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Why do doors have physics?


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Doors in Warframe were a bane of clients since forever. Given some lag between client and host, doors acquire various fun properties ranging from slowing down your level progression by a second or two for each door and up to downright locking you into a room or shoving you into a wall.

The core of all these problems is the existence of the door physics. And I can not understand the reason for this mechanics to exist.

Specifically, non-locked doors which cause all these problems: in-game they are supposed to open whenever a player comes close to them. If the game is working correctly, there should be zero cases of a player interacting with a non-locked door - it should be impossible. So why is it a thing? I understand doors blocking LoS, projectiles and enemy pathing - you don't need physics for that.

If the game is lagging, I would rather be able to run through a seemingly closed door, then run around back and forth like an idiot, because the door is stuck or half-open.

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10 minutes ago, Alcoholism said:

Yeah I can understand your frustration.
Just to clarify though, are you saying you would rather the door animations to be just an aesthetic and the door mesh itself should have no collision with the player?


Exactly. Unless doors are in a lock-down of course.

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2 minutes ago, Epsik-kun said:

Exactly. Unless doors are in a lock-down of course.

Interesting thought - The only downside I can think of is the aesthetic itself, looking like a ghosts running through seemingly solid objects but it may be a sacrifice worth making. Guess it depends on how often this occurs to players in the game as opposed to it not occurring.

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18 minutes ago, Alcoholism said:

Interesting thought - The only downside I can think of is the aesthetic itself, looking like a ghosts running through seemingly solid objects but it may be a sacrifice worth making. Guess it depends on how often this occurs to players in the game as opposed to it not occurring.

Given my experiences with the issue, it happens a lot. I can't count the amount of times I've had to abort a mission due to being stuck in a room locked by what should be an open door. Even changing your ping settings to taper connections to a low ping doesn't help the issue. I'd say the sacrifice is worth it at this point unless they have a real fix for the issue.

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I wish doors were always controlled client-side by each individual client (and the host) separately. That way the door always works for you on your computer. Other people would occasionally see you walk through the door if they were behind you, but you'd always still have functioning doors yourself. 

In their current state you already see people walk through doors in some cases. Just the other day for some reason I got stuck behind a door that would not open for me no matter what I did. I tried to walk a decent distance away and back numerous times. I saw two other players walk through the door like it wasn't there. It just wouldn't open. I had to just wait on the mission ending timer as I couldn't get to the end myself. That was the first time I've ever seen that happen. 

Not long after that I got into a fissure capture mission where the host was the ONLY person who could use the doors. This was unfortunate as it started in a void map where we started in a small room with a door. We could not leave the starting room. The host essentially held us hostage (presumably unintentionally!) in a tiny room so the three of us trapped in the room just left. 

Laggy doors are annoying, but the fact that the host can essentially fail to open the doors for you at all is just ridiculous. I'd much prefer to see more ghosting through doors than to have to deal with laggy doors or doors that don't function at all. 

If we were playing a game on dedicated, reliable servers, having the server control the doors might make sense in order to avoid people ghosting through doors if you're worried about immersion, but in a game where we're relying on player hosting it just doesn't work sometimes. 

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14 minutes ago, Borg1611 said:

Not long after that I got into a fissure capture mission where the host was the ONLY person who could use the doors. This was unfortunate as it started in a void map where we started in a small room with a door. We could not leave the starting room. The host essentially held us hostage (presumably unintentionally!) in a tiny room so the three of us trapped in the room just left. 

... I want to play a game....

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2 hours ago, Alcoholism said:

Interesting thought - The only downside I can think of is the aesthetic itself, looking like a ghosts running through seemingly solid objects but it may be a sacrifice worth making. Guess it depends on how often this occurs to players in the game as opposed to it not occurring.

Hmm I guess I could see something like this working. 

The ghosting through doors when lagging badly may look kind of bad, but wouldn't it be an improvement to not being able to get through at all? 

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