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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Alright here's something fairly small. Viking, you're welcome to pick this up if you want to. If not, I'll finish it out when I wrap up loose ends of this later. I hope this is ok...


*Note: Viking, if you do pick this up, remember that Acantha isn't angry with Kris anymore, she let her grudge go. She might be... cautious, but she won't be agressive. If you don't want to continue this than just ignore this ^-^





Acantha knelt on the floor of the hallway, thanking any listening gods for her rescue as she watched the grey Ash, Galen, walk away. She’d seen how he’d handled himself in the fight, and how the security team had responded to the emblem he wore on his shoulder, and regarded him with a respectful awe and envy. However, she’d no real time to ponder his words when it came to her attacker’s fate. His arrival and easy defeat of her assaulters had heralded the imminent onset of chaos.


Moments after he had knocked the red Ash to the floor a Station Security team had arrived, and moments after their arrival so had more. Before long, the entire hallway was packed with officers dealing with the fallout of the confrontation and rubbernecking onlookers who had finally noticed the drama and came to witness the possible carnage. By the time Galen had said his piece and walked away, the hallway was buzzing with activity. Guards were yelling orders, the red Ash was being dragged off while cussing wildly at the top of his lungs using expletives she’d never heard before, officers were muttering to one another and into their helmets, relaying orders and observations, and her Djinn and the Excalibur who had rushed to her aid immediately following the fight were hovering over her, trying to help her get to her feet and hustle her away from the onlookers and chaos as quickly as possible.


Before long, the officer wearing the Excalibur warframe, who seemed to have been assigned to her to take care of her, was rushing her off deeper into the station, spouting jargon about needing to officially assess her injuries, having her file an official statement, and having her debriefed. She protested, but there was little she could do. She leaned involuntarily against him as he supported and led her towards the Station Security Forces’ offices, pushing gawking onlookers away when necessary and playing the role of chivalrous rescuing security officer like he’d been trained for it. In his defense, he probably had, but the fact that the fight had caused such a scene left Acantha feeling embarrassed and ashamed. She hated having needed to be rescued like some damsel in distress from an Old-Earth fairy tale and her face was flushed red for the entire walk, which caused her even more dismay as she hated blushing almost as much as she hated needing to be rescued.


Once to the offices, however, the first thing they did was take her to a medical bay for treatment. The nurses there, not all of them in warframes, were kind but also aloof in the way that medical professionals usually are, and in a way their impersonal questions and treatment steadied her. The return of structure and routine, not matter how it was implemented, helped her regain some of her lost composure and reorder her thoughts. As they were treating her the Excalibur who’d walked her there was relieved by another officer, who questioned her on what had happened and wrote it all down on very official looking paperwork. Afterwards he informed her to rest for a short while, and that she’d be called down to a room for an official debriefing later. With that, her treatment having already been finished, she was left alone as the painkillers she’d been given began to work.


She lay back on a cot provided for her and stared at the ceiling, too stressed to sleep even with the adrenaline that had been pumping through her veins earlier starting to dissipate, leaving her feeling tired and empty, and the painkillers in her system suppressing her discomfort. She couldn’t get the Ash’s face out of her mind as he was pulled from his mangled warframe, screaming. The look on his face had been one of pure, unadulterated terror. Afterwards, even when being towed away cursing, she felt like his anger had been a front. She had seen, for a brief second when he had thought no one was looking, him throw a glance at his then ruined second-skin with an expression of complete desolation. She saw him internally break and crumble into nothing, until he covered it over an instant later with anger and hate as he’d been grabbed and pulled away.


She pitied him, detestable a being as he was, and his fate was entirely in her hands. It was a heady feeling, and a terrifying one. She couldn’t imagine being parted from her Nova. It was as much a part of her has her body, or the air she breathed. It was true that she removed it and did things without it quite regularly, but she always knew she could come back to it whenever she wanted to; that its power was there, at her disposal, whenever she needed it. To be permanently stripped of that was something she wasn’t sure she could wish on anyone, even one so twisted as her attacker, and that was only one option she had been given for his punishment.


She shied away from the thoughts of the Tenno and tried to put the fears out of her mind, knowing she probably didn’t have long before she’d be “debriefed”. She needed to rest while she could. That thought in her mind, she closed her eyes and focused only on her breathing; the steady inflow and outflow of air from her lungs creating an unceasing and easy pulse that she could lose herself in. She wasn’t sure how long she fell into meditation before she was interrupted.


“Acantha?” the voice was male; deep, loud, and authoritative while not being unkind. It sounded like he was the kind of person used to talking at full bellow, and speaking as he was, which was at a the level as a normal person talking loudly, was as close as he got to lowering his voice to a quiet volume. Opening her eyes, she saw one of the nurses shoot him an annoyed glance at the noise he was creating and she suppressed a smile.


“Yes, sir?”


“They’re ready for you in the debriefing room.” He rumbled, “This way, if you please.”


