans that have few members present, and the solitary ninjas, should be something available to everyone.
-the resources that you can find should be very small in terms of% of probabilities because otherwise no one will play as normal missions.
  -I find that using this type of mode to give us  "end-game"mission  is wrong, because it would be enough to put back the towers of the Void for maybe a kind of mission, with prizes Prime, and basic level 60-70, and you are assured that this would be a good endgame, and invite many researchers of the End-game and not, for  participate.
Obviously this is my thinking and so far it's nothing for sure but we were only shown a draft of the modalities, but as it is now I put the thumb down.

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11 minutes ago, Matt89Connor said:

because it would be enough to put back the towers of the Void for maybe a kind of mission, with prizes Prime, and basic level 60-70, and you are assured that this would be a good endgame

No it's not.

There can't be "high level" endgame as long as devs don't fix enemy's scaling.

Right now enemies lvl 60-70 are a piece of cake while enemies lvl 100-120 can kill most frame in a sec

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1 hour ago, Matt89Connor said:

hello to all tenno.
about the "mission Builder", as the idea is wonderful, but I have to disagree:
-from start,this should not only be an exclusive for Warlords, because it penalizes the clans that have few members present, and the solitary ninjas, should be something available to everyone.
-the resources that you can find should be very small in terms of% of probabilities because otherwise no one will play as normal missions.
  -I find that using this type of mode to give us  "end-game"mission  is wrong, because it would be enough to put back the towers of the Void for maybe a kind of mission, with prizes Prime, and basic level 60-70, and you are assured that this would be a good endgame, and invite many researchers of the End-game and not, for  participate.
Obviously this is my thinking and so far it's nothing for sure but we were only shown a draft of the modalities, but as it is now I put the thumb down.

It shouldn't be exclusive to warlords I agree

Plus, I want a mission-builder but not exactly a mission builder....like "Totally Legit Battle Simulator" fun room, I want to be able to create hundreds of enemies to fight each other for S#&$s and giggles!

it'd prolong the lifespan of Warframe, TWW would only bring some fun ONCE, but this would definitely be a better addition! it doesn't have to be lore-wise, just for fun.

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