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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Second part of my escape from the decimated Tenno series :o (Go nicknames)


The Ash new he was doomed, utterly, every thought in his mind was of death and how he would come by it.


'Quickly? Slowly? Painlessly? Agonizing?'


Then, the decimated Tenno had the cowering and exposed Tenno in his grip, his grin impossibly wide and even more so empty of humor.


This was a mad man's smile, a smile of the insane and twisted of mind. The Tenno felt even more hopeless as impossible as that was.


The ruined shell dragged the hopeless man out into the hallway, which was surprisingly bustling with activity. Several infested organisms were going about whatever errand the higher-up infested gave them, retrieving a small and lesser member of the faction for a meal. Even more so strange was the fact that some were pushing around complicated and ornate pieces of technology.


'These are my personal experiments, the infected specimens are injected with a sort of 'antidote' for their affliction. Then the components you see are fragments of our past era. Obtained from grineer and corpus transports passing within our reach, giving us components to our cause and more...Members to our faction.'


The prone Tenno was only half-paying attention, he was, instead looking around. He saw what he thought to be a ruined clan dojo. It was covered in Technocyte spore pods and moss, which had accumulated over years of disuse and neglect.


The ruined man stopped walking, the hopeless man stopped as well. Then the other spoke, 'Tell me before you die, what is your name?'


Somehow, he found enough energy to speak, 'It is Darius.'


'A powerful name, mine is and was Nakarn.'


Darius noted the name, then they started walking again, making their way to another door.


'Darius, this is the entrance to your deathbed, and please know it hardly hurts me to do this.'


Nakarn shoved Darius forward into the room, it was a medical bay to Darius's horror. A bed already prepped for his arrival, with harsh and brutal looking medical tools set on a tray next to it.


'Darius, I see you eyeing those tools, and know it would be foolish to even try using them against me. A small medical scalpel is no match for an entire clan dojo full of infested.'


Darius grunted, stepped towards the bed on his own and quickly sprung into action. He grabbed the meanest looking tool he could reach in the few seconds he had. Nakarn was only slightly phased, but it was enough for Darius. Darius reached over and stabbed Nakarn in the abdomen, knowing his warframe was dysfunctional and wouldn't be recharging anything.


While Nakarn was doubled over Darius raced out of the door, racing past slower infested, scrounging the dojo for his weapons.

Edited by EDeN153
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Am I doing it right?


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"Cry Havoc, and let slip the Hounds of Hell"


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Teag watched, it was in his nature to watch, to observe, to see in the smallest actions the greatest actions. What he watched was unimportant to him, he simply did, like now for instance, a sleepy hamlet nestled in the deep canyons between towering mountains. He sat motionlessly in a hanging tree branch as he watched the lights dance their intricate waltz in the near distance, the lights had names, they had purpose, they had lives outside of this dance, Teag knew this well yet still, from his perch hidden amongst the  dark canopy, the lights simply were for a brief moment, just that, lights in the night.


"Teag." A voice buzzed in his ear. A quick mental twitch sent the return affirmative signal to the person at the other end, a man, a Tenno by the name of Rei. "Teag, status update on infiltration point sierra." the voice, calm and collected continued after a moment.


Teag pursed his lips for an instant as the meaning of the light suddenly had meaning once again. He swallowed and shifted his weight ever so slightly. "As expected shadow lead, the two-hundred and fifty first light infantry regiment has sent a platoon sized force to the south road, number, estimate forty, light arms, nothing heavy."


Rei grunted something as he assimilated the information, mentally redesigning the mission at hand. Teag didn't pay it much head, he knew his part to play as he again shifted his weight on the thick branch. His suit, his second skin reacted as with bearly held anticipation, the Ash-Class Warframe was a predator by nature, patience was like breathing to Tenno within its armour plates, but neither the less, he was a predator, and he'd had the scent of the prey for the last three hours. On his back, a blade of mophic and hand-forged titanium-steel alloy all but sang to be let free, to long had it been neglected in its hand-woven grox-leather sheath in favour of the hunter's eyes. Teag made balls with his fists as he woke his body from it strange state of duality, both a state of serene meditation, and highly wound preparedness, a contradiction of both but yet, years of training, decades of war in various forms, and a few thousand years of cryosleep had allowed Teag this measure of tranquillity.


