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Warframe skills should not hinder other players


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Actually, this thread is just causing me annoyance. Just keep everything the same about these skills that can interfere with missions, if people want the power to make missions like mobile defenses impossible, more power to them I suppose.

Edited by Esorono
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4 minutes ago, Esorono said:

I've said this before, and now I will write a thread about it, because this is seriously annoying. Especially since DE is working on a Limbo rework.

Warframe skills that can hinder other players should be changed as the highest priority of skill changes. Mechanics I feel should be removed is as followed, Snowglobe blocking shots from allies, Vauban's bounce able to make allies bounce, everything about Limbo's rift trollcanics (which are more than less so I will go into detail). As well as skills that make enemies invulnerable such as Titania's lantern. And I am not sure if it was fixed yet, but Ash's bladestorms if he targets something he can't kill fast.

Now for Limbo! I will now list all the hindrances Limbo can perform.

- He makes killing things slower

- He makes enemies invulnerable

- He can make people drop items and unable to pick them up

- He can make consoles unhackable

- He can prevent people from picking up drops

- He can protect the mobs attacking excavators and defense objects

- He can purposefully kill low level players by separating them with high level mobs making it so that no one else can protect them

- He can prevent players from charging excavators

- He can make people run out of ammo

- He can make people run out of energy

- He can rift people's pets

- He can force you to fight in a suicidally small 'arena' to kill people

- He can prevent you from attacking sabotage objects or removing them

Maybe there is more, but the point is, Limbo's rift plane is the worst thing ever created for a co-op game. I mean, I've seen some classes that barely contribute at all, but Limbo in general is anti-contribution. And it makes any of his positives into an absolute mess in any sort of co-op game. So if anything is changed during his rework the biggest priority should be how the rift affects other members of the group.

I see exactly what your saying but the problem is there are powers that effect team mates in a good way, what they really need is a efficient way of reporting trolls which I assume is part of your goal for writing this:)

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Following comment EXCLUDES Limbo.

Leave Frost and Vauban powers as they are (and nova too while we at troll powers)
They give visual, you can avoid/adjust to correct your tactic.
Part of co-op is understanding what other frames do.
Another part of it is working with that knowledge. 

if you get Griefed/trolled. you can report player.
In combat, maybe try talking with team if you think their actions can be synergized better with yours.

When Im trying out new frame, id be HAPPY to have other player mentions something along lines " you know this ability does not allow me to do XXX."
Sometimes its not so obvious.

Edited by Sophista
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3 minutes ago, jessicakqs said:

go out the globe, while rift you can get kills using wf abbilities, sometimes it s very useful, especially with bosses

I play almost exclusively as Zephyr, she has no killing warframe abilities. And no it is not useful, it is the biggest hindrance in the game. There is no advantages for anyone to be in the Rift.

Just now, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

topic should be renamed to limbo rant .... 

Also Limbo is the worst offender, so he gets the most hate.

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This list is all well and good, but this is less of a Limbo problem, and more of a player problem.


5 minutes ago, Esorono said:

- He can make people run out of energy

Yeah......no. The Rift grants energy to the players inside it. 2 energy per second, to be precise. Also, ALL powers affect enemies outside of the Rift (except maybe Link. Never tested that one), so if anyone wastes energy, it's their idiot selves, not Limbo.


Limbo's biggest problem is not his kit. He functions perfectly fine. The issue is that trolls use him to do their thing. 

Hell, I daresay he's a very strong Support Warframe. People just don't know how to use him that way, so he's branded as 'useless' or people think his abilities don't do anything for anyone. That's simply not true. 

Yes, he can make a mission harder, but he can also make a landslide difference in how a mission can turn out. It depends entirely on the person using him. 

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1 minute ago, FLSH_BNG said:

You are perfectly free to not play with Limbo. But nearly every point you've made has a simple work-around that takes half a second to figure out and use so I don't understand what the problem is.

Because I'm not playing Limbo and I cannot stop other players from being IDIOTS! 

This list is all well and good, but this is less of a Limbo problem, and more of a player problem.


Yeah......no. The Rift grants energy to the players inside it. 2 energy per second, to be precise. Also, ALL powers affect enemies outside of the Rift (except maybe Link. Never tested that one), so if anyone wastes energy, it's their idiot selves, not Limbo.


Limbo's biggest problem is not his kit. He functions perfectly fine. The issue is that trolls use him to do their thing. 

Hell, I daresay he's a very strong Support Warframe. People just don't know how to use him that way, so he's branded as 'useless' or people think his abilities don't do anything for anyone. That's simply not true. 

Yes, he can make a mission harder, but he can also make a landslide difference in how a mission can turn out. It depends entirely on the person using him. 

Yeeeeeeaaaah, two energy a second sucks. It really, really sucks. He is absolutely the worst support frame out there. Even a negative speed Nova makes things easier than a Limbo.


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6 minutes ago, ashrah said:

limbo is pretty powerful..... what is annoying wen  ppl use slow nova on akkad.. and makes game super slow

No he is not, he is clunky and inefficient at best, and ungodly annoying at worst.

3 minutes ago, FLSH_BNG said:

Would you care to at least provide some constructive alternatives that could be employed to improve Limbo? Or are you here to just p!$$ and moan?

