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So it starts... The Grinear, Corpus, Infested find somthing that resembles a "star gate" "portal". A battle insues between all 3. A team of 8 tenno are deployed to protect this portal and find out why they are fighting. At the end u find out it is a portal to "forgotten prime frames and equipment".


Details: keys are built, one key every 24 hours. Enemies rage in level 100-200. U most survive atleast 1 hour in this survival. The longer u stay the better your chance to acquire Vaulted Prime Loot  (with the founder pack as the exception) at the end of the mission.  Resources and Credits are doubled after the hour. At the end of the one hour survival you can opt to fight the boss. The enemies retreat and u fight a level 300 boss or bosses. After the boss fight u enter the portal and into the Orokin Prime Vault where u acquire a random vaulted prime armor piece, prime mod, prime syadana, or legendary core. .13% chance for rewards, chances can be as high as .25% .Of coarse u could also acquire credits and endo that range from 100k to a million credits and 800-20k endo. U must be MR15. 

Input is welcome as i have never done this. Thank you for taking the time to read. input or ideas would be great. Fight on tenno! 




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8 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

Also, don't make vaulted cosmetics available through gameplay, that's a bad idea.

I agree with this.


8 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

Also, I hate having to play a game-mode for an hour. Raids only take half that at most.

I don't mind hour long survivals, I quite like them actually. But OP's idea sounds too easy for endgame imo.

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56 minutes ago, (XB1)FCastle74 said:

Well im having trouble coming up with somthing that is considered "end game" and the rewards to compensate "end game"

It's okay, so is DE.

Truth be told, endgame is hard, WoW's endgame is boring, Vindictus endgame is boring. Honestly I can't think of an MMO with satisfying endgame.

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12 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

It's okay, so is DE.

Truth be told, endgame is hard, WoW's endgame is boring, Vindictus endgame is boring. Honestly I can't think of an MMO with satisfying endgame.

This is a fair statement. DE is having trouble because it's a hard thing to do, plain and simple.

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