His breathing was slow, almost to the point of one breath per minute, his body's life giving organs augmented by the warframe around him to the point of completed synchronicity, for Teag to remove his warframe would be like to remove his own arm, it was such an alien concept for him, that he often went weeks without noticing. Sadly, crucial maintenance must be done and even Teag, in all his predatory manner, understood the meaning of a shower every once so often.


"Teag." Rei returned after a moment. "Storm Lead and Lotus are being amazinlg unhelpful on enemy strength - report all known variables."


Teag grinned for a moment at the comment. Lotus, a woman of mystery, if she was even a woman, if not women, or any other of the hundreds of theories that echoed within the clan halls. She was both seemingly omnipotent and at the same time, incredibly blind, sometimes within minutes of each other. She helped coordinate the actions of the Tenno across the myriad places they found themselves. Here, on Alpha Centauri III, Lotus had brought a Storm of Clan Hellhound, nearly a hundred Tenno and more support personnel upon the forces of the Grineer Dynasty, self-proclaimed inheritors of Mankinds Destiny, going as far to declare their leaders the Twin Queens. The Grineer were moving against the largely peaceful settlements of humans, with one of the Grineer's lesser houses, House Boden, leading the charge. For the last year of so, the Storm had fought against this military annexation to varying degrees of success, for example, House Boden sent a regiment to secure a hamlet, rather than a company they used to.


"Regimental Command is still emplaced at the town hall." Teag responded as he mentally worked the magnification on his helmet as he panned across the dark vista before him. "Number, estimate a hundred or so." he twitched his head to the north, to a large imposing building, well, imposing for the small village that was. "Two companies of infantry have appropriated the school building - I see two Company Banners hanging - estimate three hundred fifty." Teag stopped for a moment as he flicked his head in the opposite direction. "Another company near the east mill, another hundred fifty. The last two companies are in the south, spread across numerous streets and buildings - can't get a precise count, estimate three, maybe three hundred fifty." Teag heard Rei mutter a low curse in his native tongue before returning to LowForm, the near-universal dialect amongst the awakened Tenno, a vestige of the ancient Orokin and the Imperium.


"Copy on all Teag." Rei returned after a moment. "Storm lead is processing this information." Rei's voice betrayed a twinge of resentment. What was supposed to be his Shadow's first long range deployment, their first taste of operational freedom since Rei took command after his predecessor, a good Tenno by the name of Gaff's unfortunate demise on Pegasus three years ago. But instead of their freedom to move and act as they were intended, as Tenno, independent of the larger clan to further the goals of the clan, found themselves swept up in Storm lead's relentless ambition to try and impress the clan Warlord, Lord Amuro through large scale deployments and battles. Teag could argue that it had lengthened the deployment on this world unnecessarily by limiting the Storm's ability to adapt to the situation, but Teag could also accept that the Grineer had forced this form of war by sending entire regiments to capture a town of less than three thousand.


"Teag - return to Ghost, all eyes are being retrieved." Rei continued after another moment. Teag replied in the affirmative, and in a single deft movement, threw himself from his high perch, dropping to the thick underbrush that carpeted this temperate region in a near-violet hue. Without a sound he landed, and with only the lightest of noises, he set off at full dash through the overgrown forest - a legacy of the Orokin - back to the waiting point of his Ghost.


The Tenno of the Clan Hellhound, as well as many of the other clans, were organised into such units. Of course there was always the Tenno at the heart of it. A Warrior in every sense of the word, beyond compare with blade and gun, clad in mighty Orokin battle suits known as the Warframe, each capable of facing a dozen men at a time without the suit, but staring down a hundred within. A handful of Tenno were grouped together into cells, usually no more than three or four, one or two cells were called a Ghost. Six of these Ghosts made a Shadow, the most common unit sent to any problem area, consisting of about thirty Tenno. After the Shadow came the Storm, around a hundred Tenno, or three or four Shadows. From the Storm afterwards things got a little loose, all the way to the Clan as a whole, ruled by the Warlord and the Cabal of Blades in the case of the Hellhounds, numbering almost two thousand Tenno spread across a half dozen star systems taking the fight to the Grineer Dynasty, the Formic Empire - another contender of the title of 'Rulers of Humanity', the Arm of Orion, the Corpus Corporation and the others who robbed, raped and plundered across the disparate and desperate worlds of man as little more than pirates and raiders, all enemies of the Tenno.


