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Who Here Plays Warframe For Fun?


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I see all this talk about "underpowered" and "overpowered" frames/weapons, plus all of this information about the most efficient way to gather materials and how it takes so long and it's just "farming for farm's sake."

I haven't seen really anything about people playing this game because it's fun. I've seen several attempts to put a cool feature in the game, or a cool new mechanic, but they almost always get shot down by someone saying that it would "unbalance" the game or something along the lines of "I wouldn't use it because it isn't as powerful as X or Y."

I get the appeal of coming up with the most efficient route to take through a game and grab all the goodies along the way, but why would you rush through content? Is the game not fun unless you either a) always win or b) have to be a demi-god to win? What happened to playing games because they were fun no matter the end result of a win or a loss?

Am I alone in this, or are there others who play Warframe because it brings a new experience to the table?

I'm concerned that all this talk about "buffing" and "nerfing" everything will cause the game to become just as stale as every other third-person shooter out there. The games where the enemies are all trucks and you are a biscuit already exist, Warframe is about being an unstoppable badass carving your way through space marines. There should be difficult enemies, but they shouldn't be the majority. (My opinion)

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I used to play it for 'fun', now my playing spikes highly when new content/hotfixes come out then ebbs until the next.


It's my problem for playing at the curve of new features instead of comfortably behind it. I do enjoy the gun and general play but it's become quite samey unfortunately :(.


I want to state though that i find grinding (to a point) and continually getting new gear, fun.

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I play Warframe for fun. There is nothing left to do but have fun. Such a bad thing right?


But it is not fun when I am trying to get trick shots and have fun but Saryn comes and destroys everything.


However, if you buff EVERYTHING in a game, the game will be easy, and the game is pretty easy as it is, so I could see this becoming a huge wanna be sandbox if everything is brought up to the "God Tier" Vauban and Nyx are in currently.


So since this game is 90% grind, there is nothing to do but grind, so do it efficiently. And since the AI is the same on level 1 or level 99, there is no real difference in gameplay, so instead of wearing themselves out, they rush.

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Some people like math.

So they do math.

Some people are lazy so they use that math.

These lazy people come up with all sorts of excuses why need to be lazy.  


I play for fun.

I dont care the DPS of a gun or how efficient this and that is.

I just learn that one thing can do then adjust to make it successful.

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Warframe is about being an unstoppable badass carving your way through space marines.


Pretty much sums up my opinion on this whole matter. People, just accept it - you are a badass ninja with a freaking exo-armor, it's almost like you are destined to be unstoppable.

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However, if you buff EVERYTHING in a game, the game will be easy, and the game is pretty easy as it is, so I could see this becoming a huge wanna be sandbox if everything is brought up to the "God Tier" Vauban and Nyx are in currently.


So since this game is 90% grind, there is nothing to do but grind, so do it efficiently. And since the AI is the same on level 1 or level 99, there is no real difference in gameplay, so instead of wearing themselves out, they rush.

They shouldn't buff everything, but every weapon should be viable and so should every frame. That seems to be the goal of DE based on the last stream. Scott seems to be focused on not buffing everything just to buff it, but to get rid of "Tiers" in general an have weapons and frames just give different play styles.

As for the grind, if you are grinding for a weapon then do so efficiently, but why not just play for fun's sake alone. No goal or objective at the end of the play session. I realize that's more of my personal philosophy, but it seems to bring more satisfaction than when I say "I need x amount of this resource" because when I don't make it I feel the session was wasted. If I feel the session I just played was a waste, then I feel disappointed with the game's "progression" and I get tempted to quit.

It's a bad cycle and one I don't wish for this game to go down.

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They shouldn't buff everything, but every weapon should be viable and so should every frame. That seems to be the goal of DE based on the last stream. Scott seems to be focused on not buffing everything just to buff it, but to get rid of "Tiers" in general an have weapons and frames just give different play styles.

