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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Here's the continuation of my last post. I wrote and edited it while tired and semi-distracted, so I hope it makes sense and is ok. Feedback on edits would be nice, but regardless, I hope you all enjoy it.





Acantha walked through the rustling darkness of the tangled jungle. She found a spot at the edge of a cliff face, where a large, ancient tree had fallen and made a natural bench, and she sat there looking up at the stars. They were dimmer and less clear down here on the surface, with their light having to filter through the atmosphere to reach her. Even though faded and hazy as they were, their light having diffused as it permeated through the intangible, transparent layers that made up the heavens before reaching her, they were no less beautiful than they were when she saw them from the vast emptiness of space where they shone clear, cold, and sharp like bright bits of glass.


Aequitas is up there somewhere, she thought to herself, although she knew she’d never see the dojo from her vantage point, even if she’d known where in the sky to look for it. She felt a rare sense of peace sitting in this place, staring up at the stars. With the burden of her rage, anger, and hate for what Kris had done having been removed from her, it felt to her like she was experiencing the calm between two lines of storms. The storm that had been her revenge and hate, started when Berserker had ravaged the dojo like a demon, had passed. Now there was a still moment when she could relax, waiting for the coming tempest. She knew that Kris still posed a threat, and always would, but for now, as he contemplated the choices he had, he was of no concern to her, and her burden was lifted.


In a way, Berserker’s rampage had done her a lot of good. She had originally only come to Aequitas’s dojo for some peace and quiet, but in the aftermath of the chaos, tragic and pointlessly wasteful as it had been, she’d found that she’d discovered a place where she felt more at home than she had since she’d awoken from her Long Sleep. After a large bit of denial and internal struggle, she’d talked herself into submitting an application to join the clan. After a much swifter acceptance then she’d expected (she’d been counting on the delay so she could procrastinate on being officially in a clan for a bit longer), she been assigned a room by a Tenno named Sandalphon, and transferred her then considerably smaller weapons collection and scant possessions over to the dojo from her old rented room at the Station.


Once the repairs to the dojo had been completed, she began haunting the training rooms. She quickly gained experience with the weapons in her arsenal, and began practicing with new ones to further her training. The considerable amount of cash she’d earned from the battle pay during the Hunt for Alad V was quickly spent commissioning weapons from the Foundry Master, Quinn. His work was excellent, and she’d been enjoying the feeling of making progress towards becoming a better fighter by practicing with the weapons she’d purchased from him. She still felt she needed improvement, however, and the rapidly growing arsenal she was acquiring was quickly draining her pool of credits.


It was her need to make some money that had her jumping at the opportunity to do missions here on Earth to combat the Grineer’s new Cicero toxin. Not only did she get to practice her sharpshooting while doing them, but she also got pay that she needed to refill all the money she’d been spending on new weapons. On top of that, if she destroyed a toxin injector, she’d be rewarded even more, with a new pair of pistols that she’d been eyeing for awhile and was eager to try.


She hadn’t been expecting to see Aigloblam there, though. She’d been working a scouting mission, scanning any plant life she came across while also clearing her section of any Grineer. The mission went without incident, although she hadn’t found any rare plants in that particular section. She’d been perched on a high point near the largest part of the Grineer camp, where her HUD informed her that the last living members of the encampment were stationed. She’d looked down the powerful scope of her Snipetron Vandal, tracking the back of a Trooper’s head and waiting on the perfect moment to fire. She’d always favored her Dread, but against Grineer this sniper rifle she was far superior, and she enjoyed the deadly efficiency it afforded her in the wide open areas that were so perfectly suited to it such as what was here on Earth.


She breathed in, then out, and pulled the trigger. The rifle, silenced by her recent modifications, took out the oblivious soldier in one shot. One by one, the remaining troops fell, each one taken out by a single lead projectile fired from high above. Perhaps, if one had looked in the right place at the right moment, they might have seen the muzzle flash of her gun before they died, but that would have been the only hint of their impending demise. The sniping wasn’t any intent at stealth on her part, stealth wasn’t exactly her style or strength anyway. It was more because she wanted living target practice, and whether her targets were alerted or not, nothing could beat real enemies for training, especially real enemies being fought in the semi-dark of night on Earth.


