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Can you please change Banshee's soundquake?


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Just gonna leave this here ....

Ash just got his "Press 4 to win" changed to not be annoying as hell .... but why do i still have to deal with standing around for 20 MINS ... having to watch banshee doo her "wub wub wub"

I dont want to stand around for 20 mins in a Sortie 2 having to deal with someone who listens to music while ruining the experience for me together with 2 other players .....

And if you think i am overreacting.... look here

http://imgur.com/a/4hqgH <---- todays sortie 2 interception


For the love of god .... CHANGE THIS !!!!

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"Please get rid of a Warframe's ability functioning exactly how it does."



The thing is, you can't remove player cheese just by asking. People will always cheese when they want to cheese.

Find the people who want a challenge and play with them.

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54 minutes ago, Konoichi said:

Ash just got his "Press 4 to win" changed to not be annoying as hell .... but why do i still have to deal with standing around for 20 MINS ... having to watch banshee doo her "wub wub wub"

I dont want to stand around for 20 mins in a Sortie 2 having to deal with someone who listens to music while ruining the experience for me together with 2 other players .....

What was stopping you and 2 other players from making your own group?

Or maybe you shouldn't be speaking for other players, perhaps they enjoyed easy affinity and focus.

Edited by Trvldl
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12 minutes ago, Trvldl said:

What was stopping you and 2 other players from making your own group?

Or maybe you shouldn't be speaking for other players, perhaps they enjoyed easy affinity and focus.

yep every 1 enjoys standing still for 20 mins

Warframe a game that play itselfs for you.


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8 minutes ago, Trvldl said:

What was stopping you and 2 other players from making your own group?

Or maybe you shouldn't be speaking for other players, perhaps they enjoyed easy affinity and focus.

Oh no, someone found a way to make a sortie mission NOT BE a painful, annoying, high-level pile of pure misery.  As Trvldl noted, just take the free and easy affinity and be happy that you had a good teammate who helped you beat the mission.

Are you angry that the player beat you in damage output, or angry that you chose not to go finding enemies on your own?  

After 1900 hours grinding in game, I gleefully welcome easy wins.

It is impossible to steal kills from me, attempting to do so will only result in me seeing the mission victory screen with less effort in a shorter period of time.  I am very very okay with that.

Or another way of looking at it:  How exactly did this player cause you to fail the mission?

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Oh no an abilty who can DPS at correct lvl (50-80), where most of us have an effective level 90+ (with reactor+forma+aura+exilus) ....

and how about we buff the frames left behind ?


I remember this good old time where "insane" DPS was a must have when we stay in the void for hours....

now will all this complaint thread about "Ohh they deal too much damage nerf it, Ohhh it's too ez nerf it" I'm afraid that we might never get again the endgame like before,

Edited by Soketsu
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7 hours ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Cut the range to a fixed 25m and let Banshee move while using it. Just restrict her from jumping. Sprinting and sliding is fine.

No, because unlike Nyx. Banshee might as well be made of balsa wood. Her 4 needs work certainly, but its hardly the most broken aoe skill out there, and it does poorly against anything other than box standard grineer. Corpus shields and nullifiers laugh at it, and ancient disruptors just enjoy the tickling sensation. Additionally if this person tried to use it on the 3 mission, it would literally be pointless, the ability has a hard cap in effectiveness, whereas Bladestorm, and some others do not.

Edited by Nox_Terminus
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7 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Haven't been to Xini lately, have you?

Anicent disruptors remove the effectiveness of the skill within their aura. Good job not paying attention. Also a level 40 mission? Any competent build with all of the other aoe ults can kill them with ease. Ever heard of World on Fire? Peacemaker? Bladestorm? Maim?

Also the soundquake +range build makes banshee even squishier than normal, meaning outside of that skill she can and will be knocked into bleeding out quite often, but hey lets punish people for building a high risk, high reward build, its totally equivalent to the cheese spam that was Bladestorm a few weeks ago.

Edited by Nox_Terminus
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6 minutes ago, Nox_Terminus said:

Anicent disruptors remove the effectiveness of the skill within their aura. Good job not paying attention. Also a level 40 mission? Any competent build with all of the other aoe ults can kill them with ease. Ever heard of World on Fire? Peacemaker? Bladestorm? Maim?

