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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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I think I will write a little bit.



''Who are you?'' The Grineer raised their weapons as an unknown figure walked towards them. ''I repeat, who are you?'' The Grineer commander said once again, his weapon trained at the head of the figure ready to shoot at the smallest sign of aggression. The figure seemed to be either unable to speak, or wasn't answering just to annoy the squad. ''In the name of the twin queens, I command you to tell your name and purpose in this jungle.'' The commander almost shouted at the figure, as it finally came into a range where it could be properly described. It looked human and its walk bore with it a sense of pride. The clothes the person was wearing were made from leather and metal, the metal used to add armor to the right shoulder, arm, chest and legs with the leather covering the unarmored sections. At this moment, the rattle of the metallic plates on the persons outfit was audible and the grip of a sheathed sword was visible.


''I am but a humble traveler.'' The voice of the traveler surprised the Grineer. It was a very peculiar sound, something that would have fit well in the past among nobles and royalty, but out of place and alien in the present.


''What is your name, traveler?'' The commander asked, lowering his weapon as he sensed no threat from this person.


''My name is Solaire. Pleasure to meet you. May I know yours?'' The traveler said, as he bowed in a dramatic manner.


''I am known as Commander. That is all I can tell you.'' The commander said to Solaire, finally placing the gun at his side as this man seemed smart enough to not start fighting.


''Well, Commander. As I said earlier, pleasure to meet you. What brings you to this part of the jungle?''


''That is classified information. I am not authorized to share it.''


''Aw, that is sad. After all, I am curious about those large, ruined machines I've seen spread around the jungle on my travels.''


''That is classified information. Do not question any further.''


''Aw, Can't you even share the names of those machines? I am sure my family will want to know what the names of them are.'' Solaire looked at the commander.


''I guess I can share the name. The machines are called Cicero Toxin Injectors.''


''So let me guess. You are using the machines to try to destroy the Orokin trees and plants growing in this area so you can get all the minerals and resources under the jungle.''


''How did you...?''


''Know? I tortured a bunch of Grineer when you started invading my jungle and tried to destroy it. Praise the sun that you guys have been so bad at your job that you couldn't even destroy a single tree.''


The commander raised his weapon in a flash, as his squad did the same and opened fire on Solaire, creating a large cloud of dust as bullets and rockets from the two bombards in the squad landed on the ground. As the dust settled, it seemed as if Solaire had disappeared. there was no blood on the ground, no body, only a piece of cloth that had been on Solaires outfit.


''Search the area. If this bastard is alive and wounded, capture him and throw him into one of the injectors. If he is not wounded, kill him. Got it?''


''Yes sir!'' The squad replied to their commander before they split up to search for the elusive Solaire. 


The minutes passed and the squad had gotten more separated as the search started covering a larger area. That was the moment Solaire had been waiting for all this time. The first Grineer fell fast and easy, as if he had been cloned from the genes of a hooker. A simple snap of the neck was all it took, and the poor bastard hadn't heard the rattling metal as Solaire had crept closer. Same could be said about the next 5 suckers in suits. The 7th had heard the rattle of the metal, but he never got the chance to speak as Solaires blade separated his head from his body in one swift, smooth and eloquent motion. The next 5 went the same way, heads rolling on the jungle floor. The 13th was one of the bombards and did not go down without a fight. The bombard had seen Solaire coming and had been ready to fight. It took him 17 minutes to die as Solaire had buzzed around him like a little metal butterfly, but had stung like a giant bee armed with a fiery sting. The bombard had managed to contact the rest of the squad however, which arrived a short while later, down to mere 7 including the commander. The next few moments were a blur as the man they had been trying to kill for about an hour moved faster than any of the Grineer and cut them down as if he was the lawnmower and they were the grass. Finally, the squad was down to one, the commander.


''So, Commander. What do you think about my art? I have had time to practice so that I could do my best when the time came to show off my skills.'' Solaire smirked with a predatory grin. ''And I want you to be my masterpiece. Of course, this requires you to be in a better place, so to speak. No worries, It will be mostly painless when I start.''


''You are not human, are you?'' The commander was visibly frightened.


''Now whatever gave you that idea? Last time I checked I was just ridiculously well trained. I am still a human.'' Solaires grin just widened as he stared at the Grineer.


''You killed 19 elite soldiers! Without breaking a sweat! You are a monster! There is nothing human about you!''


''True, true. I am a monster. But not all monsters have fangs. Some monsters are dressed in large bulking armors and are cloned. I mean, that is what the people of the system think about you, do they not? After all, you invade their home, kill parents, sons and daughters, Enslave the survivors and then repeat the whole process all over again the moment you set your eyes on a new world. If it weren't for the Corpus and Tenno, I doubt that the entire system could survive for long with your ''precious'' twin queens as its rulers.''


The commander said nothing, couldn't even truly say anything at all. The fear that gripped him was fear implanted in his genes. Fear of predators, such as the one standing in front of him, grinning.