It was as she slid the long rifle onto her back and the last enemy slumped dead onto the ground that she’d seen Aigloblam slipping off into the inky shadows of the trees and undergrowth. Out of curiosity she’d followed him, although she’d felt guilty about the subterfuge. That was how she came to be there when he found Kris.


Sitting on that fallen log, thinking back on the moment she realized who it was Aiglo had come to see, she remembered her anger and confusion. At first she thought it would end up a fight, until she heard what he said. She’d realized in that moment that fighting with Kris, or killing him, or even injuring him, would really accomplish nothing. That was why she gave him a choice, and decided that if he would be willing to try to make things right she would help him. After all, all of the Tenno were broken, in their own ways. It might not be enough of an excuse to absolve them of the crimes they’d committed, either against each other or in war against others, but it was enough of a reason to give forgiveness to one Tenno who might be even more broken than the rest of them.


She hadn’t realized until this moment, staring up at the meaningless pattern of uncountable stars glittering above her, what a relief giving that forgiveness would be. She let the calm settle over her, content to enjoy her reprieve while it lasted.

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Phew. Here's my first contribution to this story. Ladies and GentleTenno,  I present to you, The Story of Aiden:


Where am I?


He was inside a small vessel. He could see through it, but reflections made it hard for him to recognise anything. He tried moving around, but his mind was in a daze and his body felt like rubber. It took him a few minutes to start recollecting everything.


I'm in a cryopod. But why have I awoken?


He pushed against the transparent surface of the pod, but to no avail. He didn't do well in tight spaces. He turned his neck with some difficulty to spot his rifle and sword on a clamp next to him. The gold on the Burston Prime showed his reflection. The black helmet of a Rhino stared back at him, tiger stripes adding a bit of flair to the otherwise ominous figure. He tried twisting his arm to try and grab the gun, but his large arm coupled with the narrow confines of the pod stopped him from even trying. He tried easing the Galatine from it's clamp but it was too big as well.


Damn it.


He slammed both his hands on the top of the pod and he felt it move a bit. I need more force. With resolve in his mind, be began to pummel the door with all his strength. The relentless assault soon caused the glass to crack. A few more hits later, it shattered, causing him to tumble out of the cryopod and fall to the ground with a loud thud amidst the shattered glass.


He slowly lifted himself up to inspect his surroundings. Where the hell am I? Large plant-like growths covered almost every surface of the room, and small particles floated around in the air, far too large to be dust. A faint mist seemed to flow over the floor, under which Oron could faintly discern familiar motifs.


This is an Orokin ship! But what has happened here? His mind was struggling to take in all the new information. He knew that he would be awoken when he was needed. That was what he was told. But it didn't seem like anyone was around. Was it just an accident?


He turned around and reached into his cryopod to pick up his rifle and sword. The Burston had a few rounds left in it, but when it ran out of ammo, he could always trust on his Galatine. The massive sword glinted in the hazy darkness of the ship, and Aiden remembered how much carnage he'd inflicted with it.


He didn't know what he'd need to be armed for, but the place he'd woken up to wasn't exactly what he'd call safe. As a precaution, he activated the distress beacon on his cryopod. If there are others, they will know where I am now. He decided to explore the overrun ship to try and get acquainted with his surroundings. I've just woken up, and my body is still quite weak. I'd best not fall for any ambushes.


He made his way outside the room through the door, which remained jammed open because of a large tree trunk growing through it. Squeezing through the gap, he quickly tried to blend into the shadows. His basic training as a Tenno kicked in. Stay in the shadows, avoid combat if necessary. Information is strength. He skulked around the dead ship. The word 'derelict' came to mind. He nodded inwardly. A fitting name for this place.


He was passing through a once storage room. Broken crates littered the floor and the relentless plants had taken this place over as well. He saw small chasms littering the floor, and green mist rising from their depths. He made sure to give them a wide berth as he moved through the ship.