As for the grind, if you are grinding for a weapon then do so efficiently, but why not just play for fun's sake alone. No goal or objective at the end of the play session. I realize that's more of my personal philosophy, but it seems to bring more satisfaction than when I say "I need x amount of this resource" because when I don't make it I feel the session was wasted. If I feel the session I just played was a waste, then I feel disappointed with the game's "progression" and I get tempted to quit.

It's a bad cycle and one I don't wish for this game to go down.

They said they are not going to nerf Vauban or nyx, but instead bring everything up with it.

"Don't nerf x make y better" GREAAAAT.

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the discussions about nerfs and buffs are often times just people bickering but they do have some impact on the game. its not always about optimal this or that. its about how you work the game and how the game affects you. there is more to it than just perceived imbalance if you would care to read some of the good ones.

also, this game was never about being an unkillable death machine. you are powerful but can be overwhelmed. you can wipe a whole room but can get focused down if you are not careful. you can do a flawless run or trip up and die once. that balance needs to be maintained if there is to be any tension. a game that is too easy is easily pushed aside and forgotten.

id rather see this game flourish and expand on what is an awesome core experience. buffs and nerfs are part of getting there. while pvp is the traditional source of cry for balance that doesnt mean it is something that doesn't exist in pve. there are plenty of other pve games that are ruined thanks to unbalanced mechanics, being too easy, or too difficult. warframe is no different.

edit: i play cause nyx looks hawt. only reason.

Edited by MetalGerbil
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Good to see this from you, Aizeol.


Players are still brainwashed from other games. It will take time to break them out of the "The only reason I play is to get stuff" mentality. Once that's accomplished, DE won't have to drip-feed us content and can then rely on the game being fun, rather than rewarding with stuff.

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The game is fun for what it is, free (outside of plat/ founder purchases) and under development. I enjoy hunting bp's and building new frames and weapons to try out and mod, I would consider that fun.. for now. There is no deep rooted story to keep you looking through maps (and spend more than 2 mins on said map as you rush through it and notice nothing at this point) just to learn more about the story and engage you beyond the grind and wall-runs. So for what is at this stage I think it's fun, but I say that because I expect it to become far more so.

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I play this game for fun. However, I wish that this game offered many different types of fun to keep the fun from being less fun over time. I also wish that some things in the game such as weapons didn't make the game a ton less challenging. Less challenging game = less fun. I may decide not to use said weapons but that's not stopping others who are not like-minded who want things to be easy mode and unchallenging. On the flip side it's terrible to see weapons that are simply bad (looking at you Machete and Sicarus) for mechanical reasons as well as the game's level design not supporting certain weapons (Sniper rifles). I'm always going to play this game just for fun but since I'm constantly playing the game I want to help make the game more fun all the time and help that fun stay fresh.

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I regularly play solo missions, because there pickup groups are rushers and only rushers. It’s more fun to live dangerously trying to get as many kills as possible with whatever underpowered POS I happen to be trying to level, then slaughtering everything with slash dash when things get dicey.

That said it is perfectly reasonable for people to complain about op vs underpowered. Weapons aren't fun if they are basically useless because to use it is to knowingly be weaker than you could be.

Additionally, Warframe has no endgame that demands that you have a sweet setup that uses the best of the best, but it SHOULD...

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I play Warframe for fun. There is nothing left to do but have fun. Such a bad thing right?


But it is not fun when I am trying to get trick shots and have fun but Saryn comes and destroys everything.


However, if you buff EVERYTHING in a game, the game will be easy, and the game is pretty easy as it is, so I could see this becoming a huge wanna be sandbox if everything is brought up to the "God Tier" Vauban and Nyx are in currently.


So since this game is 90% grind, there is nothing to do but grind, so do it efficiently. And since the AI is the same on level 1 or level 99, there is no real difference in gameplay, so instead of wearing themselves out, they rush.




How many threads do you stop by crying over the same thing?


Find some friends and play with them at your own style.


On topic.


