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Wow guys, did you leave anything out?


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Reading through the patch notes, of all the good things that have been suggested these past weeks (months?), I can hardly think of anything that didn't make it into this patch. And of course all the other new changes and additions sound very nice, as well.


Thanks a lot, this is going to be very interesting indeed! :thumbup:

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Syndicate Standing from completing Conclave Daily Missions reduced by 50%.

One step foward, two steps back.

Wouldnt be easier to just have increased the afiinity from kills/captures, rather than just increasing for kills AND nerfing daily missions?

I seriously wonder if DE hates people getting standing from daily missions, they still didnt fix the PvE daily syndicate standing missions only giving 3k/5k, when it used to give 5k/9k, now they nerfed the daily conclave missions to give only half of what they used to.

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19 minutes ago, MobyTheDuck said:

One step foward, two steps back.

Wouldnt be easier to just have increased the afiinity from kills/captures, rather than just increasing for kills AND nerfing daily missions?

The shift in standing value from challenges to kills allows min-maxing players to gain affinity primarily through actual gameplay vs primarily through farming challenges.

5 hours ago, [DE]Drew said:
  • Affinity from kills increased by 500% in Conclave.
  • Affinity from kill modifiers increased by 25%-100% in Conclave.

It's a good change to the incentives structure, and probably a healthy long-term change.

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4 hours ago, MobyTheDuck said:

One step foward, two steps back.

Wouldnt be easier to just have increased the afiinity from kills/captures, rather than just increasing for kills AND nerfing daily missions?

I seriously wonder if DE hates people getting standing from daily missions, they still didnt fix the PvE daily syndicate standing missions only giving 3k/5k, when it used to give 5k/9k, now they nerfed the daily conclave missions to give only half of what they used to.

I reckon they're aiming to incentivize players to stay for prolonged periods of time in a single game mode so the nomadic behavior in PvP becomes less frequent.

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