He stopped when her heard growling. He rounded a corner and peeked at the source of the sound. It was a creature he'd never seen before. He wasn't even sure if 'creature' was a fitting description for the monster. Random chunks of chitinous armour were spread out through it's body, amidst a mass of grey, heavily deformed flesh. It seemed to be the source of the growling noise, but he couldn't see any particular face on it. He saw as it padded around a tree trunk, seemingly sniffing for something. Suddenly, it turned around roared; a guttural sound that actually worried Aiden. He saw a mouth at last, inside which were dozens of razor sharp teeth. The creature started running towards him, making wet slapping noises as a multitude of limbs propelled it towards him rapidly. He cursed, and raised his rifle with a smooth, mechanical motion.


The burst of bullets were more than adequate to stop the creature dead in it's tracks. He saw as the body of the creature skidded across the mossy floor, leaking orange ichor from the bullet holes on it's 'face'. What kind of creature was that? Aiden didn't have the time to ponder more about it, as suddenly he was greeted with a whole chorus of roars. He looked up to see a dozen more of the deformed creatures running towards him, blood and spittle spraying outwards from their mouths.


The Burston's muzzle spat flames as the narrow corridor echoed with the sound of gunfire. By the time his gun clicked empty, two more creatures remained, both relentlessly running towards him. He holstered the Burston and quickly retrieved his Galatine. Mindful of the close quarters, he swung the giant sword as the two creatures closed the gap. He felt little resistance as he rent them monsters in two. He was splattered with blood as the remains of the creatures thudded to the ground besides him. He saw as more of them ran towards him. A never ending flood.


He turned around and ran through another open door, hoping to outrun the creatures. They seemed to home in on him with relative ease. He'd only seen this sort of behaviour from Technocyte swarms, tools the Orokin used to weed out hiding Sentients. But these things did not look like the swarms he was used to seeing. As he leaped over a large chasm, he thought, these things seem more wild, more primal.


He saw the opportunity to gain a height advantage, and ran up a relatively solid wall. Once on top, he leaped to the opposite tree trunk and scurried up to the top. As he hid himself in the shadows, the swarm of creatures entered the room. Unable to find him, they spread out, examining every inch of the room for clues.


Aiden noticed as they seemed to work seamlessly, with not a sound escaping those mutated mouths. A hive mind, he surmised. That explains why they were able to track me easily. He checked to see if the magnetic seals holding his Burston were strong. Satisfied that they were, he decided to wait it out, until the creatures gave up on the search, or he was forced to defend himself from their assaults.


His body still ached from the cryostasis, but he numbed down the pain with calm meditation. It might take a while for help to arrive. Till then...I'm on my own. He looked down at the creatures. One of them had found his trace. With a mighty bellow it started clambering up the tree he was hidden on. So they can traverse vertically too. Damn it all. Aiden gritted his teeth in anticipation as the monsters ran up the tree trunk towards him. With a bellow of his own, he swung the giant sword eager to cut down all the foul beings attempting to kill him.


As the legion of creatures fell under his blade, one solitary thought ran through his mind.


I am Aiden. Fear me.


The creatures were vanquished, but he could already hear the next swarm approaching. As he traversed deeper into the damned ship, he thought calmly to himself.


Till my brethren arrive, I will survive. I will fight my way to the end, waiting silently. Waiting patiently.

Edited by bejuizb
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bjuizb, if you don't mind may I have Jrogar come to the Derelict? Have an awkward first contact, and then someone else's Tenno arrive?

Sure. Following your guys, Ice's squad can come as well. My distress beacon's attracted everyone to the ship lol.

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That's a nice start you have there. Akinos is busy elsewhere, but he'll probably meet Aiden sooner or later.


-Well, you were right-the Shade commented, as it went over the files they had received-Alad gave us everything we need to organize a data retrieval mission. Not an easy one, but it beats going from ship to ship, asking around. You'll need reinforcements though. A full squad, i believe.


-Are you sure? Their numbers shouldn't be a problem-Akinos answered him-and it's not like i have a squad of Tenno at my beck and call.


