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Tennobaum Wishlist Exchange!


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On 15/12/2016 at 5:38 AM, DeltaPhantom said:

Either my wishlist got buried, or I need to practice my puppy-dog eyes.

Man. Those are some damn good puppy dog eyes..... 

Banshee or Loki bundle? 

On 15/12/2016 at 5:44 AM, Astrus_Darksun said:

Sorry, the best I could do was gift you a Forma pack in return for the one you gifted me, the other things on your list were above my budget after I gave out some gifts of my own.

Ah. I was wondering why nobody thanked him or he didn't mention who was gifted. Was a bit skeptical. 

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Merry Tennobaum

Here is my wishlist :smile:

  1. Solstice Salix  or Izvara Syandana (I just want those cloth physics :laugh:)
  2. Palatine Pack (or just the Rhino Palatine Skin :satisfied:)
  3. Any holiday themed skins (Winter Solstice Skin Bundle would be nice)
  4. A Color Pack (I wishlisted the ones I like, just look at my Profile)
  5. Any ship Decor or skin (Preferably Display pack) 
  6. Slots (Preferably weapon)
  7. Relic Packs or boosters
  8. Kavat or Kubrow Acessories (anything)

A special thanks to the Following Tenno :heart::heart::heart:

@Azifel for the Prizma Excal Noggle /)(\

@Nate1387 for the Orokin Cell Decoration

@-----iseeu2----- for the Control Module, Neurode and Rubedo Decorations

@Salenstormwing for the Weapon Slots /)(\


Edited by DaBrony
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Might as well throw my wishes as well.

1. Forma Bundles

2.Trinity deluxe skin

3. Nova deluxe skin (I actually like the fly helment).

4. Noggles 

5. Venka Prime

6. Gallium decorations (I like salt)

7. That cowgirl Mesa helmet.

8. Warframe slots

9. Weapon slots

10. Christmas Helicor skin


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3 minutes ago, xFrostKnightx said:

Ah. I was wondering why nobody thanked him or he didn't mention who was gifted. Was a bit skeptical. 

Feel free to blame that on me, I probably did a poor job of editing my initial wishlist post. I usually just read these forums passively so the way posting works here is new to me.

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Merry Christmas everyone! Hope all of you are feeling well!

1. Hunhow's Gift

2. Chroma

3. Continuity Collection

4. Solstice Daedalus Armor Bundle

5.  ̶F̶o̶r̶m̶a̶ ̶B̶u̶n̶d̶l̶e̶  Thanks @Runelea

6. Solstice Glyph Pack

7. Loki Deluxe Skin Bundle

8. Orokin Catalysts (Thanks for @Nate1387 for the decoration)

9. Frost Festive Skin

10.  Elytron Ultimatum Bundle

It's ok if you can't get me everything, I'm just greatful if you do. Thanks in advance!

Edited by SnowyDriver
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1 minute ago, Astrus_Darksun said:

Feel free to blame that on me, I probably did a poor job of editing my initial wishlist post. I usually just read these forums passively so the way posting works here is new to me.

DeltaPhantom is now part of the elite group of Banshee Soprana owners. 

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My list:

1: Opulas Syndana, so I can look professional during trades and missions.

2: Fire Color Pack, so I can look pretty during trades and missions.  Thank you @SolidBeast !

3: Staticor, so I can look tough during trades and missions.

4: Orokin Catalyst, so I can be tough during trades and missions

5: Teammates who bring the right 'frames or ones they can use, so I can enjoy trades and missions.

6: Hunhow's Gift Pack, so I can stop having nightmares about not having the War in trades and missions.

           -Thank you for reading my list!

(Reposting to make sure @SolidBeast saw me say thank you!) :D


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21 hours ago, ExodusSolitaire said:


Items on my list: 1 Forma/pack  (we always need moar)                        

                          2: potatos

                          3: weapon slots    @Irixa : Thank you for making my day with your kindness! I'll pay this forward. <3 

                                                        @Decemvrios Thank you for the Gift!!! I'm gonna put more of this forward too! :D

                          4: Decorations   @Nate1387 HOLY HELL Nate, you are on a roll! Thank you for the Decorations! In honor of this I'll be sending an  equal amount of  cheer forward to others. <3 

                        5: Pyra Syandana (I don't have high hopes here, but if you do you just found a buddy for life in this game ;p)

                        6-10: Whatever the heck you want. If your kind enough to give someone something in this game,

                        you deserve to pick your fancy. (Skins, mods, W/e!)

                       PS: If you gift me, please let me know if youve got a list so I can return the kindness if possible! :D

                        PPS: If you cant gift, but you want a buddy, send a friend request and a message. You've got one. Happy Holidays =)



Edited by ExodusSolitaire
bolding text to emphasize my excitement
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My wish list

  1. Trinity Deluxe Skin Collection**Thank you WhyNotBro for making this wish come true^_^**
  2. Infested Color Palate**Thank you HerpDerpy for making this one come true ^_^**
  3. Oxium
  4. Plastids


Happy Holidays, I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday. For those who do gift items<even if not to me> you are the real  mvp's for helping others out  ^_^

Edited by AnitaRose
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Haha I better get to my trading-fu to collect some plat for gifts :3 Anyway on the odd chance someone decides to gift something...

  1. Sari Syandana (not currently ingame, will be after the next update. I hope :( )
  2. Display Pack (or even just single displays will make me happy)
  3. Solstice Glyph Pack
  4. Winter Solstice Skin Bundle
  5. Mirage Winter Skin Thank you m3z_promise!
  6. Argyl Gene Masking Kit
  7. Orthos Tekelu Skin
  8. Veritux Tekelu Skin
  9. More blue spuds :3
  10. Argon Crystal/Pegamate Decoration

Have fun everyone! Imma stalk though and try to gift at least something.

EDIT: Can't for the life of me work out how mentions work, but thank you!

Edited by Runelea
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3 minutes ago, Runelea said:

Haha I better get to my trading-fu to collect some plat for gifts :3 Anyway on the odd chance someone decides to gift something...

  1. Sari Syandana (not currently ingame, will be after the next update. I hope :( )
  2. Display Pack (or even just single displays will make me happy)
  3. Solstice Glyph Pack
  4. Winter Solstice Skin Bundle
  5. Mirage Winter Skin
  6. Argyl Gene Masking Kit
  7. Orthos Tekelu Skin
  8. Veritux Tekelu Skin
  9. More blue spuds :3
  10. Argon Crystal/Pegamate Decoration

Have fun everyone! Imma stalk though and try to gift at least something.

Gifted you the Mirage Winter skin! Enjoy.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays. ^^

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I'm still a nubblet but I wanted mostly to say just how cool this idea is. I'm going to buy some Plat to give stuff away as soon as I get home! 

For myself if anyone feels so inclined 

1: The ash koga bundle

2: Any kubrow or kavat armor

3: Any syndanas 

Other than that I guess forma or potatoes are always nice ^^ Thanks to DE for an awesome idea!

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