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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Nice to see you back BRad. Hope to read your work soon. Happy 2014.

thanks, been reading your thread a bit too, keep on


As for the character data thing: only character I've created so far that is still alive is (brad) skirata.  no other Tenno knows skirata's first name... or should know it I should say... hit me up if you want to know more about him or his past

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Really late at saying Happy new year.


Anyways, Viking, you mentioned my quartet in your last story, getting Lotus to send one or more of them after Sophie/Venefica to insure her from doing something or ending between the jaws of a tiger. I'll be writing that now.


Whose character was Sophie again?

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Here is mah post.



The Ash, Dan, had been the one of them to witness the encounter between the Nyx and Kris, tracking her invisible when she ran away after kissing Kris. 'Well.. I didn't expect that.' he thought to himself before Lotus gave the team the order to keep Sophia from ending up in a tiger's jaw or in front of a Grineer patrol. 


"Mike, you make contact with her, go to Dan's position. Dan, keep tailing her. Me and Zack will stay with our primary target." Az's voice went through the comms, the green Oberon putting his bow on his back and running after Dan, keeping some distance between them as they went, letting the stealthy one with the shade do the tailing.


Once the Nyx had stopped in some cave, Mike caught up with Dan. "So, you just stay back?" he asked him, wondering about how the Nyx, named Sophia and Venefica as Az had said through their comm would react to him.

"Yeah, you can take all the credit. Now go and be the Lotus's greatest dating service provider." Dan responded, the dull gray-ish Ash using his Shade to turn invisible as he backed some distance and took up a lookout over the area.


Mike slowly made his way through the clearing between him and the cave Sophia was in, putting his bow on his back before he took a hesitant step inside. 

Inside, he saw Sophie curled up in a corner, crying. He couldn't notice much else, but he sighed as he thought about his task.

"You know, I've never seen someone passionately kiss the person they were torturing.... well... maybe once." He said as he retracted his helmet, smiling kindly towards her with a face unmarred by the decades of conflict it had seen, apart from a single scar crossing his lips.


Sophie was brought out of her thoughts by his words, her first reaction being conjuring up her telekinetic whip and readying it to strike the intruder, only to slump back down as she looked into the kind green eyes of the Oberon and looked into his surface thoughts, seeing a memory he had chosen for her, one far too beautiful and kind to be the first thought of anyone intending to attack a fellow Tenno.


"So, Sophia, isn't it?" Mike asked as he sat down in front of her, looking as intently into her eyes as she did to his.

Sophia only nodded, shrinking back down into how she had been when he had arrived.

"Love is unfair sometimes, isn't it?" He said kindly as he got himself into a comfortable position, ready to have to sit there for a long time.

Sophia didn't respond, but deep inside her Venefica wanted to strike the Oberon down for even implying that he knew what she had been going through for months now.


"Look at me." Mike said, his tone of voice as gentle as it had been when he had arrived, as he ran his right hand through his short brown hair, thinking about what he could say there and then without angering the Nyx or driving her away.

Sophia slowly looked up, Venefica hidden inside her for the moment.

"So you're in love with Kris. Don't give up on him, and especially don't strike him." Mike said, almost chuckling at the hidden joke.

This time Sophia was just confused. Where had this Oberon come from, and had he seen what she had done to Kris? If he had, then why hadn't he done anything to stop her when she had beaten Kris into submission? Why had he gone after her now, and Kris hadn't?


After a few minutes, Mike felt like he had gotten the right idea about what to say.

"I know you're confused, scared, maybe even a little angry. I know how unrequited love feels like, and how it gnaws at you no matter what you do or try." He said, his expression saddening a little.

This time, Venefica finally got through, only little parts of Sophie keeping her from attacking him.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU KNOW ABOUT US?! HOW DO YOU EVEN HAVE THE SLIGHTEST IDEA OF WHAT HE HAS DONE TO ME?!" she yelled at him, conjuring up her psychic whip again.

Mike sighed, looking calmly at her. "He hasn't done that much that you can't forgive him. Whether he knows it or not, you would wade unarmed through armies just to help him or be close to him. I know that much and can relate to it."


Sophia's psychic whip faded away as his words sank in. "Who... are you?" she asked him, confused.

"You're a Nyx, read my mind." Mike said, closing away all his memories that were connected to the 'special missions' given to him by the Lotus, giving Sophia a free look at everything else, all that had made him what he was now.


----------------------(Before the fall)--------------------


A boy, only ten years old, sat in front of a council of Tenno masters, the twelve of them deciding which one of them would be best suited to train the child, considering his 'talents'.

Scared and confused as the masters reached a unanimous decision, one of them standing up and leading him away as another child was brought in. 


At his new master's abode, the boy met three other kids that were to be trained along with him. They were all around the age of ten, except for one, a girl called Az which was sixteen at that time. 

The three boys were given new names and commanded to forget their old ones, they would have no use for them. One of them was given the name Yuriel, the second Daniel and then it was his turn, the old man that would train him considered what he had seen the child do earlier, and thought about an appropriate name, basing it on ancient and obscure occult texts, as agreed between the twelve grand-masters. Then he came to a conclusion, Michael. 


Like all children that are taken from their homes, Mike did little at first other than trying to find stability in this new life and find something to hold on to. Like the other two, the only thing he could truly depend on were his master and Az. She always seemed to know what to do or say in any situation.


After half a year, the boys had grown accustomed to this and their new lives, and their training could truly begin.




At the age of sixteen, where their master had been their source of discipline and physical development, Az had been their source of emotional development and maturity, being much closer to their age than their master.


Around this time, Mike started having certain feelings towards Az, always feeling better when she was around, and his mood dragged down each time she was sent on a mission. The fact that Az either didn't notice his feelings or ignored them just stung at first, but as the years passed, the feelings were more intense and more chaotic, and at the same time the fact that she seemed to ignore his feelings tore at him every day and night, every conscious moment.


In order to do something about this, knowing that Az would never return the feelings, he started training so hard that he could barely think through it. Over the next couple of years after that, his conscious moments without training were reduced to his bathroom time and meals, being too exhausted to dream about anything at night. He always pushed himself harder and harder to keep the pain away, so hard that he had started performing many advanced techniques thoughtlessly, his instincts sharpened further than would be considered healthy, all his restraints lifted away.... all but one: He could never get himself to tell Az how he really felt about her. He could never approach her and.... do anything. 


----------(only months before the mind-reading)------------


He sat at a bar and had a drink. Yuri's favourite. He did it in honour of his memory as he learned of his passage. Not being able to imagine what he would have done, how he would have reacted, if the news were the other way around. If they had been Yuri's message that Az was dead. 

He silently wiped away his tears and chugged down a full glass, letting the alcohol burn his insides, the pain of the drink by far less than the pain he felt as he thought about all this.




Mike's mind reeled as Sophia finally left his memories, tears filling his eyes as he had been forced to relive the memories she had gone through.

"Satisfied?" he asked her, wiping his cheeks clean again.




I didn't feel like any fighting, this situation looked more like a window for character development, as well as giving Spikey some idea as to how to write Mike in his part. (Sophia's reaction/what she's going to do now, with another Tenno in there with her.)


Feel free to let me know if I wrote in Sophia's reactions and things in a wrong way.

Edited by Pyjamalama
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*tries to write, runs into a wall and breaks his face*

Aktos: Ummm can someone call in a Trinity? I think he broke his face. >_>


EDIT: Just learned that my electronic freedom will taken away from me the second i get home from my grandma's. So, until further notice, goodbye all.

Edited by DraikoHunter
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