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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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The best part about writing different stories is trying to join them up imo. Frustrating but when you do, it's awesome. 


It can be a lot of fun, or it can be a PAIN. It helps to have a plan for each story and a plan to fit each story into the overall story arc. I don't always manage to KEEP to the plan, but I have one.

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Seeing as today is movie-and-Chinese-food-day for me, and i have nothing better to do, here is a story!

Also, 100th post!


Just remembering training with Saur made her whole body ache as she walked back to her room in the station. When she got to the door, though, she continued right past it, unconsciously going to the training room. It was always crowded, but she just wanted to fight something.


As soon as she got there, she saw an Ash. His warframe was black and white, with the lotus emblem emblazoned on his chest. On his back there was a Soma, colored similarly, and a pair of crystalline Ether Swords. On his thighs were twin holsters of Kunai.


“Hello, are you new here?” he asked her


“Me? Yes actually, the clan I was in seems to have been disbanded, and I had nowhere to go, save here,” she realized as she said it that she could have likely joined Aequitas, but something had stopped her. “What is your name?”


“I'm Entari, and you?”


“Saichra. Actually, would you like to spar with me? I feel like I'm a bit rusty.”


“Sure! Follow me.”


Finding an area to spar proved to be far more difficult than she had expected, but after fifteen minutes of searching, they found a pair of initiates that had just finished sparring.


“Ready?” he asked.


“I think so.”


“Very well then. Defend yourself!”


He charged at her, his Ether Swords drawn. “You want to come to me? Let me help!”  Focusing her energy, she pulled him to her.  He attempted to backpedal, but too late. Once in range, she unsheathed her Galatine and threw him across the dueling floor with the flat of the blade.

Jumping back to his feet, he deployed a smoke bomb, rendering him invisible to the untrained eye.


“Over here!” he said from behind her as the smoke cleared. Swinging the longer of the two Ether Swords in a wide arc right at her head. Dodging the swing, she brought the Galatine to bear against her opponent, knocking his legs out from under him, causing him to land face down. Once he rolled over, he saw the point of a Galatine at his throat.



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Gaaaaah all this thinking hurts my brain. A quick little story based on an encounter with Stalker. With a Christmas spin on it!


The snub flew into the freezing atmosphere of Europa, smack in the middle of a Corpus Base. He hated these kinds of dropoffs, they only left him open to plasma fire and could ruin his stealth mission. He looked at HUD and saw that the waypoint pointed to a building close by. "Good, the sooner i get out of here, the better.". He ran towards the building at top speed, thankful for his Ash' natural speed. He ran inside, and was greeted with a corridor with two Crewman and a Tech. "This will be easy", he threw a smokescreen down to cloak himself, and went behind the two Crewman. They were standing around talking about the Raptor Osprey and the Ambulas MOA. 


"Dude Ambulas would OWN Raptor in a fight! Have you ever seen him in action? He's one of the most powerful MOA'S we have!.


"Obviously you are forgetting that 1) Raptor is an Osprey and can fly, 2) Ambulas is old,and is NOT outfitted with the latest in technology, and 3) RAPTOR HAS F*CKIN MISSILES YOU DUMBF*CK!"  Upon finishing his sentence, the Crewman whacked the other one on the head with his Dera.


"Ow!, that hurt!, But YOU sir, are forgetting that Ambulas is outfitted with Warframe technology. This allows it to Pull Raptor over to him, and then blast it to hell with his Spartan Kick. So HA!."


The Ash just stared, dumbfounded at the scene before him. He had yet to fight Ambulas, but he knew Raptor was exccedingly dangerous and could obliterate just about any ground-based unit that isn't Tenno. He snapped out of his shock and pulled his Dual Ichor blades. He loved them, they spoke to him in his head and he found they made good company when on long trips in his snub. Right now they were screaming for blood.




"All right, all right, no need to yell"


He then ran to run of the Crewman who were now at each others throats over their argument.


"I swear to Profit i'm going to probe you in the sweet spot with a Prova! Raptor is equipped with the latest in Corpus technology and URK!" The Crewman suddendly started gushing blood from his neck as he fell over, twitching. Before the other Crewman could react he found a pulsating blade sticking through his chest. He was horribly squeamish and he fainted at the sight of his own blood, bleeding out on the polished metal floor of the base.