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Raleigh grunted as he shifted his weight, his Scindo axe clasped in one hand with his pistol in his other. He was crouched below a wall at the edge of the village and had been still for far to long he had decided about five minutes after arriving three hours ago. The Ghost was around him, ahead, near the lip of the boundary wall was a deep blue hued Loki Warframe worn by Yahn, a reasonably young Tenno. Behind Raleigh was a woman by the name of Serena, covered in the dark warplate of the Nyx Warframe. The Nyx-Class Warframe were special because they amplified the innate psionic abilities of the wearer. Thankfully Serena was not much of a mind reader, Raleigh thought, her power tended toward psychokinesis, to move things with her mind. Raleigh watched she clutched her Braton rifle, pointing it toward the undergrowth that surrounded them, twitching back and forth as she swept for targets.


"Friendly coming in." came Teag's voice through the commo. "Please don't let Serena shoot me... again." to this Raleigh grinned beneath his helmet. Serena visibly tensed for a second at the barb but otherwise didn't respond.


Following the call, Raleigh observed the forest undergrowth about fifty metres away rustle, a deliberate move on Teag's behalf, it had to be a conscious effort on the Tenno's part to reveal his position, Ash could walk on freshly fallen snow and leave no tracks without a second thought. This had caused Serena to open fire on the fellow Tenno once when he appeared at her shoulder without warning, thankfully it was a training round.


Raleigh said nothing however when a collage of dark colours and hues emerged from the darkness, Burston kept at the ready in his arms as he slid between Raleigh and Serena with his back against the wall.


"You guys still here?" Teag uttered as he hunkered down beside the larger Rhino Warframe of Raleigh. "I could taken a walking tour through this damn village by now."


Raleigh grunted but Yahn cut him off. "Storm lead's orders." he replied with a revealing tone. "He's adapting the strategy per new intel." he glanced back from the road to the new arrival for a moment. "He's going off Lotus' intel." he muttered before turning back, his own Braton trained on the road beside him. Teag didn't need to say anything.

The night was quiet for the most part. The Tenno were for the most part silent as the hundred or so warriors circled the south and eastern flanks of the village. In the proximity to their position, Teag and the others could make out the chatter of the House Boden troops, speaking in their guttural tones as they patrolled, maintaining the curfew the imposed on the locals. Raleigh picked up enough Grineer over the years to make out some of what the nearest soldiers were talking about.


 " Ghost-Yahn - eliminate sentries - two ID'd and marked." Rei ordered over the commo.


"Ok," Yahn said as he turned to his Ghost. "Go time." this perked Teag and the others up. "Teag, over the wall." he ordered with a thumb gesture.


Teag and Raleigh glanced to each other, they knew what the other was thinking, even to what their facial expressions were. "Sera." Teag uttered as he stepped away from the wall while stowing his rifle and loosening the straps on his sword and daggers. The Nyx stood slowly, placing her back against the wall as her rifle dipped and her off-hand darted to her wrist, pulling free a small length of a fibre-optic cable. Raleigh bent his knees as he braced his back against the wall.


Yahn watched the three as he grinned under his helmet. "See you on the other side." he uttered as a cloak of invisibility descended upon him and he darted into the shadows.


Serena kept an eye on the group's flank as she rose the fibre-optic cable to the top of the wall. Raleigh watched the opposite direction with his Lex as Teag waited for the report from Serena. Carefully she edged the cable over the wall, scanning the space for any hostiles.


"One guard, twenty metres away, looking away." Serena reported quickly as Teag tensed his muscles and warframe for immediate action. "Go now."