''Oh my. Silent as a grave. Well, I think it is time to start what I said I would do. And since you are doomed, I can tell you a secret. My real name is Kris.''



And here we see Kris deep in a moment of insanity and brilliance. *sniff* so beautiful.


Edit: Ok, not beautiful. Frightening.


Edit 2: you better read it! I stayed up to 4 in the morning writing this piece!

Edited by FatViking
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I seriously went away for several hours and came back to three new pages. This is why my notifications thingy is only ever for this thread -facepalms- I will, however, state that it is rather impressive, particularly because with few exceptions each page contains a story or something relating to stories/future stories.

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I was actually getting more and more excited by just reading the stories everyone was making up!
and, since you said that anyone here could post they're stories, I would participate!

                                                                          FROST & EMBER

"*sigh* another day at work, I just hope that we wouldn't get our selves killed in this ship." was what one grineer had said.
However, hoping did not work for him as two tenno came in with they're arsenal of Weapons, came Dashing to they're outpost, leaving no trace of life, except themselves, The two tenno, were wearing a FROST and EMBER warframe, the two looked the same with they're colors, being black, gold, and white, so were they're weapons, being a Plasma Sword, a Tigris, and an aklex, you could even say that they have heavy Weaponry, and the two have a close relationship, which is true, however, they're past, is not what you think...


They started out as a Loki and a Mag, and the two became a Frost, and an Ember.
of course, they weren't exactly together when they were still awakening from they're sleep, the two met when they started doing missions with other tenno, the first mission they did that, was when they met, and where the two had to use they're teamwork together to defeat an unexpected foe...

    The Mission they were given, was to assassinate Lieutenant Lech Krill however, the Lotus had sounded different than she used to sound before, but still, they knew it was going to be a tough mission, so they both thought up of a strategy and researched about him extremely well, when it was time for the mission, they brought they're most powerful weapon's, which were the one's they are using in the present, they remained in the Vents, so that they would not have to waste ammo, if there was a time when they had to use they're abilities, they were forced to Use they're Melee Weapons only, and it was Tough to do that since the Vessel that Krill was on, was a warship, so they needed to quickly get up the Vents and Disable the Alarm system, at last, they had found out, it was all a trap,

the Lotus they were talking to was Alad V, using his Tech to sound like the Lotus, the two were completely outnumbered and outmatched by they're firepower, it was all too late for them to survive thousands of Grineer and Corpus, until the Lotus had figured out that they were tricked by Alad, she had to send 17 other tenno to help the two, the battle was then evened out after, however some tenno ran out of ammo and they're blades had Broke, the battle was outrageous, they're final decision was to work together and salvage all the weapons they could, making it last longer, however, it all came to an end, when they had to face the Stalker, both Grineer and Corpus thought that he would save them, but they were mistaken, he only came to wipe out the two factions, of course the Grunts had only died, but the Important ones had escaped, then it came to where 19 Tenno would have been wiped out by the Stalker, however it was even, since he had wasted all of his weapons on the Grineer and Corpus...


The Tenno thought they could win, but the 17 of them had already fallen to the Stalker, so only Frost and Ember remained, leaving them both at a great disadvantage, so the two were thinking of giving up, then they had faced reality, and realized, they had Primes,   the two immediately awakened, and turned to they're Primes!

I actually ran out of Ideas here, sooo... yeah....
anyways give me some thoughts of what I wrote!


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The first Grineer fell fast and easy, as if he had been cloned from the genes of a hooker.



Really viking? I could tell you that this was a cheap-shot, even if I didn't know what a hooker was. (still a good pun in the middle of a serious fight.)


CodeGaming.... hmm... well, it is an interesting start. I'll say that much.



Also, on the issue of voices and avatars, I just use the Trinity image because it's better than the excalibur one (I can't afford to buy packs), but I'm a guy nontheless. 

Edited by Pyjamalama
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Ok so its a little late, but if you want to have the idea of what Aigloblam sounds like, Think WAY back to the DiCaprio version of Romeo and Juliet. Aigloblam's voice is a non-anglo version of Mercutio :)

Zel on the other hand, sounds like a carbon copy of Natalie Portman, when she was 12, in "The Professional", or if you don't live in the US, "Leon"

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well My muse came back but not with Warframe ideas. I'm being barraged with Dark Souls stuff.

also the song Eyes on Fire by Blue Foundation is effing amazing. i've been playing it all day as i play dark souls

Never heard of them. But GO GO GADET GOOGLE FINGERS!


Edit: Yes, You are totally correct Ye Sharkness of Kitty. T'is amazing.

Edited by Aigloblam
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And I got jilted...there's no bar telling you how much life the Cicero Injector has left. I went through all that effort and I failed halfway through anti-toxin injection and didn't get my vermillion back. Screw it. I'm done with warframe until the event ends. Me and my BF got jilted. I need a break.

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