The Tech on the other side of room heard the commotion and decided to go check it out. Deploying a Sheild Osprey to reinforce his personal sheild, he hefted his Supra and quitely made his way to where the Crewman were. He arrived at the scene just as the bodies turned to dust. Fearing the worst, he ran towards an Alarm Console to warn the rest of the base. Before he could reach the console he fell to the floor, legless. He looked up to find a red Ash Warframe with a Santa hat and red energy lights. 


"Hi there, you might know me as Santa Claus and Merry Christmas!" He brought his Candy-Cane scythe down on the Tech's head. He checked his Naughty List and crossed off one Herjack Bole, Yalren Oruk, and Cory Asundrus. "Only 70 more to go!", he said cheerfully. He skipped down the corridor when a voice chimed into his comms.


"Aktos, i told you before you are not Santa! Now quit playing around and finish the mission. You are needed back at the Station to help with the Christmas Party."


"Christmas party? YAAAAAAAAY!". Spurred on by the thought of a Christmas party he ran around killing everyone on the base. When he finished he made for extraction when the lights flickered, and a message appeared on his HUD. 


"Aktos, the murder of General Sargas Ruk will not go unpunished"


Aktos stopped dead in ihs tracks. "Who are you? You aren't on my list are you?"


" I have no idea what you are talking about, but know that this will be your last Christmas"


"My last Christmas? But i still have to punish all the little Naughty boys and girls!"


"Screw them, you aren't Santa anyway. Now, DIE!


A comlumn of smoke appeared behind Aktos, and no sooner than it appeared, a black-clad figure rushed out brandishing a wicked looking scythe.


"OH SH*T" Aktos ducked,the Stalker missed him by an inch.


"Who are you?" Aktos asked as he pulled out his Supra and leveled it at the Stalker.


"I am your Reckoning, now quit stalling, i have Egg Nog on my ship that' still hot, i don't want it to get cold."


"Egg Nog? EWWWWWWWWWWW!" Aktos then dissapeared in a cloud of smoke and reappeared behind the Stalker, ready to slit his throat. But the Stalker whirled around and blocked the attack. Making the Ichors scream in protest.




The voices in his head, threw the Stalker for a second and then Aktos managed to cut the Stalkers arm off. 


"AHHHHHH, you will pay for this someday, i swear it." He dissapeared in a cloud of smoke and Aktos was left feeling proud of himself. 


"Yay i drove him off! Too bad he wasn't properly punished but oh well." He then finished his mission and hurried back to the Station. He had alot of ideas for the party, and they would be awesome. "This is going the be the best Christmas EVER!"




EDIT okaaaaaaay not short. But what do you guys think? This is my first publicly shared story so and all feedback and critque would be appreciated.

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I was thinking in the shower (the best place to think IMO) about what I could write next. I started thinking about Kris making a speech to the Tenno of Aequitas through Lotus where he literally just told them he would return to the Dojo once the jungle was free from Vay Hek  and accept his punishment...and then I kinda trailed off before I could make the speech.

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Kalenath's the guy with the singing Banshee right? Either way hi there! I couldn't finish your Madness story. (Stupid error 404). But what i did get through was amazing.


Silverbones put it in the registry that got stickied. Why would you get a 404 from that? O.O

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Crappy computer man......crappy computer.


EDIT: If anyone is wondering about my amazing response times its because i have nothing better to do while waiting for something called Firefall to download.


DCUO has bored me, Warframe keeps crashing, Path of Exile keeps crashing, Ghost Recon online is MIA, Fusionfall is utter crap, Screw Avatar Legends of the arena, annnnnnnnnnnd i have outgrown Roblox and minecraft is unable to be installed on this computer. I also have no PS4 or Batman Arkham Origins or Infamous Second Son :(


I do however have a kindle fire HD with rangers apprentice books installed on it....buh bye.


That is all.

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You could always go with the original idea of doing it through the Lotus. And yay! i shall get started on trying to introduce him. I'll need some pencil and paper because i don't have word. I actually typed my first story right there straight out of my head, took me 20 or 30 minutes tops but still an accomplishment for me. Now to the thinking board!


After i introduce him into the clan, feel free to use him in your stories. For future reference, he isn't crazy, he just likes to impersonate holiday figures and more laid back. He's still very effective at killing things as all Ash users are. Don't forget his Dual Ichors are sentient and bloodthirsty, but they can make good conversation when their bloodlust is sated. Also wears a Locust helm and he's not a master but not an initiate either.


I might also introduce a Valkyr as his best friend, but i've got too many plans and i've been talking long enough. I need to slow down... buh bye for now

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