With that, the Ash Warframe darted forward with silent grace toward Raleigh. With deft motion and practiced timing, Teag placed a foot on Raleigh knee, then his shoulder in rapid succession and then into a elegant summersault over the wall, clearing it by a good four feet before landing with the quietest thud possible, with knees bent and left fist dug into the soil beneath him, as his right hand snatched up a general purpose kunai from his webbing. True to her word, Teag immediately locked on to the Grineer Light Infantry soldier facing away toward the road from between two low roofed houses.


The soldier was clad in fatigues and light armour, an array of Kevlar alloy plates laden with his own gear, his grakata compact assault rifle was slung across his shoulder as the soldier stood watch. A thin trail of smoke rose from a lit cigarette as the soldier sighed, blissfully unaware of the Tenno Operative that was less than ten metres behind him.

Teag slowly closed on the soldier, the kunai poised like a terran scorpion's stinger, the tip of the weapon hovered at Teag's eye line. The weapon was steady as the Ash stopped a moment short in a pool of darkness cast by a overhanging tree in the miniature courtyard Teag found himself in.


His breath was steady, calm and controlled by years of experience. His whole body was still externally, his target dead centre of his vision, still oblivious to his impending fate. Teag allowed himself a brief snatching glance at his HUDs tactical map, Yahn was across the road, closing on the second sentry himself, the rest of the Ghost was by the wall, ready to push past, and just beyond them, the Shadow itself, Rei indicated to be at the head of it. They would be low, near prone as they waited for the signal from the Ash and the Loki. Teag could feel the rhythm in his chest, the tempo of combat beginning to rise, soon the violence of action would be upon this poor soldier, he would be dead, slain form the shadows and his friends would be soon to join him. The Tenno knew this, but Teag knew his mission - 'liberare ex inferno' - 'Liberate them from hell', words that echoed through Teag from before the cryosleep that had wiped the rest of his memory.


Yahn was in position, Teag was prepared to strike. There was a click on the commo, internally Teag began to count.

The Ash moved with purpose and impossible grace, each muscle working on operatic concert with one another. In a single move, Teag closed the distance between him and the target, the laser-sharpened blade darted forward just under the Grineer Soldier's chin, bisecting the throat between rings of cartilage in the windpipe and severing the vocal cords cleanly, the blade was coated in one of Kali's special toxin, causing instant paralysis of the surrounding nerves and musculature in the throat and sending shock through the rest of the central nervous system of the victim, effectively causing all other muscles to relax in an instant. Now the poor soldier would die of a handful of things, shock, blood loss or suffocation as his diaphragm would refuse to move, trapping the lungs. Teag wrapped his off-hand around under the left arm of the soldier, taking the weight of the soon-to-be corpse in stride as he brought the arm up and wrapped it around the head of the soldier. As quickly as the kunai struck, it retracted just as fast, dropped to the floor as Teag flicked him fist into the nerve cluster in the lower back to knock out any residual control in the lower body, in case the toxin didn't take. The body flopped uselessly into the chest of the Warframe, and dutifully Teag pulled the soldier back into the pool of darkness that would become his resting place.


Teag lowered the body to the ground with some reverence, he wasn't about to risk being detected by throwing the soldier down, risking his gear making noise as it collided with the floor. As he did, Teag caught a glance into the eye of the soldier, wild, unimaginable panic met his gaze, even through the sealed helmet of the Ash. Teag, however was prepared for the sight and solemnly, yet quickly twisted the head of the soldier until he heard a dull crack, killing the soldier for good. With haste he retrieved the kunai and secreted back into its place among his tools of the trade.

Carefully Teag peaked out from behind the house across the road to second sentry's position. Instead of seeing the Light Infantry Rifleman scrambling for his weapon or radio, he saw the hunched form of a Loki withdrawing a short blade from the throat of the aforementioned rifleman. Yahn stood just as quick and turned to face Teag. He flashed a simple gesture of acknowledgment which Teag returned.


"Shadow Lead" Yahn spoke clearly as he pulled his Braton from its magnetic harness. "Sentries down. Way is clear." He raised the weapon to his shoulder in preparation. "Ghost-Yahn advancing to objective."

