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Angry about the Index Event


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On 2016. 10. 25. at 3:43 AM, Awazx said:

I enter a game for fun, not to be a subject of social experiments. 

This. Mixing PVE with PVP is a horrible thing to do and it won't ever work out. It was pretty annoying fighting for my own kill drops because someone always had to be the fast stealer while doing 0 kills lmao.

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First I want to say thank you to Draice for taking the time to let us know our feedback is being listened to. I had fun playing this event and I will continue to do so until it's timeframe is up. I think the number one concern we all have is the point stealing, as many other Tenno have pointed out it is incredibly frustrating to have your points stolen by a player who simply stays close enough to you so that they may swoop in and steal your points at the last second on every kill you get. Combine this with people mocking you in the chat and it's a recipe for dislike amongst players. I had to wait personally at least 3 days before writing my feedback so that I could cool off a bit. I was so frustrated that I was taking down Tenno names who were stealing from me and keeping it as kind of a blacklist of people not to play with. I don't think this turning us against each other is healthy for the player base. I do love the premise and look forward to your next interation of this game mode. Ah, that felt good to get out.....

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Another try of third stage yesterday... Another problem.

Some frame setups with some particular builds turn it into something extremely easy and boring. And yet another problem - after gathering enough points you have way too much time left and to end the game you need to begin feeding green stuff to enemy ... or you'll have to wait 10-20 minutes before time runs out.

So.. summing up, the problems are:

1) Point stealing. (And it's not much co-op at all, most effecient for point gathering would be - make dedicated carrier for green stuff, so others don't have to suffer from debuffs.)

2) Unclear event mechanics.

3) It's either extremely easy or impossibly hard to do kills and gather points(and keep them).

3.1) Last stage is doable only via abusing things (like that hammer(or is that axe?) from login rewards, ironskin, and frame abilities that increase your damage in dozen times)

3.2) Enemy lvling is too fast and at lvl 150-200 already turns enemies into something that does a way too much damage and has a way too much hp for surviving/killing without abusing various mechanics.

4) Gathering many points turns frames into no hp thing that can't use any abilities. You just randomly die from about any damage.

Edited by RadYogh
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