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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Thank You to you guys for checking my small story out, here is something on Vauban, its more of a monologue piece. Just like the Valkyr one. I always have the idea of Vauban as a Master Tactician, i adopted this in the style of Sun Tzu and his teachings of the Art of War. I think its a bit too generic, any feedback is appreciated.

Edit : I dunno what is up with the black text, its showing up randomly for me. :U



"Victory is about having a edge, what is a foe when it cannot harm you?


Meditate.There was a old saying, before our times, they say the supreme art of war

is to subdue the enemy without fighting, then cut its cord. Its so effortless, some of you already

know this. You've trained in this. I know many of you have tried to learn my ways, war is deception.

Our enemy does not think, it shoots. It eats and it kills. Never forget your advantage, Know yourself.

tolerate nothing, calculate everything. Sit back and think. Your disciplines will always show you the way.


Watch as i Do, take Advantage of what we do together and they will remember us. 

Follow the Lotus, Listen. Hear the secrets of our Elders. Learn and we have already won."


Golden Mastery Vauban Diatama, Talking to initiates during the Invasions of Sedna and Saturn.

Edited by Sublimitation
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Finished! I think i might have made Vulcana a pimp :/ A brutal one at that Let me know if you find how she acts uncomfortable. I'll change it if need be


                                                                                  Joining Pt 2

Aktos ran like a Loki on Speed, through the hallways of the dojo. Any initiates they passed asked him questions but scrambled into walls once they saw the Valkyr that was chasing him.


Vulcana had no idea why Aktos made the Excalibur give them a room together. She had no problems with Aktos himself, aside from his constant chatter, but he had never left her side since he rescued her. She suspected it was because sometimes, if there was nobody around, she would black out and wake up with her claws extended, or curling her neck around Aktos’ ankle, like one of those “cat” creatures she adored. Still, she hated how she could never have any time to herself. Whenever she tried to go off on her own, Aktos never let her. He had no right to just up and force them into a room together, he didn’t even ask her consent!






Vulcana shot out a Ripline toward Aktos and it latched onto his torso, she pulled him toward her.


Aktos felt something clamp onto his body. Suddenly he was being dragged backwards, towards the radiating fury that was Vulcana. He had no idea why he was mad at him, it might have been because he forced them into a room together. He also didn’t ask her permission first, she had told him the second she was capable of rational thought and speech. To ask permission from her when there are any type of decisions that involve her, that aren’t vital to her survival. She had drilled that into his head multiple times, the last time he didn’t ask her permission he got a rather painful &#!-whooping. She had, as she said “opened up a can of whoop-&#!” on him. His cheek hurt from where she punched him, and the claw marks on his Warframe couldn’t be removed. That was his reminder, and he completely forgot about it just so he could stay close to her. When she was in her “cat” state, she tended to attack anyone that wasn’t him.


Once Aktos had been pulled to her, Vulcana turned Aktos around so that he was facing her, and punched his helmet so hard, it dented inwards.




“F*** your helmet. It’s ugly anyway.”


“This helmet was given to me for passing my Mastery 7 Test! This helmet is very special to me and now I’ll have to get it replaced!”


“You should have asked me first. You know how I feel about being forced into things without my consent. Now you have a dented helmet.”


Aktos screamed in anger, jumped to his feet and delivered a devastating right hook, to her face. Or...it would have been devastating, had Vulcana not been in “Hysteria” mode. She calmed down a tiny bit, enough to talk normally, but she was still angry and so, was invulnerable to any sort of damage.


Aktos’ fist connected with Vulcana’s face, her head didn’t budge, and his fist stopped dead the second his fist connected, there also a loud clang as armored fist met with armored helmet. But he forgot 3 key things. 1. She was in “Hysteria” mode. 2. Even if she wasn’t she had modded her Warframe so that her armor was increased by 60%, this was made worse since Lotus’ universal tune up to the Warframes, increasing their armor. 3. Punching a Valkyr is a good way to spend a few years in the infirmary. Aktos screamed in pain and in fear of what she would do to him.


Vulcana had been shocked that he would have the guts to punch a Valkyr, she also found it amusing how he seemed so confident as to hit her. She grabbed his hand, and squeezed. He screamed again.


“Now, what have we learned today?”




