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Sortie rewards!


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I can't handle this anymore


I know that for veteran players is an easy task but Nitain as Sortie reward?


Also, Lenses, a lot of Lenses.

They should be craftable, not a Sortie reward!

Sorry for the rant but it really get in our nerves sometimes...

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I get where you're coming from. Sortie rewards should be changed, considering the amount of negative feedback they have been receiving lately. 

I agree that lenses should be craftable or purchasable. Nitain doesn't really make sense as a sortie reward, it can be obtained fairly easy.

People have been asking for a token system and I hope it will be implemented eventually.

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Sight*** I feel ya, my fellow Tenno... of all the useful rare's that are in-game... like Arcanes, Rivens, Kuva, etc... why this resource, how many weapons or warframes use this, does anyone know? Im kinda happy for lenses because they where really rare to get at some point... but still I have to agree, this last update the RNG became really a main thing to get the new stuff or anything in Warframe now...I can't imagine how the new players are fairing... my friend quit just about a week he join, even with me helping him! He said its way to much RNG, to overwhelming...hope that's not the main case with other newbies. :sadcry:

Still I think if its a Sortie...base on RNG sooo, there has to be lame rewards... Im sure DE is considering all these feedback lets have some faith in them and endure... they kinda need a bit of rest with so much content release! Im sure they will come up with a solution at some point.  :satisfied:

Im still haven't gotten a N3 Relic...to THEN, try my luck and see if I can get Nekros Prime BP... while others gotten it first try! Patience is the key to this RNG... and caution so one does not burn one self out with so much repetitive activity to get that. Im, hoping things get better one's DE recovers and returns fresh from their holidays... :inlove:

Just try to be patient, do other stuff, replay Quest (which btw are incredible, yes, I cry again with all those feels, but man, I forgot how incredibly hard they where! Unless you bring the Cheese which I never do so it was intense. And yes I was very burn out and bored and that's why I reply it, lol :facepalm:), help other Tenno, go do Syndicates or Scan Hunt... you know something that makes you enjoy the game, and when you least expected BAM! NEW UPDATE, new Story quest, with stuff to do or get! :highfive:

Or take a break... watch movies check other games... until you cool down for another try... and you will be fine. This is whats been working for me at least for now, I really don't know how long I can keep it up playing, if it continues like this...me being a "filthy casual" and all. RNGesus has been my Nemesis in all Online games, his just too Powerful to vanquish and for gaming companies to strong to resist and not fall to its allure! :crylaugh:

Add RNG to the middle and you can see how I see RNGesus...HAHAhahahaha lmao, lol!




Edited by 0zryel
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6 hours ago, Callback said:

Can I have your nitain and lenses then?


My problem is too many rivens crowding me towards that 15 cap.


And what happens if I get more after that?


I have to dissolve one for 200 endo.


200 endo is not an acceptable sortie reward.

You are joking right?

A veiled riven can go for like 60 plat. 
60 plat is a very very very very good sortie reward. 

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