-Unless you can be in multiple places at once, you need a squad on this one-Shade concluded-The security system is state of the art, four terminals need to be accessed at the same time, or the lockdown will take place before we manage to hack them open. And of course, they are spread around the ship. There's also this little thing, since the lockdown isn't very fast to take action, but the terminals aren't easy to breach either, you'd have to insert special payloads, and i need at least fifty seconds to do them all at once. Fifty seconds in which they must be defended. So, not piece of cake at all. You'll need good Tenno for this one. Try the clan, i guess. Chances are you'll find someone crazy enough to get on board and powerful enough to actually do his part. Chances are not so good that you'll find three who meet those requirements. Probability stands against you on this one.


-So, you don't think i should even try, or what?-Akinos asked, annoyed by the discouraging scenario that the Shade had displayed.


-Well, if there's one thing i have learned about Tenno-the Shade responded-Is that you tend to bend and break laws of science and reason, by the dozens. I already left an announcement on the Clan's messaging boards. There's a lot of requests and the like posted there, but hopefully a Mission will call more attention than a reminder about defective elevators.


-Defective elevators are dangerous stuff, Shade!-Akinos laughed.


-Not if you can hover-was the comeback.


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[incoming Distress Signal, Eris, 47, 537, Tenno Cryopod, Series 3.4, Requesting Help ASAP.]

Jrogar read the message with disinterest, before sending a few of his own.

[Tenno, we are on our way. Hold out if you can. Do not lose hope. We shall not lose another to the LIAR.]

[Vay Hek. You got lucky. The others won't be as "forgiving". Thousands of Tenno will doom you. Goodbye, Hek.]

[Lieutenant Lech Kril, I have a proposition for you. Make Hek's life a living Hell, and you can Finally get to Nef Anyo, and use him as a torture doll. I know where the real Anyo is. What do you think, Anyo for Mentally torturing Hek.

[Kela De Thaym, I will be back sooner than expected, stay safe.]

"Vernak, plot a course for Eris, Coordinates 47, 537. Look for a Derelict ship. That is our target. Move out."

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Ghost walked into the med bay where she had awoken and saw the Nyx laying there. She frowned slightly as she noted the rank of this Tenno. Barely past an Initiate... This wouldn't do, she had had no right to jump into that fight with Beserker. Ghost sighed silently, wondering if it was worth helping this Young Tenno. Ghost's hands clenched as she remembered her younger days, the things she experienced because she hadn't been properly trained how to use her powers at the time, simply given a warframe and thrust into battle. She knew all the reasoning behind what they did and she knew she couldn't let that happen to another youngling. With a gentle bit of psychic prodding she woke the sleeping Nyx "What is your name child?" The young Nyx would hear these words only in her head which made her blink in surprise. "I would prefer to know your name first" She said, feeling a tad nervous and wary. She had heard this Nyx's voice during the fight with Beserker, so there was a good chance she could be trusted. Ghost smiled and let out a mental chuckle "No need to be wary of me youngling. I am Ghost in the Machine. Ghost for short and I have a proposition for you" The younger Nyx would frown in thought, trying to both place the name as it sounded familiar and wonder what this proposition was. She could feel Ghost's power and see her Master rank emblem.

"... What do you want then?" "I want to train you. While brave, thrusting yourself into the mind of Kris while Beserker was active was not the best course of action even if it worked... So I want to train you to become a truly powerful Nyx..." What Ghost didn't say was she also wanted to leave behind someone who could continue her legacy... to become the second coming of Ghost in the Machine. The younger Nyx was taken back by the offer. It was not often that the Masters asked to teach a younger Tenno, it was usually the other way around. She certainly thought this over. She needed to be stronger so she could help in the next crisis that was sure to raise it's ugly head. "Idhren... My name is Idhren.... and I accept your offer Master Ghost" Though she knew it not, this would mark a very special and serious change in both of their lives...

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Guillermo rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as a loud rumbling roused him from a very..."nice" dream. He then lumbered out of bed, trodding over to the door to his quarters in nothing but his pink boxer briefs.