With that the heavy form of the Rhino and the lithe form of the Nyx rounded the corner and joined the two as they each pushed toward the blue icon in their HUDs in their own ways. In the distance, Teag could hear the first gunshots echo through the valley.


"The battle has begun." Lotus called through the commo redundantly. Teag just smirked to himself as he vaulted over a fence, closing on a now alerted Grineer soldier with sword raised.

Edited by BladeMasterWolf
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Darius was no longer running, he was hiding. Hiding in one of the cleaner sections of the vents, knowing that they go throughout the dojo, making the challenge of re-obtaining his weapons somewhat easier.


As he was crawling along the vents he stumbled upon a small cave-in, Darius would have to employ stealth without a warframe to help him.


Darius dropped from the nearest vent grate, where he found himself in a room with the morbid décor that had greeted him when he first woke up. Only this time, he was free and there was nothing else on the tab-


'Wh- who's there?' Said a shuddery voice. Darius moved closer to the table and saw that it was another Tenno wearing a Nyx warframe. 'My name is Darius,' he whispered. 'I awoke in an identical room not long ago.'


'What is this place,' the female Tenno asked.


'It is a place for the damned and long gone. It looks to be a ruined dojo, with an even more ruined Tenno running it,' said Darius, as he cut her restraints with the scalpel he stole earlier. 'What is your name?'


'My name is Alane,' she said 'and I do not remember anything of my capture...'


'Neither do I, but we must find our weapons and leave this place.'


Darius grabbed Alane by the arm and walked towards the door, letting Alane put her ear up to the door. Hearing nothing she signaled the universal Tenno sign for all clear. Alane took the lead, pitying Darius's vulnerable state. Once they moved past a set of long-dysfunctional doors they encountered a small group of infested, mainly made up of low-powered chargers stationed outside a large door.


Alane broke the silence first.


'What do we do?'


'Look around for anything that can be used to distract them.'


Darius and Alane moved further into the wide room, sticking to the shadows and relying on the chargers' weak eyesight. Alane motioned at a rock roughly the size of a fist, asking Darius if it would do.


Darius nodded.


Alane threw it.


It was chaos, pure chaos. The group all ran to the far-off sound, making an insane amount of noise. It had been risky and almost impossible, but they had done it, they got the horde away from their post.


The two quickly ran towards the doors, which opened with a delightful ping. Inside they found what they were looking for.


Darius picked up his Paris Prime bow, Despair and Fang Prime. Each almost glowing with delight at their master's return.


Alane re-acquired her Soma, Magnus and Dual Kamas.


Both glad they stood a chance at escaping this place.

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"Cry Havoc"

I may have been to graphic - but considering the game's level of violence I think this should be fine.


Please tell me if you want more - because I'm going to be writing it anyway.


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Rei watched in tense anticipation as the icon representing Teag and Yahn moved synchronised grace. He turned his head ever so slightly to see his second in command, Kali in her pale Saryn Warframe, furis pistols already chambered and cocked in her hands. Rei grinned beneath the helmet of his own Excalibur, his black plated Sicaraus rested on his hip however as his hands cradled his own Braton rifle.


His left ear could hear the rapid fire reports of his fellow Tenno, of their sister Shadows engaging the enemy. It was then he heard the first gunshot, echo like a bomb through the valley. Rei felt his stomach plunge for a second - so long element of surprise. His first thought was that an undisciplined Tenno had fired their weapon, but he dismissed the thought after an instant, the report of the weapon was similar to a grakata, perhaps a patrol happened upon a Ghost on their entry to the village, either way it didn't matter as his ear heard Yahn give the all clear signal.

Like a terran feline, the Shadow rose almost as one, twenty five Tenno across fifty metres of ground in a staggered formation. Rei didn't need to say anything, he simply accelerated to a quick jog, then to a sprint as he closed the hundred metres between himself and the opening between houses.


The Shadow moved with him, each footstep was all but silent, only the slightest thud of foot falls betrayed their movement. Their weapons were drawn and they followed the lead of the leader, Kali kept close to Rei as they pushed through the blackness and into the pale yellow light of the village road lights.