Getting up from the cot she followed him through the maze of offices to what appeared to be a small conference room where someone already sat behind a desk. “Hello, Acantha. Take a seat.”


An ironic laugh escaped her as she identified the individual in front of her, “Hello, Kris. I have to say, you are the last person I expected to find here. However, I am glad to see you took my advice.” She sat down in the proffered chair and stared at the once rogue Tenno, a wry smile on her lips.

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Bit of a twist on this. This isn't about my Tenno, per se... It's more from the view of a random Grineer Lancer. Does that mean this can't go here? :(




"Do we really need the Tenno for this?" Klef grumbled as he fiddled with his rifle. "I don't trust them to help us."

"I don't either, but it's not up to us. The higher ups want those Infested gone yesterday, and the Tenno really do make short work of them."

Klef sighed. Stek was right, like always. The comm stations at Spear had gone silent within minutes of the diseased creatures' appearance - an unsettling demonstration of how ill-matched the Grineer really were against those monsters. Regardless, the fact that they would be fighting alongside Tenno put him ill at ease - if not for the possibility that they could turn on them at any moment, then for the insinuation that the Grineer weren't as powerful as they claimed.

The transport ship's engines whined as the pilot set the craft to a shuddering hover several meters over the icy landscape. One by one, the soldiers on board hopped down to the ground, the unmasked ones wincing at the biting cold air.

Klef looked up as a small snub fighter descended from the clouds. Its underside opened up and deposited a lone Tenno onto the outpost's snowy terrain before ascending and disappearing behind a distant mountain. He stared hard at the warframe, noting its ornate horns, and briefly wondered if he'd seen that one before.

The squad leader barked a command and the group began to move. The Tenno seemed to disappear into thin air; only a faint shimmer of yellow indicated that he was still among the soldiers. A mess of Infested rushed to greet them, wailing and snarling as the two sides advanced and collided with guns blazing and claws slashing.

Klef did his best to keep out of melee range, though his augmentations and bulky armor made it difficult for him to move nimbly. Worse yet, his Grakata chewed through magazines quicker than it did his targets and he cursed, clumsily scrambling onto a stack of barrels before jumping onto an empty freight container to unpack more ammo and reload.

Men and monsters lay wounded and dying around him. Already, less than half of the squad remained; Stek was short a leg but had managed to wedge himself into a safe spot between two crates. Dancing effortlessly over the bloodied snow was the warframe - Loki, Klef suddenly remembered - with blades flashing in the pale light as he seemed to fly across the battlefield, shearing off an Ancient's arm here, bisecting a Charger there. Flashy and unnecessary, he thought sullenly, though not without a twinge of envy, as he jammed a fresh magazine into his rifle and resumed picking off the Infested on the ground.

The cargo container he was perched on violently rocked as a hulking Ancient slammed its full weight into it, throwing him to the ground. Klef clambered to his feet as quickly as he could and opened fire on the seemingly endless horde of Infested that were now bearing down on him. His rifle clicked, clicked, clicked.

"Tenno!" he called out desperately, before realizing with sudden dread that the hired warrior most likely would not understand him.

The Loki stopped and turned his head.

"Over here!" Klef shouted in Grineer, waving furiously. "Help!"

Hope surged in Klef's chest as the Tenno regarded the trapped Lancer and the Infested surrounding him; surely he could see he was in trouble, even if he couldn't understand him. But with a shrug and a tilt of the head that said beyond all doubt, "Sucks to be you", he turned and vanished into the base's labyrinthine hallways in pursuit of some other objective.

Klef stared after him bitterly. Claws tore through his armor and his cybernetics failed one by one, but he felt only a profound hatred as the Infested tore him to shreds. I was right...




I seriously had like... that Brood Wars cutscene in mind here, the one where DuGalle's battlecruiser leaves that poor Marine staring up at the sky as the Zerg converge on the ditch where he's standing. Kindasortamaybe.


ALSO I shamelessly admit to standing idly by and watching Grineer get mauled. It's very satisfying.

Edited by Eliard
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That story...


That troll Loki...


Anyway, TY for reminding me Loki just finished building.


Oh man, I just had a ridiculous fridge moment there... I realized that the trolling move (Switch Teleport) would actually have saved Klef's &#! in that situation. The irony, it hurts...

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Oh man, I just had a ridiculous fridge moment there... I realized that the trolling move (Switch Teleport) would actually have saved Klef's &#! in that situation. The irony, it hurts...

Yeah, the same thought crossed my mind. But I like the way you wrote it out anyways. Don't change it. Adds character to the Loki.

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Could anyone get NQ to stand still that long? Or would she get bored and explode the camera and/or whoever was holding it? lol

We'd probably get everyone else in place and then lure NQ into her position with some sort of bait.


And no one really needs to hold the camera, luckily. The Orokin invented this revolutionary device that allows the camera to take pictures automatically. It'd be months of research, hundreds of raids in the confines of the Void, fighting millions of corrupted and infested, but it'd be worth it to obtain the blueprints and parts for one of such artifact.

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