As he got closer to his room's entrances, he heard the rumbling grow louder in intensity. He keyed the door of his quarters to slide open, and when it did, it revealed a large angry throng. The mob consisted of an assortment of Tenno, merchants, civilians, refugees, even a few renegade Corpus traders who all held signs, banners and placards with one thing in common.






Guy immediately hit the console to seal the door behind him, and flattened his back against the door, eyes wide open and as white as a sheet.




Moments later, someone hacked the door and it opened, his weight still against it, throwing him backward into the hordes. He was immediately lifted into the air and crowd-surfed, against his will, in the direction of the combination mess hall/bar/restaurant/lounge/place of food and liquor.


"THE COOK IS SECURED. REPEAT, THE COOK IS SECURED!" He heard one of his Venator squadmates, Akio, report to some unseen overlord.


"...Wh....what kind of Christmas is this?" He cried in despair to nobody in particular, comical anime-styled tears streaming down his face.

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After venting his rage on his enemy, Heus returned to the dojo to get some peace and quiet. His rage from before hadn't subsided in the least. He glanced up at the monument dedicated to Ajkrumen's memory, and tears welled in his eyes. The Prime had always been a guide for him, always admonished him when needed, praising him, mentoring him. That was an unbreakable bond. He went to his quarters and retrieved his Lato. He stared at it for awhile, remembering when his former master rescued him from the Corpus ship overrun by the Infested. As he sat there, a tendril of thought entered his mind. 


I can feel your sorrow from here, maybe some sparring would set your mind at ease?


Grumbling to himself, Heus got his Gram and went to the training hall to confront this Nyx, whoever she was. Maybe she was right, and some sparring would distract him from darker thoughts. When he strode inside the training hall, he saw a blurry visage of a Nyx kneeling in the center with another initiate standing by. 


"...Ghost?" Heus asked as he knelt. 


The other Tenno only nodded, rising from her position and drawing her Pangolin sword. 


Heus unslung his Gram assumed his fighting stance. 

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Guillermo rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as a loud rumbling roused him from a very..."nice" dream. He then lumbered out of bed, trodding over to the door to his quarters in nothing but his pink boxer briefs.


As he got closer to his room's entrances, he heard the rumbling grow louder in intensity. He keyed the door of his quarters to slide open, and when it did, it revealed a large angry throng. The mob consisted of an assortment of Tenno, merchants, civilians, refugees, even a few renegade Corpus traders who all held signs, banners and placards with one thing in common.






Guy immediately hit the console to seal the door behind him, and flattened his back against the door, eyes wide open and as white as a sheet.




Moments later, someone hacked the door and it opened, his weight still against it, throwing him backward into the hordes. He was immediately lifted into the air and crowd-surfed, against his will, in the direction of the combination mess hall/bar/restaurant/lounge/place of food and liquor.


"THE COOK IS SECURED. REPEAT, THE COOK IS SECURED!" He heard one of his Venator squadmates, Akio, report to some unseen overlord.


"...Wh....what kind of Christmas is this?" He cried in despair to nobody in particular, comical anime-styled tears streaming down his face.

Yay! My idea took hold!


On the business of the story: I am still working on it, i need to figure out if i should have them run into someone upon exiting the ship, or just have them struggle with unloading (Aktos has ALOT of stuff).

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Ghost was the first to strike. She drew her sword and, to Heus's confusion, sprinted past him. When he turned around, she had already flipped off of the simulated wall and struck him behind the knees. Faltering slightly, Heus spun around and slashed at the blurry Nyx with his massive sword. She barely dodged the blow as it grazed her stomach. Heus pressed on the attack, using each strike's momentum to carry out another blow. Ghost was forced on the defensive, dodging left, right, above, and below. When she saw an opening in her opponent's defenses, she took advantage and struck him in his armpit. When he let one of his hands off of his Gram, she attacked again. This time, Heus was ready. He caught the sword with his hand and used his massive strength to out-muscle Ghost. He ran forward, with the Nyx on the receiving end. He slammed her into the wall and disarmed her. He struck her once, severely damaging her shields. When the second strike came, Ghost barely ducked under it and dashed away from Heus to get to her sword. When Heus charged her, she put a hand in the small of his back and pushed him further, knocking him off balance. She put her sword to his throat. 