The aura reduces the damage, yes.

It doesn't stop it from getting stun-locked in their spawn rooms waiting for one of the non-Banshee players, hungry for some way to feel useful, to come in and blast them away. IMO that's the bigger problem with the Sound Quake augment, not the damage.

Also, the three other ults you mention, they can't be made to cover 3 of 4 interception points by themselves. At least, not the larger maps like the one for Xini.

Edited by Foefaller
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4 minutes ago, Nox_Terminus said:

Anicent disruptors remove the effectiveness of the skill within their aura. Good job not paying attention. Also a level 40 mission? Any competent build with all of the other aoe ults can kill them with ease. Ever heard of World on Fire? Peacemaker? Bladestorm? Maim?

I have seen Banshee single handedly shut down XIni. I was paying plenty of attention, because I had nothing else to do, even more so when I had MP out. We could just take a nap until the round ended.

We were staying 12 rounds.

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2 minutes ago, Foefaller said:

The aura reduces the damage, yes.

It doesn't stop it from getting stun-locked in their spawn rooms waiting for one of the non-Banshee players, hungry for some way to feel useful, to come in and blast them away. IMO that's the bigger problem with the Sound Quake augment, not the damage.


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7 minutes ago, Foefaller said:

The aura reduces the damage, yes.

It doesn't stop it from getting stun-locked in their spawn rooms waiting for one of the non-Banshee players, hungry for some way to feel useful, to come in and blast them away. IMO that's the bigger problem with the Sound Quake augment, not the damage.

Also, the three other ults you mention, they can't be made to cover 3 of 4 interception points by themselves. At least, not the larger maps like the one for Xini.


6 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

I have seen Banshee single handedly shut down XIni. I was paying plenty of attention, because I had nothing else to do, even more so when I had MP out. We could just take a nap until the round ended.

We were staying 12 rounds.

The OP was referring to damage output. I was refuting it. All it would take to make you happy is to have the augment not cause a stun on enemies within a disruptors aura, would that not suffice?

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2 minutes ago, Nox_Terminus said:

The OP was referring to damage output.

I wasn't. And range nerf would be the best way to deal with it, plus a buff to her mobility would make the skill more fun. Having ancients negate the skill would completely ruin it.

That or just give her mobility (buff), and nerf the stun lock so they move slower (up to 75% slower the closer they get) rather than immobolized and the lower their accuracy as well.

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Just now, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

I wasn't. And range nerf would be the best way to deal with it, plus a buff to her mobility would make the skill more fun. Having ancients negate the skill would completely ruin it.

That or just give her mobility (buff), and nerf the stun lock so they move slower (up to 75% slower the closer they get) rather than immobolized and the lower their accuracy as well.

So you want to completely remove an augment people have built around whilst also buffing an ability which already has its place as a solid CC, but don't want the CC effect which you're whining about to NOT be negated within the aura of an enemy who negates Vauban's vortex ragdolling enemies. I think you've just played yourself.

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Just now, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

What makes you think I like that either? One battle at a time.

Wait, do you even read your own comments? You're against CC, but at the same time you're not? What?

You're advocating to remove an augment which amplifies the effectiveness of banshee's 4. An ability prized for its CC effect. Yet you're against advocating that said ability has limitations or drawbacks.

Building around the augment requires an extremely squishy build, and forma. Having ancient disruptors actually disrupt the effects of the ability, would make sense. It would be self-balancing. This would only make it extremely effective against Grineer, and I don't doubt DE will come up with a disruptor-esk enemy for them either. It wouldn't be the complete re-work we need, but it would help for now. DE has enough things to re-work as-is, and I doubt theyre going to focus on massive changes to other frames until Limbo has passed the drawing board phase again.

For now, I'd rather advocate for tweaks, and when the time comes, a re-work. We've already got a menagerie of frames who need a revisit, and considering they skipped her again for Prime access, Banshee isn't high on that list.

Zephyr's deluxe skin was revealed, so they're probably working on her.

Frost's deluxe skin was revealed, but he's not a frame in need really (Chroma as well).

Mag could do with a balance pass, considering she's extremely niche at this point, similar to banshee, but they also revealed her deluxe skin. Typically a re-balance or re-work of sorts coincides with their skin being released, similar to Ash.

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