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Better rewards for endless fissure missions


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I have seen the dev stream presenting the new relic handling in endless fissure missions. And … you missed it again.
Just selecting a new relic for the next cycle is still worse than just restarting the mission, because the enemies before the first reward are the easiest / fastest to kill.
So I thought of 3 suggestions which would do a greater job to encourage people to stay longer in endless missions.


1. Do you stay? The fissure is getting stronger.

It is as easy as it sounds. Your system stays the same, but the change of the rare reward increases with each relic you enter. If you manage a rotation you might get 5% higher change, if you would manage 2 hours in survival, you would very likely get the rare reward.

That way, long runs would be a great way to farm rare drops.


2. Do you wish to stabilize? Or try again?

That is quite different from your approach. When you get the relic reward, you can either select a reward and 'lock' it (like normal). At that moment you will just have this reward. Or you select no reward collect 10 more reactant and get a new roll for the same relic. After collecting 10 more reactant, you get another random drop. A player who 'locked' a reward cannot change it any more, but other player can choose that reward as their own any time they can choose a relic reward.

This would give players with high end warframes a good change to get exactly what they want without wasting rare relics, because they can just keep playing until any of the groups' relics becomes the desired reward.


3. The readings are unusual.... I cannot predict what you will get.

Similar to 1, but in a different direction. The first rotation (and maybe the second) behave just like shown in the dev stream.
But then you have a small chance (e.g. increased by 1% for each relic played) to get a random vaulted prime part.

This would be for all players who farmed everything that is to farm in the game and just miss prime equipment that is vaulted and therefore unavailable. A small chance to get Ember prime, after playing Ember most of the time. Or maybe just get that pesky Rhino prime blueprint you just didn't get after hundreds of runs when it as available the last time.

This might make veteran players farm lots of relics just to burn them all of them in one very long fissure run.


If anyone has other good ideas, just post them here.

Just keep in mind that the relic reward after wave 50 or 100 should be different than after wave 5. Or, in survival, 1 or even 2 hours hard work surviving will reward you differently than just repeatedly exit after 5min for 2 hours.

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I would appreciate it that after each round the chance to get high-tier loot will inncrease by 5%. That would be totally enough. Otherwise spending relics to get the same loot with same chances and fighting against even more powerful enemies is just stupid. Then I can also just extract and start the mission again and leave after the first round all the time.


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I prefer rarity where it is, bumping percentages with higher waves will only cut down trade prices. I do think a re-roll system would be good though, as relics are just a tad too hard to farm large quantities of, at least as the current system holds. Re-rolls would cut down on the amount of excavations needed to hunt a specific part, and would really help keep the game rotating through different mission types rather than repetition of the same one over and over. And I entirely back the idea of an added chance to get additional prime parts randomly, another thing that would cut down on mindless repetition.

Long story short, I'd rather have a focus on quantity over quality. I want meaningful rares, but less hoops to jump through to get to that point, and, as silly as this sounds, more trash drops.

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Agreed, the solution we saw in the devstream doesn't solve the main problems. Staying in the mission for more challenge should be different of "simply restarting a game". Endless needs to be more rewarding, either by :

  • increasing chances of getting what you want,
  • or increasing void traces amounts gained each time
  • or providing a "free relic of your choice" every nth reward.
  • or letting us "refuse the reward" and reuse the same relic as long as we stay in the same game
  • or any combination of the above

I'd like to add that the relic selection window is not very clear and imposes a long delay that breaks the game flow after each rotation. Also, I guess I would have to refine radiant relics before the mission ? Meaning that if I get the rare reward at the first rotation, then the others are kind of wasted. I can propose a solution, consisting in placing the refinement process in the relic selection : no need to go to the rear of your ship, you chose the refinement when selecting the first relic, and then refinement is automatic after every rotation, as long as you have enough void traces left. It means that we would use only one relic type in each mission, but is that really a problem ?

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I hate fissure missions SOOO BORING and SOOO EASY! Sad Void is dead, i miss it, hardly can find anyone playing it.I quit after u19 because of no content and now i noticed these fissure missions (facepalm), now i know why in guild and alliance no one online, even around 200 friendlist is empty, wow .