The sky was overcast with a chance of rain, perfect cover for a Tenno assault. As they closed on the entrance, the Shadow began to split into Ghosts and their cells in preparation. Their objective was clear, a large ammo dump to the south west, they were to knock it out then push north to root out any Grineer hiding amongst the homes of the locals. The odds were something like fifty to one, good odds for even the newest Tenno.


Rei slowed slightly as he crossed the boundary between wilderness and civilisation, he knew intrinsically that Kali was on his shoulder, he knew that Peter was on his right, the massive Soma rifle in the hands of the equally large hands of the Frost Warframe, and Felicia in her dark red Trinity Warframe, her Latron on her back in favour instead of her own Sicaraus.


As he and his cell slowed, the others charged forwards, the multiple objectives laid out ahead of them required a number of Tenno to complete in a battle situation. One cell was allocated to the garrison and ammo dump itself, whilst the other Tenno teams would encircle the area, ensuring that the Grineer could neither escape nor reinforce, the vast majority of the Tenno wouldn't step foot anywhere near their primary objective. Such was the way in open battle. In other circumstances, the Tenno would operate in teams no larger than five, surgically removing targets of opportunity, preferably crippling the enemy before they even knew they were fighting, but Storm Lead wanted a battle, so he got his battle.


Rei kept those thoughts private for the most part as he sprinted toward his objective, a supporting position in a small square that could provide over watch on the suspected location of the ammo dump. He and his cell split off from the rest of the Shadow, standard procedure for the Tenno in such situations. Already Rei could hear the barks of rifle fire on the streets to the left and right of him, and each grakata burst sent a ripple of tension through the four for a instant before they pressed on unabated. For the most part the cell encountered little resistance, a trio of Grineer Infantry were barrelling down the main street but ended up hitting the quartet of Tenno head on.


As the four approached a left-hand bend in the street, flanked on both sides by terraced houses, the calling of Grineer ahead alerted them to the incoming contact, by reaction the four scattered across the road, taking cover by whatever they could find. Rei threw himself down behind a parked ground-crawler, though its chassis wouldn't stop a bullet, it would give him the element of surprise in the ensuring firefight.


A glance to each side, showed his cell in a similar state of readiness, Peter had his Soma Light Machine Gun laid over a low wooden fence of a front yard, again similar to Rei, the fence wouldn't stop the grakatas, but the Frost Warframe had more than enough armour to withstand a little gun fire. Felicia was further back, pulling herself on top of a flat roofed house to the right side of the street, drawing her Latron in the process before dropping prone and lining up the semi-auto rifle toward the coming sound. Finally, Kali was a dozen feet ahead of the trio, crouched behind another ground-crawler, a different model and size but something similar to the one Rei found himself behind.


Rei looked toward Felicia again as the voice grew closer. He didn't need to say anything, or ask any questions, the report was forthcoming without prompting.


"Count two, seven-zero metres, left side, one by one formation - far spacing, no, count three." The Trinity reported as she sighted her rifle on the lead soldier. "Point man lined up."


Rei turned his head back to the oncoming attack. "Take him." he uttered as he double checked his weapon again, before lining his rifle over the hood of the ground-crawler.


Felicia said nothing as she took a deep breath as she lined up the sights with the soldier's centre mass. She calmly flexed her trigger finger as she gently began to take her last breath before the shot. She tensed her finger on the trigger, pulling it back to the first position, priming the weapon, pulling a round into the chamber. She exhaled slowly, empting her lungs, steadying her aim. The Grineer Soldier had his mouth open and his grakata up in front of his abdomen, swinging with each step.


The Latron barked a plume of fire, accelerating a round to hyper-velocity speeds which crossed the sixty metres in half an instant, spearing toward the House Baden rifleman. Fate however, had different plans. At the instant the Latron fired, the soldier turned, shifting his mass to the right and twisting to look behind him, to shout something or other to his comrades. Whatever he said was lost in the shriek of the round as it impacted his right-hand shoulder armour, ripping it and a fist sized chunk of meat away from the bone. His call to encourage his teammates became a howl of pain as he crashed into the hard concrete.