“Not with that tone I’m not”


With great effort Aktos managed to talk quieter.


“Let…..me go.


“What’s the magic word?”




Vulcana squeezed his hand harder.


“WHAT, did you call me?”




“And you were going to do what?”




“That’s right, now with the correct tone. What’s the magic word?”


“Let me go…..please.”


Vulcana released him and he fell to the floor gasping, clutching his hand in agony.


“Now go make me a sandwich.”


“But you #*($%%@ up my hand! I’ll be lucky to hold my Supra, much less make a sandwich!”






Aktos had a new fear of Vulcana, he ran the cafeteria to make a “sandwich” he had never heard of one before, but he was afraid of what Vucana would do if he didn’t make one.


He burst into the cafeteria kitchen, out of breath and asked: “Anyone know what in the absolute F***, a sandwich is?”

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i loved it.


Well might as well throw the chat, and intro up for you guys to read, so heres take it.!




“HAHAHAHAHHA! I expected no less of you Kris.” Quinn said as Kris helped him up from the ground. A large grin was underneath Quinn’s helmet as he looked at the exits and saw no trap, but he knew he could not outrun Kris at the moment, but he didnt want to, he wanted to talk. 


“Let us walk then, Bravo leader.” Gesturing, Quinn walked with Kris. “I had a lot to say to you before you left, some was harsh and cruel but after rebuilding the statue, and tending to the repairs, i had much more to say.” Turning slightly, Quinn looked at Kris, who was watching intently. Letting his helmet retract, Quinn looked at the Vauban before him, “You were pained, tortured, broken, but you know what? I can relate to that in some ways. But now, i just wanted to say, I forgive you, i know you feel guilty about all of it, the destruction you caused, the ones you hurt.”

Kris looked away for a moment. Turn to face the Foundry Master again, Kris let his helmet retract, his eyes slightly moist.


“Thank you Quinn, thank you very much.” He smiled as he said this, like a weight had been lifted from him. 


“Dont worry, you are always welcome in my foundry, that vodka wont drink itself and i dont think i will be able to drink it all. Please stop by sometime, even if you have a job for me, i would enjoy the company.” Quinn said hold his hand out for Kris to take. Kris took his hand firmly but was pulled to Quinn for a brotherly hug.


“Take care Kris, i hope to see you again.” Waving a little, Quinn turned and made his way to the docking bay.


Walking, Quinn was all smiles, it felt good to tell Kris how he felt, but the mood was cut quickly. 


“Leave him alone!!!!” A strong voice was heard. Looking towards the source, Quinn was shocked. A nekros, banishing duel ethers at 5 others. But the shocking thing was, the black colored nekros was standing in front of a merchant. 


is he protecting the merchant?” Quinn looked on with interest but the nekros suddenly became serious. Watching was done, this would become dangerous soon. The thugs, who must of been threatening the merchant, started to advance but were stopped by a flurry of swings, and jabs. Walking over quickly, Quinn needed to defuse this situation before someone was hurt or worse, killed. 


“HEY!!” He yelled as he got closer, the nekros noticed him but didn't not let his stance falter. The thugs jumped and turned to face him


“What do you want?!” One sneered while the other kept silent. 


“Must be the leader” “Well form what i can see, you are threatening this man and merchant. That isn’t something you should be doing, especially since i know the a leader of security.” The thugs looked at each other and their eyes widened. 


“You better leave now.” Quinn said sternly and gestured to the street. They scampered off quickly, and the nekros lowered his weapons. 


“Well, your welcome, but i must get back to my clan, they need me.” Turning Quinn meant to leave only to be stopped by a hand. Turned, he was met with a unusual request.


“Take me with you, i want strength.” The black nekros demanded. Looking at the nekros with surprise, Quinn waited a moment, before saying anything.


“Why?” Quinn asked seriously. The nekros did not reply right away but took his hand away. 


“I want strength, i need strength.” He said with a strong voice while looking down,but Quinn could sense the hidden sadness.


“Ok, but only if you are my apprentice and listen to what i say, there will be more rules, but do you accept?.” Quinn was serious, and he waited for this odd nerkos’s reply. 


“Yes, I accept.” The nekros said, lifting his head. 