Edited by drunkpunk222
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9 hours ago, drunkpunk222 said:

I hate fissure missions SOOO BORING and SOOO EASY! Sad Void is dead, i miss it, hardly can find anyone playing it.I quit after u19 because of no content and now i noticed these fissure missions (facepalm), now i know why in guild and alliance no one online, even around 200 friendlist is empty, wow .

Yep. The void/key system was the absolute best and most fun part of warframe. The new fissure system is not at all fun. The only thing it's good for is getting stuff quick, not actually having fun doing it. They should have ignored the whining and kept the old void system.

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16 hours ago, Shockwave- said:

Yep. The void/key system was the absolute best and most fun part of warframe. The new fissure system is not at all fun. The only thing it's good for is getting stuff quick, not actually having fun doing it. They should have ignored the whining and kept the old void system.

The idea of not being forced into Tx [not the kind of mission you prefer] again and again to get whatever prime thingy you want is an improvement imo. 

But I also agree that there should be a bit more in the endless modes. 

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6 hours ago, Helljack84 said:

The idea of not being forced into Tx [not the kind of mission you prefer] again and again to get whatever prime thingy you want is an improvement imo. 

But I also agree that there should be a bit more in the endless modes. 

I'm with you on that. It's nice to not have to run thirty T1 Mobile Defenses to get a Saryn Prime Helmet, but it was actually pretty fun running eighty minute survivals for other parts (or at least, it was fun the first fifteen times, then I needed a break to rejuvenate my will).

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10 hours ago, Helljack84 said:

The idea of not being forced into Tx [not the kind of mission you prefer] again and again to get whatever prime thingy you want is an improvement imo. 

But I also agree that there should be a bit more in the endless modes. 

The relic system is far more constraining than the void was. The void was challenging and fun, the relic system forces me into many more mission types i don't want to play than the void ever did.

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On 11/10/2016 at 3:27 AM, drunkpunk222 said:

I hate fissure missions SOOO BORING and SOOO EASY! Sad Void is dead, i miss it, hardly can find anyone playing it.I quit after u19 because of no content and now i noticed these fissure missions (facepalm), now i know why in guild and alliance no one online, even around 200 friendlist is empty, wow .

no find them less boring then the keys nothings more boring then doing the same mission on the same tilset for the 1 thing you mostly wont get for 50 rounds of 60 min rotations doing the same thing over and over and over no the fissures are better

Edited by hazerddex
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16 hours ago, freeformline said:

I'm with you on that. It's nice to not have to run thirty T1 Mobile Defenses to get a Saryn Prime Helmet, but it was actually pretty fun running eighty minute survivals for other parts (or at least, it was fun the first fifteen times, then I needed a break to rejuvenate my will).

Yeah, I don't even remember anymore for which parts exactly but I sure did my fair share of them xD

13 hours ago, Shockwave- said:

The relic system is far more constraining than the void was. The void was challenging and fun, the relic system forces me into many more mission types i don't want to play than the void ever did.

Did I miss something in an older update? You're basically doing the same mission types only on different tilesets. If you don't like the available mission types you can just wait a bit for a more favourable fissure to open up, no? 

Or is it the reward stacking for doing longer void survivals/defenses that got you hooked up on the void?

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1 hour ago, Helljack84 said:


Did I miss something in an older update? You're basically doing the same mission types only on different tilesets. If you don't like the available mission types you can just wait a bit for a more favourable fissure to open up, no? 

Or is it the reward stacking for doing longer void survivals/defenses that got you hooked up on the void?

Nope, just like to do survival and defense. That's what I did in void the most. Now I gear to to go and there is only 1 Neo fissure and it's a spy and we have to wait till later. Since when did we have to "wait" with void? When me and my friends sign on we want to able to sign on and go... not let the game tell us if we want to go now it's all spy or excavation for everything in Axi.

The old way we always knew... it was always what we felt like doing and just go do it and it was simple and fun. The relics are tedious (which to radient, when, matched with which fissure, etc), it's less fun more busy work. void was 100 times better.

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