The second in the line nearly threw himself to the floor if it hadn't been for his momentum, which carried him into the back of a ground-crawler, impacting him in his stomach - to his credit he recovered quickly with a call of something that sounded like "Look out! Tenno!" in guttural Grineer. He raised his own grakata before Felicia could readjust her aim, and he snapped off a dozen rounds in her direction.


Felicia all but smashed her face into the roof in an effort to present the smallest target to the hail of gunfire that ripped over her head - she didn't call out, she calm reached for her sidearm as she was forced to let go of her rifle.


To Rei's left the noise of thunder sounded as Peter let rip with the soma, spewing twenty rounds before the Grineer took finger of the trigger. The heavy calibre rounds slammed into the side of the crawler, chewing it to pieces as he traced the rounds toward the rifleman, who again, as fate had it, managed to throw himself to the floor, out of the line of site of the mighty gun. Peter continued to fire, walking the rounds down, tearing the engine block almost cleanly from its mooring.


Rei and Kali held their ground as Peter halted the barrage - no need to waste ammunition this early into the mission. Rei peered hard down the sight of his Braton whilst Kali was still low behind her concealment.


The third rifleman entered the picture, his grakata up and ready as he came around the bend. As he did, he pulsed three five round bursts accurately toward Peter, who simply folded into himself for a instant, his armour capable of weathering the storm whist Rei, Felicia or Kali picked up the slack. Some luck must have been with the big 'frame as the rounds sailed not a metre past his left arm.


Rei turned his weapon to the third rifleman before he could readjust, firing a trio of rounds toward the standing soldier. Fate this time was not strong with him and all three found their marks, the first punching through the light armour of his armour's gorget, tearing through the flesh underneath before exiting out the back, ripping away the spine and all but decapitating the poor bastard. The second entered the chest just above the heart, again penetrating and punching through the vital organ, but failing to exit the other side, instead ricocheting off the plate and bouncing back into the chest cavity. The third clipped into the helmet of the soldier to the right of his forehead. This time the round didn't penetrate, bouncing off but not before imparting sufficient kinetic energy to jerk the head to the side. When combined with the first round, tore the head clean from its moorings as the body dropped, having succumb to a bad case of sudden death.


Rei didn't have time to turn as the first rifleman, still bleeding and missing most of his right shoulder, had managed to get hold of his grakata with his left hand, point it crudely toward Rei, and hold down the trigger, spewing forth the entire magazine in a wailing haze of bullets.


The 'crawler took it as well as you can expect, glass shattered, rounds bounced off and a handful penetrated the flimsy metal chassis. Rei ducked down as he felt the first impacts, or more accurately, there was a flash of bluish-white and a sensation of pins and needles that ran up his entire left side as his shields burst into life, deflecting the bullets with contemptuous ease. The grakata kept this up until it clicked empty, the rifleman looking on with surprise before Felicia followed up with a round that blew out most of his left-side across the pavement.


The second rifleman gave another token burst toward Felicia before he too was silenced by a snap shot from Rei to the chest - no exit wound, but a puncture wound to the centre mass as he leant out of cover to fire.


Before the quartet could sally forth again, Felicia called another four targets, this time well aware of the Tenno ahead of them. They came with rifles raised and firing. Felicia managed to get off a snap shot, creasing one just over the collar, forcing him to duck behind a garbage container in shock.


Peter drew the soma around as the Grineer advanced, letting off five rounds just to tell the Grinner he was there. The three new shooters scattered as the heavy rounds zipped past them, they each tried to get off a shot but a follow up from Peter and Rei kept them down for the moment.


Felicia spat out a curse as she reported that she had lost her target as he skittered away whilst this teammates put up a burst of to suppress the marksman. Peter called quietly that he was changing position, the angle he was currently occupying gave him little to no ability to attack since the newcomers hadn't walking to their sights like the last bunch. Rei tried to provide some suppression but as he tried to fire on one, his shield flashed into life once again as a round scrapped down the left side of his head - and whilst the shield would hold, no Tenno ever wanted to test how long short of being in a Rhino or Frost 'frame.


