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Be Wary: No Reward Bug


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I'm of a mind that there's really not much point to actually playing the game when you don't know if you are actually going to get the rewards from any given mission you do.


Many people are posting that even the non-daily wins are bugging up on them too.


I just... can't find the drive to play when I know that all I'll end up doing is wasting my time, esp when it is pretty apparent that Support probably won't just give me stuff based on my say-so, and it "isn't in my inventory" which means they can't really "restore" stuff either.




Such a good game, but stuff like this really hurts the fun. I don't like the idea of losing 12,000 XP on two weapons on a warframe, along with 20+ resource drops and 10-15 mods....


That just kills the mood right there.

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This pretty much proves that this is NOT the "Daily First Win" bug.


No, it doesn't. I can't explain all the hows and whys, but if you look at the beginning of the thread, you will see the same thing happened to some of the people last weekend when this first happened.

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No, it doesn't. I can't explain all the hows and whys, but if you look at the beginning of the thread, you will see the same thing happened to some of the people last weekend when this first happened.


Yes, but THIS time, people are getting the bug even when it ISN'T the "Daily First Win".


As with me.


I did 3 Failed Missions (extreme/unplayable lag in the Alert mission), 1 Successful Mission and THEN This mission.


Some other guy got two no-reward missions in a row!

Edited by Xylia
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Start a support ticket. They can restore it for you.


Heh. provided you didn't do another mission after that one, eh?


I'm still annoyed at that.


I mean, what, we're supposed to check after each mission to see if it randomly forgot to give us our rewards?

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Xylia, what I'm saying is that for some people, they also had this affect them when it wasn't their first win, but it was still related. This feels exactly like the same bug. It had to have been reintroduced with the patch today. Maybe part of the event update (which they have been working on for a while, presumably) had code that still contained the problem.

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Well, either way, it is extremely annoying to lose this kinda stuff and NOT be reimbursed for it just because I didn't notice it until I did another mission.


TBH, we need better Error Handling routines. Better Failsafes. Better Records of what goes on.


Right now, there is ZERO proof beyond the EE.log file of what went on in a mission, and that gets deleted every time you start a new mission.


We need to do better than that, for future bugs like this so that people have SOME way of getting their hard-earned stuff back. Things like Latron Prime Receivers.


These bugs WILL surface again, or at least similar ones will. People are still getting disconnected RIGHT as they finish a mission and get that dreaded "Your Account was not updated, progress not saved" crap. This (the "not saved" error message) is a connectivity issue and it WILL hit people after the game goes Live (non-Beta).


This is something that needs done ASAP.

Edited by Xylia
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Just did a VOID Extermination 3 run with 3 other people

we lost 5 mods 2 blueprints (including a rare mod amongst the 5) .. plus all the mats

after completing the run nothing showed up in my inventory..  i send in a report at support =/


edit: the rare mod i was suppose to have in my inventory was Melee channel ;(

Edited by Antonizo
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Just duo'd, and completed, to wave 25 on xini, and got 0 rewards as in no mods, exp, or material drops..


This happened to me yesterday as well when I got home on the mobile defence mission on ceres, Both missions were the firsts wins of the day. Pretty frustrated with this bug and I hope they get it addressed before the event this weekend.

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This has happened to a friend and I on numerous occasions, it's quite frustrating and annoying.


The last time this happened to me was when there was an update and the security thought everyone who was still playing was hacking and didn't save that mission's status. Might be related?

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Just finished a Void 1215 am est.  2 people got loot 2 of us got nothing wouldnt complain but it was a flow that ive been after for some time i got no xp or the forma that was the prize :(


was not daily first win

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I had my first of this bug today, leveling a new gorgon and go no xp with it, in game and at the rewards screen it showed it had gained enough to almost hit level 3, but once in Arsenal it was back at the level 1 which I had started the mission at


It was a first mission of the day and related bonus, nasty bonus that -xp


ticket #42410 for ee.log

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Lost the First Daily Solo run (farming Nyx Parts). No XP and no ressources gained (Plastite).



Done the same Mission again under the same Circumstances (solo).

Now got everything from that.

Edited by TenStorms
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