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Let me host my own game.


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23 minutes ago, Tricky5hift said:

Can't you just invite people then?

Not the same. What if your friends aren't on / up for what you want to do? Also, since spawn rate is affected by number of Tennos in the cell, playing solo generally means a dribble of enemies and way less fun involved comparet to the tsunami of things coming your way in a 4-tenno cell. Also, recruit chat tends to go into the mindset of "CHeese all the things!" no matter how you start it, and if you're not in the mood for that, tough luck...

18 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

What he wants is to start his own open game without joining someone else's. The option doesn't exist. It should.

^ This.

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14 minutes ago, Mcl_BlueMadness said:

Forgive my ignorance, as the case may be, but isn't that what the "Wait for players" button is for?

Theres no button for "Wait for players" when there are already squads for that mission. You will be sent automatically to that squad, so you wouldn't even be able to use "Wait for players" to create a new squad.

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16 hours ago, Tricky5hift said:


Besides, if I wanted to solo everything, or entire aspects of a game, why play an MMO in the first place?  An MMO should never make Solo the most efficient play style unless specifically advertised that way.....  Think of all the cash I could save if I could just drop $60 on the Warframe Solo Edition, I could sever my internet connection and have all the warm fuzzy Grindy moments all to myself.....  Unfortunately I still pay my Internet connection, and I like to be social AND Eat my cake while Im at it too.


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16 hours ago, DALOS said:

Synthesis targets don't spawn when you join someone else's game.

that's not really accurate

I was doing a fissure a survival on AXI in the void. i started the game with some randoms, and there was the target.

I was far from it when i heard : that's it (someone else found it).

He scanned it,  i got the points and it counted 1/4 times to be scanned.


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