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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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So i wanted to really give Ranger, Zombie_Sprinklez's Vauban, a decent intro before he takes over and writes for himself. So he hasn't read this as of this first posting. So be ready for parts of it to possibly change from his Input. :)
(apparently the edit turned the text black....Sorry about that)

Deep in the back of Storage room 12, amid hundreds of dormant cryopods, no longer were things quiet.

A faint beeping came from a pod leaning up against the back wall, an ancient model, one of the first series made. Its edges were worn down flat, with small chips knocked out of the metal. Metal creaked once, then a quiet mumble rose from the pod. A second time the metal creaked, this time followed by a deep voiced grumble of malcontent. Instead of a third creak, there came a loud sizzling noise, as a bolt of electricity shot out from in between the rusted and corroded hinges of the pod. Slowly, with smoke hanging like irritated clouds in the air, a gloved hand, a warframe hand, pushed the pod's lid forward. The lid's fall, graceful as it was, sounded like blasphemy in the quiet dark of the storage room.

A heavy boot touched down on the floor, followed by the rest of what could almost be a Vauban. Instead of a layer of ultra thin modern armor, thick heavy plates surrounded the Tenno. Long straight lines of dingy copper color ran down the length of his arms and pinstriped his legs. Between the thin lines of copper color, ran equally dingy but rather wider lines of gray, almost a charcoal texture.

Slowly, but with practiced ease, the figure checked his loadout. A Hek shotgun was pulled from the figure's back, but upon the first ratcheting motion of its reload cycle, it snapped cleanly in half and fell to the floor. Instead of a metallic *KLING* noise, it sounded like plastic scrap as it crumbled upon impact. The throaty voice whispered "Hmm..now thats odd..".

The story was the same for his Kunai, they had pitted and would no longer even stand up to the torque of a throw. Only his Gram remained sturdy, and even that had stopped glowing around the edges.

The first few steps toward the lighted area of the store room sent arcs of pain shooting up the Vauban's legs and made his armor make terrible noises. He had to steady himself against the wall for the next 40 feet, but the pain faded and his armor even silenced itself. Feeling more like himself, he growled again "Damn, I told them i hated to be kept asleep this long...armor looks like hell, Can't hardly walk, and somebody better get me a new Hek, or everyone is going to have a bad day around....Here?" The last came out as a question. The Vauban for the first time felt limber enough to take a longer look around, and felt a sensation that he hadn't experienced in a very long time. Total confusion.

He saw CryoPods, but not the same kind as he awoke in, These were sleek and had glass view ports, Something he had been assured was impossible. Picking up the pace, the Vauban strode into the light, located the door, and stepped into a new world.

Everything was bright, lights flashed everywhere, and he saw Tenno busily carting rubble through one door and out the other. Some he recognized, Frosts, Excaliburs, Nyx, Rhinos, but some were completely alien to him. Here he spied a tiny little frame with a long neck and a domed head. To his left, a Warframe with tusks on his helmet, walking with the grace of a born predator. His awe must have drawn attention, because a little Tenno in an exceedingly shiny frame put the bent Skana that she was working on down and walked his direction.

"Is there something wrong? You look a bit , i dont know....Lost?" she said kindly. Her voice sounded strange to him. The accent was off, and even though she sounded very kind and willing to help, he still felt apprehensive about trusting her. He replied "I just came out of CryoSleep, and im a bit discombobulated ma'am, thats all. I think the pod kept me out a wee bit on the long side."

She flipped up her visor and instantly he was shocked by her youthful face. He thought to himself that she couldn't have been over 15, no way in hell she was old enough to wear that ...what frame is that exactly? While she gave him a quizzical look, although still smiling, he asked what had just perplexed him. "Ma'am, what 'frame is that? I didn't know they let someone your age run prototypes. No offense."