Edit: grammatical stuff you know :|

Edited by QuinnsWing
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Right, time for Nyght to get geared up again.



And so Nyght was left at the foundry, to reclaim his own equipment and acquire new firearms. Akinos had been drawn away, by what could only be described by him as a flying metal hat, with a cloaking ability and quite a personality. No doubt there were other such sentinels, with personas as unique and varied as the people they 'followed'. Regardless, he was alone now, and had a matter to attend too.


The doors parted into the walls smoothly as he reached them, never breaking his stride. Upon entering, a line of ceiling lights flickered into life, illuminating the main foundry room. He continued, across the room to the desk at the other end, vacant of its owner.

  Nyght's pace paused, as a female voice, with a definite electronic undertone, addressed him from the walls around him.


"Greetings Tenno. Forge Master Quinn is currently unavailable. I am the Foundry's AI. How may I help you?" Queried the AI.


"Hello. My name is Nyght. I believe my equipment was brought down here after my 'retrieval'. I wish to reclaim it now that I have been released." He replied politely.


"Of course sir. Equipment release has been cleared. Contents: 1 Frame, 1 Blade."

Almost in unison with the words, a locker too Nyght's right moved forward from the wall, it's doors retracting. Within, mounted neatly and bearing no scars from his stalker encounter, was his ancient frame. Resting alongside it was Moonshard, still gleaming as though it had been freshly forged.


A few moments later, and Nyght was once again wrapped snuggly in his deep blue Excalibur Prime, the seals around his helmet - suit join hissing as they clasped together.. Reactivating it's sleeping systems mentally, the warmth, strength and comfort of the master crafted piece flooded back into him, overwhelming his senses. Only now did he realise how naked he felt without it, having spent the past few days in just his undersuit, without even the robes his old clan had used when out of frames.

    Grasping Moonshard, he examined the age old Dakra blade for any mistreatment in his absence, before swinging it in a handful of practice arcs. The fine gleaming edge glistened as it sang through the air smoothly, it's beautiful balance making the movements effortless. Happy his prized possession had not been 'mishandled', he sheathed it across his back. Now he had to decide what firearms to procure from the clan's armoury, none of his own having survived from the collapse era. Browsing through the registered weaponry, two pieces caught his attention; A Burston Prime battle rifle, and a set of 'Wraith Vipers'.

 A Burston Prime seemed quite similar to what he had owned as a rifle originally, before being designated a 'Blade Dancer' of his clan. He figured it would blend well given that past experience.

 The Wraith Vipers on the other hand, or 'Wraipers' and 'Twipers' as the list also showed them, looked like they would work well alongside his current close quarters specialty, given their rapid fire rate and compact design.

  One problem presented itself though - both weapons were of poor availability, due to the rare parts required in their production, or simply having limited number produced. As such, it would likely demand a substantial sum of both resources and funds to procure the weapons, as well as a master craftsman, who was not present currently.


Eventually, Nyght settled on a temporary compromise, until he had the required parts and funding to requisition his desired weapons. For now, he would be content with a Vandal pattern Braton, of which there were a small number available, and Magnus revolver, claiming both with a small loan of credits he had 'received', but from where he did not know. In fact, it seemed an account had been set up in the clan system for him, complete access codes for a lot of the dojo.


"Anything else I can help you with, Tenno Nyght?" the AI asked, having provided the weapons he requested.


"No thank you. And thank you." replied Nyght, still not quite sure how to converse with an AI. With that, he set off out of the Foundry hall, and began down the corridor towards the ranges and training room. It had been a long time since he had last fired a gun, and it paid to keep both body and mind in practice, whatever the matter.



Also, HUZZAH! More minds for the loony thread! And cookies. Always cookies.

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Darius whipped his head in the direction of the screaming. A convulsing corpus crewman lay on an operating table several rows down, writhing in shear fear. Screaming so impossibly loud Darius feared the adjacent infested would hear that as a 'Chaos Cry' and rip him to shreds. Darius tried to avert his eyes, but they always ended up back on the screaming man. Eventually he quieted down and started muttering a string of unintelligible words. Nakarn came back over to Darius, a grin on his malformed face.


'Thank you for your contribution to my personal well-being. You will not be missed.'



Another short little bit, too tired to write a full part.

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