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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Loving it Foiter, really good stuff. But, you also keep using the wrong forms of words - they're when it should be their, shear instead of sheer, osprays instead of ospreys, strait instead of straight, haul instead of hull (I think), and lots of odd capitals and spaces.

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Happy birthday viking! And now...where Ein and Nova-Quinn have been!




"Miss Nova-Quinn are you entirely sure we've been given clearance to go to an Orokin Derelict?" Ein continued to stall and protest, keeping a strong grip on the red-and-black Nova's arm even as she slowly was dragging Ein toward the exit of the first room. He'd been led to believe this had all been authorized but somehow her current behavior didn't exactly confirm such a thing. "Please ma'am we really should be going!"


"Oh quit being such a party-pooper!" Nova-Quinn wrested her arm from the artificial Tenno's grip, sticking her tongue out even though Ein couldn't really see it, though she still made the noise. "Nyaaaah! Besides, we're playing Wormhole-a-pult!" A game forged in the insane flames of Nova-Quinn's imagination, this was a game that involved the flinging of objects of all kinds at...things. Generally the original rules dictated whoever got the most distance won, but beaning someone or something with your object gained extra 'points' of some kind.


"I...do not have such a game in my database." Ein admitted, following the Nova into the Orokin Derelict if only for the protection she offered being more experienced than him. Poor Ein had no clue.

Waltzing through the Derelict Nova-Quinn hummed happily to herself, letting her little protege follow behind her, basking in the glow of her sheer AWESOME! The Infested were well-aware Tenno were in their presence...they were just hiding at the moment. In Derelicts they were not so 'mindless' so much as possessive of what they had come to call home. Regardless, the Collective knew of Nova-Quinn and would happily be rid of her...if they could do it. It seemed no matter what had been thrown at her some miracle of circumstance kept the blasted Nova alive! It was like she orchestrated everything in advance just to entertain herself...which made Nova-Quinn all the more fearsome for the Infested. If she really was planning it all out ahead, it meant she could outsmart the Collective and was thus a danger worthy of Hive-Maker attentions. If NQ was not planning things ahead of time and was merely saved by circumstance there had to be a reason for it. Logic dictated no one creature could avoid death like she had so often without some sort of quality that was unknown to the Collective. Furthermore, the Nova-Quinn menace had brought with her an Initiate, one of a kind they had not seen before, one they could not tap into the communications network with.


Finding a nice open spot near the huge tree in the center, Nova-Quinn started doing the artist's framing thing with her fingers, looking around for a good spot to start while Ein nervously trailed behind her. "Oh C'mon, whenever I go here there's nothing ever here! I bet  it got cleared out ages ago ya sissy!"

"I beg to differ..." Einherjar sighed, folding his arms as he let his scanners continue to go off the charts with Infested bio-signatures. For whatever reason they were keeping just out of sight and out of accurate firing range for Summus Partum or any regular gunfire. Either they were biding their time or...no...there was no feasible way.


"I found the perfect spot!"

Okay maybe there was a way. "Coming, ma'am." Ein sighed, ready to be educated in the art of wormhole-a-pult.

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Be afraid, infested hive-mind, be afraid if you know what's good for you...

Ein really got bumped up to the crash course now. He'll learn something important, or die trying. 


Now, a small piece on the Dojo's messaging boards.



Akinos decided to check for himself, exactly what kind of message had Shade placed on the boards.

It was a pretty simple electronic system, many screens cluttered with different things, the Urgent and the Recent at the front of the screens, which, if searched thoroughly, had months of different announcements stored.


-This is actually acceptable-Akinos said to himself, truly surprised, when he saw what had been posted by the Shade about his planned mission.


Looking for 3 Tenno capable and prepared for a special Mobile Defense mission against the Corpus, taking place in a ground station in Psamathe, Neptune. Heavy resistance is to be expected. Will require powerful, standalone weapons and mod set ups for all ranges. No Warframe requirements, but the ability to resist heavy damage IS a requirement. 

If you are interested, complete the automated response form, below.

Akinos, Ash user, Hunter.


-A "good job, Shade" would be nice-the Sentinel commented as it saw what he was doing-I can edit that, if you want it "funnier".


-No no no, no need Shade-Akinos responded-Good job, by the way.


-Always good to get some recognition, even from you humanoids-the Sentinel said. But for once, it was in actually in jest.



If anyone isn't on mission and fits the requirements, take a look.

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The smell of the ruin-city was getting to Kevin but it was the stairs that irritated him the most. His helmet hid his displeasure but he sucked it up. John took the lead alongside the merchantman Jai. Theresa was next followed by Kevin and Janice. The Ember hefted her Gorgon heavy machine gun onto her back and it clacked audibly. It was still raining outside but the tension in here was far worse. The community was not fond of Tenno, Jai had told them. Kevin couldn't care less but even he balked at the notion of gunning down civilians. Of course considering that most of the guards were carrying old assault rifles and handguns that probably wouldn't punch through Ferrite Armor...