She had ran into this age problem before, that didn't matter to her. What she became instantly curious about was his question. "Its an Ember, Series 31. Been in production for over 100 years now, Most reliable Ember system yet. The chrome and purple is my own touch though...By the way, My name is Zel, Nice to meet you, and just so you know, I'm 22". The statement came out all in one breath and at the end she offered her hand. He shook it slowly, and said "Interesting", Believing not a word she had said. Ember had barely even been a prototype as far as he knew, Let alone a series of at least 31, which by his reckoning is twenty times as long as Warframe's had even existed. This youngling, while very kind and viciously pretty, was also obviously a liar. But he thought he would at least try to make the best of a bad situation. As he shook her hand, he said "My name is not important, Everyone call's me Ranger."

Zel nodded and walked toward the door on the left, beckoning Ranger to follow. He did so, and while walking down a long hallway filled with Tenno carrying stone chunks and tools in and out of a huge doorway in the distance. He asked Zel "Did everyone take up geology or something while i was under?". With a gasp Zel realized that he had missed, well, everything. She proceeded to tell him about everything she knew from the day she arrived in this Dojo. The words went in one of Ranger's ears and straight out the other, He simply couldn't understand the excited ramblings. But then a sad look came over the girl's face and she said "We lost Ajkrumen that day...oh it was horrible, i couldn-".

Ranger clamped his hands down on her shoulders and spun her to meet him and looked her dead in the eye "Ajkrumen?! Lost Ajkrumen?! That kid showed more potential than a squad of Veterans! How'd he go? Training exercise went wrong or did Kenderson finally snap?".

Zel hadn't been this confused in a very long time. She pointed past the huge arching doorway, into a room where a massive statue stood. A very strange looking Vauban stood atop its shoulders, in the finishing stages of what looked like reattaching the arm. "Quinn is fixing it, he almost lost it when he saw the damage. Hasn't touched a drop to drink, or slept even a minute in the last 4 days."

Ranger heard none of this. The world spun on him, and legs that had fully regained their power, became weak and trembling again. He fell backwards, stopping with his shoulder armor pressing against the wall of the hallway opposite the statue. Even slower, he slid down till he sat on the floor. His eyes stayed locked on the statue's face the whole time. Tracing every feature. He could never forget the face of the brightest and most capable Tenno he had ever known. Just when he thought he couldn't be any more confused or shaken, he caught site of the placard on the base of the statue. He saw the name, Ajkrumen. He saw the words written by living feeling hands rather than machines. But the last straw came when he saw the last line of text, and Ranger's world went dark as he fell into unconsciousness.

He had seen the date.

Edited by Aigloblam
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Sorry I wan't here for Berserker, guys. Midterms killed, and they're not even done. They put the rest of the exams after vacation, if that makes any sense to you. So anyway, chronologically, Tyranthius had returned at that point to the Dojo, but as I'm not fond of retconning...



The Hunt had ravaged great sections of the Dojo, though none of the essential rooms were hurt. Unfortunately, Berserker was stronger than anybody could have have predicted, and the lockdown doors for the left residential wing didn't hold, and as such, the hunt had briefly torn through some hallways. Tenno were gathered outside, laughing, joking, and speaking as though they hadn't just almost died; nor did anyone pay much attention to the fact that the surrounding area looked as though Loki had been at it using re-engineered, authentic, Old Earth Wolverine claws. These rooms were spare ones anyway, only there to accommodate any visiting guests and dignitaries.


One of them opened, and out stepped a disheveled-looking Tyranthius, his short black hair a veritable study in greasy filth and looking as though he had gone directly from mission, to clothes, and to sleep. He yawned hugely while stretching his arms, then seemed surprised with the large number of armed Tenno outside the hall. He blinked. Twice.


"So, uh, did I miss anything?"




More on the Void Mission when my vacation starts.

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Aigloblam stepped up besides Tyranthius and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Nah, just a little scrape. I'll explain...."


The two Tenno walked down toward the barracks, Aigloblam doing his best to explain the events...at least the details he knew from the moment he rose from his pod.


There, so its understood that Ty knows whats going on. And i just wanted to post something more....or else ill go to sleep

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