That was a very good fi-


Heus jumped back and slammed Ghost on the floor, using his weight to subdue her. Ghost unleashed a blast of psychic energy, deafening and blinding Heus momentarily. During that period, Ghost was able to get on top of Heus with her sword at his throat. Again. Knowing this was defeat, Heus surrendered.


"Yes, you are a very worthy opponent." He said with a smile. As he was about to greet the initiate, he got a transmission from the Lotus. 


"There is a fomorian flagship in the vicinity of the Aequitas dojo, I want you and Ghost to neutralize this threat. If this goes unchecked, this will cause more damage than the Berserker."


Heus bristled at the mention of that monster. He looked to Ghost, she got the transmission as well. They both dashed off to the launching pods. 

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One Cicero Toxin injector was down. Kevin's team would have died had Theresa, Warlord of Ras Al Ghul, arrived too late. They had met them briefly during a brief raid on a Grineer facility on Jupiter a few months back and Ras Al Ghul had participated in the Gradivus Dilemma. A Banshee, a Saryn and an Oberon were their back-up but to be quite fair the element of surprise was always an advantage the Tenno took advantage of.


The Clan hall was rather festive. Food and drink were consumed in moderate amounts. Everyone wore traditional scarves known as Syandana. With his station as the Nekros Kevin wore a Mortos variant of the scarves. Clan Bellum Forma and Ras Al Ghul displayed their emblems proudly on the walls. The hall was bustling with chatter and Carrier Sentinels floated this way and that bearing the Clans' standards. Still more went around cleaning the hall.


Kevin touched the bandage over his left eye. He had lost it during the fighting, Emm told him that Janice had incinerated every Grineer that got in her way. The wound still stung and it would be a long recovery period for him. He would have to adjust viewing the world through one eye.


"The scar's a nice touch, Kevin." Emm said appearing beside him. Her Asa Syandana waved behind her. The Nekros snorted through his nose.


"Old One Eye," Kevin shook his head. "That would be amusing to hear."


"It doesn't look that bad, I can try and remove it if you wish." Emm told him. He laughed.


"So here is our patient!" The Saryn walking over was a tall, statuesque red head with an easy smile. Her green eyes locked onto Kevin's own blue. "Wow...That scar IS attractive! Woe to any female who meets your gaze Nekros." Kevin shrugged.


"I have no intentions of promiscuity, I can assure you of that Minerva." He spoke politely and turned to Emm. "I'd rather keep the scar, it will remind me to be more careful next time."


"Very well, but my offer still stands." Emm stood up. "Pardon me I must check up on our unruly guest."


Everyone knew about the Valkyr. When Tarkus heard about her, the Oberon went straight towards the holding cell aiming to put the Tenno out of her misery. He and John almost went to blows when the Warlord made to stop him. Theresa's quick thinking made them both stop. Still, Tarkus did threaten someone under John's protection so the censure would be a mark on Tarkus's reputation with Clan Bellum Forma. Kevin had no problems with the Oberon but it was clear that he did not like anyone in the clan. He had been most adamant in aiding the Corpus during the Gradivus Dilemma and had criticized John's decision to support the Grineer openly. John simply ignored him.


"Oh? You still haven't found out her name?" Minerva sat down on the bench next to Kevin, crossing her long legs.


"Levi is working on it." Emm answered "But alas, her sleep cycles are...unpredictable at best."


Kevin left them to their conversation and walked off to mingle a bit in the celebrations. Roy and Carl dragged him into a circle as John and Ivan played an old war game called Chess. The objective was to take the opponents' king. The match was pretty intense, Kevin had to admit. He then felt someone tugging on his arm. When Kevin turned to look a pair of soft lips covered his own briefly. He smiled at Janice.


"You nearly died there." She whispered holding his hand in her own. Kevin covered them with his.


"Forgive me," he said chuckling. "I never did mean to lose an eye."


The Ember bopped him on the head in response.

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