Kevin just kept an eye out just in case. They walked through the winding street. A child ran in front of John but was instantly grabbed by his mother and the woman glared at the Frost who turned his helmeted head onto the woman. She was cowed instantly and scurried back to her hovel.


"They are very hostile no?" Theresa asked Kevin over a private channel.


"They're just trying to hide." Kevin whispered. "We change the rules of how the system works whether anyone likes it or not. It matters not anyway colonies like these are living on borrowed time..."




The man named Dalton was a rather large, obese specimen of humanity. Compared to the ratty and starving people outside he really put on the pounds. The guards didn't want to let them in at first with their weapons but asking a Tenno to hand over his weapons was a very bad idea indeed. John simply shoved the two guards aside with little difficulty and opened the doors himself.


It was time to find a criminal.

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I wonder if these delightful little critters are leading us to something even worse, Jadoth wanted to say, but he doubted that such a comment would help their situation. He kept that suspicion to himself for the time being, focusing instead on closing the distance towards the sounds of gunfire.

"I really don't like where this is going," he murmured quietly to Aiden. "You'd think they'd have noticed that we were tailing them by now, unless they're focused on something bigger and more threatening than us. If that's the case, let's hope they're..."

His train of thought derailed abruptly as he caught sight of the monstrosity further down the hallway, and he skidded to a halt. He hadn't the faintest idea what it was, but it looked dangerous. It had more legs and eyes than he wanted to count. It was surrounded by what looked like a number of dead soldiers, and, as their luck would have it, a swarm of Infested monsters.

Jadoth's gaze travelled to the Monstrosity - or rather, towards its spiked tail and the venom dribbling down to the floor. He kept close to the shadows and held up a hand, signaling for Aiden to stay back. No doubt that creature could make short work of him and his newfound friend.

"What do you suppose we should do?" he asked, adjusting his hold on his borrowed firearm. While his tone was light and conversational, there was a clear note of worry hanging on his words. "I doubt it'll appreciate us charging down the hallway towards it with guns blazing."


(( Once again - if I've missed any essential information or if I've messed up with some important details, please let me know and I shall make corrections! ))

Edited by Jadoth
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I wonder if these delightful little critters are leading us to something even worse, Jadoth wanted to say, but he doubted that such a comment would help their situation. He kept that suspicion to himself for the time being, focusing instead on closing the distance towards the sounds of gunfire.

"I really don't like where this is going," he murmured quietly to Aiden. "You'd think they'd have noticed that we were tailing them by now, unless they're focused on something bigger and more threatening than us. If that's the case, let's hope they're..."

His train of thought derailed abruptly as he caught sight of the monstrosity further down the hallway, and he skidded to a halt. He hadn't the faintest idea what it was, but it looked dangerous. It had more legs and eyes than he wanted to count. It was surrounded by what looked like dead Grineer and, as their luck would have it, a swarm of Infested monsters.

Jadoth's gaze travelled to the Monstrosity - or rather, towards its spiked tail and the venom dribbling down to the floor. He kept close to the shadows and held up a hand, signaling for Aiden to stay back. No doubt that creature could make short work of him and his newfound friend.

"What do you suppose we should do?" he asked, adjusting his hold on his borrowed firearm. While his tone was light and conversational, there was a clear note of worry hanging on his words. "I doubt it'll appreciate us charging down the hallway towards it with guns blazing."


(( Once again - if I've missed any essential information or if I've messed up with some important details, please let me know and I shall make corrections! ))

Time to continue then. Epic battle sequence commence!

Nice work man.

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What's wrong with that, Wraith? We knew what Grineer were when we woke up.

Did we? I mean, we could have known what infested were, but grineer didn't exist before the collapse (and Lotus tells who they are in first mission, hence why we know them so well from the get go).

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There's technically nothing that says we don't know what Grineer/Corpus were before the collapse. Moreover (I should double check this though), in the game's intro, like the tutorial, Lotus talks about the Grineer coming after you doesn't she? So we might be able to safely assume if we didn't know what they were upon awakening, we'd know they're an enemy by instinct, and the name would be told to us by someone else later on at some point, be it by Lotus or by another Tenno.

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There's technically nothing that says we don't know what Grineer/Corpus were before the collapse. Moreover (I should double check this though), in the game's intro, like the tutorial, Lotus talks about the Grineer coming after you doesn't she? So we might be able to safely assume if we didn't know what they were upon awakening, we'd know they're an enemy by instinct, and the name would be told to us by someone else later on at some point, be it by Lotus or by another Tenno.

Yeah, if some deformed biped came after me with a machine gun, I'd either piss my pants in fear or fight back. Probably the former.

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