I play for fun, I am patiently waiting for the dojo repricing and have gathered so much materials I didn't even notice. The funnest is when I get to play along with friends while chatting on skype, then theres the biggest part on it, with all the laughs and jokes :)


And recently even though I got all frames to 30, I have been revisiting old frames again, just for the sake to play them again... and again... and again :)

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the discussions about nerfs and buffs are often times just people bickering but they do have some impact on the game. its not always about optimal this or that. its about how you work the game and how the game affects you. there is more to it than just perceived imbalance if you would care to read some of the good ones.

also, this game was never about being an unkillable death machine. you are powerful but can be overwhelmed. you can wipe a whole room but can get focused down if you are not careful. you can do a flawless run or trip up and die once. that balance needs to be maintained if there is to be any tension. a game that is too easy is easily pushed aside and forgotten.

id rather see this game flourish and expand on what is an awesome core experience. buffs and nerfs are part of getting there. while pvp is the traditional source of cry for balance that doesnt mean it is something that doesn't exist in pve. there are plenty of other pve games that are ruined thanks to unbalanced mechanics, being too easy, or too difficult. warframe is no different.

edit: i play cause nyx looks hawt. only raisins.

I understand the need for balance. If it's too easy or too hard, the game gets put down and never gets picked up again. The talk of balance and difficulty I've seen on these forums has been, for the most part, vague and very much full of blanket statements. That isn't always the case, but it points to players knowing that something is off but not being able to articulate it.

The enemies shouldn't be able to take the players on and win 1-on-1. Ever. It should take a minimum of 10-15 basic enemies (level appropriate) to bring down a player. Going back to the beginning of Warframe there was talk about a desire to have the players be this elite squad of superior combatants. That being said, the enemies shouldn't be stupid.

A lone grineer or corpus should either run from a player, or really do almost anything beside stand a fight. They know they will lose. Again, this would change the feel of the game slightly, but wouldn't make it "easier" or "harder" and has nothing to do with numbers.



They said they are not going to nerf Vauban or nyx, but instead bring everything up with it.

"Don't nerf x make y better" GREAAAAT.

You are an unstoppable space ninja. You're supposed to be badass even if you're wielding a butterknife....

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My main form of entertainment in this game right now is creating unique warframes. My current project is equipping my secondary Rhino with agility and offensive mods like Rush / Quick Rest and Focus / Flow / Streamline, to try and find alternative styles of play.

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I see all this talk about "underpowered" and "overpowered" frames/weapons, plus all of this information about the most efficient way to gather materials and how it takes so long and it's just "farming for farm's sake."

I haven't seen really anything about people playing this game because it's fun. I've seen several attempts to put a cool feature in the game, or a cool new mechanic, but they almost always get shot down by someone saying that it would "unbalance" the game or something along the lines of "I wouldn't use it because it isn't as powerful as X or Y."

I get the appeal of coming up with the most efficient route to take through a game and grab all the goodies along the way, but why would you rush through content? Is the game not fun unless you either a) always win or b) have to be a demi-god to win? What happened to playing games because they were fun no matter the end result of a win or a loss?

Am I alone in this, or are there others who play Warframe because it brings a new experience to the table?

I'm concerned that all this talk about "buffing" and "nerfing" everything will cause the game to become just as stale as every other third-person shooter out there. The games where the enemies are all trucks and you are a biscuit already exist, Warframe is about being an unstoppable badass carving your way through space marines. There should be difficult enemies, but they shouldn't be the majority. (My opinion)

i find farming for materials to make the frames and weapons fun, if you count that?

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i find farming for materials to make the frames and weapons fun, if you count that?

That counts. It's basically the same as me playing pokemon and wanting to farm to have a party of lvl 30s by the second gym. It's a completely valid way of playing.

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I find the gameplay to be fun, but I also find the collecting to be fun. I want collect everything like Van Stanton from Dr. Who, I want to have it -all- sometimes I want to speed-run bosses in solo missions to grind for those mats to get my weapon building. The thrill of a new toy! Other times, I like to take it slow, and enjoy the gameplay.


And...some people find min-maxxing fun. Pushing the numbers as far as they'll go!
Others like exploration, combat, the math behind the stats, ect.

Everyone finds their own fun. I think those who claim they aren't having fun are those whose fun comes from self-righteous complaining.

Edited by Rudest
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