In this instant, where all support was lost is when the lady viper struck.


The Grineer, sensing a change, decided together to push their advantage, one laid down a steady pulse of fire toward Rei, another on Felicia, the other two pressed forwards whilst snapping shots at the large warframe as Peter crossed the road, himself returning the favour but woefully inaccurately, doing little more than making them duck - his Frost's shields lit up with a star screen with micro-impacts, the shield held well but Peter made the smart move to get out of the way.


Kali, who to this point been waiting patiently for her moment sprung up to the right of the Grineer, her dual furis' up and barking alternately as she stood, striking one Grineer across the chest, killing him instantly, whilst the other reacted with curses and woefully slow attempts to adjust their fire in time. By the time they had brought their guns about to face this new threat, the elegant Saryn had darted forward, leaving only an facsimile behind in her image. They wasted a dozen rounds between them in a second before they realised the mistake. However, by that point Kali had crossed the mediocre distance and now was upon them, her twin machine pistols holstered, replaced by her twin Kamas.


They didn't have time to look scared by the time the hand scythes started swinging back and forth, in a second she had taken two down with slashes necks and chests. Ripping through the ballistic armour like it was nothing, and the flesh beneath like it was even less. The last, wounded trooper had enough time to call out in fear as Kali finished one well practised kata and went to the next, bringing the first blade down into the wound left by Felicia and the second through the left side of his chest, again passing through the light armour with ease.


The foes dispatched, Kali stood for a moment, rising herself up, straightening before replacing the now red-stained weapons back to their magnetic holders, and taking up her pistols again. In an equally elegant movement she flicked the half-empty magazines away and replaced them just as quick.


Rei changed the magazine of his braton as he stood, confident that the firefight was over - not his most graceful fight, but like Gaff used to remark, any firefight you can walk away from is good enough. Peter walked forward toward the stationary Saryn after covering Felicia whilst she hopped from her perch, Latron again put away in favour of her sicaraus.


Peter chuckled and offered a compliment to Kali as they reached her position in a wide line that crossed the street. Kali turned her head in response and nodded. "You were taking too long big man." she returned with good mirth in her voice.


"You know." Peter shrugged. "The ice man cometh." to which the three other groaned loudly before he could finish. Peter laughed it off as he pressed forward after Rei took point again.

Edited by BladeMasterWolf
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"Cry Havoc"


I may have been to graphic - but considering the game's level of violence I think this should be fine.


Please tell me if you want more - because I'm going to be writing it anyway.

If you couldn't tell from the maddened cultists... You are in. Post your stuff, it's great (and not so graphic, at all). 




New profile icon. Feeling frosty. also, the F*** is psychic pregnancy?!

I have a theory... Kris won't be happy, but he won't be hurt either xd (if i am right).

Edited by 065tdsa
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...I'm just still confused on how you can have a pregnancy when  there's no sharing of genetic material... I mean, technically virgin pregnancies (if you want to look it up it's called parthenogenesis) ARE possible, and recorded (at least in some animals). They're just REALLY unlikely and incredibly rare in anything but plants. As far as I know there's never been one that's been documented convincingly enough to say it's ever actually happened in humans (I'm not saying that the Bible isn't documentation, I'm just saying the scientific community probably doesn't see it as good enough evidence, especially when it isn't even really documented in mammals at all).


Furthermore, false pregnancies are uncommon but quite real. However, they aren't a true pregnancy...


So scientifically, my mind is boggled... you can't get pregnant without having some sort of genetic contribution from SOMEWHERE (even if that contribution is purely from the woman, like in parthenogenesis). So what the hell is this psychic pregnancy....?


*is puzzled*

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Hope you guys haven't forgotten about me. I just waded through a mountain of essays, term papers, PowerPoint presentations, and cases, and I still have midterms coming up. Haven't had time to read, and I don't have time to write anything significant, so I'll just share with you some holiday wisdom:


If you're invited to drink three days in a row, do not accept all of them. You will find yourself having to answer why you had shot people with Roman Candles while riding a bicycle. You will not remember doing such a thing.

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