Honestly, I would delete Limbo, he does nothing good for the game and is just an annoyance to play with. But since that doesn't work, I would either make it so Limbo can only play in Solo, which everyone would also be upset with. Or make it so Limbo's idiotic mechanics only effect themselves so that no one else has to deal with them. They can continue their game at a snail's pace, but I don't want to be tied down from them.

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he's pretty useful in the kuva floods, as you can stay in rift till the kuva comes, hit 5, get it, then hit 5 again to be back in the rift. That and high lv mobile defense missions you can use him to protect everyone w/o having to kill too much (and by high I mean lv 90+ ). not to mention in the high lv missions i can stay in rift and revive ppl w/o having to worry about dying while doing it. 

Edited by darksithis002
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3 minutes ago, Esorono said:

Because I'm not playing Limbo and I cannot stop other players from being IDIOTS! 

Use your ignore list 

I hope they dont remove the immunity just for not being unable to pick things or get kills in a mission that doesnt require get kills :C

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This has been a long running debate since I started before Tethra.

Sure, you can get annoyed by it but that doesn't mean DE will help.


 Him being able to affect other frames is the reason his kit is even viable. Remember greedy pull? That's why it was so good, it affect everyone's loot drops.
Remember the release of tonkor..?


Anyways, it's just the fact of you have to sometimes deal with trolls.. Not much we can do about it.. Sorry man. Unless DE wants to obliterate frame after frame you just gotta suck it up.

Edit: Not everyone is a troll, sometimes it's a Nova with a lot of power strength on a defense mission.

Some people like the rush, others don't. I can't say for everyone.

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Being Salty about a Frame isn't a reason to complain in my opinion. Either play with friends or play solo like some other tenno's said before me. I have a positive of limbo for you to think about. Doing the boss part of kela de thayme (sorry for spelling) is super annoying without a catacalysm with kela's rockets. Limbo basically is the savior to my friends and I when we do that boss for sorties.

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7 minutes ago, jessicakqs said:

Use your ignore list 

I hope they dont remove the immunity just for not being unable to pick things or get kills in a mission that doesnt require get kills :C

Ignore list doesn't kick Limbos off from teams.

8 minutes ago, darksithis002 said:

he's pretty useful in the kuva floods, as you can stay in rift till the kuva comes, hit 5, get it, then hit 5 again to be back in the rift. That and high lv mobile defense missions you can use him to protect everyone w/o having to kill too much (and by high I mean lv 90+ ). not to mention in the high lv missions i can stay in rift and revive ppl w/o having to worry about dying while doing it. 

I can easily do better with a Zephyr, and actually be useful, unlike a Limbo. Also protecting people from having to kill too much is why I am hate Limbos. They make killing things so much slower than they can be. 

Being Salty about a Frame isn't a reason to complain in my opinion. Either play with friends or play solo like some other tenno's said before me. I have a positive of limbo for you to think about. Doing the boss part of kela de thayme (sorry for spelling) is super annoying without a catacalysm with kela's rockets. Limbo basically is the savior to my friends and I when we do that boss for sorties.

Easily avoided by staying off the ground.

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26 minutes ago, Esorono said:

Now for Limbo! I will now list all the hindrances Limbo can perform.

- He makes killing things slower - Not if you're in the rift with them

- He makes enemies invulnerable They also can't damage anyone

- He can make people drop items and unable to pick them up Roll to get out of the rift, or just bring Vacuum and walk out of cataclysm. Bam, stuff.

- He can make consoles unhackable That is an issue

- He can prevent people from picking up drops Again, roll or bring Vacuum.

- He can protect the mobs attacking excavators and defense objects He can also protect them from taking damage in the first place

- He can purposefully kill low level players by separating them with high level mobs making it so that no one else can protect them tell them to roll or walk out of the cataclysm it's not that hard

- He can prevent players from charging excavators Issue

- He can make people run out of ammo ??????

- He can make people run out of energy Rift has 2 energy per second in it. Sure it's not the greatest thing ever but if you're running out of energy in the rift stop building your frames assuming you'll always have an EV trinity with you.

- He can rift people's pets Ok? Pets can still use their abilities while in the rift AND they can't die to things not in the rift too. How is this part an issue?

- He can force you to fight in a suicidally small 'arena' to kill people He also gains a damage buff while doing so, and it means enemies outside of it CANNOT HURT YOU IN ANY WAY. AND ABILITIES WORK THROUGH THE RIFT, SO IF YOU BRING A FRAME LIKE EMBER YOU CAN LITERALLY KILL ENEMIES WHILE THEY CAN'T DAMAGE YOU AT ALL.

- He can prevent you from attacking sabotage objects or removing them Issue

Yes, Limbo has issues, and yes, some of this stuff is because Limbo has a high skill cap, but a good limbo is one of the best things you can have on a team. Being able to lock down an area so enemies in it can't damage you at all but YOU CAN STILL DAMAGE THEM WITH ABILITIES, or protecting your pets from dying, or making it safe to revive people. It sounds like you just got out of a run with a Troll limbo and needed to rant about how "useless" he is, when he's not. He relies on communication and does have a high skill cap compared to other frames, yes, but he's nowhere near as bad as a Hydroid or Oberon.

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